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Introduce AtlasEngine - A new text rendering prototype (#11623) This commit introduces "AtlasEngine", a new text renderer based on DxEngine. But unlike it, DirectWrite and Direct2D are only used to rasterize glyphs. Blending and placing these glyphs into the target view is being done using Direct3D and a simple HLSL shader. Since this new renderer more aggressively assumes that the text is monospace, it simplifies the implementation: The viewport is divided into cells, and its data is stored as a simple matrix. Modifications to this matrix involve only simple pointer arithmetic and is easy to understand. But just like with DxEngine however, DirectWrite related code remains extremely complex and hard to understand. Supported features: * Basic text rendering with grayscale AA * Foreground and background colors * Emojis, including zero width joiners * Underline, dotted underline, strikethrough * Custom font axes and features * Selections * All cursor styles * Full alpha support for all colors * _Should_ work with Windows 7 Unsupported features: * A more conservative GPU memory usage The backing texture atlas for glyphs is grow-only and will not shrink. After 256MB of memory is used up (~20k glyphs) text output will be broken until the renderer is restarted. * ClearType * Remaining gridlines (left, right, top, bottom, double underline) * Hyperlinks don't get full underlines if hovered in WT * Softfonts * Non-default line renditions Performance: * Runs at up to native display refresh rate Unfortunately the frame rate often drops below refresh rate, due us fighting over the buffer lock with other parts of the application. * CPU consumption is up to halved compared to DxEngine AtlasEngine is still highly unoptimized. Glyph hashing consumes up to a third of the current CPU time. * No regressions in WT performance VT parsing and related buffer management takes up most of the CPU time (~85%), due to which the AtlasEngine can't show any further improvements. * ~2x improvement in raw text throughput in OpenConsole compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS * ≥10x improvement in colored VT output in WT/OpenConsole compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS
2021-11-13 01:10:06 +01:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include <d2d1.h>
#include <d3d11_1.h>
#include <dwrite_3.h>
#include "../../renderer/inc/IRenderEngine.hpp"
namespace Microsoft::Console::Render
class AtlasEngine final : public IRenderEngine
explicit AtlasEngine();
AtlasEngine(const AtlasEngine&) = delete;
AtlasEngine& operator=(const AtlasEngine&) = delete;
// IRenderEngine
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT StartPaint() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT EndPaint() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] bool RequiresContinuousRedraw() noexcept override;
void WaitUntilCanRender() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Present() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PrepareForTeardown(_Out_ bool* pForcePaint) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ScrollFrame() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Invalidate(const SMALL_RECT* psrRegion) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT InvalidateCursor(const SMALL_RECT* psrRegion) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT InvalidateSystem(const RECT* prcDirtyClient) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT InvalidateSelection(const std::vector<SMALL_RECT>& rectangles) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT InvalidateScroll(const COORD* pcoordDelta) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT InvalidateAll() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT InvalidateCircling(_Out_ bool* pForcePaint) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT InvalidateTitle(std::wstring_view proposedTitle) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PrepareRenderInfo(const RenderFrameInfo& info) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ResetLineTransform() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PrepareLineTransform(LineRendition lineRendition, size_t targetRow, size_t viewportLeft) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PaintBackground() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PaintBufferLine(gsl::span<const Cluster> clusters, COORD coord, bool fTrimLeft, bool lineWrapped) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PaintBufferGridLines(GridLineSet lines, COLORREF color, size_t cchLine, COORD coordTarget) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PaintSelection(SMALL_RECT rect) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PaintCursor(const CursorOptions& options) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT UpdateDrawingBrushes(const