#!/usr/bin/env python """ This is an attempt at bridging matrix clients into a Jitis meet room via Matrix video call. It uses hard-coded xml strings overg XMPP BOSH. It can display one of the streams from the Jitsi bridge until the second lot of SDP comes down and we set the remote SDP at which point the stream ends. Our video never gets to the bridge. Requires: npm install jquery jsdom """ from __future__ import print_function import gevent import grequests from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup import json import urllib import subprocess import time #ACCESS_TOKEN="" # MATRIXBASE = 'https://matrix.org/_matrix/client/api/v1/' MYUSERNAME = '@davetest:matrix.org' HTTPBIND = 'https://meet.jit.si/http-bind' #HTTPBIND = 'https://jitsi.vuc.me/http-bind' #ROOMNAME = "matrix" ROOMNAME = "pibble" HOST="guest.jit.si" #HOST="jitsi.vuc.me" TURNSERVER="turn.guest.jit.si" #TURNSERVER="turn.jitsi.vuc.me" ROOMDOMAIN="meet.jit.si" #ROOMDOMAIN="conference.jitsi.vuc.me" class TrivialMatrixClient: def __init__(self, access_token): self.token = None self.access_token = access_token def getEvent(self): while True: url = MATRIXBASE+'events?access_token='+self.access_token+"&timeout=60000" if self.token: url += "&from="+self.token req = grequests.get(url) resps = grequests.map([req]) obj = json.loads(resps[0].content) print("incoming from matrix",obj) if 'end' not in obj: continue self.token = obj['end'] if len(obj['chunk']): return obj['chunk'][0] def joinRoom(self, roomId): url = MATRIXBASE+'rooms/'+roomId+'/join?access_token='+self.access_token print(url) headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } req = grequests.post(url, headers=headers, data='{}') resps = grequests.map([req]) obj = json.loads(resps[0].content) print("response: ",obj) def sendEvent(self, roomId, evType, event): url = MATRIXBASE+'rooms/'+roomId+'/send/'+evType+'?access_token='+self.access_token print(url) print(json.dumps(event)) headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } req = grequests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(event)) resps = grequests.map([req]) obj = json.loads(resps[0].content) print("response: ",obj) xmppClients = {} def matrixLoop(): while True: ev = matrixCli.getEvent() print(ev) if ev['type'] == 'm.room.member': print('membership event') if ev['membership'] == 'invite' and ev['state_key'] == MYUSERNAME: roomId = ev['room_id'] print("joining room %s" % (roomId)) matrixCli.joinRoom(roomId) elif ev['type'] == 'm.room.message': if ev['room_id'] in xmppClients: print("already have a bridge for that user, ignoring") continue print("got message, connecting") xmppClients[ev['room_id']] = TrivialXmppClient(ev['room_id'], ev['user_id']) gevent.spawn(xmppClients[ev['room_id']].xmppLoop) elif ev['type'] == 'm.call.invite': print("Incoming call") #sdp = ev['content']['offer']['sdp'] #print "sdp: %s" % (sdp) #xmppClients[ev['room_id']] = TrivialXmppClient(ev['room_id'], ev['user_id']) #gevent.spawn(xmppClients[ev['room_id']].xmppLoop) elif ev['type'] == 'm.call.answer': print("Call answered") sdp = ev['content']['answer']['sdp'] if ev['room_id'] not in xmppClients: print("We didn't have a call for that room") continue # should probably check call ID too xmppCli = xmppClients[ev['room_id']] xmppCli.sendAnswer(sdp) elif ev['type'] == 'm.call.hangup': if ev['room_id'] in xmppClients: xmppClients[ev['room_id']].stop() del xmppClients[ev['room_id']] class TrivialXmppClient: def __init__(self, matrixRoom, userId): self.rid = 0 self.matrixRoom = matrixRoom self.userId = userId self.running = True def stop(self): self.running = False def nextRid(self): self.rid += 1 return '%d' % (self.rid) def sendIq(self, xml): fullXml = "%s" % (self.nextRid(), self.sid, xml) #print "\t>>>%s" % (fullXml) return self.xmppPoke(fullXml) def xmppPoke(self, xml): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} req = grequests.post(HTTPBIND, verify=False, headers=headers, data=xml) resps = grequests.map([req]) obj = BeautifulSoup(resps[0].content) return obj def sendAnswer(self, answer): print("sdp from matrix client",answer) p = subprocess.Popen(['node', 'unjingle/unjingle.js', '--sdp'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) jingle, out_err = p.communicate(answer) jingle = jingle % { 'tojid': self.callfrom, 'action': 'session-accept', 'initiator': self.callfrom, 'responder': self.jid, 'sid': self.callsid } print("answer jingle from sdp",jingle) res = self.sendIq(jingle) print("reply from answer: ",res) self.ssrcs = {} jingleSoup = BeautifulSoup(jingle) for cont in jingleSoup.iq.jingle.findAll('content'): if cont.description: self.ssrcs[cont['name']] = cont.description['ssrc'] print("my ssrcs:",self.ssrcs) gevent.joinall([ gevent.spawn(self.advertiseSsrcs) ]) def advertiseSsrcs(self): time.sleep(7) print("SSRC spammer started") while self.running: ssrcMsg = "%(nick)s" % { 'tojid': "%s@%s/%s" % (ROOMNAME, ROOMDOMAIN, self.shortJid), 'nick': self.userId, 'assrc': self.ssrcs['audio'], 'vssrc': self.ssrcs['video'] } res = self.sendIq(ssrcMsg) print("reply from ssrc announce: ",res) time.sleep(10) def xmppLoop(self): self.matrixCallId = time.time() res = self.xmppPoke("" % (self.nextRid(), HOST)) print(res) self.sid = res.body['sid'] print("sid %s" % (self.sid)) res = self.sendIq("") res = self.xmppPoke("" % (self.nextRid(), self.sid, HOST)) res = self.sendIq("") print(res) self.jid = res.body.iq.bind.jid.string print("jid: %s" % (self.jid)) self.shortJid = self.jid.split('-')[0] res = self.sendIq("") #randomthing = res.body.iq['to'] #whatsitpart = randomthing.split('-')[0] #print "other random bind thing: %s" % (randomthing) # advertise preence to the jitsi room, with our nick res = self.sendIq("%s" % (HOST, TURNSERVER, ROOMNAME, ROOMDOMAIN, self.userId)) self.muc = {'users': []} for p in res.body.findAll('presence'): u = {} u['shortJid'] = p['from'].split('/')[1] if p.c and p.c.nick: u['nick'] = p.c.nick.string self.muc['users'].append(u) print("muc: ",self.muc) # wait for stuff while True: print("waiting...") res = self.sendIq("") print("got from stream: ",res) if res.body.iq: jingles = res.body.iq.findAll('jingle') if len(jingles): self.callfrom = res.body.iq['from'] self.handleInvite(jingles[0]) elif 'type' in res.body and res.body['type'] == 'terminate': self.running = False del xmppClients[self.matrixRoom] return def handleInvite(self, jingle): self.initiator = jingle['initiator'] self.callsid = jingle['sid'] p = subprocess.Popen(['node', 'unjingle/unjingle.js', '--jingle'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print("raw jingle invite",str(jingle)) sdp, out_err = p.communicate(str(jingle)) print("transformed remote offer sdp",sdp) inviteEvent = { 'offer': { 'type': 'offer', 'sdp': sdp }, 'call_id': self.matrixCallId, 'version': 0, 'lifetime': 30000 } matrixCli.sendEvent(self.matrixRoom, 'm.call.invite', inviteEvent) matrixCli = TrivialMatrixClient(ACCESS_TOKEN) # Undefined name gevent.joinall([ gevent.spawn(matrixLoop) ])