
260 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- settings.hpp
- This module is used for all configurable settings in the console
- Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 23-Jul-2014
- Paul Campbell (PaulCam) 23-Jul-2014
Revision History:
- From components of consrv.h
- This is a reduced/de-duplicated version of settings that were stored in the registry, link files, and in the console information state.
#pragma once
#include "../buffer/out/TextAttribute.hpp"
// To prevent invisible windows, set a lower threshold on window alpha channel.
#define MIN_WINDOW_OPACITY 0x4D // 0x4D is approximately 30% visible/opaque (70% transparent). Valid range is 0x00-0xff.
#include "ConsoleArguments.hpp"
#include "../inc/conattrs.hpp"
class Settings
void ApplyDesktopSpecificDefaults();
void ApplyStartupInfo(const Settings* const pStartupSettings);
void ApplyCommandlineArguments(const ConsoleArguments& consoleArgs);
void InitFromStateInfo(_In_ PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO pStateInfo);
void Validate();
CONSOLE_STATE_INFO CreateConsoleStateInfo() const;
DWORD GetVirtTermLevel() const;
void SetVirtTermLevel(const DWORD dwVirtTermLevel);
bool IsAltF4CloseAllowed() const;
void SetAltF4CloseAllowed(const bool fAllowAltF4Close);
bool IsReturnOnNewlineAutomatic() const;
void SetAutomaticReturnOnNewline(const bool fAutoReturnOnNewline);
bool IsGridRenderingAllowedWorldwide() const;
void SetGridRenderingAllowedWorldwide(const bool fGridRenderingAllowed);
bool GetFilterOnPaste() const;
void SetFilterOnPaste(const bool fFilterOnPaste);
const WCHAR* const GetLaunchFaceName() const;
void SetLaunchFaceName(_In_ PCWSTR const LaunchFaceName, const size_t cchLength);
UINT GetCodePage() const;
void SetCodePage(const UINT uCodePage);
UINT GetScrollScale() const;
void SetScrollScale(const UINT uScrollScale);
bool GetTrimLeadingZeros() const;
void SetTrimLeadingZeros(const bool fTrimLeadingZeros);
bool GetEnableColorSelection() const;
void SetEnableColorSelection(const bool fEnableColorSelection);
bool GetLineSelection() const;
void SetLineSelection(const bool bLineSelection);
bool GetWrapText () const;
void SetWrapText (const bool bWrapText );
bool GetCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled () const;
void SetCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled (const bool fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled );
BYTE GetWindowAlpha() const;
void SetWindowAlpha(const BYTE bWindowAlpha);
DWORD GetHotKey() const;
void SetHotKey(const DWORD dwHotKey);
bool IsStartupTitleIsLinkNameSet() const;
DWORD GetStartupFlags() const;
void SetStartupFlags(const DWORD dwStartupFlags);
void UnsetStartupFlag(const DWORD dwFlagToUnset);
WORD GetFillAttribute() const;
void SetFillAttribute(const WORD wFillAttribute);
WORD GetPopupFillAttribute() const;
void SetPopupFillAttribute(const WORD wPopupFillAttribute);
WORD GetShowWindow() const;
void SetShowWindow(const WORD wShowWindow);
WORD GetReserved() const;
void SetReserved(const WORD wReserved);
COORD GetScreenBufferSize() const;
void SetScreenBufferSize(const COORD dwScreenBufferSize);
COORD GetWindowSize() const;
void SetWindowSize(const COORD dwWindowSize);
bool IsWindowSizePixelsValid() const;
COORD GetWindowSizePixels() const;
void SetWindowSizePixels(const COORD dwWindowSizePixels);
COORD GetWindowOrigin() const;
void SetWindowOrigin(const COORD dwWindowOrigin);
DWORD GetFont() const;
void SetFont(const DWORD dwFont);
COORD GetFontSize() const;
void SetFontSize(const COORD dwFontSize);
UINT GetFontFamily() const;
void SetFontFamily(const UINT uFontFamily);
UINT GetFontWeight() const;
void SetFontWeight(const UINT uFontWeight);
const WCHAR* const GetFaceName() const;
bool IsFaceNameSet() const;
void SetFaceName(_In_ PCWSTR const pcszFaceName, const size_t cchLength);
