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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "WexTestClass.h"
#include "../../inc/consoletaeftemplates.hpp"
#include "CommonState.hpp"
#include "uiaTextRange.hpp"
#include "../types/ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase.h"
#include "../../../buffer/out/textBuffer.hpp"
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336) ## Summary of the Pull Request This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. ## References #7000 - Epic [Text Attribute Identifiers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids) [ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue) [ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-findattribute) ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #2161 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - `TextBuffer`: - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer. - `UiaTextRangeBase`: - Shared logic & helper functions: - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute. - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function. - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value". - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`. - `UiaTracing`: - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result. - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range. - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error. - `UiaTextRangeTests`: - `GetAttributeValue`: - verify that we know which attributes we support - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`) - `FindAttribute`: - test each of the known _special_ text attributes - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`. ## Validation Steps Performed - @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build - Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation - Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-10 01:21:35 +02:00
#include "../types/UiaTracing.h"
#include <IDataSource.h>
using namespace WEX::Common;
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::Win32;
static constexpr til::point point_offset_by_char(const til::point start, const til::rectangle bounds, ptrdiff_t amt)
ptrdiff_t pos_x = start.x();
ptrdiff_t pos_y = start.y();
while (amt != 0)
if (amt > 0)
if (pos_x == bounds.left() && pos_y == bounds.bottom())
// end exclusive --> can't move any more
else if (pos_x == bounds.right() - 1)
// right boundary --> wrap
pos_x = bounds.left();
// standard move
if (pos_x == bounds.left() && pos_y == bounds.top())
// origin --> can't move any more
else if (pos_x == bounds.left())
// left boundary --> wrap
pos_x = bounds.right() - 1;
// standard move
return { pos_x, pos_y };
static constexpr til::point point_offset_by_line(const til::point start, const til::rectangle bounds, ptrdiff_t amt)
// X = left boundary for UIA
ptrdiff_t pos_x = bounds.left();
ptrdiff_t pos_y = start.y();
while (amt != 0)
if (amt > 0)
if (pos_y == bounds.bottom() + 1)
if (pos_y == bounds.top())
return { pos_x, pos_y };
// IMPORTANT: reference this _after_ defining point_offset_by_XXX. We need it for some definitions
#include "GeneratedUiaTextRangeMovementTests.g.cpp"
#pragma region TAEF hookup for the test case array above
struct ArrayIndexTaefAdapterRow : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassFlags<Microsoft::WRL::ClassicCom | Microsoft::WRL::InhibitFtmBase>, IDataRow>
HRESULT RuntimeClassInitialize(const size_t index)
_index = index;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP GetTestData(BSTR /*pszName*/, SAFEARRAY** ppData) override
const auto indexString{ wil::str_printf<std::wstring>(L"%zu", _index) };
auto safeArray{ SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_BSTR, 0, 1) };
LONG index{ 0 };
auto indexBstr{ wil::make_bstr(indexString.c_str()) };
(void)SafeArrayPutElement(safeArray, &index, indexBstr.release());
*ppData = safeArray;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP GetMetadataNames(SAFEARRAY** ppMetadataNames) override
*ppMetadataNames = nullptr;
return S_FALSE;
STDMETHODIMP GetMetadata(BSTR /*pszName*/, SAFEARRAY** ppData) override
*ppData = nullptr;
return S_FALSE;
STDMETHODIMP GetName(BSTR* ppszRowName) override
*ppszRowName = wil::make_bstr(s_movementTests[_index].name.data()).release();
return S_OK;
size_t _index;
struct ArrayIndexTaefAdapterSource : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassFlags<Microsoft::WRL::ClassicCom | Microsoft::WRL::InhibitFtmBase>, IDataSource>
STDMETHODIMP Advance(IDataRow** ppDataRow) override
if (_index < s_movementTests.size())
Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<ArrayIndexTaefAdapterRow>(ppDataRow, _index++);
*ppDataRow = nullptr;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP Reset() override
_index = 0;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP GetTestDataNames(SAFEARRAY** names) override
auto safeArray{ SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_BSTR, 0, 1) };
LONG index{ 0 };
auto dataNameBstr{ wil::make_bstr(L"index") };
(void)SafeArrayPutElement(safeArray, &index, dataNameBstr.release());
*names = safeArray;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP GetTestDataType(BSTR /*name*/, BSTR* type) override
*type = nullptr;
return S_OK;
size_t _index{ 0 };
#pragma endregion
extern "C" HRESULT __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl GeneratedMovementTestDataSource(IDataSource** ppDataSource, void*)
auto source{ Microsoft::WRL::Make<ArrayIndexTaefAdapterSource>() };
return source.CopyTo(ppDataSource);
// UiaTextRange takes an object that implements
// IRawElementProviderSimple as a constructor argument. Making a real
// one would involve setting up the window which we don't want to do
// for unit tests so instead we'll use this one. We don't care about
// it not doing anything for its implementation because it is not used
// during the unit tests below.
