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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- CascadiaSettings.hpp
- This class acts as the container for all app settings. It's composed of two
parts: Globals, which are app-wide settings, and Profiles, which contain
a set of settings that apply to a single instance of the terminal.
Also contains the logic for serializing and deserializing this object.
- Mike Griese - March 2019
#pragma once
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.h>
#include "GlobalAppSettings.h"
#include "Profile.h"
static constexpr GUID AzureConnectionType = { 0xd9fcfdfa, 0xa479, 0x412c, { 0x83, 0xb7, 0xc5, 0x64, 0xe, 0x61, 0xcd, 0x62 } };
namespace TerminalApp
class CascadiaSettings;
class TerminalApp::CascadiaSettings final
static std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> LoadAll(const bool saveOnLoad = true);
void SaveAll() const;
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::TerminalSettings MakeSettings(std::optional<GUID> profileGuid) const;
GlobalAppSettings& GlobalSettings();
std::basic_string_view<Profile> GetProfiles() const noexcept;
winrt::TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings GetKeybindings() const noexcept;
Json::Value ToJson() const;
static std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> FromJson(const Json::Value& json);
static std::wstring GetSettingsPath(const bool useRoamingPath = false);
const Profile* FindProfile(GUID profileGuid) const noexcept;
void CreateDefaults();
GlobalAppSettings _globals;
std::vector<Profile> _profiles;
void _CreateDefaultKeybindings();
void _CreateDefaultSchemes();
void _CreateDefaultProfiles();
static bool _IsPackaged();
static void _WriteSettings(const std::string_view content);
static std::optional<std::string> _ReadSettings();
static bool _isPowerShellCoreInstalledInPath(const std::wstring_view programFileEnv, std::filesystem::path& cmdline);
static bool _isPowerShellCoreInstalled(std::filesystem::path& cmdline);
static void _AppendWslProfiles(std::vector<TerminalApp::Profile>& profileStorage);
static Profile _CreateDefaultProfile(const std::wstring_view name);