
1060 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... ado.net/XML headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64 is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.soap.base64
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
<xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" />
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="assembly">
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="data">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="resheader">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<resheader name="resmimetype">
<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="ColorScheme_Background.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the background color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_Black.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the black color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_Blue.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the blue color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_BrightBlack.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bright black</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the bright black color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_BrightBlue.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bright blue</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the bright blue color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_BrightCyan.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bright cyan</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the bright cyan color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_BrightGreen.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bright green</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the bright green color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_BrightPurple.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bright purple</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the bright purple color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_BrightRed.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bright red</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the bright red color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_BrightWhite.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bright white</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the bright white color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_BrightYellow.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bright yellow</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the bright yellow color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_CursorColor.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cursor color</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the text cursor's color displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_Cyan.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the cyan color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_Foreground.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the foreground color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_Green.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the green color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_Purple.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the purple color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_SelectionBackground.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Selection background</value>
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the background color for selected text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_Red.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the red color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_White.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the white color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_Yellow.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the header for a control that lets the user select the yellow color for text displayed on the screen.</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_AlwaysShowTabs.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Always show tabs</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle if the app should always show the tabs (similar to a website browser).</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_AlwaysShowTabs.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When unchecked, the tab bar will appear when a new tab is created.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "always show tabs" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysShowTabs.Header".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_CopyOnSelect.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Automatically copy selection to clipboard</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle whether selected text should be copied to the clipboard automatically, or not.</comment>
<data name="Globals_KeybindingsDisclaimer.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Below are the currently bound keys, which can be modified by editing the JSON settings file.</value>
<comment>A disclaimer located at the top of the actions page that presents the list of keybindings.</comment>
<data name="Globals_DefaultProfile.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Default profile</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select your default profile from the list of profiles you've created.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_DefaultProfile.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Profile that opens when clicking the '+' icon or by typing the new tab key binding.</value>
<comment>A description for what the default profile is and when it's used.</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_ForceFullRepaint.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Redraw entire screen when display updates</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle the "force full repaint" setting. When enabled, the app renders new content between screen frames.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_ForceFullRepaint.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When unchecked, the terminal will render only the updates to the screen between frames.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "force full repaint" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceFullRepaint.Header".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_InitialCols.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a control to choose the number of columns in the terminal's text grid.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_InitialCols.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The number of columns displayed in the window upon first load. Measured in characters.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "columns" setting does. Presented near "Globals_InitialCols.Header".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_InitialRows.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a control to choose the number of rows in the terminal's text grid.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_InitialRows.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The number of rows displayed in the window upon first load. Measured in characters.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "rows" setting does. Presented near "Globals_InitialRows.Header".</comment>
<data name="Globals_LaunchMode.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch mode</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select what mode to launch the terminal in.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_LaunchMode.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>How the terminal will appear on launch. Focus will hide the tabs and title bar.</value>
<comment>'Focus' must match &lt;Globals_LaunchModeFocus.Content&gt;.</comment>
<data name="Globals_LaunchModeDefault.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "launch mode" setting. Default option.</comment>
<data name="Globals_LaunchModeFullscreen.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Full screen</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "launch mode" setting. Opens the app in a full screen state.</comment>
<data name="Globals_LaunchModeMaximized.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "launch mode" setting. Opens the app maximized (covers the whole screen).</comment>
<data name="Globals_WindowingBehavior.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>New instance behavior</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select how new app instances are handled.</comment>
<data name="Globals_WindowingBehavior.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Controls how new terminal instances attach to existing windows.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "windowing behavior" setting does. Presented near "Globals_WindowingBehavior.Header".</comment>
<data name="Globals_WindowingBehaviorUseNew.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Create a new window</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "windowing behavior" setting. When selected, new instances create a new window.</comment>
<data name="Globals_WindowingBehaviorUseAnyExisting.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Attach to the most recently used window</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "windowing behavior" setting. When selected, new instances open in the most recently used window.</comment>
<data name="Globals_WindowingBehaviorUseExisting.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Attach to the most recently used window on this desktop</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "windowing behavior" setting. When selected, new instances open in the most recently used window on this virtual desktop.</comment>