class DummyElementProvider final : public ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase
IFACEMETHODIMP Navigate(_In_ NavigateDirection /*direction*/,
_COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ IRawElementProviderFragment** /*ppProvider*/) override
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP get_BoundingRectangle(_Out_ UiaRect* /*pRect*/) override
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP get_FragmentRoot(_COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot** /*ppProvider*/) override
return E_NOTIMPL;
void ChangeViewport(const SMALL_RECT /*NewWindow*/)
HRESULT GetSelectionRange(_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* /*pProvider*/, const std::wstring_view /*wordDelimiters*/, _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ Microsoft::Console::Types::UiaTextRangeBase** /*ppUtr*/) override
return E_NOTIMPL;
// degenerate range
HRESULT CreateTextRange(_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const /*pProvider*/, const std::wstring_view /*wordDelimiters*/, _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ Microsoft::Console::Types::UiaTextRangeBase** /*ppUtr*/) override
return E_NOTIMPL;
// degenerate range at cursor position
HRESULT CreateTextRange(_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const /*pProvider*/,
const Cursor& /*cursor*/,
const std::wstring_view /*wordDelimiters*/,
_COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ Microsoft::Console::Types::UiaTextRangeBase** /*ppUtr*/) override
return E_NOTIMPL;
// specific endpoint range
HRESULT CreateTextRange(_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const /*pProvider*/,
const COORD /*start*/,
const COORD /*end*/,
const std::wstring_view /*wordDelimiters*/,
_COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ Microsoft::Console::Types::UiaTextRangeBase** /*ppUtr*/) override
return E_NOTIMPL;
// range from a UiaPoint
HRESULT CreateTextRange(_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const /*pProvider*/,
const UiaPoint /*point*/,
const std::wstring_view /*wordDelimiters*/,
_COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ Microsoft::Console::Types::UiaTextRangeBase** /*ppUtr*/) override
return E_NOTIMPL;
class UiaTextRangeTests
CommonState* _state;
DummyElementProvider _dummyProvider;
TextBuffer* _pTextBuffer;
UiaTextRange* _range;
IUiaData* _pUiaData;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
struct ExpectedResult
int moveAmt;
COORD start;
COORD end;
struct MoveTest
std::wstring comment;
COORD start;
COORD end;
int moveAmt;
ExpectedResult expected;
struct MoveEndpointTest
std::wstring comment;
COORD start;
COORD end;
int moveAmt;
TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint;
ExpectedResult expected;
struct ScrollTest
std::wstring comment;
short yPos;
static constexpr const wchar_t* toString(TextUnit unit) noexcept
// if a format is not supported, it goes to the next largest text unit
switch (unit)
case TextUnit_Character:
return L"Character";
case TextUnit_Format:
case TextUnit_Word:
return L"Word";
case TextUnit_Line:
return L"Line";
case TextUnit_Paragraph:
case TextUnit_Page:
case TextUnit_Document:
return L"Document";
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// set up common state
_state = new CommonState();
// set up pointers
_pScreenInfo = &gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer();
_pTextBuffer = &_pScreenInfo->GetTextBuffer();
_pUiaData = &gci.renderData;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// GH#6986: document end now limits the navigation to be
// within the document end bounds _as opposed to_ the buffer bounds.
// As a result, let's populate the buffer partially to define a document end.
// Additionally, add spaces to create "words" in the buffer.
// LOAD BEARING: make sure we fill it halfway so that we can reuse most of
// the variables from the generated tests.
// fill first half of text buffer with text
for (UINT i = 0; i < _pTextBuffer->TotalRowCount() / 2; ++i)
ROW& row = _pTextBuffer->GetRowByOffset(i);
auto& charRow = row.GetCharRow();
for (auto& cell : charRow)
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
if (i % 2 == 0)
cell.Char() = L' ';
cell.Char() = L'X';
return true;
delete _state;
delete _range;
_pScreenInfo = nullptr;
_pTextBuffer = nullptr;
_pUiaData = nullptr;
return true;
// make a degenerate range and verify that it reports degenerate
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> degenerate;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(degenerate->_start, degenerate->_end);
// make a non-degenerate range and verify that it reports as such
const auto end{ point_offset_by_char(origin, bufferSize, 1) };
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> notDegenerate;
VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(notDegenerate->_start, notDegenerate->_end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr1;
// utr2 initialized to have the same start/end as utr1
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> utr2;
BOOL comparison;
Log::Comment(L"_start and _end should match");
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr1->Compare(utr2.Get(), &comparison));
// utr2 redefined to have different end from utr1
const auto end{ point_offset_by_char(origin, bufferSize, 2) };
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Log::Comment(L"_end is different");
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr1->Compare(utr2.Get(), &comparison));
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr1;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> utr2;
int comparison;
Log::Comment(L"For a degenerate range, comparing _start and _end should return 0");
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr1->CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start, utr1.Get(), TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End, &comparison));
Log::Comment(L"_start and _end should match");
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr1->CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start, utr2.Get(), TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start, &comparison));
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(comparison == 0);
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr1->CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End, utr2.Get(), TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End, &comparison));
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(comparison == 0);
// utr2 redefined to have different end from utr1
const auto end{ point_offset_by_char(origin, bufferSize, 2) };
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Log::Comment(L"_start should match");
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr1->CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start, utr2.Get(), TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start, &comparison));
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(comparison == 0);
Log::Comment(L"_start and end should be 2 units apart. Sign depends on order of comparison.");
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr1->CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End, utr2.Get(), TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End, &comparison));
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(comparison == -2);
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr2->CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End, utr1.Get(), TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End, &comparison));
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(comparison == 2);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Let's start by filling the text buffer with something useful:
for (UINT i = 0; i < _pTextBuffer->TotalRowCount(); ++i)
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
ROW& row = _pTextBuffer->GetRowByOffset(i);
auto& charRow = row.GetCharRow();
for (size_t j = 0; j < charRow.size(); ++j)
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// every 5th cell is a space, otherwise a letter
// this is used to simulate words
CharRowCellReference cell = charRow.GlyphAt(j);
if (j % 5 == 0)
cell = L" ";
cell = L"x";
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// According to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-implementingtextandtextrange#manipulating-a-text-range-by-text-unit
// there are 9 examples of how ExpandToEnclosingUnit should behave. See the diagram there for reference.
// Some of the relevant text has been copied below...
// 1-2) If the text range starts at the beginning of a text unit
// and ends at the beginning of, or before, the next text unit
// boundary, the ending endpoint is moved to the next text unit boundary
// 3-4) If the text range starts at the beginning of a text unit
// and ends at, or after, the next unit boundary,
// the ending endpoint stays or is moved backward to
// the next unit boundary after the starting endpoint
// NOTE: If there is more than one text unit boundary between
// the starting and ending endpoints, the ending endpoint
// is moved backward to the next unit boundary after
// the starting endpoint, resulting in a text range that is
// one text unit in length.
