import twisted.python.failure from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet import reactor from .. import unittest from synapse.util.async import sleep from synapse.util import logcontext from synapse.util.logcontext import LoggingContext class LoggingContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def _check_test_key(self, value): self.assertEquals( LoggingContext.current_context().request, value ) def test_with_context(self): with LoggingContext() as context_one: context_one.request = "test" self._check_test_key("test") @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_sleep(self): @defer.inlineCallbacks def competing_callback(): with LoggingContext() as competing_context: competing_context.request = "competing" yield sleep(0) self._check_test_key("competing") reactor.callLater(0, competing_callback) with LoggingContext() as context_one: context_one.request = "one" yield sleep(0) self._check_test_key("one") def _test_run_in_background(self, function): sentinel_context = LoggingContext.current_context() callback_completed = [False] def test(): context_one.request = "one" d = function() def cb(res): self._check_test_key("one") callback_completed[0] = True return res d.addCallback(cb) return d with LoggingContext() as context_one: context_one.request = "one" # fire off function, but don't wait on it. logcontext.run_in_background(test) self._check_test_key("one") # now wait for the function under test to have run, and check that # the logcontext is left in a sane state. d2 = defer.Deferred() def check_logcontext(): if not callback_completed[0]: reactor.callLater(0.01, check_logcontext) return # make sure that the context was reset before it got thrown back # into the reactor try: self.assertIs(LoggingContext.current_context(), sentinel_context) d2.callback(None) except BaseException: d2.errback(twisted.python.failure.Failure()) reactor.callLater(0.01, check_logcontext) # test is done once d2 finishes return d2 def test_run_in_background_with_blocking_fn(self): @defer.inlineCallbacks def blocking_function(): yield sleep(0) return self._test_run_in_background(blocking_function) def test_run_in_background_with_non_blocking_fn(self): @defer.inlineCallbacks def nonblocking_function(): with logcontext.PreserveLoggingContext(): yield defer.succeed(None) return self._test_run_in_background(nonblocking_function) def test_run_in_background_with_chained_deferred(self): # a function which returns a deferred which looks like it has been # called, but is actually paused def testfunc(): return logcontext.make_deferred_yieldable( _chained_deferred_function() ) return self._test_run_in_background(testfunc) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_make_deferred_yieldable(self): # a function which retuns an incomplete deferred, but doesn't follow # the synapse rules. def blocking_function(): d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, None) return d sentinel_context = LoggingContext.current_context() with LoggingContext() as context_one: context_one.request = "one" d1 = logcontext.make_deferred_yieldable(blocking_function()) # make sure that the context was reset by make_deferred_yieldable self.assertIs(LoggingContext.current_context(), sentinel_context) yield d1 # now it should be restored self._check_test_key("one") @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_make_deferred_yieldable_with_chained_deferreds(self): sentinel_context = LoggingContext.current_context() with LoggingContext() as context_one: context_one.request = "one" d1 = logcontext.make_deferred_yieldable(_chained_deferred_function()) # make sure that the context was reset by make_deferred_yieldable self.assertIs(LoggingContext.current_context(), sentinel_context) yield d1 # now it should be restored self._check_test_key("one") @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_make_deferred_yieldable_on_non_deferred(self): """Check that make_deferred_yieldable does the right thing when its argument isn't actually a deferred""" with LoggingContext() as context_one: context_one.request = "one" d1 = logcontext.make_deferred_yieldable("bum") self._check_test_key("one") r = yield d1 self.assertEqual(r, "bum") self._check_test_key("one") # a function which returns a deferred which has been "called", but # which had a function which returned another incomplete deferred on # its callback list, so won't yet call any other new callbacks. def _chained_deferred_function(): d = defer.succeed(None) def cb(res): d2 = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(0, d2.callback, res) return d2 d.addCallback(cb) return d