<data name="Globals_RenderingDisclaimer.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>These settings may be useful for troubleshooting an issue, however they will impact your performance.</value>
<comment>A disclaimer presented at the top of a page.</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_ShowTitlebar.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Hide the title bar (requires relaunch)</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle whether the title bar should be shown or not. Changing this setting requires the user to relaunch the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_ShowTitlebar.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When unchecked, the title bar will appear above the tabs.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "show titlebar" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ShowTitlebar.Header".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_ShowTitleInTitlebar.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use active terminal title as application title</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal's title is shown as the application title, or not.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_ShowTitleInTitlebar.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When unchecked, the title bar will be 'Windows Terminal'.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "show title in titlebar" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ShowTitleInTitlebar.Header".{Locked="Windows"}</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_SnapToGridOnResize.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Snap window resizing to character grid</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal snaps the window to the character grid when resizing, or not.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_SnapToGridOnResize.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When unchecked, the window will resize smoothly.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "snap to grid on resize" setting does. Presented near "Globals_SnapToGridOnResize.Header".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_SoftwareRendering.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use software rendering</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should use software to render content instead of the hardware.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_SoftwareRendering.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When checked, the terminal will use the software renderer (a.k.a. WARP) instead of the hardware one.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "software rendering" setting does. Presented near "Globals_SoftwareRendering.Header".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_StartOnUserLogin.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch on machine startup</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle whether the app should launch when the user's machine starts up, or not.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_StartOnUserLogin.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When checked, this enables the launch of Windows Terminal at machine startup.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "start on user login" setting does. Presented near "Globals_StartOnUserLogin.Header".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Always on top</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled).</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_AlwaysOnTop.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Windows Terminal will always be the topmost window on the desktop.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header".</comment>
<data name="Globals_TabWidthMode.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tab width mode</value>
<comment>Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_TabWidthMode.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Compact will shrink unfocused tabs to the size of the icon.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "tab width mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_TabWidthMode.Header". 'Compact' must match the value for &lt;Globals_TabWidthModeCompact.Content&gt;.</comment>
<data name="Globals_TabWidthModeCompact.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab width mode" setting. When selected, unselected tabs collapse to show only their icon. The selected tab adjusts to display the content within the tab.</comment>
<data name="Globals_TabWidthModeEqual.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab width mode" setting. When selected, each tab has the same width.</comment>
<data name="Globals_TabWidthModeTitleLength.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Title length</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab width mode" setting. When selected, each tab adjusts its width to the content within the tab.</comment>
<data name="Globals_Theme.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a control to choose the theme colors used in the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_Theme.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sets the theme of the application.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "theme" setting does. Presented near "Globals_Theme.Header".</comment>
<data name="Globals_ThemeDark.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab width mode" setting. When selected, the app is in dark theme and darker colors are used throughout the app.</comment>
<data name="Globals_ThemeSystem.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use Windows theme</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab width mode" setting. When selected, the app uses the theme selected in the Windows operating system.</comment>
<data name="Globals_ThemeLight.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab width mode" setting. When selected, the app is in light theme and lighter colors are used throughout the app.</comment>
<data name="Globals_WordDelimiters.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Word delimiters</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine what delimiters to use to identify separate words during word selection.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_WordDelimiters.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Symbols used to define boundaries between words.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "word delimiters" setting does. Presented near "Globals_WordDelimiters.Header".</comment>
<data name="Nav_Appearance.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for the "appearance" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's appearance.</comment>
<data name="Nav_ColorSchemes.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color schemes</value>
<comment>Header for the "color schemes" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify schemes of colors that can be used by the terminal.</comment>
<data name="Nav_Interaction.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app.</comment>
<data name="Nav_Launch.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.)</comment>
<data name="Nav_OpenJSON.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open JSON file</value>
<comment>Header for a menu item. This opens the JSON file that is used to log the app's settings.</comment>
<data name="Nav_ProfileDefaults.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Base layer</value>
<comment>Header for the "base layer" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings that affect profiles. The base layer is the lowest layer of profile settings that all other profile settings are based on. If a profile doesn't define a setting, base layer is responsible for figuring out what that setting is supposed to be.</comment>
<data name="Nav_Rendering.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for the "rendering" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's rendering of text in the terminal.</comment>
<data name="Nav_Actions.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for the "actions" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify commands, key bindings, and actions that can be done in the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_AcrylicOpacity.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Acrylic opacity</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine the level of opacity for the acrylic rendering material. The user can choose to make the acrylic background of the app more or less opaque.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_AcrylicOpacity.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sets the transparency of the window.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "acrylic opacity" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AcrylicOpacity.Header".</comment>
<data name="Profile_Advanced.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios.</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Profile_AltGrAliasing.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>AltGr aliasing</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"}</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_AltGrAliasing.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>By default Windows treats Ctrl+Alt as an alias for AltGr. When unchecked, this behavior will be disabled.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "AltGr aliasing" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AltGrAliasing.Header".</comment>