// 5-8) If the text range starts in a middle of the text unit,
// the starting endpoint is moved backward to the beginning
// of the text unit, and the ending endpoint is moved forward
// or backward, as necessary, to the next unit boundary
// after the starting endpoint
// 9) (same as 1) If the text range starts and ends at the beginning of
// a text unit boundary, the ending endpoint is moved to the next text unit boundary
// We will abstract these tests so that we can define the beginning and end of a text unit boundary,
// based on the text unit we are testing
constexpr TextUnit supportedUnits[] = { TextUnit_Character, TextUnit_Word, TextUnit_Line, TextUnit_Document };
struct TextUnitBoundaries
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
COORD start;
COORD end;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const std::map<TextUnit, TextUnitBoundaries> textUnitBoundaries = {
{ TextUnit_Character,
{ 0, 0 },
{ 1, 0 } } },
{ TextUnit_Word,
{ 1, 0 },
{ 6, 0 } } },
{ TextUnit_Line,
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1 } } },
{ TextUnit_Document,
{ 0, 0 },
_pTextBuffer->GetSize().EndExclusive() } }
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
auto verifyExpansion = [&](TextUnit textUnit, COORD utrStart, COORD utrEnd) {
const auto boundaries = textUnitBoundaries.at(textUnit);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start), boundaries.start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End), boundaries.end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
for (auto textUnit : supportedUnits)
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const auto boundaries = textUnitBoundaries.at(textUnit);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Test 1
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s - Test 1", toString(textUnit)));
verifyExpansion(textUnit, boundaries.start, boundaries.start);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Test 2 (impossible for TextUnit_Character)
if (textUnit != TextUnit_Character)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s - Test 2", toString(textUnit)));
const COORD end = { boundaries.start.X + 1, boundaries.start.Y };
verifyExpansion(textUnit, boundaries.start, end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Test 3
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s - Test 3", toString(textUnit)));
verifyExpansion(textUnit, boundaries.start, boundaries.end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Test 4 (impossible for TextUnit_Character and TextUnit_Document)
if (textUnit != TextUnit_Character && textUnit != TextUnit_Document)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s - Test 4", toString(textUnit)));
const COORD end = { boundaries.end.X + 1, boundaries.end.Y };
verifyExpansion(textUnit, boundaries.start, end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Test 5 (impossible for TextUnit_Character)
if (textUnit != TextUnit_Character)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s - Test 5", toString(textUnit)));
const COORD start = { boundaries.start.X + 1, boundaries.start.Y };
verifyExpansion(textUnit, start, start);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Test 6 (impossible for TextUnit_Character)
if (textUnit != TextUnit_Character)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s - Test 6", toString(textUnit)));
const COORD start = { boundaries.start.X + 1, boundaries.start.Y };
const COORD end = { start.X + 1, start.Y };
verifyExpansion(textUnit, start, end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Test 7 (impossible for TextUnit_Character)
if (textUnit != TextUnit_Character)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s - Test 7", toString(textUnit)));
const COORD start = { boundaries.start.X + 1, boundaries.start.Y };
verifyExpansion(textUnit, start, boundaries.end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// Test 8 (impossible for TextUnit_Character and TextUnit_Document)
if (textUnit != TextUnit_Character && textUnit != TextUnit_Document)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s - Test 8", toString(textUnit)));
const COORD start = { boundaries.start.X + 1, boundaries.start.Y };
const COORD end = { boundaries.end.X + 1, boundaries.end.Y };
verifyExpansion(textUnit, start, end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const COORD start{ 0, 1 };
const COORD end{ 1, 2 };
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> target;
auto resetTargetUTR = [&]() {
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Log::Comment(L"Move target's end to utr1's start");
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start), origin);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start));
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Log::Comment(L"Move target's start/end to utr1's start/end respectively");
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start), origin);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End));
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Log::Comment(L"(Clone utr1) Collapse onto itself");
// Move start to end
ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> temp;
target = static_cast<UiaTextRange*>(temp.Get());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End));
// Move end to start
target = static_cast<UiaTextRange*>(temp.Get());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start));
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Log::Comment(L"Cross endpoints (force degenerate range)");
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// move start past end
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End));
// move end past start
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(target->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End), utr->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start));
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
const SHORT lastColumnIndex = _pScreenInfo->GetBufferSize().RightInclusive();
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// GH#6986: This is used as the "end of the buffer" to help screen readers run faster
// instead of parsing through thousands of empty lines of text.
const COORD documentEnd{ _pTextBuffer->GetSize().Left(), _pTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter().Y + 1 };
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
// clang-format off
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const std::vector<MoveTest> testData
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
L"can move backward within a row",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{ 1, 0 },
{ 2, 0 },
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{1, 0}
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
L"can move forward in a row",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{ 1, 2 },
{ 5, 4 },
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
L"can't move past the end of the 'document'",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
L"can move to a new row when necessary when moving forward",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{ lastColumnIndex, 0 },
{ lastColumnIndex, 0 },
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{4 , 0 + 1},
{4 , 0 + 1}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
L"can move to a new row when necessary when moving backward",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{ 0, 0 + 1 },
{ lastColumnIndex, 0 + 1 },
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{lastColumnIndex - 4, 0},
{lastColumnIndex - 3, 0}
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
// clang-format on
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
for (const auto& test : testData)
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
int amountMoved;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, test.start, test.end));
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Move(TextUnit::TextUnit_Character, test.moveAmt, &amountMoved));
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.moveAmt, amountMoved);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.start, utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.end, utr->_end);
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const SHORT lastColumnIndex = _pScreenInfo->GetBufferSize().Width() - 1;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// GH#6986: This is used as the "end of the buffer" to help screen readers run faster
// instead of parsing through thousands of empty lines of text.
const COORD documentEnd{ _pTextBuffer->GetSize().Left(), _pTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter().Y + 1 };
// clang-format off
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const std::vector<MoveTest> testData
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move forward from top row",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{0, lastColumnIndex},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 4},
{0, 5}
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
L"can't move past the end of the 'document'",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move backward from bottom row",
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
{0, documentEnd.Y},
{lastColumnIndex, documentEnd.Y},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
{0, base::ClampSub(documentEnd.Y, 3)},
{0, base::ClampSub(documentEnd.Y, 3)}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move to a new row when necessary when moving forward",
{ lastColumnIndex, 0 },
{ lastColumnIndex, 0 },
{0, 0 + 5},
{0, 0 + 5}
L"can move to a new row when necessary when moving backward",
{ 0, 7 },
{ 0, 7 },
{0, 7 - 5},
{0, 7 - 5}
// clang-format on
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
for (const auto& test : testData)
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
int amountMoved;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, test.start, test.end));
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Move(TextUnit::TextUnit_Line, test.moveAmt, &amountMoved));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.moveAmt, amountMoved);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.start, utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.end, utr->_end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const SHORT lastColumnIndex = _pScreenInfo->GetBufferSize().Width() - 1;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// GH#6986: This is used as the "end of the buffer" to help screen readers run faster
// instead of parsing through thousands of empty lines of text.
