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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "tracing.hpp"
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
#include "../types/UiaTextRange.hpp"
#include "../types/ScreenInfoUiaProvider.h"
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
#include "../types/WindowUiaProviderBase.hpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::Win32;
enum TraceKeywords
//Font = 0x001, // _DBGFONTS
//Font2 = 0x002, // _DBGFONTS2
Chars = 0x004, // _DBGCHARS
Output = 0x008, // _DBGOUTPUT
General = 0x100,
Input = 0x200,
API = 0x400,
UIA = 0x800,
All = 0xFFF
// Routine Description:
// - Creates a tracing object to assist with automatically firing a stop event
// when this object goes out of scope.
// - Give it back to the caller and they will release it when the event period is over.
// Arguments:
// - onExit - Function to process when the object is destroyed (on exit)
Tracing::Tracing(std::function<void()> onExit) :
// Routine Description:
// - Destructs a tracing object, running any on exit routine, if necessary.
if (_onExit)
// Routine Description:
// - Provides generic tracing for all API call types in the form of
// start/stop period events for timing and region-of-interest purposes
// while doing performance analysis.
// Arguments:
// - result - Reference to the area where the result code from the Api call
// will be stored for use in the stop event.
// - traceName - The name of the API call to list in the trace details
// Return Value:
// - An object for the caller to hold until the API call is complete.
// Then destroy it to signal that the call is over so the stop trace can be written.
Tracing Tracing::s_TraceApiCall(const NTSTATUS& result, PCSTR traceName)
// clang-format off
TraceLoggingString(traceName, "ApiName"),
return Tracing([traceName, &result] {
TraceLoggingString(traceName, "ApiName"),
TraceLoggingHResult(result, "Result"),
// clang-format on
ULONG Tracing::s_ulDebugFlag = 0x0;
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(const NTSTATUS status, const CONSOLE_GETLARGESTWINDOWSIZE_MSG* const a)
TraceLoggingHexInt32(status, "ResultCode"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Size.X, "MaxWindowWidthInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Size.Y, "MaxWindowHeightInChars"),
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(const NTSTATUS status, const CONSOLE_SCREENBUFFERINFO_MSG* const a, const bool fSet)
// Duplicate copies required by TraceLogging documentation ("don't get cute" examples)
// Using logic inside these macros can make problems. Do all logic outside macros.
if (fSet)
TraceLoggingHexInt32(status, "ResultCode"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Size.X, "BufferWidthInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Size.Y, "BufferHeightInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->CurrentWindowSize.X, "WindowWidthInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->CurrentWindowSize.Y, "WindowHeightInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->MaximumWindowSize.X, "MaxWindowWidthInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->MaximumWindowSize.Y, "MaxWindowHeightInChars"),
TraceLoggingHexInt32(status, "ResultCode"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Size.X, "BufferWidthInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Size.Y, "BufferHeightInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->CurrentWindowSize.X, "WindowWidthInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->CurrentWindowSize.Y, "WindowHeightInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->MaximumWindowSize.X, "MaxWindowWidthInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->MaximumWindowSize.Y, "MaxWindowHeightInChars"),
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(const NTSTATUS status, const CONSOLE_SETSCREENBUFFERSIZE_MSG* const a)
TraceLoggingHexInt32(status, "ResultCode"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Size.X, "BufferWidthInChars"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Size.Y, "BufferHeightInChars"),
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(const NTSTATUS status, const CONSOLE_SETWINDOWINFO_MSG* const a)
TraceLoggingHexInt32(status, "ResultCode"),
TraceLoggingBool(a->Absolute, "IsWindowRectAbsolute"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Window.Left, "WindowRectLeft"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Window.Right, "WindowRectRight"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Window.Top, "WindowRectTop"),
TraceLoggingInt32(a->Window.Bottom, "WindowRectBottom"),
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(_In_ const void* const buffer, const CONSOLE_WRITECONSOLE_MSG* const a)
// clang-format off
if (a->Unicode)
const wchar_t* const buf = static_cast<const wchar_t* const>(buffer);
TraceLoggingBoolean(a->Unicode, "Unicode"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(a->NumBytes, "NumBytes"),
TraceLoggingCountedWideString(buf, static_cast<UINT16>(a->NumBytes / sizeof(wchar_t)), "input buffer"),
const char* const buf = static_cast<const char* const>(buffer);
TraceLoggingBoolean(a->Unicode, "Unicode"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(a->NumBytes, "NumBytes"),
TraceLoggingCountedString(buf, static_cast<UINT16>(a->NumBytes / sizeof(char)), "input buffer"),
// clang-format on
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(const CONSOLE_SCREENBUFFERINFO_MSG* const a)
TraceLoggingInt16(a->Size.X, "Size.X"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->Size.Y, "Size.Y"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->CursorPosition.X, "CursorPosition.X"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->CursorPosition.Y, "CursorPosition.Y"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->ScrollPosition.X, "ScrollPosition.X"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->ScrollPosition.Y, "ScrollPosition.Y"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt16(a->Attributes, "Attributes"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->CurrentWindowSize.X, "CurrentWindowSize.X"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->CurrentWindowSize.Y, "CurrentWindowSize.Y"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->MaximumWindowSize.X, "MaximumWindowSize.X"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->MaximumWindowSize.Y, "MaximumWindowSize.Y"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt16(a->PopupAttributes, "PopupAttributes"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(a->FullscreenSupported, "FullscreenSupported"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt32FixedArray((UINT32 const*)a->ColorTable, _countof(a->ColorTable), "ColorTable"),