<data name="Profile_AntialiasingMode.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Text antialiasing</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the graphical anti-aliasing format of text.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_AntialiasingMode.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Controls how text is antialiased in the renderer.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "antialiasing mode" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AntialiasingMode.Header".</comment>
<data name="Profile_AntialiasingModeAliased.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "text antialiasing" setting. When selected, the app's text renderer does not use antialiasing techniques.</comment>
<data name="Profile_AntialiasingModeClearType.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "text antialiasing" setting. When selected, the app's text renderer uses a "ClearType" antialiasing technique. {Locked="ClearType"}</comment>
<data name="Profile_AntialiasingModeGrayscale.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "text antialiasing" setting. When selected, the app's text renderer uses a grayscale antialiasing technique.</comment>
<data name="Profile_Appearance.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the appearance of the profile.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImage.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Background image path</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine the image presented on the background of the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImage.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>File location of the image used in the background of the window.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "background image path" setting does. Presented near "Profile_BackgroundImage".</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignment.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Background image alignment</value>
<comment>Header for a control to choose the visual alignment of the image presented on the background of the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignment.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sets how the background image aligns to the boundaries of the window.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "background image alignment" setting does. Presented near "Profile_BackgroundImageAlignment".</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentBottom.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentBottomLeft.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bottom left</value>
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentBottomRight.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bottom right</value>
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentCenter.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentLeft.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentRight.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentTop.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentTopLeft.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Top left</value>
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageAlignmentTopRight.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Top right</value>
<comment>This is the formal name for a visual alignment.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageBrowse.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Button label that opens a file picker in a new window. The "..." is standard to mean it will open a new window.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageOpacity.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Background image opacity</value>
<comment>Header for a control to choose the opacity of the image presented on the background of the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageOpacity.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sets the transparency of the background image.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "background image opacity" setting does. Presented near "Profile_BackgroundImageOpacity".</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageStretchMode.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Background image stretch mode</value>
<comment>Header for a control to choose the stretch mode of the image presented on the background of the app. Stretch mode is how the image is resized to fill its allocated space.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageStretchMode.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sets how the background image is resized to fill the window.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "background image stretch mode" setting does. Presented near "Profile_BackgroundImageStretchMode".</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageStretchModeFill.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "background image stretch mode" setting. When selected, the image is resized to fill the destination dimensions. The aspect ratio is not preserved.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageStretchModeNone.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "background image stretch mode" setting. When selected, the image preserves its original size.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageStretchModeUniform.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "background image stretch mode" setting. When selected,the image is resized to fit in the destination dimensions while it preserves its native aspect ratio.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundImageStretchModeUniformToFill.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Uniform to fill</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "background image stretch mode" setting. When selected, the content is resized to fill the destination dimensions while it preserves its native aspect ratio. But if the aspect ratio of the destination differs, the image is clipped to fit in the space (to fill the space)</comment>
<data name="Profile_CloseOnExit.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Profile termination behavior</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the behavior of a terminal session (a profile) when it closes.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CloseOnExitAlways.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Close when process exits, fails, or crashes</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "profile termination behavior" (or "close on exit") setting. When selected, the terminal closes if the process exits in a controlled (exit) or uncontrolled (fail or crash) scenario.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CloseOnExitGraceful.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Close only when process exits successfully</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "profile termination behavior" (or "close on exit") setting. When selected, the terminal closes if the process exits in a controlled scenario successfully.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CloseOnExitNever.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Never close automatically</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "profile termination behavior" (or "close on exit") setting. When selected, the terminal never closes, even if the process exits in a controlled or uncontrolled scenario. The user would have to manually close the terminal.</comment>
<data name="Profile_ColorScheme.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color scheme</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the scheme (or set) of colors used in the session. This is selected from a list of options managed by the user.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_ColorScheme.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Name of the color scheme to use.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "color scheme" setting does. Presented near "Profile_ColorScheme".</comment>
<data name="Profile_Commandline.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Command line</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine commandline executable (i.e. a .exe file) to run when a terminal session of this profile is launched.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_Commandline.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Executable used in the profile.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "command line" setting does. Presented near "Profile_Commandline".</comment>
<data name="Profile_CommandlineBrowse.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Button label that opens a file picker in a new window. The "..." is standard to mean it will open a new window.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorHeight.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cursor height</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine the height of the text cursor.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_CursorHeight.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sets the percentage height of the cursor starting from the bottom. Only works with the vintage cursor shape.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "cursor height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CursorHeight".</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorShape.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cursor shape</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the shape of the text cursor.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorShapeBar.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bar ( ┃ )</value>
<comment>{Locked="┃"} An option to choose from for the "cursor shape" setting. When selected, the cursor will look like a vertical bar. The character in the parentheses is used to show what it looks like.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorShapeEmptyBox.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Empty box ( ▯ )</value>