const COORD documentEnd{ _pTextBuffer->GetSize().RightInclusive(), _pTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter().Y };
// clang-format off
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const std::vector<MoveEndpointTest> testData
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can't move _start past the beginning of the document when _start is positioned at the beginning",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can partially move _start to the beginning of the document when it is closer than the move count requested",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{3, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can't move _end past the beginning of the document",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{4, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{0, 0}
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
L"can't move _end past the end of the document",
{0, 0},
{0, base::ClampAdd(documentEnd.Y,1)}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"_start follows _end when passed during movement",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{5, 0},
{10, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{3, 0},
{3, 0}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can't move _end past the beginning of the document when _end is positioned at the end",
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
{0, documentEnd.Y},
{0, base::ClampAdd(documentEnd.Y,1)},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
{0, documentEnd.Y},
{0, base::ClampAdd(documentEnd.Y,1)},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can partially move _end to the end of the document when it is closer than the move count requested",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
{base::ClampSub(lastColumnIndex, 3), documentEnd.Y},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
{0, base::ClampAdd(documentEnd.Y,1)},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can't move _start past the end of the document",
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
{base::ClampSub(lastColumnIndex, 4), documentEnd.Y},
{0, base::ClampAdd(documentEnd.Y,1)},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
{0, base::ClampAdd(documentEnd.Y,1)},
{0, base::ClampAdd(documentEnd.Y,1)},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"_end follows _start when passed during movement",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{5, 0},
{10, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{12, 0},
{12, 0}
// clang-format on
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
for (const auto& test : testData)
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
int amountMoved;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, test.start, test.end));
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->MoveEndpointByUnit(test.endpoint, TextUnit::TextUnit_Character, test.moveAmt, &amountMoved));
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.moveAmt, amountMoved);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.start, utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.end, utr->_end);
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const SHORT lastColumnIndex = _pScreenInfo->GetBufferSize().Width() - 1;
const SHORT bottomRow = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_pTextBuffer->TotalRowCount() - 1);
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// GH#6986: This is used as the "end of the buffer" to help screen readers run faster
// instead of parsing through thousands of empty lines of text.
const COORD documentEnd{ _pTextBuffer->GetSize().Left(), _pTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter().Y + 1 };
// clang-format off
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const std::vector<MoveEndpointTest> testData
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move _end forward without affecting _start",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{0, 1}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move _end backward without affecting _start",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 1},
{lastColumnIndex, 5},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 1},
{0, 4}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move _start forward without affecting _end",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 1},
{lastColumnIndex, 5},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 3},
{lastColumnIndex, 5}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move _start backward without affecting _end",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 2},
{lastColumnIndex, 5},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 1},
{lastColumnIndex, 5}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move _start backwards when it's already on the top row",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{lastColumnIndex, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can't move _start backwards when it's at the start of the document already",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{lastColumnIndex, 0}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
L"can't move _end forwards when it's on the bottom row (past doc end)",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{lastColumnIndex - 3, bottomRow},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
L"can't move _end forwards when it's at the end of the buffer already (past doc end)",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{0, bottomRow+1},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
L"moving _start forward when it's already on the bottom row (past doc end) creates a degenerate range at the document end",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, bottomRow},
{lastColumnIndex, bottomRow},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"moving _end backward when it's already on the top row creates a degenerate range at the document start",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{4, 0},
{lastColumnIndex - 5, 0},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{0, 0}
// clang-format on
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
for (const auto& test : testData)
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
int amountMoved;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, test.start, test.end));
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->MoveEndpointByUnit(test.endpoint, TextUnit::TextUnit_Line, test.moveAmt, &amountMoved));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.moveAmt, amountMoved);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.start, utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.end, utr->_end);
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const SHORT bottomRow = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_pTextBuffer->TotalRowCount() - 1);
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// GH#6986: This is used as the "end of the buffer" to help screen readers run faster
// instead of parsing through thousands of empty lines of text.
const COORD documentEnd{ _pTextBuffer->GetSize().Left(), _pTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter().Y + 1 };
// clang-format off
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const std::vector<MoveEndpointTest> testData =
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move _end forward to end of document without affecting _start",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 4},
{0, 4},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 4},
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can move _start backward to end of document without affect _end",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 4},
{0, 4},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{0, 4}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
L"can't move _end forward when it's already at the end of the buffer (past doc end)",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{3, 2},
{0, bottomRow+1},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{3, 2},
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"can't move _start backward when it's already at the start of the document",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{5, 6},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{5, 6}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"moving _end backward creates degenerate range at start of document",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{5, 2},
{5, 6},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{0, 0},
{0, 0}
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
L"moving _start forward creates degenerate range at end of document",
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
{5, 2},
{5, 6},
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
// clang-format on
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
for (auto test : testData)
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
int amountMoved;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, test.start, test.end));
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->MoveEndpointByUnit(test.endpoint, TextUnit::TextUnit_Document, test.moveAmt, &amountMoved));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.moveAmt, amountMoved);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.start, utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(test.expected.end, utr->_end);
// GH#7664: When attempting to expand to an enclosing unit
// at the end exclusive, the UTR should refuse to move past
// the end.
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
const auto lastNonspaceCharPos{ _pTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter() };
const COORD documentEnd{ 0, lastNonspaceCharPos.Y + 1 };
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// Iterate over each TextUnit. If we don't support
// the given TextUnit, we're supposed to fallback
// to the last one that was defined anyways.