TextAttribute& textAttributes, gsl::not_null<IRenderData*> pData, bool usingSoftFont, bool isSettingDefaultBrushes) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT UpdateFont(const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired, _Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT UpdateSoftFont(gsl::span<const uint16_t> bitPattern, SIZE cellSize, size_t centeringHint) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT UpdateDpi(int iDpi) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT UpdateViewport(SMALL_RECT srNewViewport) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GetProposedFont(const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired, _Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo, int iDpi) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GetDirtyArea(gsl::span<const til::rectangle>& area) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GetFontSize(_Out_ COORD* pFontSize) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT IsGlyphWideByFont(std::wstring_view glyph, _Out_ bool* pResult) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT UpdateTitle(std::wstring_view newTitle) noexcept override;
// DxRenderer - getter
HRESULT Enable() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] bool GetRetroTerminalEffect() const noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] float GetScaling() const noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HANDLE GetSwapChainHandle() override;
[[nodiscard]] Types::Viewport GetViewportInCharacters(const Types::Viewport& viewInPixels) const noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] Types::Viewport GetViewportInPixels(const Types::Viewport& viewInCharacters) const noexcept override;
// DxRenderer - setter
void SetAntialiasingMode(D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasingMode) noexcept override;
void SetCallback(std::function<void()> pfn) noexcept override;
void SetDefaultTextBackgroundOpacity(float opacity) noexcept override;
void SetForceFullRepaintRendering(bool enable) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT SetHwnd(HWND hwnd) noexcept override;
void SetPixelShaderPath(std::wstring_view value) noexcept override;
void SetRetroTerminalEffect(bool enable) noexcept override;
void SetSelectionBackground(COLORREF color, float alpha = 0.5f) noexcept override;
void SetSoftwareRendering(bool enable) noexcept override;
void SetIntenseIsBold(bool enable) noexcept override;
void SetWarningCallback(std::function<void(HRESULT)> pfn) noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT SetWindowSize(SIZE pixels) noexcept override;
void ToggleShaderEffects() noexcept override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT UpdateFont(const FontInfoDesired& pfiFontInfoDesired, FontInfo& fiFontInfo, const std::unordered_map<std::wstring_view, uint32_t>& features, const std::unordered_map<std::wstring_view, float>& axes) noexcept override;
void UpdateHyperlinkHoveredId(uint16_t hoveredId) noexcept override;
// Some helper classes for the implementation.
// public because I don't want to sprinkle the code with friends.
#define ATLAS_POD_OPS(type) \
constexpr bool operator==(const type& rhs) const noexcept \
{ \
return __builtin_memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(rhs)) == 0; \
} \
constexpr bool operator!=(const type& rhs) const noexcept \
{ \
return __builtin_memcmp(this, &rhs, sizeof(rhs)) != 0; \
#define ATLAS_FLAG_OPS(type, underlying) \
friend constexpr type operator~(type v) noexcept { return static_cast<type>(~static_cast<underlying>(v)); } \
friend constexpr type operator|(type lhs, type rhs) noexcept { return static_cast<type>(static_cast<underlying>(lhs) | static_cast<underlying>(rhs)); } \
friend constexpr type operator&(type lhs, type rhs) noexcept { return static_cast<type>(static_cast<underlying>(lhs) & static_cast<underlying>(rhs)); } \
friend constexpr void operator|=(type& lhs, type rhs) noexcept { lhs = lhs | rhs; } \
friend constexpr void operator&=(type& lhs, type rhs) noexcept { lhs = lhs & rhs; }
template<typename T>
struct vec2
T x{};
T y{};
constexpr vec2 operator/(const vec2& rhs) noexcept
assert(rhs.x != 0 && rhs.y != 0);
return { gsl::narrow_cast<T>(x / rhs.x), gsl::narrow_cast<T>(y / rhs.y) };
template<typename T>
struct vec4
T x{};
T y{};
T z{};
T w{};
template<typename T>
struct rect
T left{};
T top{};
T right{};
T bottom{};
constexpr bool non_empty() noexcept
return (left < right) & (top < bottom);
using u8 = uint8_t;
using u16 = uint16_t;
using u16x2 = vec2<u16>;
using u16r = rect<u16>;
using i16 = int16_t;
using u32 = uint32_t;
using u32x2 = vec2<u32>;
using i32 = int32_t;
using f32 = float;
using f32x2 = vec2<f32>;
using f32x4 = vec4<f32>;
struct TextAnalyzerResult
u32 textPosition = 0;
u32 textLength = 0;
// These 2 fields represent DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS.