UINT GetCursorSize() const;
void SetCursorSize(const UINT uCursorSize);
bool GetFullScreen() const;
void SetFullScreen(const bool fFullScreen);
bool GetQuickEdit() const;
void SetQuickEdit(const bool fQuickEdit);
bool GetInsertMode() const;
void SetInsertMode(const bool fInsertMode);
bool GetAutoPosition() const;
void SetAutoPosition(const bool fAutoPosition);
UINT GetHistoryBufferSize() const;
void SetHistoryBufferSize(const UINT uHistoryBufferSize);
UINT GetNumberOfHistoryBuffers() const;
void SetNumberOfHistoryBuffers(const UINT uNumberOfHistoryBuffers);
bool GetHistoryNoDup() const;
void SetHistoryNoDup(const bool fHistoryNoDup);
const COLORREF* const GetColorTable() const;
const size_t GetColorTableSize() const;
void SetColorTable(_In_reads_(cSize) const COLORREF* const pColorTable, const size_t cSize);
void SetColorTableEntry(const size_t index, const COLORREF ColorValue);
COLORREF GetColorTableEntry(const size_t index) const;
COLORREF GetCursorColor() const noexcept;
CursorType GetCursorType() const noexcept;
void SetCursorColor(const COLORREF CursorColor) noexcept;
void SetCursorType(const CursorType cursorType) noexcept;
bool GetInterceptCopyPaste() const noexcept;
void SetInterceptCopyPaste(const bool interceptCopyPaste) noexcept;
COLORREF GetDefaultForegroundColor() const noexcept;
void SetDefaultForegroundColor(const COLORREF defaultForeground) noexcept;
COLORREF GetDefaultBackgroundColor() const noexcept;
void SetDefaultBackgroundColor(const COLORREF defaultBackground) noexcept;
TextAttribute GetDefaultAttributes() const noexcept;
bool IsTerminalScrolling() const noexcept;
void SetTerminalScrolling(const bool terminalScrollingEnabled) noexcept;
bool GetUseDx() const noexcept;
bool GetCopyColor() const noexcept;
COLORREF CalculateDefaultForeground() const noexcept;
COLORREF CalculateDefaultBackground() const noexcept;
COLORREF LookupForegroundColor(const TextAttribute& attr) const noexcept;
COLORREF LookupBackgroundColor(const TextAttribute& attr) const noexcept;
DWORD _dwHotKey;
DWORD _dwStartupFlags;
WORD _wFillAttribute;
WORD _wPopupFillAttribute;
WORD _wShowWindow; // used when window is created
WORD _wReserved;
// START - This section filled via memcpy from shortcut properties. Do not rearrange/change.
COORD _dwScreenBufferSize;
COORD _dwWindowSize; // this is in characters.
COORD _dwWindowOrigin; // used when window is created
DWORD _nFont;
COORD _dwFontSize;
UINT _uFontFamily;
UINT _uFontWeight;
UINT _uCursorSize;
BOOL _bFullScreen; // deprecated
BOOL _bQuickEdit;
BOOL _bInsertMode; // used by command line editing
BOOL _bAutoPosition;
UINT _uHistoryBufferSize;
UINT _uNumberOfHistoryBuffers;
BOOL _bHistoryNoDup;
// END - memcpy
UINT _uCodePage;
UINT _uScrollScale;
bool _fTrimLeadingZeros;
bool _fEnableColorSelection;
bool _bLineSelection;
bool _bWrapText; // whether to use text wrapping when resizing the window
bool _fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled; // disables Ctrl+<something> key intercepts
BYTE _bWindowAlpha; // describes the opacity of the window
bool _fFilterOnPaste; // should we filter text when the user pastes? (e.g. remove <tab>)
bool _fAllowAltF4Close;
DWORD _dwVirtTermLevel;
bool _fAutoReturnOnNewline;
bool _fRenderGridWorldwide;
bool _fUseDx;
bool _fCopyColor;
// this is used for the special STARTF_USESIZE mode.
bool _fUseWindowSizePixels;
COORD _dwWindowSizePixels;
// Technically a COLORREF, but using INVALID_COLOR as "Invert Colors"
unsigned int _CursorColor;
CursorType _CursorType;
bool _fInterceptCopyPaste;
COLORREF _DefaultForeground;
COLORREF _DefaultBackground;
bool _TerminalScrolling;
friend class RegistrySerialization;
WORD GenerateLegacyAttributes(const TextAttribute attributes) const;
WORD FindNearestTableIndex(const COLORREF Color) const;