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:textUnit", L"{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}")
int textUnit;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"textUnit", textUnit), L"Get textUnit variant");
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"%s", toString(static_cast<TextUnit>(textUnit))));
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// Create a degenerate UTR at EndExclusive
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, bufferEnd, endExclusive));
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(documentEnd, til::point{ utr->_end });
// GH#7663: When attempting to move from end exclusive,
// the UTR should refuse to move past the end.
const auto endInclusive{ bufferEnd };
Fix failing UIA movement tests (#10991) ## Summary of the Pull Request Follow-up for #10886. The new UIA movement tests found some failing cases. This PR fixes UiaTextRangeBase to have movement match that of MS Word. In total, this fixes 64 tests. ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #10924 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Root causes include... 1. if we were a non-degenerate range and we failed to move, we should still expand to enclose the unit 2. non-degenerate ranges are treated as if they already encompassed their given unit. - this one is a bit difficult to explain. Consider these examples: 1. document movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on the buffer, and you try to move by document - result: move by 0 (there is no next/prev document), but the range now encompasses the entire document 2. line movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on a line, and you try to move back by a line - result: you go to the previous line (not the beginning of this line) - conversely, a degenerate range successfully moves to the beginning/end of the current unit (i.e. document/line) - this (bizarre) behavior was confirmed using MS Word As a bonus, occasionally, Narrator would get stuck when navigating by line. This issue now seems to be fixed. ## Updates to existing tests - `CanMoveByCharacter` - `can't move backward from (0, 0)` --> misauthored, result should be one character wide. - `can't move past the last column in the last row` --> misauthored and already covered in generated tests - `CanMoveByLine` - `can't move backward from top row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line. Already covered by generated tests - `can't move forward from bottom row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line - `can't move backward when part of the top row is in the range` --> misauthored, should expand - `can't move forward when part of the bottom row is in the range` --> misauthored, degenerate range moves to end of buffer - `MovementAtExclusiveEnd` - populate the text buffer _before_ we do a move by word operation - update to match the now fixed behavior
2021-08-24 15:56:38 +02:00
// write "temp" at (2,2)
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
Fix failing UIA movement tests (#10991) ## Summary of the Pull Request Follow-up for #10886. The new UIA movement tests found some failing cases. This PR fixes UiaTextRangeBase to have movement match that of MS Word. In total, this fixes 64 tests. ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #10924 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Root causes include... 1. if we were a non-degenerate range and we failed to move, we should still expand to enclose the unit 2. non-degenerate ranges are treated as if they already encompassed their given unit. - this one is a bit difficult to explain. Consider these examples: 1. document movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on the buffer, and you try to move by document - result: move by 0 (there is no next/prev document), but the range now encompasses the entire document 2. line movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on a line, and you try to move back by a line - result: you go to the previous line (not the beginning of this line) - conversely, a degenerate range successfully moves to the beginning/end of the current unit (i.e. document/line) - this (bizarre) behavior was confirmed using MS Word As a bonus, occasionally, Narrator would get stuck when navigating by line. This issue now seems to be fixed. ## Updates to existing tests - `CanMoveByCharacter` - `can't move backward from (0, 0)` --> misauthored, result should be one character wide. - `can't move past the last column in the last row` --> misauthored and already covered in generated tests - `CanMoveByLine` - `can't move backward from top row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line. Already covered by generated tests - `can't move forward from bottom row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line - `can't move backward when part of the top row is in the range` --> misauthored, should expand - `can't move forward when part of the bottom row is in the range` --> misauthored, degenerate range moves to end of buffer - `MovementAtExclusiveEnd` - populate the text buffer _before_ we do a move by word operation - update to match the now fixed behavior
2021-08-24 15:56:38 +02:00
const til::point writeTarget{ 2, 2 };
_pTextBuffer->Write({ L"temp" }, writeTarget);
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// GH#6986: This is used as the "end of the buffer" to help screen readers run faster
// instead of parsing through thousands of empty lines of text.
const COORD documentEndInclusive{ base::ClampSub<short, short>(static_cast<short>(bufferSize.right()), 1), _pTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter().Y };
const COORD documentEndExclusive{ static_cast<short>(bufferSize.left()), base::ClampAdd(documentEndInclusive.Y, 1) };
const COORD lastLineStart{ static_cast<short>(bufferSize.left()), documentEndInclusive.Y };
const auto secondToLastLinePos{ point_offset_by_line(lastLineStart, bufferSize, -1) };
const COORD secondToLastCharacterPos{ documentEndInclusive.X - 1, documentEndInclusive.Y };
// Iterate over each TextUnit. If we don't support
// the given TextUnit, we're supposed to fallback
// to the last one that was defined anyways.
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:textUnit", L"{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:degenerate", L"{false, true}")
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:atDocumentEnd", L"{false, true}")
int unit;
bool degenerate;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
bool atDocumentEnd;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"textUnit", unit), L"Get TextUnit variant");
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"degenerate", degenerate), L"Get degenerate variant");
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"atDocumentEnd", atDocumentEnd), L"Get atDocumentEnd variant");
TextUnit textUnit{ static_cast<TextUnit>(unit) };
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
int moveAmt;
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Forward by %s", toString(textUnit)));
// Create an UTR at EndExclusive
const auto utrEnd{ atDocumentEnd ? documentEndExclusive : static_cast<COORD>(endExclusive) };
if (degenerate)
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// UTR: (exclusive, exclusive) range
const auto utrStart{ atDocumentEnd ? documentEndExclusive : static_cast<COORD>(endExclusive) };
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, utrStart, utrEnd));
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// UTR: (inclusive, exclusive) range
const auto utrStart{ atDocumentEnd ? documentEndInclusive : static_cast<COORD>(endInclusive) };
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, utrStart, utrEnd));
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Move(textUnit, 1, &moveAmt));
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(documentEndExclusive, utr->_end);
// Verify expansion works properly
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Expand by %s", toString(textUnit)));
if (textUnit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Character)
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(documentEndInclusive, utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(documentEndExclusive, utr->_end);
else if (textUnit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Word)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(writeTarget, til::point{ utr->_start });
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(documentEndExclusive, utr->_end);
else if (textUnit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Line)
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(lastLineStart, utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(documentEndExclusive, utr->_end);
else // textUnit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Document:
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(origin, til::point{ utr->_start });
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(documentEndExclusive, utr->_end);
// reset the UTR
if (degenerate)
// UTR: (exclusive, exclusive) range
const auto utrStart{ atDocumentEnd ? documentEndExclusive : static_cast<COORD>(endExclusive) };
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, utrStart, utrEnd));
// UTR: (inclusive, exclusive) range
const auto utrStart{ atDocumentEnd ? documentEndInclusive : static_cast<COORD>(endInclusive) };
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, utrStart, utrEnd));
// Verify that moving backwards still works properly
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Backwards by %s", toString(textUnit)));
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Move(textUnit, -1, &moveAmt));
// NOTE: If the range is degenerate, _start == _end before AND after the move.
if (textUnit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Character)
// Special case: _end will always be endInclusive, because...
