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Add a Scratch.sln for prototyping (#10067) #### ⚠️ This targets #10051 ## Summary of the Pull Request This PR creates a `Samples` solution which can be used for quickly testing our particular WinUI + Xaml Islands + wapproj setup, with a `TermControl`. This lets us quickly prototype and minimally repro xaml islands bugs, but also lets us iterate quickly on changes in the process model. I'll be using this in the future to prove that the out-of-proc control works (for tear-out), without having to tear up the entire `TerminalApp` all at once. While I'll be leaning on this extensively for tear-out prototyping, I've also found myself wanting this kind of sample sln many times in the past. We run into bugs all the time where we're not sure if they're XAML Islands bugs or Terminal bugs. However, standing up a scratch sln with MUX hooked up, and a `XamlApplication` from the toolkit, and XAML Islands is time consuming. This sample sln should let us validate if bugs are XI bugs or Terminal bugs much easier. ## References * Tear-out: #1256 * Megathread: #5000 * Project: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5 ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes one bullet point of https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-50760312 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments This is _largely_ a copy-pasta of our existing projects, in massively simplified form. I'm gonna wontfix most comments on the code that was copy-pasta'd. If it's bad here, it's probably also bad in the real version in `OpenConsole.sln`. * I made an entirely new `.sln` for this, so that these samples wouldn't need to build in CI. They're not critical code, they're literally just for prototyping. * `TerminalAppLib` & `TerminalApp` became `SampleAppLib` and `SampleApp`. This is just a simple application hosting a single `TermControl`. It references the winmds and dlls from the main `OpenConsole.sln`, but in a way that would be more like a project consuming a nuget feed of the control, rather than a `ProjectReference`. - It still does all the `App.xaml` and `Toolkit.XamlApplication` stuff that TerminalApp does, so that it can load MUX resources, and do MUX-y things. * `WindowsTerminal` became `WindowExe`. I tore out all of the `NonClientIslandWindow` stuff - this is just a window with a xaml island. * `CascadiaPackage` became `Package`. It does the vclibs hack again for the `TerminalConnection` dlls (because this package can't actually determine that `TerminalConnection.dll` requires `cprest*.dll`), as well as for `windowsterminal.exe` (which we'll need in the future for out-of-proc controls). I got rid of all the Dev/Preview/Release asset machinations as well. Wherever possible, I changed filenames slightly so that they won't get accitdentally opened when someone tries to open a file by name in their editor (**cough** sublime's <kbd>ctrl+p</kbd> menu **cough**). ## Validation Steps Performed The sample app launches, and displays a TermControl. What else do you want? <sup>(_rhetorical, not a prompt for a wishlist_)</sup> (cherry picked from commit 30d6cf4839fca8ac8203f6c2489b02a4088b851e)
2021-06-10 19:49:12 +02:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "SampleAppHost.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "../types/inc/User32Utils.hpp"
#include <WilErrorReporting.h>
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Composition;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Numerics;
// Routine Description:
// - Takes an image architecture and locates a string resource that maps to that architecture.
// Arguments:
// - imageArchitecture - An IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE architecture enum value
// - See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sysinfo/image-file-machine-constants
// Return Value:
// - A string value representing the human-readable name of this architecture.
static std::wstring ImageArchitectureToString(USHORT imageArchitecture)
// clang-format off
const auto id = imageArchitecture == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ? IDS_X86_ARCHITECTURE :
// clang-format on
return GetStringResource(id);
// Routine Description:
// - Blocks the user from launching the application with a message box dialog and early exit
// if the process architecture doesn't match the system platform native architecture.
// - This is because the conhost.exe must match the condrv.sys on the system and the PTY
// infrastructure that powers everything won't work if we have a mismatch.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
static void EnsureNativeArchitecture()
USHORT processMachine{};
USHORT nativeMachine{};
THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(IsWow64Process2(GetCurrentProcess(), &processMachine, &nativeMachine));
if (processMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN && processMachine != nativeMachine)
const auto formatPattern = GetStringResource(IDS_ERROR_ARCHITECTURE_FORMAT);
const auto nativeArchitecture = ImageArchitectureToString(nativeMachine);
const auto processArchitecture = ImageArchitectureToString(processMachine);
auto buffer{ wil::str_printf<std::wstring>(formatPattern.data(), nativeArchitecture.data(), processArchitecture.data()) };
static bool _messageIsF7Keypress(const MSG& message)
return (message.message == WM_KEYDOWN || message.message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) && message.wParam == VK_F7;
static bool _messageIsAltKeyup(const MSG& message)
return (message.message == WM_KEYUP || message.message == WM_SYSKEYUP) && message.wParam == VK_MENU;
int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPWSTR, int)
// If Terminal is spawned by a shortcut that requests that it run in a new process group
// while attached to a console session, that request is nonsense. That request will, however,
// cause WT to start with Ctrl-C disabled. This wouldn't matter, because it's a Windows-subsystem
// application. Unfortunately, that state is heritable. In short, if you start WT using cmd in
// a weird way, ^C stops working _inside_ the terminal. Mad.
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL, FALSE);
// Block the user from starting if they launched the incorrect architecture version of the project.
// This should only be applicable to developer versions. The package installation process
// should choose and install the correct one from the bundle.
// Make sure to call this so we get WM_POINTER messages.
// !!! LOAD BEARING !!!
// We must initialize the main thread as a single-threaded apartment before
// constructing any Xaml objects. Failing to do so will cause some issues
// in accessibility somewhere down the line when a UIAutomation object will
// be queried on the wrong thread at the wrong time.
// We used to initialize as STA only _after_ initializing the application
// host, which loaded the settings. The settings needed to be loaded in MTA
// because we were using the Windows.Storage APIs. Since we're no longer
// doing that, we can safely init as STA before any WinRT dispatches.
// Create the SampleAppHost object, which will create both the window and the
// Terminal App. This MUST BE constructed before the Xaml manager as TermApp
// provides an implementation of Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.
SampleAppHost host;
// Initialize the xaml content. This must be called AFTER the
// WindowsXamlManager is initialized.
MSG message;
while (GetMessage(&message, nullptr, 0, 0))
return 0;