<comment>{Locked="▯"} An option to choose from for the "cursor shape" setting. When selected, the cursor will look like an empty box. The character in the parentheses is used to show what it looks like.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorShapeFilledBox.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Filled box ( █ )</value>
<comment>{Locked="█"} An option to choose from for the "cursor shape" setting. When selected, the cursor will look like a filled box. The character in the parentheses is used to show what it looks like.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorShapeUnderscore.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Underscore ( ▁ )</value>
<comment>{Locked="▁"} An option to choose from for the "cursor shape" setting. When selected, the cursor will look like an underscore. The character in the parentheses is used to show what it looks like.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorShapeVintage.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Vintage ( ▃ )</value>
<comment>{Locked="▃"} An option to choose from for the "cursor shape" setting. When selected, the cursor will look like a thick underscore. This is the vintage and classic look of a cursor for terminals. The character in the parentheses is used to show what it looks like.</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorShapeDoubleUnderscore.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Double underscore ( ‗ )</value>
<comment>{Locked="‗"} An option to choose from for the "cursor shape" setting. When selected, the cursor will look like a stacked set of two underscores. The character in the parentheses is used to show what it looks like.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontFace.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Font face</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the font for text in the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_FontFace.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Name of the font face used in the profile.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "font face" setting does. Presented near "Profile_FontFace".</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontSize.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Font size</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine the size of the text in the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_FontSize.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Size of the font in points.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "font size" setting does. Presented near "Profile_FontSize".</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeight.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Font weight</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the weight (i.e. bold, thin, etc.) of the text in the app.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_FontWeight.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sets the weight (lightness or heaviness of the strokes) for the given font.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "font weight" setting does. Presented near "Profile_FontWeight".</comment>
<data name="Profile_General.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more general scenarios.</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Profile_Hidden.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Hide profile from dropdown</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle whether the profile is shown in a dropdown menu, or not.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_Hidden.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>If checked, the profile will not appear in the list of profiles. This can be used to hide default profiles and dynamically generated profiles, while leaving them in your settings file.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "hidden" setting does. Presented near "Profile_Hidden".</comment>
<data name="Profile_HistorySize.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>History size</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine how many lines of text can be saved in a session. In terminals, the "history" is the output generated within your session.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_HistorySize.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The number of lines above the ones displayed in the window you can scroll back to.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "history size" setting does. Presented near "Profile_HistorySize".</comment>
<data name="Profile_Icon.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a control to determine what icon can be used to represent this profile. This is not necessarily a file path, but can be one.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_Icon.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Emoji or image file location of the icon used in the profile.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "icon" setting does. Presented near "Profile_Icon".</comment>
<data name="Profile_IconBrowse.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Button label that opens a file picker in a new window. The "..." is standard to mean it will open a new window.</comment>
<data name="Profile_Padding.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a control to determine the amount of space between text in a terminal and the edge of the window. The space can be any combination of the top, bottom, left, and right side of the window.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_Padding.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sets the padding around the text within the window.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "padding" setting does. Presented near "Profile_Padding".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Profile_RetroTerminalEffect.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Retro terminal effects</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle classic CRT display effects, which gives the terminal a retro look.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_RetroTerminalEffect.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When checked, enables retro terminal effects such as glowing text and scan lines.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "retro terminal effects" setting does. Presented near "Profile_RetroTerminalEffect".</comment>
<data name="Profile_ScrollbarVisibility.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Scrollbar visibility</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the visibility of the scrollbar in a session.</comment>
<data name="Profile_ScrollbarVisibilityHidden.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "scrollbar visibility" setting. When selected, the scrollbar is hidden.</comment>
<data name="Profile_ScrollbarVisibilityVisible.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "scrollbar visibility" setting. When selected, the scrollbar is visible.</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Profile_SnapOnInput.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Scroll to input when typing</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle if keyboard input should automatically scroll to where the input was placed.</comment>
<data name="Profile_StartingDirectory.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Starting directory</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine the directory the session opens it at launch. This is on a text box that accepts folder paths.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_StartingDirectory.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The directory the profile starts in when it is loaded.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "starting directory" setting does. Presented near "Profile_StartingDirectory".</comment>
<data name="Profile_StartingDirectoryBrowse.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Button label that opens a file picker in a new window. The "..." is standard to mean it will open a new window.</comment>
<data name="Profile_StartingDirectoryUseParentCheckbox.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use parent process directory</value>
<comment>A supplementary setting to the "starting directory" setting. "Parent" refers to the parent process of the current process.</comment>
<data name="Profile_StartingDirectoryUseParentCheckbox.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>If checked, this profile will spawn in the directory from which Windows Terminal was launched.</value>
<comment>A description for what the supplementary "use parent process directory" setting does. Presented near "Profile_StartingDirectoryUseParentCheckbox".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Profile_SuppressApplicationTitle.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Suppress title changes</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle changes in the app title.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_SuppressApplicationTitle.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use the tab title to override the default title of the tab and suppress any title change messages from the application.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "suppress application title" setting does. Presented near "Profile_SuppressApplicationTitle".</comment>
<data name="Profile_TabTitle.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tab title</value>