// Not using DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS drops the struct size from 20 down to 12 bytes.
u16 script = 0;
u8 shapes = 0;
u8 bidiLevel = 0;
template<typename T, size_t Alignment = alignof(T)>
struct Buffer
constexpr Buffer() noexcept = default;
explicit Buffer(size_t size) :
_data{ allocate(size) },
_size{ size }
Buffer(const T* data, size_t size) :
_data{ allocate(size) },
_size{ size }
memcpy(_data, data, size * sizeof(T));
Buffer(Buffer&& other) noexcept :
_data{ std::exchange(other._data, nullptr) },
_size{ std::exchange(other._size, 0) }
#pragma warning(suppress : 26432) // If you define or delete any default operation in the type '...', define or delete them all (c.21).
Buffer& operator=(Buffer&& other) noexcept
_data = std::exchange(other._data, nullptr);
_size = std::exchange(other._size, 0);
return *this;
explicit operator bool() const noexcept
return _data != nullptr;
T& operator[](size_t index) noexcept
assert(index < _size);
return _data[index];
const T& operator[](size_t index) const noexcept
assert(index < _size);
return _data[index];
T* data() noexcept
return _data;
const T* data() const noexcept
return _data;
size_t size() const noexcept
return _size;
// These two functions don't need to use scoped objects or standard allocators,
// since this class is in fact an scoped allocator object itself.
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 26402) // Return a scoped object instead of a heap-allocated if it has a move constructor (r.3).
#pragma warning(disable : 26409) // Avoid calling new and delete explicitly, use std::make_unique<T> instead (r.11).
static T* allocate(size_t size)
if constexpr (Alignment <= __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__)
return static_cast<T*>(::operator new(size * sizeof(T)));
return static_cast<T*>(::operator new(size * sizeof(T), static_cast<std::align_val_t>(Alignment)));
static void deallocate(T* data) noexcept
if constexpr (Alignment <= __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__)
::operator delete(data);
::operator delete(data, static_cast<std::align_val_t>(Alignment));
#pragma warning(pop)
T* _data = nullptr;
size_t _size = 0;
// This structure works similar to how std::string works:
// You can think of a std::string as a structure consisting of:
// char* data;
// size_t size;
// size_t capacity;
// where data is some backing memory allocated on the heap.
// But std::string employs an optimization called "small string optimization" (SSO).
// To simplify things it could be explained as:
// If the string capacity is small, then the characters are stored inside the "data"
// pointer and you make sure to set the lowest bit in the pointer one way or another.
// Heap allocations are always aligned by at least 4-8 bytes on any platform.
// If the address of the "data" pointer is not even you know data is stored inline.
template<typename T>
union SmallObjectOptimizer
T* allocated = nullptr;
T inlined;
constexpr SmallObjectOptimizer() = default;
SmallObjectOptimizer(const SmallObjectOptimizer& other)
const auto otherData = other.data();
const auto otherSize = other.size();
const auto data = initialize(otherSize);
memcpy(data, otherData, otherSize);
SmallObjectOptimizer& operator=(const SmallObjectOptimizer& other)
if (this != &other)
delete this;
new (this) SmallObjectOptimizer(other);
return &this;
SmallObjectOptimizer(SmallObjectOptimizer&& other) noexcept
memcpy(this, &other, std::max(sizeof(allocated), sizeof(inlined)));
other.allocated = nullptr;
SmallObjectOptimizer& operator=(SmallObjectOptimizer&& other) noexcept
return *new (this) SmallObjectOptimizer(other);
if (!is_inline())
#pragma warning(suppress : 26408) // Avoid malloc() and free(), prefer the nothrow version of new with delete (r.10).
T* initialize(size_t byteSize)
if (would_inline(byteSize))
return &inlined;
#pragma warning(suppress : 26408) // Avoid malloc() and free(), prefer the nothrow version of new with delete (r.10).
allocated = THROW_IF_NULL_ALLOC(static_cast<T*>(malloc(byteSize)));
return allocated;
constexpr bool would_inline(size_t byteSize) const noexcept
return byteSize <= sizeof(T);
bool is_inline() const noexcept
// VSO-1430353: __builtin_bitcast crashes the compiler under /permissive-.