static_assert(sizeof(UINT32) == sizeof(*a->ColorTable), "a->ColorTable");
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(const CONSOLE_MODE_MSG* const a, const std::wstring& handleType)
TraceLoggingHexUInt32(a->Mode, "Mode"),
TraceLoggingWideString(handleType.c_str(), "Handle type"),
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(const CONSOLE_SETTEXTATTRIBUTE_MSG* const a)
TraceLoggingHexUInt16(a->Attributes, "Attributes"),
void Tracing::s_TraceApi(const CONSOLE_WRITECONSOLEOUTPUTSTRING_MSG* const a)
TraceLoggingInt16(a->WriteCoord.X, "WriteCoord.X"),
TraceLoggingInt16(a->WriteCoord.Y, "WriteCoord.Y"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt32(a->StringType, "StringType"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(a->NumRecords, "NumRecords"),
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
void Tracing::s_TraceWindowViewport(const Viewport& viewport)
TraceLoggingInt32(viewport.Height(), "ViewHeight"),
TraceLoggingInt32(viewport.Width(), "ViewWidth"),
TraceLoggingInt32(viewport.Top(), "OriginTop"),
TraceLoggingInt32(viewport.Left(), "OriginLeft"),
void Tracing::s_TraceChars(_In_z_ const char* pszMessage, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, pszMessage);
char szBuffer[256] = "";
vsprintf_s(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), pszMessage, args);
if (s_ulDebugFlag & TraceKeywords::Chars)
void Tracing::s_TraceOutput(_In_z_ const char* pszMessage, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, pszMessage);
char szBuffer[256] = "";
vsprintf_s(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), pszMessage, args);
if (s_ulDebugFlag & TraceKeywords::Output)
void Tracing::s_TraceWindowMessage(const MSG& msg)
"Window Message",
TraceLoggingHexUInt32(msg.message, "message"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt64(msg.wParam, "wParam"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt64(msg.lParam, "lParam"),
void Tracing::s_TraceInputRecord(const INPUT_RECORD& inputRecord)
switch (inputRecord.EventType)
"Key Event Input Record",
TraceLoggingBool(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown, "bKeyDown"),
TraceLoggingUInt16(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount, "wRepeatCount"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt16(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode, "wVirtualKeyCode"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt16(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode, "wVirtualScanCode"),
TraceLoggingWChar(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar, "UnicodeChar"),
TraceLoggingWChar(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar, "AsciiChar"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt16(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar, "Hex UnicodeChar"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt8(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar, "Hex AsciiChar"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt32(inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState, "dwControlKeyState"),
"Mouse Event Input Record",
TraceLoggingInt16(inputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.X, "dwMousePosition.X"),
TraceLoggingInt16(inputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y, "dwMousePosition.Y"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt32(inputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState, "dwButtonState"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt32(inputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwControlKeyState, "dwControlKeyState"),
TraceLoggingHexUInt32(inputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags, "dwEventFlags"),
"Window Buffer Size Event Input Record",
TraceLoggingInt16(inputRecord.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.X, "dwSize.X"),
TraceLoggingInt16(inputRecord.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.Y, "dwSize.Y"),
"Menu Event Input Record",
TraceLoggingHexUInt64(inputRecord.Event.MenuEvent.dwCommandId, "dwCommandId"),
"Focus Event Input Record",
TraceLoggingBool(inputRecord.Event.FocusEvent.bSetFocus, "bSetFocus"),
"Unknown Input Record",
TraceLoggingHexUInt16(inputRecord.EventType, "EventType"),
void __stdcall Tracing::TraceFailure(const wil::FailureInfo& failure) noexcept
TraceLoggingHexUInt32(failure.hr, "HResult"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.pszFile, "File"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(failure.uLineNumber, "LineNumber"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.pszFunction, "Function"),
TraceLoggingWideString(failure.pszMessage, "Message"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.pszCallContext, "CallingContext"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.pszModule, "Module"),
TraceLoggingPointer(failure.returnAddress, "Site"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.pszCode, "Code"),
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
// TODO GitHub #1914: Re-attach Tracing to UIA Tree
#if 0
void Tracing::s_TraceUia(const UiaTextRange* const range,
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall apiCall,
const UiaTextRangeTracing::IApiMsg* const apiMsg)
unsigned long long id = 0u;
bool degenerate = true;
Endpoint start = 0u;
Endpoint end = 0u;
if (range)
id = range->GetId();
degenerate = range->IsDegenerate();
start = range->GetStart();
end = range->GetEnd();
switch (apiCall)
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::Constructor:
id = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgConstructor* const>(apiMsg)->Id;