<comment>Header for a control to determine the title of the tab. This is represented using a text box.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_TabTitle.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Replaces the profile name as the title to pass to the shell on startup.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "tab title" setting does. Presented near "Profile_TabTitle".</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Profile_UseAcrylic.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable acrylic</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle the acrylic-like rendering of the background. The acrylic material creates a translucent texture.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_UseAcrylic.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Applies a translucent texture to the background of the window.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "enable acrylic" setting does. Presented near "Profile_UseAcrylic".</comment>
<data name="Profile_UseDesktopImage.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use desktop wallpaper</value>
<comment>A supplementary setting to the "background image" setting. When enabled, the OS desktop wallpaper is used as the background image. Presented near "Profile_BackgroundImage".</comment>
<data name="Profile_UseDesktopImage.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When checked, use the desktop wallpaper image as the background image for the terminal.</value>
<comment>A description for what the supplementary "use desktop image" setting does. Presented near "Profile_UseDesktopImage".</comment>
<data name="Settings_ResetSettingsButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Discard changes</value>
<comment>Text label for a destructive button that discards the changes made to the settings.</comment>
<data name="Settings_ResetSettingsButton.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Discard all unsaved settings.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "discard changes" button does. Presented near "Settings_ResetSettingsButton".</comment>
<data name="Settings_SaveSettingsButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Text label for the confirmation button that saves the changes made to the settings.</comment>
<data name="Settings_UnsavedSettingsWarning.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>⚠ You have unsaved changes.</value>
<comment>{Locked="⚠"} A disclaimer that appears when the unsaved changes to the settings are present.</comment>
<data name="Nav_AddNewProfile.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Add new</value>
<comment>Header for the "add new" menu item. This creates a new profile and navigates to that page.</comment>
<data name="Nav_Profiles.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for the "profiles" menu items. This acts as a divider to introduce profile-related menu items.</comment>
<data name="Globals_LaunchModeFocus.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "launch mode" setting. Focus mode is a mode designed to help you focus.</comment>
<data name="Globals_LaunchModeMaximizedFocus.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Maximized focus</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "launch mode" setting. Opens the app maximized and in focus mode.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BellStyle.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bell notification style</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the how the app notifies the user. "Bell" is the common term in terminals for the BEL character (like the metal device used to chime).</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_BellStyle.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Controls what happens when the application emits a BEL character.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "bell style" setting does. Presented near "Profile_BellStyle".{Locked="BEL"}</comment>
<data name="Profile_BellStyleAudible.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "bell style" setting. When selected, an audible cue is used to notify the user.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BellStyleNone.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "bell style" setting. When selected, notifications are silenced.</comment>
Include UWP styling guidance in settings UI (#8831) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request The settings UI was _close_ to looking just right, it just needed some tweaks to adhere to the proper guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/forms This PR changes the font sizes, spacing, and layout of all of the pages to align with guidance. Some pics: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241313-58194980-5b22-11eb-9f18-524cc988ec33.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241331-60718480-5b22-11eb-8698-b9fadf3c3016.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105244413-57ce7d80-5b25-11eb-87c3-ee5f19417318.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241384-73845480-5b22-11eb-9517-4010b145ffc2.png) Min width: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48369326/105241406-7aab6280-5b22-11eb-9c59-ffc72f66509d.png) <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #8816 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments * Removed custom font sizing, WinUI adheres to guidance anyway * 24px spacing between controls and 48px between groupings * Controls shouldn't be next to each other (see Launch size) * Technically Launch size is a grouping, so it gets upgraded to subtitle status * Left margins for pages have been fixed to left align with the page titles * Single checkboxes have been changed to toggle switches <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2021-01-20 23:42:39 +01:00
<data name="Globals_DisableAnimations.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disable pane animations</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle animations on panes. "Enabled" value disables the animations.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightBlack.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightBold.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightCustom.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is an entry that allows the user to select their own font weight value outside of the simplified list of options.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightExtra-black.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightExtra-bold.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightExtra-light.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightLight.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightMedium.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightNormal.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightSemi-bold.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightSemi-light.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontWeightThin.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>This is the formal name for a font weight.</comment>
<data name="Globals_LaunchSize.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch size</value>
<comment>Header for a group of settings that control the size of the app. Presented near "Globals_InitialCols" and "Globals_InitialRows".</comment>
<data name="Profile_BellStyleAll.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "bell style" setting. When selected, a combination of the other bell styles is used to notify the user.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BellStyleVisual.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Visual (flash taskbar)</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "bell style" setting. When selected, a visual notification is used to notify the user. In this case, the taskbar is flashed.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_AddNewButton.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Add new</value>
<comment>Button label that creates a new color scheme.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_DeleteButton.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Delete color scheme</value>
<comment>Button label that deletes the selected color scheme.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_Name.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The name of the color scheme. Used as a label on the name control.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_Name.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The name of the color scheme.</value>
<comment>Supplementary text (tooltip) for the control used to select a color scheme that is under view.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Profile_DeleteButton.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Delete profile</value>
<comment>Button label that deletes the current profile that is being viewed.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Profile_Name.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<value>The name of the profile that appears in the dropdown.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "name" setting does. Presented near "Profile_Name".</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Profile_Name.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a control to determine the name of the profile. This is a text box.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Profile_AcrylicHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a group of settings related to the acrylic texture rendering on the background of the app.</comment>
<data name="Profile_BackgroundHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Background image</value>
<comment>Header for a group of settings that control the image presented on the background of the app. Presented near "Profile_BackgroundImage" and other keys starting with "Profile_BackgroundImage".</comment>