#pragma warning(suppress : 26490) // Don't use reinterpret_cast (type.1).
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(allocated) & 1) != 0;
Introduce AtlasEngine - A new text rendering prototype (#11623) This commit introduces "AtlasEngine", a new text renderer based on DxEngine. But unlike it, DirectWrite and Direct2D are only used to rasterize glyphs. Blending and placing these glyphs into the target view is being done using Direct3D and a simple HLSL shader. Since this new renderer more aggressively assumes that the text is monospace, it simplifies the implementation: The viewport is divided into cells, and its data is stored as a simple matrix. Modifications to this matrix involve only simple pointer arithmetic and is easy to understand. But just like with DxEngine however, DirectWrite related code remains extremely complex and hard to understand. Supported features: * Basic text rendering with grayscale AA * Foreground and background colors * Emojis, including zero width joiners * Underline, dotted underline, strikethrough * Custom font axes and features * Selections * All cursor styles * Full alpha support for all colors * _Should_ work with Windows 7 Unsupported features: * A more conservative GPU memory usage The backing texture atlas for glyphs is grow-only and will not shrink. After 256MB of memory is used up (~20k glyphs) text output will be broken until the renderer is restarted. * ClearType * Remaining gridlines (left, right, top, bottom, double underline) * Hyperlinks don't get full underlines if hovered in WT * Softfonts * Non-default line renditions Performance: * Runs at up to native display refresh rate Unfortunately the frame rate often drops below refresh rate, due us fighting over the buffer lock with other parts of the application. * CPU consumption is up to halved compared to DxEngine AtlasEngine is still highly unoptimized. Glyph hashing consumes up to a third of the current CPU time. * No regressions in WT performance VT parsing and related buffer management takes up most of the CPU time (~85%), due to which the AtlasEngine can't show any further improvements. * ~2x improvement in raw text throughput in OpenConsole compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS * ≥10x improvement in colored VT output in WT/OpenConsole compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS
2021-11-13 01:10:06 +01:00
const T* data() const noexcept
return is_inline() ? &inlined : allocated;
size_t size() const noexcept
return is_inline() ? sizeof(inlined) : _msize(allocated);
struct FontMetrics
wil::unique_process_heap_string fontName;
float baselineInDIP = 0.0f;
float fontSizeInDIP = 0.0f;
u16x2 cellSize;
u16 fontWeight = 0;
u16 underlinePos = 0;
u16 strikethroughPos = 0;
u16 lineThickness = 0;
// These flags are shared with shader_ps.hlsl.
// If you change this be sure to copy it over to shader_ps.hlsl.
// clang-format off
enum class CellFlags : u32
None = 0x00000000,
Inlined = 0x00000001,
ColoredGlyph = 0x00000002,
ThinFont = 0x00000004,
Cursor = 0x00000008,
Selected = 0x00000010,
BorderLeft = 0x00000020,
BorderTop = 0x00000040,
BorderRight = 0x00000080,
BorderBottom = 0x00000100,
Underline = 0x00000200,
UnderlineDotted = 0x00000400,
UnderlineDouble = 0x00000800,
Strikethrough = 0x00001000,
// clang-format on
ATLAS_FLAG_OPS(CellFlags, u32)
// This structure is shared with the GPU shader and needs to follow certain alignment rules.
// You can generally assume that only u32 or types of that alignment are allowed.
struct Cell
alignas(u32) u16x2 tileIndex;
alignas(u32) CellFlags flags = CellFlags::None;
u32x2 color;
struct AtlasKeyAttributes
u16 inlined : 1;
u16 bold : 1;
u16 italic : 1;
u16 cellCount : 13;
struct AtlasKeyData
AtlasKeyAttributes attributes;
u16 charCount;
wchar_t chars[14];
struct AtlasKey
AtlasKey(AtlasKeyAttributes attributes, u16 charCount, const wchar_t* chars)
const auto size = dataSize(charCount);
const auto data = _data.initialize(size);
attributes.inlined = _data.would_inline(size);
data->attributes = attributes;
data->charCount = charCount;
memcpy(&data->chars[0], chars, static_cast<size_t>(charCount) * sizeof(AtlasKeyData::chars[0]));
const AtlasKeyData* data() const noexcept
return _data.data();
size_t hash() const noexcept
const auto d = data();
#pragma warning(suppress : 26490) // Don't use reinterpret_cast (type.1).