// - degenerate --> it moves with _start to stay degenerate
// - !degenerate --> it excludes the last char, to select the second to last char
Fix failing UIA movement tests (#10991) ## Summary of the Pull Request Follow-up for #10886. The new UIA movement tests found some failing cases. This PR fixes UiaTextRangeBase to have movement match that of MS Word. In total, this fixes 64 tests. ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #10924 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Root causes include... 1. if we were a non-degenerate range and we failed to move, we should still expand to enclose the unit 2. non-degenerate ranges are treated as if they already encompassed their given unit. - this one is a bit difficult to explain. Consider these examples: 1. document movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on the buffer, and you try to move by document - result: move by 0 (there is no next/prev document), but the range now encompasses the entire document 2. line movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on a line, and you try to move back by a line - result: you go to the previous line (not the beginning of this line) - conversely, a degenerate range successfully moves to the beginning/end of the current unit (i.e. document/line) - this (bizarre) behavior was confirmed using MS Word As a bonus, occasionally, Narrator would get stuck when navigating by line. This issue now seems to be fixed. ## Updates to existing tests - `CanMoveByCharacter` - `can't move backward from (0, 0)` --> misauthored, result should be one character wide. - `can't move past the last column in the last row` --> misauthored and already covered in generated tests - `CanMoveByLine` - `can't move backward from top row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line. Already covered by generated tests - `can't move forward from bottom row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line - `can't move backward when part of the top row is in the range` --> misauthored, should expand - `can't move forward when part of the bottom row is in the range` --> misauthored, degenerate range moves to end of buffer - `MovementAtExclusiveEnd` - populate the text buffer _before_ we do a move by word operation - update to match the now fixed behavior
2021-08-24 15:56:38 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(-1, moveAmt);
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(degenerate || !atDocumentEnd ? documentEndInclusive : secondToLastCharacterPos, utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(documentEndInclusive, utr->_end);
else if (textUnit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Word)
Fix failing UIA movement tests (#10991) ## Summary of the Pull Request Follow-up for #10886. The new UIA movement tests found some failing cases. This PR fixes UiaTextRangeBase to have movement match that of MS Word. In total, this fixes 64 tests. ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #10924 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Root causes include... 1. if we were a non-degenerate range and we failed to move, we should still expand to enclose the unit 2. non-degenerate ranges are treated as if they already encompassed their given unit. - this one is a bit difficult to explain. Consider these examples: 1. document movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on the buffer, and you try to move by document - result: move by 0 (there is no next/prev document), but the range now encompasses the entire document 2. line movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on a line, and you try to move back by a line - result: you go to the previous line (not the beginning of this line) - conversely, a degenerate range successfully moves to the beginning/end of the current unit (i.e. document/line) - this (bizarre) behavior was confirmed using MS Word As a bonus, occasionally, Narrator would get stuck when navigating by line. This issue now seems to be fixed. ## Updates to existing tests - `CanMoveByCharacter` - `can't move backward from (0, 0)` --> misauthored, result should be one character wide. - `can't move past the last column in the last row` --> misauthored and already covered in generated tests - `CanMoveByLine` - `can't move backward from top row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line. Already covered by generated tests - `can't move forward from bottom row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line - `can't move backward when part of the top row is in the range` --> misauthored, should expand - `can't move forward when part of the bottom row is in the range` --> misauthored, degenerate range moves to end of buffer - `MovementAtExclusiveEnd` - populate the text buffer _before_ we do a move by word operation - update to match the now fixed behavior
2021-08-24 15:56:38 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(-1, moveAmt);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(degenerate || !atDocumentEnd ? writeTarget : origin, til::point{ utr->_start });
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(writeTarget, til::point{ utr->_end });
else if (textUnit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Line)
Fix failing UIA movement tests (#10991) ## Summary of the Pull Request Follow-up for #10886. The new UIA movement tests found some failing cases. This PR fixes UiaTextRangeBase to have movement match that of MS Word. In total, this fixes 64 tests. ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #10924 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Root causes include... 1. if we were a non-degenerate range and we failed to move, we should still expand to enclose the unit 2. non-degenerate ranges are treated as if they already encompassed their given unit. - this one is a bit difficult to explain. Consider these examples: 1. document movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on the buffer, and you try to move by document - result: move by 0 (there is no next/prev document), but the range now encompasses the entire document 2. line movement - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on a line, and you try to move back by a line - result: you go to the previous line (not the beginning of this line) - conversely, a degenerate range successfully moves to the beginning/end of the current unit (i.e. document/line) - this (bizarre) behavior was confirmed using MS Word As a bonus, occasionally, Narrator would get stuck when navigating by line. This issue now seems to be fixed. ## Updates to existing tests - `CanMoveByCharacter` - `can't move backward from (0, 0)` --> misauthored, result should be one character wide. - `can't move past the last column in the last row` --> misauthored and already covered in generated tests - `CanMoveByLine` - `can't move backward from top row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line. Already covered by generated tests - `can't move forward from bottom row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line - `can't move backward when part of the top row is in the range` --> misauthored, should expand - `can't move forward when part of the bottom row is in the range` --> misauthored, degenerate range moves to end of buffer - `MovementAtExclusiveEnd` - populate the text buffer _before_ we do a move by word operation - update to match the now fixed behavior
2021-08-24 15:56:38 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(-1, moveAmt);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(degenerate || !atDocumentEnd ? lastLineStart : static_cast<COORD>(secondToLastLinePos), utr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(lastLineStart, utr->_end);
else // textUnit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Document:
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(degenerate || !atDocumentEnd ? -1 : 0, moveAmt);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(origin, til::point{ utr->_start });
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(degenerate || !atDocumentEnd ? static_cast<COORD>(origin) : documentEndExclusive, utr->_end);
// See GH#7742 for more details.