<data name="Profile_CursorHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a group of settings that control the appearance of the cursor. Presented near "Profile_CursorHeight" and other keys starting with "Profile_Cursor".</comment>
<data name="Profile_TextHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a group of settings that control the appearance of text in the app.</comment>
<data name="Profile_WindowHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Header for a group of settings that control the appearance of the window frame of the app.</comment>
<data name="Nav_OpenJSON.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open your settings.json file. Alt+Click to open your defaults.json file.</value>
<comment>{Locked="settings.json"}, {Locked="defaults.json"}</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Rename.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Text label for a button that can be used to begin the renaming process.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Profile_DeleteButtonDisclaimerInBox" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This profile cannot be deleted because it is included by default.</value>
<comment>Disclaimer presented next to the delete button when it is disabled. Some profiles are included in the app by default and cannot be deleted.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Profile_DeleteButtonDisclaimerDynamic" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This profile cannot be deleted because it is automatically generated.</value>
<comment>Disclaimer presented next to the delete button when it is disabled. Some profiles are automatically generated by the app and cannot be deleted.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_DeleteButtonDisclaimerInBox" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This color scheme cannot be deleted or renamed because it is included by default.</value>
<comment>Disclaimer presented next to the delete button when it is disabled.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_DeleteConfirmationButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Yes, delete color scheme</value>
<comment>Button label for positive confirmation of deleting a color scheme (presented with "ColorScheme_DeleteConfirmationMessage")</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_DeleteConfirmationMessage.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Are you sure you want to delete this color scheme?</value>
<comment>A confirmation message displayed when the user intends to delete a color scheme.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="RenameAccept.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Accept rename</value>
<comment>Text label for a button that can be used to confirm a rename operation during the renaming process.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="RenameCancel.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cancel rename</value>
<comment>Text label for a button that can be used to cancel a rename operation during the renaming process.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Profile_BaseLayerDisclaimer.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Settings defined here will apply to all profiles unless they are overridden by a profile's settings.</value>
<comment>A disclaimer presented at the top of a page. See "Nav_ProfileDefaults.Content" for a description on what the base layer does in the app.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Profile_DeleteConfirmationButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Yes, delete profile</value>
<comment>Button label for positive confirmation of deleting a profile (presented with "Profile_DeleteConfirmationMessage")</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Profile_DeleteConfirmationMessage.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Are you sure you want to delete this profile?</value>
<comment>A confirmation message displayed when the user intends to delete a profile.</comment>
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403) Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page: - "Add new" button - next to dropdown selector - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have) - "Rename" Button - next to the selector - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear - "Delete" button - bottom of the page - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button. ## References #1564 - Settings UI #6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **Color Schemes:** - Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available - Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing - The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined - In-box color schemes cannot be deleted **Profile:** - Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available - the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template - The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles ## Validation Steps Performed **Color Schemes - Add New** ✅ Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes) ✅ The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified **Color Schemes - Rename** ✅ You cannot rename an in-box color scheme ✅ The rename button has a tooltip ✅ Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox ✅ Accept --> changes name ✅ Cancel --> does not change the name ✅ accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately **Color Schemes - Delete** ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it ✅ Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted ✅ In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it **Profile- Delete** ✅ Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button ✅ Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button ✅ Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion ✅ Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately ✅ Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one) ## Demo Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651. Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-18 00:14:07 +01:00
<data name="Settings_SaveSettingsButton.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Save all unsaved settings.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "save" button does. Presented near "Settings_SaveSettingsButton".</comment>
<data name="Globals_TabSwitcherMode.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tab switcher interface style</value>
<comment>Header for a control to choose how the tab switcher operates.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_TabSwitcherMode.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Defines the terminal behavior when switching tabs with the keyboard.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "tab switcher mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_TabSwitcherMode.Header".</comment>
<data name="Globals_TabSwitcherModeMru.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Separate window, in most recently used order</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab switcher mode" setting. The tab switcher overlay is shown in most recently used order.</comment>
<data name="Globals_TabSwitcherModeInOrder.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Separate window, in tab strip order</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab switcher mode" setting. The tab switcher overlay is shown in the order of the tabs at the top of the app.</comment>
<data name="Globals_TabSwitcherModeDisabled.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Traditional navigation, no separate window</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "tab switcher mode" setting. The tab switcher overlay is hidden and does not appear in a separate window.</comment>
<data name="Globals_CopyFormat.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Text format when copying</value>
<comment>Header for a control to select the format of copied text.</comment>
Represent inheritance in Settings UI (#8919) ## Summary of the Pull Request Introduces the `SettingContainer`. `SettingContainer` is used to wrap a setting in the settings UI and provide the following functionality: - a reset button next to the header - tooltips and automation properties for the setting being wrapped - a comment stating if you are currently overriding a setting ## References [Spec - Inheritance in Settings UI](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%231564%20-%20Settings%20UI/cascading-settings.md) #8804 - removes the ambiguity of leaving a setting blank #6800 - Settings UI Epic #8899 - Automation properties for Settings UI #8768 - Keyboard Navigation ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #8804 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments A few highlights in this PR: - CommonResources.xaml: - we need to merge the SettingContainerStyle.xaml in there. Otherwise, XAML doesn't merge these files properly and can't apply the template. - Profiles.cpp: - view model checks if the starting directory and background image were reset, to determine which value to show when unchecking the special value - `Profiles::OnNavigatedTo()` needs a property changed handler to update its own "Current<Setting>" and update the UI properly - Profiles.xaml: - basically wrapped all of the settings we want to be inheritable in there - `Binding` is used instead of `x:Bind` in some places because `x:Bind` can't find the parent `SettingContainer` and gives you a compiler error. - Resources.resw: - had to set the "HeaderText" and "HelpText" on each setting container. Does a decent localization burden, unfortunately. - `SettingContainer` files - This operates by creating a template and applying that template over other settings. This allows you to inject the existing controls inside of this. This means that we need to provide our UIElements names and access/modify them via `OnApplyTemplate` - We had to remove the header from each individual control, and have `SettingContainer` be in charge of it. This allows us to add the reset button in there. - Due to the problem mentioned earlier about CommonResources.xaml, we can't reference anything from CommonResources.xaml. - Using `DependencyProperty` to let us set a few properties in the XML files. Particularly, `Has<Setting>` and `Clear<Setting>` are what do all the heavy lifting of interacting with the inheritance model. ## Demo ![Inheritance Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/106192086-92a56680-6160-11eb-838c-4ec0beb54965.gif) ## Validation Steps Performed - Verified correct binding behavior with the following generic setting controls: - radio buttons - toggle switch - text block - slider - settings with browse buttons - the background image alignment control - controls with special check boxes (starting directory and background image) ## Next Steps - The automation properties have been verified using NVDA. This is a part of resolving #8899. - The override text is currently "Overrides a setting". According to #8269, we actually want to add a hyperlink in there that navigates to the parent profile object. This will be a follow-up task as it requires settings model changes.