return std::_Fnv1a_append_bytes(std::_FNV_offset_basis, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(d), dataSize(d->charCount));
bool operator==(const AtlasKey& rhs) const noexcept
const auto a = data();
const auto b = rhs.data();
return a->charCount == b->charCount && memcmp(a, b, dataSize(a->charCount)) == 0;
SmallObjectOptimizer<AtlasKeyData> _data;
static constexpr size_t dataSize(u16 charCount) noexcept
// This returns the actual byte size of a AtlasKeyData struct for the given charCount.
// The `wchar_t chars[2]` is only a buffer for the inlined variant after
// all and the actual charCount can be smaller or larger. Due to this we
// remove the size of the `chars` array and add it's true length on top.
return sizeof(AtlasKeyData) - sizeof(AtlasKeyData::chars) + static_cast<size_t>(charCount) * sizeof(AtlasKeyData::chars[0]);
struct AtlasKeyHasher
size_t operator()(const AtlasKey& key) const noexcept
return key.hash();
struct AtlasValueData
CellFlags flags = CellFlags::None;
u16x2 coords[7];
struct AtlasValue
constexpr AtlasValue() = default;
u16x2* initialize(CellFlags flags, u16 cellCount)
const auto size = dataSize(cellCount);
const auto data = _data.initialize(size);
WI_SetFlagIf(flags, CellFlags::Inlined, _data.would_inline(size));
data->flags = flags;
return &data->coords[0];
const AtlasValueData* data() const noexcept
return _data.data();
SmallObjectOptimizer<AtlasValueData> _data;
static constexpr size_t dataSize(u16 coordCount) noexcept
return sizeof(AtlasValueData) - sizeof(AtlasValueData::coords) + static_cast<size_t>(coordCount) * sizeof(AtlasValueData::coords[0]);
struct AtlasQueueItem
const AtlasKey* key;
const AtlasValue* value;
float scale;
struct CachedCursorOptions
u32 cursorColor = INVALID_COLOR;
u16 cursorType = gsl::narrow_cast<u16>(CursorType::Legacy);
u8 heightPercentage = 20;
struct BufferLineMetadata
u32x2 colors;
CellFlags flags = CellFlags::None;
// NOTE: D3D constant buffers sizes must be a multiple of 16 bytes.
struct alignas(16) ConstBuffer
// WARNING: Modify this carefully after understanding how HLSL struct packing works.
// The gist is:
// * Minimum alignment is 4 bytes (like `#pragma pack 4`)
// * Members cannot straddle 16 byte boundaries
// This means a structure like {u32; u32; u32; u32x2} would require
// padding so that it is {u32; u32; u32; <4 byte padding>; u32x2}.
alignas(sizeof(f32x4)) f32x4 viewport;
alignas(sizeof(f32x4)) f32x4 gammaRatios;
alignas(sizeof(f32)) f32 grayscaleEnhancedContrast = 0;
alignas(sizeof(u32)) u32 cellCountX = 0;
alignas(sizeof(u32x2)) u32x2 cellSize;
alignas(sizeof(u32x2)) u32x2 underlinePos;
alignas(sizeof(u32x2)) u32x2 strikethroughPos;
alignas(sizeof(u32)) u32 backgroundColor = 0;
alignas(sizeof(u32)) u32 cursorColor = 0;
alignas(sizeof(u32)) u32 selectionColor = 0;
#pragma warning(suppress : 4324) // 'ConstBuffer': structure was padded due to alignment specifier
// Handled in BeginPaint()
enum class ApiInvalidations : u8
None = 0,
Title = 1 << 0,
Device = 1 << 1,
SwapChain = 1 << 2,
Size = 1 << 3,
Font = 1 << 4,
Settings = 1 << 5,
ATLAS_FLAG_OPS(ApiInvalidations, u8)
// Handled in Present()
enum class RenderInvalidations : u8
None = 0,
Cursor = 1 << 0,
ConstBuffer = 1 << 1,
ATLAS_FLAG_OPS(RenderInvalidations, u8)
// MSVC STL (version 22000) implements std::clamp<T>(T, T, T) in terms of the generic
// std::clamp<T, Predicate>(T, T, T, Predicate) with std::less{} as the argument,
// which introduces branching. While not perfect, this is still better than std::clamp.
