Brendan Abolivier ea37bf9bdf
Merge tag 'v1.41.0' into babolivier/dinsic_1.41.0
Synapse 1.41.0 (2021-08-24)

This release adds support for Debian 12 (Bookworm), but **removes support for Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla)**, which reached End of Life last month.

Note that when using workers the `/_synapse/admin/v1/users/{userId}/media` must now be handled by media workers. See the [upgrade notes]( for more information.


- Enable room capabilities ([MSC3244]( by default and set room version 8 as the preferred room version when creating restricted rooms. ([\#10571](

Synapse 1.41.0rc1 (2021-08-18)


- Add `get_userinfo_by_id` method to ModuleApi. ([\#9581](
- Initial local support for [MSC3266](, Room Summary over the unstable `/rooms/{roomIdOrAlias}/summary` API. ([\#10394](
- Experimental support for [MSC3288](, sending `room_type` to the identity server for 3pid invites over the `/store-invite` API. ([\#10435](
- Add support for sending federation requests through a proxy. Contributed by @Bubu and @dklimpel. See the [upgrade notes]( for more information. ([\#10596]( ([\#10475](
- Add support for "marker" events which makes historical events discoverable for servers that already have all of the scrollback history (part of [MSC2716]( ([\#10498](
- Add a configuration setting for the time a `/sync` response is cached for. ([\#10513](
- The default logging handler for new installations is now `PeriodicallyFlushingMemoryHandler`, a buffered logging handler which periodically flushes itself. ([\#10518](
- Add support for new redaction rules for historical events specified in [MSC2716]( ([\#10538](
- Add a setting to disable TLS when sending email. ([\#10546](
- Add pagination to the spaces summary based on updates to [MSC2946]( ([\#10549](, [\#10560](, [\#10569](, [\#10574](, [\#10575](, [\#10579](, [\#10583](
- Admin API to delete several media for a specific user. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#10558](, [\#10628](
- Add support for routing `/createRoom` to workers. ([\#10564](
- Update the Synapse Grafana dashboard. ([\#10570](
- Add an admin API (`GET /_synapse/admin/username_available`) to check if a username is available (regardless of registration settings). ([\#10578](
- Allow editing a user's `external_ids` via the "Edit User" admin API. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#10598](
- The Synapse manhole no longer needs coroutines to be wrapped in `defer.ensureDeferred`. ([\#10602](
- Add option to allow modules to run periodic tasks on all instances, rather than just the one configured to run background tasks. ([\#10638](


- Add some clarification to the sample config file. Contributed by @Kentokamoto. ([\#10129](
- Fix a long-standing bug where protocols which are not implemented by any appservices were incorrectly returned via `GET /_matrix/client/r0/thirdparty/protocols`. ([\#10532](
- Fix exceptions in logs when failing to get remote room list. ([\#10541](
- Fix longstanding bug which caused the user's presence "status message" to be reset when the user went offline. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#10550](
- Allow public rooms to be previewed in the spaces summary APIs from [MSC2946]( ([\#10580](
- Fix a bug introduced in v1.37.1 where an error could occur in the asynchronous processing of PDUs when the queue was empty. ([\#10592](
- Fix errors on /sync when read receipt data is a string. Only affects homeservers with the experimental flag for [MSC2285]( enabled. Contributed by @SimonBrandner. ([\#10606](
- Additional validation for the spaces summary API to avoid errors like `ValueError: Stop argument for islice() must be None or an integer`. The missing validation has existed since v1.31.0. ([\#10611](
- Revert behaviour introduced in v1.38.0 that strips `org.matrix.msc2732.device_unused_fallback_key_types` from `/sync` when its value is empty. This field should instead always be present according to [MSC2732]( ([\#10623](

Improved Documentation

- Add documentation for configuring a forward proxy. ([\#10443](
- Updated the reverse proxy documentation to highlight the homserver configuration that is needed to make Synapse aware that is is intentionally reverse proxied. ([\#10551](
- Update to fix index links and the instructions for SyTest in docker. ([\#10599](

Deprecations and Removals

- No longer build `.deb` packages for Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla, which has now EOLed. ([\#10588](
- The `template_dir` configuration settings in the `sso`, `account_validity` and `email` sections of the configuration file are now deprecated in favour of the global `templates.custom_template_directory` setting. See the [upgrade notes]( for more information. ([\#10596](

