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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- readDataCooked.hpp
- This file defines the read data structure for reading the command line.
- Cooked reads specifically refer to when the console host acts as a command line on behalf
of another console application (e.g. aliases, command history, completion, line manipulation, etc.)
- The data struct will help store context across multiple calls or in the case of a wait condition.
- Wait conditions happen frequently for cooked reads because they're virtually always waiting for
the user to finish "manipulating" the edit line before hitting enter and submitting the final
result to the client application.
- A cooked read is also limited specifically to string/textual information. Only keyboard-type input applies.
- This can be triggered via ReadConsole A/W and ReadFile A/W calls.
- Austin Diviness (AustDi) 1-Mar-2017
- Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 1-Mar-2017
Revision History:
- Pulled from original authoring by Therese Stowell (ThereseS, 1990)
- Separated from cmdline.h/cmdline.cpp (AustDi, 2017)
#pragma once
#include "readData.hpp"
#include "history.h"
class COOKED_READ_DATA final : public ReadData
COOKED_READ_DATA(_In_ InputBuffer* const pInputBuffer,
_In_ INPUT_READ_HANDLE_DATA* const pInputReadHandleData,
_In_ size_t UserBufferSize,
_In_ PWCHAR UserBuffer,
_In_ ULONG CtrlWakeupMask,
_In_ CommandHistory* CommandHistory,
const std::wstring_view exeName,
const std::string_view initialData);
~COOKED_READ_DATA() override;
bool AtEol() const noexcept;
Merged PR 6034984: Fix a crash caused by improper buffer management w/ multiple clients Until there's a "Wait", there's usually only one API message inflight at a time. In our quest for performance, we put that single API message in charge of its own buffer management: instead of allocating buffers on the heap and deleting them later (storing pointers to them at the far corners of the earth), it would instead allocate them from small internal pools (if possible) and only heap allocate (transparently) if necessary. The pointers flung to the corners of the earth would be pointers (1) back into the API_MSG or (2) to a heap block owned by boost::small_vector. It took us months to realize that those bare pointers were being held by COOKED_READ and RAW_READ and not actually being updated when the API message was _copied_ as it was shuffled off to the background to become a "Wait" message. It turns out that it's trivially possible to crash the console by sending two API calls--one that waits and one that completes immediately--when the waiting message or the "wait completer" has a bunch of dangling pointers in it. It further turns out that some accessibility software (like JAWS) attaches directly to the console session, much like winpty and ConEmu and friends. They're trying to read out the buffer (API call!) and sometimes there's a shell waiting for input (API call!). Oops. In this commit, we fix up the message's internal pointers (in lieu of giving it a proper copy constructor; see GH-10076) and then tell the wait completion routine (which is going to be a COOKED_READ, RAW_READ, DirectRead or WriteData) about the new buffer location. This is a scoped fix that should be replaced (TODO GH-10076) with a final one after Ask mode. Retrieved from https://microsoft.visualstudio.com os.2020 OS official/rs_wdx_dxp_windev eca0875950fd3a9735662474613405e2dc06f485 References GH-10076 Fixes MSFT-33127449 Fixes GH-9692
2021-05-11 18:56:43 +02:00
void MigrateUserBuffersOnTransitionToBackgroundWait(const void* oldBuffer, void* newBuffer) override;
bool Notify(const WaitTerminationReason TerminationReason,
const bool fIsUnicode,
_Out_ NTSTATUS* const pReplyStatus,
_Out_ size_t* const pNumBytes,
_Out_ DWORD* const pControlKeyState,
_Out_ void* const pOutputData) override;
gsl::span<wchar_t> SpanAtPointer();
gsl::span<wchar_t> SpanWholeBuffer();
size_t Write(const std::wstring_view wstr);
void ProcessAliases(DWORD& lineCount);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Read(const bool isUnicode,
size_t& numBytes,
ULONG& controlKeyState) noexcept;
bool ProcessInput(const wchar_t wch,
const DWORD keyState,
NTSTATUS& status);
CommandHistory& History() noexcept;
bool HasHistory() const noexcept;
const size_t& VisibleCharCount() const noexcept;
size_t& VisibleCharCount() noexcept;
SCREEN_INFORMATION& ScreenInfo() noexcept;
const COORD& OriginalCursorPosition() const noexcept;
COORD& OriginalCursorPosition() noexcept;
COORD& BeforeDialogCursorPosition() noexcept;
bool IsEchoInput() const noexcept;
bool IsInsertMode() const noexcept;
void SetInsertMode(const bool mode) noexcept;
bool IsUnicode() const noexcept;
size_t UserBufferSize() const noexcept;
wchar_t* BufferStartPtr() noexcept;
wchar_t* BufferCurrentPtr() noexcept;
void SetBufferCurrentPtr(wchar_t* ptr) noexcept;
const size_t& BytesRead() const noexcept;
size_t& BytesRead() noexcept;
const size_t& InsertionPoint() const noexcept;
size_t& InsertionPoint() noexcept;
void SetReportedByteCount(const size_t count) noexcept;
void Erase() noexcept;
size_t SavePromptToUserBuffer(const size_t cch);
void SavePendingInput(const size_t cch, const bool multiline);
friend class CommandLineTests;
friend class CopyToCharPopupTests;
friend class CommandNumberPopupTests;
friend class CommandListPopupTests;
friend class PopupTestHelper;
size_t _bufferSize; // size in bytes
size_t _bytesRead;
// insertion position into the buffer (where the conceptual prompt cursor is)
size_t _currentPosition; // char position, not byte position
wchar_t* _bufPtr; // current position to insert chars at
// should be const. the first char of the buffer
wchar_t* _backupLimit;
size_t _userBufferSize; // doubled size in ansi case
wchar_t* _userBuffer;
size_t* _pdwNumBytes;
std::unique_ptr<byte[]> _buffer;
std::wstring _exeName;
std::unique_ptr<ConsoleHandleData> _tempHandle;
// TODO MSFT:11285829 make this something other than a deletable pointer
// non-ownership pointer
CommandHistory* _commandHistory;
ULONG _controlKeyState;
ULONG _ctrlWakeupMask;
size_t _visibleCharCount; // TODO MSFT:11285829 is this cells or glyphs? ie. is a wide char counted as 1 or 2?
// Note that cookedReadData's _originalCursorPosition is the position before ANY text was entered on the edit line.
COORD _originalCursorPosition;
COORD _beforeDialogCursorPosition; // Currently only used for F9 (ProcessCommandNumberInput) since it's the only pop-up to move the cursor when it starts.
const bool _echoInput;
const bool _lineInput;
const bool _processedInput;
bool _insertMode;
bool _unicode;
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS _readCharInputLoop(const bool isUnicode, size_t& numBytes) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS _handlePostCharInputLoop(const bool isUnicode, size_t& numBytes, ULONG& controlKeyState) noexcept;