template<typename T>
static constexpr T clamp(T val, T min, T max)
return std::max(min, std::min(max, val));
// AtlasEngine.cpp
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _handleException(const wil::ResultException& exception) noexcept;
__declspec(noinline) void _createResources();
void _releaseSwapChain();
__declspec(noinline) void _createSwapChain();
__declspec(noinline) void _recreateSizeDependentResources();
__declspec(noinline) void _recreateFontDependentResources();
IDWriteTextFormat* _getTextFormat(bool bold, bool italic) const noexcept;
const Buffer<DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE>& _getTextFormatAxis(bool bold, bool italic) const noexcept;
Cell* _getCell(u16 x, u16 y) noexcept;
void _setCellFlags(SMALL_RECT coords, CellFlags mask, CellFlags bits) noexcept;
u16x2 _allocateAtlasTile() noexcept;
void _flushBufferLine();
void _emplaceGlyph(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace, float scale, size_t bufferPos1, size_t bufferPos2);
// AtlasEngine.api.cpp
void _resolveFontMetrics(const FontInfoDesired& fontInfoDesired, FontInfo& fontInfo, FontMetrics* fontMetrics = nullptr) const;
// AtlasEngine.r.cpp
void _setShaderResources() const;
static f32x4 _getGammaRatios(float gamma) noexcept;
void _updateConstantBuffer() const noexcept;
void _adjustAtlasSize();
void _reserveScratchpadSize(u16 minWidth);
void _processGlyphQueue();
void _drawGlyph(const AtlasQueueItem& item) const;
void _drawCursor();
void _copyScratchpadTile(uint32_t scratchpadIndex, u16x2 target, uint32_t copyFlags = 0) const noexcept;
static constexpr bool debugGlyphGenerationPerformance = false;
static constexpr bool debugGeneralPerformance = false || debugGlyphGenerationPerformance;
static constexpr bool continuousRedraw = false || debugGeneralPerformance;
static constexpr u16 u16min = 0x0000;
static constexpr u16 u16max = 0xffff;
static constexpr i16 i16min = -0x8000;
static constexpr i16 i16max = 0x7fff;
static constexpr u16r invalidatedAreaNone = { u16max, u16max, u16min, u16min };
static constexpr u16x2 invalidatedRowsNone{ u16max, u16min };
static constexpr u16x2 invalidatedRowsAll{ u16min, u16max };
struct StaticResources
wil::com_ptr<ID2D1Factory> d2dFactory;
wil::com_ptr<IDWriteFactory1> dwriteFactory;
wil::com_ptr<IDWriteFontFallback> systemFontFallback;
wil::com_ptr<IDWriteTextAnalyzer1> textAnalyzer;
bool isWindows10OrGreater = true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
wil::unique_folder_change_reader_nothrow sourceCodeWatcher;
std::atomic<int64_t> sourceCodeInvalidationTime{ INT64_MAX };
} _sr;
struct Resources
// D3D resources
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11Device> device;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11DeviceContext1> deviceContext;
wil::com_ptr<IDXGISwapChain1> swapChain;
wil::unique_handle frameLatencyWaitableObject;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11RenderTargetView> renderTargetView;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11VertexShader> vertexShader;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11PixelShader> pixelShader;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11Buffer> constantBuffer;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11Buffer> cellBuffer;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> cellView;
// D2D resources
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11Texture2D> atlasBuffer;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> atlasView;
wil::com_ptr<ID3D11Texture2D> atlasScratchpad;
wil::com_ptr<ID2D1RenderTarget> d2dRenderTarget;