Internal Changes

- Improve event caching mechanism to avoid having multiple copies of an event in memory at a time. ([\#10119](
- Reduce errors in PostgreSQL logs due to concurrent serialization errors. ([\#10504](
- Include room ID in ignored EDU log messages. Contributed by @ilmari. ([\#10507](
- Add pagination to the spaces summary based on updates to [MSC2946]( ([\#10527](, [\#10530](
- Fix CI to not break when run against branches rather than pull requests. ([\#10529](
- Mark all events stemming from the [MSC2716]( `/batch_send` endpoint as historical. ([\#10537](
- Clean up some of the federation event authentication code for clarity. ([\#10539](, [\#10591](
- Convert `Transaction` and `Edu` objects to attrs. ([\#10542](
- Update `/batch_send` endpoint to only return `state_events` created by the `state_events_from_before` passed in. ([\#10552](
- Update to warn against rebasing an open PR. ([\#10563](
- Remove the unused public rooms replication stream. ([\#10565](
- Clarify error message when failing to join a restricted room. ([\#10572](
- Remove references to BuildKite in favour of GitHub Actions. ([\#10573](
- Move `/batch_send` endpoint defined by [MSC2716]( to the `/v2_alpha` directory. ([\#10576](
- Allow multiple custom directories in `read_templates`. ([\#10587](
- Re-organize the `synapse.federation.transport.server` module to create smaller files. ([\#10590](
- Flatten the `` package by moving the contents of `v1` and `v2_alpha` into the parent. ([\#10600](
- Build Debian packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm). ([\#10612](
- Fix up a couple of links to the database schema documentation. ([\#10620](
- Fix a broken link to the upgrade notes. ([\#10631](
2021-09-01 12:18:18 +01:00

205 lines
5.8 KiB

envlist = packaging, py36, py37, py38, py39, check_codestyle, check_isort
# we require tox>=2.3.2 for the fix to
minversion = 2.3.2
deps =
# this is pinned since it's a bit of an obscure package.
# cyptography 2.2 requires setuptools >= 18.5
# older versions of virtualenv (?) give us a virtualenv with the same
# version of setuptools as is installed on the system python (and tox runs
# virtualenv under python3, so we get the version of setuptools that is
# installed on that).
# anyway, make sure that we have a recent enough setuptools.
# we also need a semi-recent version of pip, because old ones fail to
# install the "enum34" dependency of cryptography.
# directories/files we run the linters on.
# if you update this list, make sure to do the same in scripts-dev/
lint_targets =
# annoyingly, black doesn't find these so we have to list them
# default settings for all tox environments
deps =
extras =
# install the optional dependendencies for tox environments without
# '-noextras' in their name
# (this requires tox 3)
!noextras: all
setenv =
# use a postgres db for tox environments with "-postgres" in the name
# (see
postgres: SYNAPSE_POSTGRES = 1
# this is used by .coveragerc to refer to the top of our tree.
passenv = *
commands =
# the "env" invocation enables coverage checking for sub-processes. This is
# particularly important when running trial with `-j`, since that will make
# it run tests in a subprocess, whose coverage would otherwise not be
# tracked. (It also makes an explicit `coverage run` command redundant.)
# (See
# Note that the `coverage.process_startup()` call is done by
# `coverage-enable-subprocess`.)
# we use "env" rather than putting a value in `setenv` so that it is not
# inherited by other tox environments.
/usr/bin/env COVERAGE_PROCESS_START={toxinidir}/.coveragerc "{envbindir}/trial" {env:TRIAL_FLAGS:} {posargs:tests} {env:TOXSUFFIX:}
# As of twisted 16.4, trial tries to import the tests as a package (previously
# it loaded the files explicitly), which means they need to be on the
# pythonpath. Our sdist doesn't include the 'tests' package, so normally it
# doesn't work within the tox virtualenv.
# As a workaround, we tell tox to do install with 'pip -e', which just
# creates a symlink to the project directory instead of unpacking the sdist.
# (An alternative to this would be to set PYTHONPATH to include the project
# directory. Note two problems with this:
# - if you set it via `setenv`, then it is also set during the 'install'
# phase, which inhibits unpacking the sdist, so the virtualenv isn't
# useful for anything else without setting PYTHONPATH similarly.
# - `synapse` is also loaded from PYTHONPATH so even if you only set
# PYTHONPATH for the test phase, we're still running the tests against
# the working copy rather than the contents of the sdist. So frankly
# you might as well use -e in the first place.
# )
# A test suite for the oldest supported versions of Python libraries, to catch
# any uses of APIs not available in them.
skip_install = true
usedevelop = false
deps =
# Old automat version for Twisted
Automat == 0.3.0
commands =
# Make all greater-thans equals so we test the oldest version of our direct
# dependencies, but make the pyopenssl 17.0, which can work against an
# OpenSSL 1.1 compiled cryptography (as older ones don't compile on Travis).
/bin/sh -c 'python -m synapse.python_dependencies | sed -e "s/>=/==/g" -e "/psycopg2/d" -e "s/pyopenssl==16.0.0/pyopenssl==17.0.0/" | xargs -d"\n" pip install'
# Install Synapse itself. This won't update any libraries.
pip install -e ".[test]"
deps =
setenv =
commands =
python -m synmark {posargs:}
skip_install = true
usedevelop = false
deps =
commands =
extras = lint
commands =
python -m black --check --diff {[base]lint_targets}
flake8 {[base]lint_targets} {env:PEP8SUFFIX:}
extras = lint
commands = isort -c --df --sp setup.cfg {[base]lint_targets}
skip_install = true
usedevelop = false
deps = towncrier>=18.6.0rc1
commands =
python -m towncrier.check --compare-with=origin/dinsic
commands = {toxinidir}/scripts-dev/generate_sample_config --check
skip_install = true
usedevelop = false
deps =
coverage combine
coverage report
skip_install = true
usedevelop = false
deps =
coverage erase
skip_install = true
usedevelop = false
deps =
coverage html
deps =
extras = all,mypy
commands = mypy