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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "dbcs.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/GlyphWidth.hpp"
#include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator;
// Routine Description:
// - This routine check bisected on Ascii string end.
// Arguments:
// - pchBuf - Pointer to Ascii string buffer.
// - cbBuf - Number of Ascii string.
// Return Value:
// - TRUE - Bisected character.
// - FALSE - Correctly.
bool CheckBisectStringA(_In_reads_bytes_(cbBuf) PCHAR pchBuf, _In_ DWORD cbBuf, const CPINFO* const pCPInfo)
while (cbBuf)
if (IsDBCSLeadByteConsole(*pchBuf, pCPInfo))
if (cbBuf <= 1)
return true;
pchBuf += 2;
cbBuf -= 2;
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - This routine removes the double copies of characters used when storing DBCS/Double-wide characters in the text buffer.
// - It munges up Unicode cells that are about to be returned whenever there is DBCS data and a raster font is enabled.
// - This function is ONLY FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES. Please do not introduce new usages.
// Arguments:
// - buffer - The buffer to walk and fix
// Return Value:
// - The length of the final modified buffer.
DWORD UnicodeRasterFontCellMungeOnRead(const gsl::span<CHAR_INFO> buffer)
// Walk through the source CHAR_INFO and copy each to the destination.
// EXCEPT for trailing bytes (this will de-duplicate the leading/trailing byte double copies of the CHAR_INFOs as stored in the buffer).
// Set up indices used for arrays.
DWORD iDst = 0;
// Walk through every CHAR_INFO
for (DWORD iSrc = 0; iSrc < buffer.size(); iSrc++)
// If it's not a trailing byte, copy it straight over, stripping out the Leading/Trailing flags from the attributes field.
auto& src{ til::at(buffer, iSrc) };
if (!WI_IsFlagSet(src.Attributes, COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE))
auto& dst{ til::at(buffer, iDst) };
dst = src;
WI_ClearAllFlags(dst.Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS);
// If it was a trailing byte, we'll just walk past it and keep going.
// Zero out the remaining part of the destination buffer that we didn't use.
DWORD const cchDstToClear = gsl::narrow<DWORD>(buffer.size()) - iDst;
if (cchDstToClear > 0)
CHAR_INFO* const pciDstClearStart = buffer.data() + iDst;
ZeroMemory(pciDstClearStart, cchDstToClear * sizeof(CHAR_INFO));
// Add the additional length we just modified.
iDst += cchDstToClear;
// now that we're done, we should have copied, left alone, or cleared the entire length.
FAIL_FAST_IF(iDst != buffer.size());
return iDst;
// Routine Description:
// - Checks if a char is a lead byte for a given code page.
// Arguments:
// - ch - the char to check.
// - pCPInfo - the code page to check the char in.
// Return Value:
// true if ch is a lead byte, false otherwise.
bool IsDBCSLeadByteConsole(const CHAR ch, const CPINFO* const pCPInfo)
// NOTE: This must be unsigned for the comparison. If we compare signed, this will never hit
// because lead bytes are ironically enough always above 0x80 (signed char negative range).
unsigned char const uchComparison = (unsigned char)ch;
int i = 0;
// this is ok because the array is guaranteed to have 2
// null bytes at the end.
while (pCPInfo->LeadByte[i])
if (pCPInfo->LeadByte[i] <= uchComparison && uchComparison <= pCPInfo->LeadByte[i + 1])
return true;
i += 2;
return false;
BYTE CodePageToCharSet(const UINT uiCodePage)
const auto inputServices = ServiceLocator::LocateInputServices();
if (nullptr == inputServices || !inputServices->TranslateCharsetInfo((DWORD*)IntToPtr(uiCodePage), &csi, TCI_SRCCODEPAGE))
csi.ciCharset = OEM_CHARSET;
return (BYTE)csi.ciCharset;
BOOL IsAvailableEastAsianCodePage(const UINT uiCodePage)
BYTE const CharSet = CodePageToCharSet(uiCodePage);
switch (CharSet)
case GB2312_CHARSET:
return true;
return false;
_Ret_range_(0, cbAnsi)
ULONG TranslateUnicodeToOem(_In_reads_(cchUnicode) PCWCHAR pwchUnicode,
const ULONG cchUnicode,
_Out_writes_bytes_(cbAnsi) PCHAR pchAnsi,
const ULONG cbAnsi,
_Out_ std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>& partialEvent)
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
PWCHAR const TmpUni = new (std::nothrow) WCHAR[cchUnicode];
if (TmpUni == nullptr)
return 0;
memcpy(TmpUni, pwchUnicode, cchUnicode * sizeof(WCHAR));
BYTE AsciiDbcs[2];
AsciiDbcs[1] = 0;
ULONG i, j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < cchUnicode && j < cbAnsi; i++, j++)
if (IsGlyphFullWidth(TmpUni[i]))
ULONG const NumBytes = sizeof(AsciiDbcs);
ConvertToOem(gci.CP, &TmpUni[i], 1, (LPSTR)&AsciiDbcs[0], NumBytes);
if (IsDBCSLeadByteConsole(AsciiDbcs[0], &gci.CPInfo))
if (j < cbAnsi - 1)
{ // -1 is safe DBCS in buffer
pchAnsi[j] = AsciiDbcs[0];
pchAnsi[j] = AsciiDbcs[1];
AsciiDbcs[1] = 0;
pchAnsi[j] = AsciiDbcs[0];
pchAnsi[j] = AsciiDbcs[0];
AsciiDbcs[1] = 0;
ConvertToOem(gci.CP, &TmpUni[i], 1, &pchAnsi[j], 1);
if (AsciiDbcs[1])
std::unique_ptr<KeyEvent> keyEvent = std::make_unique<KeyEvent>();
if (keyEvent.get())
partialEvent.reset(static_cast<IInputEvent* const>(keyEvent.release()));
catch (...)
delete[] TmpUni;
return j;