wil::com_ptr<ID2D1Brush> brush;
wil::com_ptr<IDWriteTextFormat> textFormats[2][2];
Buffer<DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE> textFormatAxes[2][2];
wil::com_ptr<IDWriteTypography> typography;
Buffer<Cell, 32> cells; // invalidated by ApiInvalidations::Size
f32x2 cellSizeDIP; // invalidated by ApiInvalidations::Font, caches _api.cellSize but in DIP
u16x2 cellSize; // invalidated by ApiInvalidations::Font, caches _api.cellSize
u16x2 cellCount; // invalidated by ApiInvalidations::Font|Size, caches _api.cellCount
u16 underlinePos = 0;
u16 strikethroughPos = 0;
u16 lineThickness = 0;
u16 dpi = USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI; // invalidated by ApiInvalidations::Font, caches _api.dpi
u16 maxEncounteredCellCount = 0;
u16 scratchpadCellWidth = 0;
u16x2 atlasSizeInPixelLimit; // invalidated by ApiInvalidations::Font
u16x2 atlasSizeInPixel; // invalidated by ApiInvalidations::Font
u16x2 atlasPosition;
std::unordered_map<AtlasKey, AtlasValue, AtlasKeyHasher> glyphs;
std::vector<AtlasQueueItem> glyphQueue;
f32 gamma = 0;
f32 grayscaleEnhancedContrast = 0;
u32 backgroundColor = 0xff000000;
u32 selectionColor = 0x7fffffff;
CachedCursorOptions cursorOptions;
RenderInvalidations invalidations = RenderInvalidations::None;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// See documentation for IDXGISwapChain2::GetFrameLatencyWaitableObject method:
// > For every frame it renders, the app should wait on this handle before starting any rendering operations.
// > Note that this requirement includes the first frame the app renders with the swap chain.
bool frameLatencyWaitableObjectUsed = false;
} _r;
struct ApiState
// This structure is loosely sorted in chunks from "very often accessed together"
// to seldom accessed and/or usually not together.
std::vector<wchar_t> bufferLine;
std::vector<u16> bufferLineColumn;
Buffer<BufferLineMetadata> bufferLineMetadata;
std::vector<TextAnalyzerResult> analysisResults;
Buffer<u16> clusterMap;
Buffer<u16> glyphIndices;
std::vector<DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE> fontFeatures; // changes are flagged as ApiInvalidations::Font|Size
std::vector<DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE> fontAxisValues; // changes are flagged as ApiInvalidations::Font|Size
FontMetrics fontMetrics; // changes are flagged as ApiInvalidations::Font|Size
u16x2 cellCount; // caches `sizeInPixel / cellSize`
u16x2 sizeInPixel; // changes are flagged as ApiInvalidations::Size
// UpdateDrawingBrushes()
u32 backgroundOpaqueMixin = 0xff000000; // changes are flagged as ApiInvalidations::Device
u32x2 currentColor;
AtlasKeyAttributes attributes{};
u16 currentRow = 0;
CellFlags flags = CellFlags::None;
// SetSelectionBackground()
u32 selectionColor = 0x7fffffff;
// dirtyRect is a computed value based on invalidatedRows.
til::rectangle dirtyRect;
// These "invalidation" fields are reset in EndPaint()
u16r invalidatedCursorArea = invalidatedAreaNone;
u16x2 invalidatedRows = invalidatedRowsNone; // x is treated as "top" and y as "bottom"
i16 scrollOffset = 0;
std::function<void(HRESULT)> warningCallback;
std::function<void()> swapChainChangedCallback;
wil::unique_handle swapChainHandle;
HWND hwnd = nullptr;
u16 dpi = USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI; // changes are flagged as ApiInvalidations::Font|Size
u16 antialiasingMode = D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_CLEARTYPE; // changes are flagged as ApiInvalidations::Font
ApiInvalidations invalidations = ApiInvalidations::Device;
} _api;