2021-02-08 19:04:43 +01:00
<data name="Globals_CopyFormat.HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Defines the type of formatting in which selected text is copied to your clipboard.</value>
<comment>A description for what the "copy formatting" setting does. Presented near "Globals_CopyFormat.Header".</comment>
<data name="Globals_CopyFormatNone.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Plain text only</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "copy formatting" setting. Store only plain text data.</comment>
<data name="Globals_CopyFormatHtml.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "copy formatting" setting. Store only HTML data.</comment>
<data name="Globals_CopyFormatRtf.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An option to choose from for the "copy formatting" setting. Store only RTF data.</comment>
<data name="Globals_CopyFormatAll.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Both HTML and RTF</value>
<comment>An option to choose from for the "copy formatting" setting. Store both HTML and RTF data.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_RenameErrorTip.Subtitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Please choose a different name.</value>
<comment>An error message that appears when the user attempts to rename a color scheme to something invalid. This appears as the subtitle and provides guidance to fix the issue.</comment>
<data name="ColorScheme_RenameErrorTip.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This color scheme name is already in use.</value>
<comment>An error message that appears when the user attempts to rename a color scheme to something invalid. This appears as the title, and explains the issue.</comment>
<data name="Globals_FocusFollowMouse.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Automatically focus pane on mouse hover</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle the "focus follow mouse" setting. When enabled, hovering over a pane puts it in focus.</comment>
<data name="Globals_DisableAnimationsReversed.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Pane animations</value>
<comment>Header for a control to toggle animations on panes. "Enabled" value enables the animations.</comment>
Introduce setting override tracking and update SettingContainer (#9079) This PR adds improved override message generation for inheritance in SUI. The settings model now has an `OriginTag` to be able to denote where a `Profile` came from. This tag is used in the `SettingContainer` to generate a more specific override message. ## References #6800 - SUI Epic #8919 - SUI Inheritance PR #8804 - SUI Inheritance (old issue) ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - **Terminal Settings Model** - Introduced `PROJECTED_SETTING` as a macro to more easily declare the functions for each setting - Introduced `<setting>OverrideSource` which finds the `Profile` that has \<setting\> defined - Introduced `OriginTag Profile::Origin {Custom, InBox, Generated}` to trace where a profile came from - `DefaultProfileUtils` creates profiles for profile generators. So that now sets the `Origin` tag to `Generated` - `CascadiaSettings::LoadDefaults()` tags all profiles created as `InBox`. - The view model had to ingest the API change to be able to interact with `<setting>OverrideSource` - **Override Message Generation** - The reset button now has a more specific tooltip - The reset button now only appears if base layer is being overridden - We use the settings model changes to determine the message to display for the target ## Validation Steps Performed Tested the following cases: - overrides nothing (inherited setting) - overrides value inherited from... - base layer - a profile generator - in-box profile - global settings should not have this feature
2021-02-20 00:50:52 +01:00
<data name="SettingContainer_OverrideMessageBaseLayer" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Reset to base layer value.</value>
<comment>"base layer" should match Nav_ProfileDefaults.Content's text. This is a text label on a button.</comment>
Introduce setting override tracking and update SettingContainer (#9079) This PR adds improved override message generation for inheritance in SUI. The settings model now has an `OriginTag` to be able to denote where a `Profile` came from. This tag is used in the `SettingContainer` to generate a more specific override message. ## References #6800 - SUI Epic #8919 - SUI Inheritance PR #8804 - SUI Inheritance (old issue) ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - **Terminal Settings Model** - Introduced `PROJECTED_SETTING` as a macro to more easily declare the functions for each setting - Introduced `<setting>OverrideSource` which finds the `Profile` that has \<setting\> defined - Introduced `OriginTag Profile::Origin {Custom, InBox, Generated}` to trace where a profile came from - `DefaultProfileUtils` creates profiles for profile generators. So that now sets the `Origin` tag to `Generated` - `CascadiaSettings::LoadDefaults()` tags all profiles created as `InBox`. - The view model had to ingest the API change to be able to interact with `<setting>OverrideSource` - **Override Message Generation** - The reset button now has a more specific tooltip - The reset button now only appears if base layer is being overridden - We use the settings model changes to determine the message to display for the target ## Validation Steps Performed Tested the following cases: - overrides nothing (inherited setting) - overrides value inherited from... - base layer - a profile generator - in-box profile - global settings should not have this feature
2021-02-20 00:50:52 +01:00
Redesign color schemes page (#9196) This PR performs a large overall polish of the color schemes page: - Ensures keyboard navigation is holistically improved (i.e. fully accessible, no lost focus, etc...) - Adds tooltips and automation properties to all controls - Redesigns the page according to @mdtauk's approved design ([link](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8997#issuecomment-771623842)). Note, there are some minor modifications to the design that were approved by @cinnamon-msft. - Automatically reflow's the color buttons when they do not fit in horizontal mode ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - Redesign - a data template was introduced to make color representation consistent and straightforward - `ContentControl` is used to hold a reference to the `ColorTableEntry` and represent it properly using the aforementioned data template. - The design is mainly a StackPanel holding two grids: color table & functional colors. - The color table is populated via code. After much thought, this seems to be the easiest way to correctly bind 16 controls that are very similar. - The functional colors are populated via XAML manually. - We need a grid to separate the text and the buttons. This allows for scenarios like "selection background is the longest string" to force the buttons and text to be aligned. - Reflow - A `VisualStateManager` uses an `AdaptiveTrigger` to change the orientation of the color tables' stack panel. The adaptive trigger was carefully calculated to align with the navigation view's breakpoint. - Keyboard Navigation - (a lesson from `SettingContainer`) `ContentControl` can be focused as opposed to the content inside of it. We don't want that, so we set `IsTabStop` to false on it. That basically fixes all of our keyboard navigation issues in this new design. - Automation Properties and ToolTips - As in my previous PRs, I can't seem to figure out how to bind to a control's automation property to its own tooltip. So I had to do this in the code and add a few `x:Name` around. ## Validation Steps Performed - Manually tested... - tab navigation - accessibility insights - NVDA - changing color schemes updates color table - specific scenario: - change a color table color and a functional color - navigate to a different color scheme - navigate back to the first color scheme - if the colors persist, the changes were propagated to the settings model References #8997 - Based on the work from @Chips1234 References #6800 - Settings UI Epic Closes #8765 - Polish Color Schemes page Closes #8899 - Automation Properties Closes #8768 - Keyboard Navigation
2021-02-19 19:20:04 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_TerminalColorsHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Terminal colors</value>