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::AddRef:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::Release:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::QueryInterface:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::Clone:
if (apiMsg == nullptr)
auto cloneId = reinterpret_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgClone* const>(apiMsg)->CloneId;
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(cloneId, "clone's _id"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::Compare:
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgCompare* const msg = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgCompare* const>(apiMsg);
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OtherId, "Other's Id"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->Equal, "Equal"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::CompareEndpoints:
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgCompareEndpoints* const msg = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgCompareEndpoints* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const pEndpoint = _textPatternRangeEndpointToString(msg->Endpoint);
const wchar_t* const pTargetEndpoint = _textPatternRangeEndpointToString(msg->TargetEndpoint);
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OtherId, "Other's Id"),
TraceLoggingValue(pEndpoint, "endpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(pTargetEndpoint, "targetEndpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->Result, "Result"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::ExpandToEnclosingUnit:
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgExpandToEnclosingUnit* const msg = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgExpandToEnclosingUnit* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const pUnitName = _textUnitToString(msg->Unit);
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(pUnitName, "Unit"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OriginalStart, "Original Start"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OriginalEnd, "Original End"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::FindAttribute:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::FindText:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::GetAttributeValue:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::GetBoundingRectangles:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::GetEnclosingElement:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::GetText:
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgGetText* const msg = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgGetText* const>(apiMsg);
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->Text, "Text"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::Move:
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgMove* const msg = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgMove* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const unitStr = _textUnitToString(msg->Unit);
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OriginalStart, "Original Start"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OriginalEnd, "Original End"),
TraceLoggingValue(unitStr, "unit"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->RequestedCount, "Requested Count"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->MovedCount, "Moved Count"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::MoveEndpointByUnit:
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgMoveEndpointByUnit* const msg = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgMoveEndpointByUnit* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const pEndpoint = _textPatternRangeEndpointToString(msg->Endpoint);
const wchar_t* const unitStr = _textUnitToString(msg->Unit);
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OriginalStart, "Original Start"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OriginalEnd, "Original End"),
TraceLoggingValue(pEndpoint, "endpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(unitStr, "unit"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->RequestedCount, "Requested Count"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->MovedCount, "Moved Count"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::MoveEndpointByRange:
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgMoveEndpointByRange* const msg = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgMoveEndpointByRange* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const pEndpoint = _textPatternRangeEndpointToString(msg->Endpoint);
const wchar_t* const pTargetEndpoint = _textPatternRangeEndpointToString(msg->TargetEndpoint);
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OriginalStart, "Original Start"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OriginalEnd, "Original End"),
TraceLoggingValue(pEndpoint, "endpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(pTargetEndpoint, "targetEndpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->OtherId, "Other's _id"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::Select:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::AddToSelection:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::RemoveFromSelection:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::ScrollIntoView:
const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgScrollIntoView* const msg = static_cast<const UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiMsgScrollIntoView* const>(apiMsg);
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
TraceLoggingValue(msg->AlignToTop, "alignToTop"),
case UiaTextRangeTracing::ApiCall::GetChildren:
TraceLoggingValue(id, "_id"),
TraceLoggingValue(start, "_start"),
TraceLoggingValue(end, "_end"),
TraceLoggingValue(degenerate, "_degenerate"),
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
void Tracing::s_TraceUia(const Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::Win32::ScreenInfoUiaProvider* const /*pProvider*/,
const ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall apiCall,
const ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::IApiMsg* const apiMsg)
switch (apiCall)
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::Constructor:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::Signal:
const ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiMsgSignal* const msg = static_cast<const ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiMsgSignal* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const signalName = _eventIdToString(msg->Signal);
TraceLoggingValue(signalName, "Event Name"),
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::AddRef:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::Release:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::QueryInterface:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetProviderOptions:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetPatternProvider:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetPropertyValue:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetHostRawElementProvider:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::Navigate:
const ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiMsgNavigate* const msg = static_cast<const ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiMsgNavigate* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const direction = _directionToString(msg->Direction);
TraceLoggingValue(direction, "direction"),
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetRuntimeId:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetBoundingRectangle:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetEmbeddedFragmentRoots:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::SetFocus:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetFragmentRoot:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetSelection:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetVisibleRanges:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::RangeFromChild:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::RangeFromPoint:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetDocumentRange:
case ScreenInfoUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetSupportedTextSelection:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
void Tracing::s_TraceUia(const Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProvider* const /*pProvider*/,
const Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall apiCall,
const Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::IApiMsg* const apiMsg)
switch (apiCall)
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::Create:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::Signal:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiMessageSignal* const msg = static_cast<const Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiMessageSignal* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const eventName = _eventIdToString(msg->Signal);
TraceLoggingValue(msg->Signal, "Signal"),
TraceLoggingValue(eventName, "Signal Name"),
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::AddRef:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::Release:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::QueryInterface:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetProviderOptions:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetPatternProvider:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetPropertyValue:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetHostRawElementProvider:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::Navigate:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiMsgNavigate* const msg = static_cast<const Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiMsgNavigate* const>(apiMsg);
const wchar_t* const direction = _directionToString(msg->Direction);
TraceLoggingValue(direction, "direction"),
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetRuntimeId:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetBoundingRectangle:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetEmbeddedFragmentRoots:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::SetFocus:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetFragmentRoot:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::ElementProviderFromPoint:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
case Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderTracing::ApiCall::GetFocus:
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const wchar_t* const Tracing::_textPatternRangeEndpointToString(int endpoint)
switch (endpoint)
case TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start:
return L"Start";
case TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End:
return L"End";
return L"Unknown";
const wchar_t* const Tracing::_textUnitToString(int unit)
switch (unit)
case TextUnit::TextUnit_Character:
return L"TextUnit_Character";
case TextUnit::TextUnit_Format:
return L"TextUnit_Format";
case TextUnit::TextUnit_Word:
return L"TextUnit_Word";
case TextUnit::TextUnit_Line:
return L"TextUnit_Line";
case TextUnit::TextUnit_Paragraph:
return L"TextUnit_Paragraph";
case TextUnit::TextUnit_Page:
return L"TextUnit_Page";
case TextUnit::TextUnit_Document:
return L"TextUnit_Document";
return L"Unknown";
const wchar_t* const Tracing::_eventIdToString(long eventId)
switch (eventId)
case UIA_AutomationFocusChangedEventId:
return L"UIA_AutomationFocusChangedEventId";
case UIA_Text_TextChangedEventId:
return L"UIA_Text_TextChangedEventId";
case UIA_Text_TextSelectionChangedEventId:
return L"UIA_Text_TextSelectionChangedEventId";
return L"Unknown";
const wchar_t* const Tracing::_directionToString(int direction)
switch (direction)
case NavigateDirection::NavigateDirection_FirstChild:
return L"NavigateDirection_FirstChild";
case NavigateDirection::NavigateDirection_LastChild:
return L"NavigateDirection_LastChild";
case NavigateDirection::NavigateDirection_NextSibling:
return L"NavigateDirection_NextSibling";
case NavigateDirection::NavigateDirection_Parent:
return L"NavigateDirection_Parent";
case NavigateDirection::NavigateDirection_PreviousSibling:
return L"NavigateDirection_PreviousSibling";
return L"Unknown";