const auto originExclusive{ point_offset_by_char(origin, bufferSize, 1) };
_pTextBuffer->Write({ L"My name is Carlos" }, origin);
// Create degenerate UTR at origin
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, origin, origin));
// move forward by a word
int moveAmt;
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Move(TextUnit::TextUnit_Word, 1, &moveAmt));
// Expand by word
BSTR text;
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->GetText(-1, &text));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"name ", std::wstring_view{ text });
// Collapse utr (move end to start)
const COORD expectedStart{ 3, 0 };
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End, utr.Get(), TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedStart, utr->_start);
// Move back by a word
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Move(TextUnit::TextUnit_Word, -1, &moveAmt));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(-1, moveAmt);
// Expand by character
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->GetText(-1, &text));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"M", std::wstring_view{ text });
const auto viewportSize{ _pUiaData->GetViewport() };
const std::vector<ScrollTest> testData{
{ L"Origin", gsl::narrow<short>(bufferSize.top()) },
{ L"ViewportHeight From Top - 1", base::ClampedNumeric<short>(bufferSize.top()) + viewportSize.Height() - 1 },
{ L"ViewportHeight From Top", base::ClampedNumeric<short>(bufferSize.top()) + viewportSize.Height() },
{ L"ViewportHeight From Top + 1", base::ClampedNumeric<short>(bufferSize.top()) + viewportSize.Height() + 1 },
{ L"ViewportHeight From Bottom - 1", base::ClampedNumeric<short>(bufferSize.bottom()) - viewportSize.Height() - 2 },
{ L"ViewportHeight From Bottom", base::ClampedNumeric<short>(bufferSize.bottom()) - viewportSize.Height() - 1 },
{ L"ViewportHeight From Bottom + 1", base::ClampedNumeric<short>(bufferSize.bottom()) - viewportSize.Height() + 1 },
// GH#7839: ExclusiveEnd is a non-existent space,
// so scrolling to it when !alignToTop used to crash
{ L"Exclusive End", gsl::narrow<short>(bufferSize.bottom()) }
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:alignToTop", L"{false, true}")
bool alignToTop;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"alignToTop", alignToTop), L"Get alignToTop variant");
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
for (const auto test : testData)
const til::point pos{ bufferSize.left(), test.yPos };
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, pos, pos));
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336) ## Summary of the Pull Request This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. ## References #7000 - Epic [Text Attribute Identifiers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids) [ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue) [ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-findattribute) ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #2161 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - `TextBuffer`: - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer. - `UiaTextRangeBase`: - Shared logic & helper functions: - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute. - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function. - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value". - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`. - `UiaTracing`: - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result. - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range. - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error. - `UiaTextRangeTests`: - `GetAttributeValue`: - verify that we know which attributes we support - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`) - `FindAttribute`: - test each of the known _special_ text attributes - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`. ## Validation Steps Performed - @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build - Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation - Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-10 01:21:35 +02:00
Log::Comment(L"Check supported attributes");
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown> notSupportedVal;
// Iterate over UIA's Text Attribute Identifiers
// Validate that we know which ones are (not) supported
// source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids
for (long uiaAttributeId = UIA_AnimationStyleAttributeId; uiaAttributeId <= UIA_AfterParagraphSpacingAttributeId; ++uiaAttributeId)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider));
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Attribute ID: %d", uiaAttributeId));
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(uiaAttributeId, &result));
switch (uiaAttributeId)
case UIA_FontNameAttributeId:
case UIA_BackgroundColorAttributeId:
case UIA_FontWeightAttributeId:
case UIA_ForegroundColorAttributeId:
case UIA_StrikethroughStyleAttributeId:
case UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId:
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(VT_I4, result.vt);
case UIA_IsItalicAttributeId:
case UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId:
// Expected: not supported
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(notSupportedVal.Get(), result.punkVal);
// This is the text attribute we'll use to update the text buffer.
// We'll modify it, then test if the UiaTextRange can extract/interpret the data properly.
// updateBuffer() will write that text attribute to the first cell in the buffer.
TextAttribute attr;
auto updateBuffer = [&](TextAttribute outputAttr) {
_pTextBuffer->Write({ outputAttr }, { 0, 0 });
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider));
Log::Comment(L"Test Background");
const auto rawBackgroundColor{ RGB(255, 0, 0) };
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_BackgroundColorAttributeId, &result));
const COLORREF realBackgroundColor{ _pUiaData->GetAttributeColors(attr).second & 0x00ffffff };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(realBackgroundColor, static_cast<COLORREF>(result.lVal));
Log::Comment(L"Test Font Weight");
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_FontWeightAttributeId, &result));
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_FontWeightAttributeId, &result));
Log::Comment(L"Test Foreground");
const auto rawForegroundColor{ RGB(255, 0, 0) };
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_ForegroundColorAttributeId, &result));
const auto realForegroundColor{ _pUiaData->GetAttributeColors(attr).first & 0x00ffffff };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(realForegroundColor, static_cast<COLORREF>(result.lVal));
Log::Comment(L"Test Italic");
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_IsItalicAttributeId, &result));
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_IsItalicAttributeId, &result));
Log::Comment(L"Test Strikethrough");
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_StrikethroughStyleAttributeId, &result));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextDecorationLineStyle_Single, result.lVal);
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_StrikethroughStyleAttributeId, &result));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextDecorationLineStyle_None, result.lVal);
Log::Comment(L"Test Underline");
// Single underline
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId, &result));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextDecorationLineStyle_Single, result.lVal);
// Double underline (double supercedes single)
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId, &result));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextDecorationLineStyle_Double, result.lVal);
// Double underline (double on its own)
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId, &result));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextDecorationLineStyle_Double, result.lVal);
// No underline
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId, &result));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextDecorationLineStyle_None, result.lVal);
Log::Comment(L"Test Font Name (special)");
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_FontNameAttributeId, &result));
const std::wstring actualFontName{ result.bstrVal };
const auto expectedFontName{ _pUiaData->GetFontInfo().GetFaceName() };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedFontName, actualFontName);
Log::Comment(L"Test Read Only (special)");
VARIANT result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId, &result));
// "Mixed" is when the desired attribute value is inconsistent across the range.
// We'll make our life easier by setting an attribute on a character,
// but getting the attribute for the entire line.