<comment>A header for a grouping of colors in the color scheme. These colors are used for basic parts of the terminal.</comment>
Redesign color schemes page (#9196) This PR performs a large overall polish of the color schemes page: - Ensures keyboard navigation is holistically improved (i.e. fully accessible, no lost focus, etc...) - Adds tooltips and automation properties to all controls - Redesigns the page according to @mdtauk's approved design ([link](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8997#issuecomment-771623842)). Note, there are some minor modifications to the design that were approved by @cinnamon-msft. - Automatically reflow's the color buttons when they do not fit in horizontal mode ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - Redesign - a data template was introduced to make color representation consistent and straightforward - `ContentControl` is used to hold a reference to the `ColorTableEntry` and represent it properly using the aforementioned data template. - The design is mainly a StackPanel holding two grids: color table & functional colors. - The color table is populated via code. After much thought, this seems to be the easiest way to correctly bind 16 controls that are very similar. - The functional colors are populated via XAML manually. - We need a grid to separate the text and the buttons. This allows for scenarios like "selection background is the longest string" to force the buttons and text to be aligned. - Reflow - A `VisualStateManager` uses an `AdaptiveTrigger` to change the orientation of the color tables' stack panel. The adaptive trigger was carefully calculated to align with the navigation view's breakpoint. - Keyboard Navigation - (a lesson from `SettingContainer`) `ContentControl` can be focused as opposed to the content inside of it. We don't want that, so we set `IsTabStop` to false on it. That basically fixes all of our keyboard navigation issues in this new design. - Automation Properties and ToolTips - As in my previous PRs, I can't seem to figure out how to bind to a control's automation property to its own tooltip. So I had to do this in the code and add a few `x:Name` around. ## Validation Steps Performed - Manually tested... - tab navigation - accessibility insights - NVDA - changing color schemes updates color table - specific scenario: - change a color table color and a functional color - navigate to a different color scheme - navigate back to the first color scheme - if the colors persist, the changes were propagated to the settings model References #8997 - Based on the work from @Chips1234 References #6800 - Settings UI Epic Closes #8765 - Polish Color Schemes page Closes #8899 - Automation Properties Closes #8768 - Keyboard Navigation
2021-02-19 19:20:04 +01:00
<data name="ColorScheme_SystemColorsHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>System colors</value>
<comment>A header for a grouping of colors in the color scheme. These colors are used for functional parts of the terminal.</comment>
Redesign color schemes page (#9196) This PR performs a large overall polish of the color schemes page: - Ensures keyboard navigation is holistically improved (i.e. fully accessible, no lost focus, etc...) - Adds tooltips and automation properties to all controls - Redesigns the page according to @mdtauk's approved design ([link](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8997#issuecomment-771623842)). Note, there are some minor modifications to the design that were approved by @cinnamon-msft. - Automatically reflow's the color buttons when they do not fit in horizontal mode ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - Redesign - a data template was introduced to make color representation consistent and straightforward - `ContentControl` is used to hold a reference to the `ColorTableEntry` and represent it properly using the aforementioned data template. - The design is mainly a StackPanel holding two grids: color table & functional colors. - The color table is populated via code. After much thought, this seems to be the easiest way to correctly bind 16 controls that are very similar. - The functional colors are populated via XAML manually. - We need a grid to separate the text and the buttons. This allows for scenarios like "selection background is the longest string" to force the buttons and text to be aligned. - Reflow - A `VisualStateManager` uses an `AdaptiveTrigger` to change the orientation of the color tables' stack panel. The adaptive trigger was carefully calculated to align with the navigation view's breakpoint. - Keyboard Navigation - (a lesson from `SettingContainer`) `ContentControl` can be focused as opposed to the content inside of it. We don't want that, so we set `IsTabStop` to false on it. That basically fixes all of our keyboard navigation issues in this new design. - Automation Properties and ToolTips - As in my previous PRs, I can't seem to figure out how to bind to a control's automation property to its own tooltip. So I had to do this in the code and add a few `x:Name` around. ## Validation Steps Performed - Manually tested... - tab navigation - accessibility insights - NVDA - changing color schemes updates color table - specific scenario: - change a color table color and a functional color - navigate to a different color scheme - navigate back to the first color scheme - if the colors persist, the changes were propagated to the settings model References #8997 - Based on the work from @Chips1234 References #6800 - Settings UI Epic Closes #8765 - Polish Color Schemes page Closes #8899 - Automation Properties Closes #8768 - Keyboard Navigation
2021-02-19 19:20:04 +01:00
Introduce setting override tracking and update SettingContainer (#9079) This PR adds improved override message generation for inheritance in SUI. The settings model now has an `OriginTag` to be able to denote where a `Profile` came from. This tag is used in the `SettingContainer` to generate a more specific override message. ## References #6800 - SUI Epic #8919 - SUI Inheritance PR #8804 - SUI Inheritance (old issue) ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - **Terminal Settings Model** - Introduced `PROJECTED_SETTING` as a macro to more easily declare the functions for each setting - Introduced `<setting>OverrideSource` which finds the `Profile` that has \<setting\> defined - Introduced `OriginTag Profile::Origin {Custom, InBox, Generated}` to trace where a profile came from - `DefaultProfileUtils` creates profiles for profile generators. So that now sets the `Origin` tag to `Generated` - `CascadiaSettings::LoadDefaults()` tags all profiles created as `InBox`. - The view model had to ingest the API change to be able to interact with `<setting>OverrideSource` - **Override Message Generation** - The reset button now has a more specific tooltip - The reset button now only appears if base layer is being overridden - We use the settings model changes to determine the message to display for the target ## Validation Steps Performed Tested the following cases: - overrides nothing (inherited setting) - overrides value inherited from... - base layer - a profile generator - in-box profile - global settings should not have this feature
2021-02-20 00:50:52 +01:00
<data name="SettingContainer_OverrideMessageFragmentExtension" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Reset to value from: {}</value>
<comment>{} is replaced by the name of another profile or generator. This is a text label on a button that is dynamically generated and provides more context in the {}.</comment>
Introduce setting override tracking and update SettingContainer (#9079) This PR adds improved override message generation for inheritance in SUI. The settings model now has an `OriginTag` to be able to denote where a `Profile` came from. This tag is used in the `SettingContainer` to generate a more specific override message. ## References #6800 - SUI Epic #8919 - SUI Inheritance PR #8804 - SUI Inheritance (old issue) ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - **Terminal Settings Model** - Introduced `PROJECTED_SETTING` as a macro to more easily declare the functions for each setting - Introduced `<setting>OverrideSource` which finds the `Profile` that has \<setting\> defined - Introduced `OriginTag Profile::Origin {Custom, InBox, Generated}` to trace where a profile came from - `DefaultProfileUtils` creates profiles for profile generators. So that now sets the `Origin` tag to `Generated` - `CascadiaSettings::LoadDefaults()` tags all profiles created as `InBox`. - The view model had to ingest the API change to be able to interact with `<setting>OverrideSource` - **Override Message Generation** - The reset button now has a more specific tooltip - The reset button now only appears if base layer is being overridden - We use the settings model changes to determine the message to display for the target ## Validation Steps Performed Tested the following cases: - overrides nothing (inherited setting) - overrides value inherited from... - base layer - a profile generator - in-box profile - global settings should not have this feature
2021-02-20 00:50:52 +01:00
<data name="Profile_FontFaceShowAllFonts.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Show all fonts</value>
<comment>A supplementary setting to the "font face" setting. Toggling this control updates the font face control to show all of the fonts installed.</comment>
<data name="Profile_FontFaceShowAllFonts.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>If checked, show all installed fonts in the list above. Otherwise, only show the list of monospace fonts.</value>
<comment>A description for what the supplementary "show all fonts" setting does. Presented near "Profile_FontFaceShowAllFonts".</comment>