Log::Comment(L"Test Mixed");
VARIANT result;
// set first cell as underlined, but second cell as not underlined
_pTextBuffer->Write({ attr }, { 0, 0 });
_pTextBuffer->Write({ attr }, { 1, 0 });
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->GetAttributeValue(UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId, &result));
// Expected: mixed
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown> mixedVal;
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(mixedVal.Get(), result.punkVal);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
const COORD startPos{ 0, 0 };
const COORD endPos{ 0, 2 };
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, startPos, endPos));
Log::Comment(L"Test Font Name (special)");
// Populate query with font name currently in use.
const auto fontName{ _pUiaData->GetFontInfo().GetFaceName() };
VARIANT var{};
var.vt = VT_BSTR;
var.bstrVal = SysAllocString(fontName.data());
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->FindAttribute(UIA_FontNameAttributeId, var, false, result.GetAddressOf()));
// Expecting the same text range endpoints
BOOL isEqual;
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Compare(result.Get(), &isEqual));
// Now perform the same test, but searching backwards
Log::Comment(L"Test Font Name (special) - Backwards");
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> resultBackwards;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->FindAttribute(UIA_FontNameAttributeId, var, true, resultBackwards.GetAddressOf()));
// Expecting the same text range endpoints
THROW_IF_FAILED(result->Compare(resultBackwards.Get(), &isEqual));
Log::Comment(L"Test Read Only (special)");
VARIANT var{};
var.vt = VT_BOOL;
var.boolVal = false;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->FindAttribute(UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId, var, false, result.GetAddressOf()));
// Expecting the same text range endpoints
BOOL isEqual;
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Compare(result.Get(), &isEqual));
// Now perform the same test, but searching backwards
Log::Comment(L"Test Read Only (special) - Backwards");
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> resultBackwards;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->FindAttribute(UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId, var, true, resultBackwards.GetAddressOf()));
// Expecting the same text range endpoints
THROW_IF_FAILED(result->Compare(resultBackwards.Get(), &isEqual));
Log::Comment(L"Test IsItalic (standard attribute)");
// Since all of the other attributes operate very similarly,
// we're just going to pick one of them and test that.
// The "GetAttribute" tests provide code coverage for
// retrieving an attribute verification function.
// This test is intended to provide code coverage for
// finding a text range with the desired attribute.
// Set up the buffer's attributes.
TextAttribute italicAttr;
auto iter{ _pUiaData->GetTextBuffer().GetCellDataAt(startPos) };
for (auto i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
_pTextBuffer->Write({ L"X", italicAttr }, iter.Pos());
// set the expected end (exclusive)
const auto expectedEndPos{ iter.Pos() };
VARIANT var{};
var.vt = VT_BOOL;
var.boolVal = true;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> result;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->FindAttribute(UIA_IsItalicAttributeId, var, false, result.GetAddressOf()));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> resultUtr{ static_cast<UiaTextRange*>(result.Get()) };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(startPos, resultUtr->_start);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedEndPos, resultUtr->_end);
// Now perform the same test, but searching backwards
Log::Comment(L"Test IsItalic (standard attribute) - Backwards");
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> resultBackwards;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(utr->FindAttribute(UIA_IsItalicAttributeId, var, true, resultBackwards.GetAddressOf()));
// Expecting the same text range endpoints
BOOL isEqual;
THROW_IF_FAILED(result->Compare(resultBackwards.Get(), &isEqual));
// This test replicates GH#7960.
// It was caused by _blockRange being uninitialized, resulting in it occasionally being set to true.
// Additionally, all of the ctors _except_ the copy ctor initialized it. So this would be more apparent
// when calling Clone.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> clone1;
UiaTextRange* cloneUtr1 = static_cast<UiaTextRange*>(clone1.Get());
cloneUtr1->_blockRange = true;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITextRangeProvider> clone2;
UiaTextRange* cloneUtr2 = static_cast<UiaTextRange*>(clone2.Get());
// Helpful variables
const auto firstChar{ point_offset_by_char(origin, bufferSize, 1) };
const auto secondChar{ point_offset_by_char(origin, bufferSize, 2) };
const auto fifthChar{ point_offset_by_char(origin, bufferSize, 5) };
const auto sixthChar{ point_offset_by_char(origin, bufferSize, 6) };
const til::point documentEnd{ bufferSize.left(), (bufferSize.height() / 2) + 1 };
// Populate buffer
// Split the line into 5 segments alternating between "X" and whitespace
// _________________
// |_______________|
short i = 0;
auto iter{ _pTextBuffer->GetCellDataAt(origin) };
const auto segment{ bufferSize.width() / 5 };
while (iter.Pos() != documentEnd)
bool fill{ true };
if (i % segment == 0)
fill = !fill;
if (fill)
_pTextBuffer->Write({ L"X" }, iter.Pos());
// Define tests
struct TestInput
TextUnit unit;
int moveAmt;
til::point start;
til::point end;
struct TestOutput
int moveAmt;
til::point start;
til::point end;
struct MyTest
std::wstring name;
TestInput input;
TestOutput output;
const std::vector<MyTest> tests{
MyTest{ L"Degenerate at origin", TestInput{ TextUnit_Character, -5, origin, origin }, TestOutput{ 0, origin, origin } }
// Populate the buffer with...
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// - 10 segments of alternating text
// - up to half of the buffer (vertically)
// It'll look something like this
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
// +------------------------------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +------------------------------+
short i = 0;
auto iter{ _pTextBuffer->GetCellDataAt(bufferSize.origin()) };
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
const auto segment{ bufferSize.width() / 10 };
bool fill{ true };
while (iter.Pos() != docEnd)
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
if (iter.Pos().X == bufferSize.left())
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
fill = true;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
else if (i % segment == 0)
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
fill = !fill;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
_pTextBuffer->Write({ fill ? L"X" : L" " }, iter.Pos());
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"DataSource", L"Export:GeneratedMovementTestDataSource")
WEX::TestExecution::DisableVerifyExceptions disableVerifyExceptions{};
WEX::TestExecution::SetVerifyOutput verifyOutputScope{ WEX::TestExecution::VerifyOutputSettings::LogOnlyFailures };
unsigned int i{};
TestData::TryGetValue(L"index", i); // index is produced by the ArrayIndexTaefAdapterSource above
const auto& testCase{ s_movementTests[i] };
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"[%zu.0] Test case \"%.*s\"", i, testCase.name.size(), testCase.name.data()));
if (testCase.skip)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<UiaTextRange> utr;
int amountMoved;
THROW_IF_FAILED(Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<UiaTextRange>(&utr, _pUiaData, &_dummyProvider, testCase.input.start, testCase.input.end));
THROW_IF_FAILED(utr->Move(testCase.input.unit, testCase.input.moveAmount, &amountMoved));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(testCase.expected.moveAmount, amountMoved);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(testCase.expected.start, til::point{ utr->_start });
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(testCase.expected.end, til::point{ utr->_end });