
231 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "../host/scrolling.hpp"
#include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Interactivity;
CursorBlinker::CursorBlinker() :
_uCaretBlinkTime(INFINITE) // default to no blink
if (_hCaretBlinkTimerQueue)
DeleteTimerQueueEx(_hCaretBlinkTimerQueue, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
void CursorBlinker::UpdateSystemMetrics()
// This can be -1 in a TS session
_uCaretBlinkTime = ServiceLocator::LocateSystemConfigurationProvider()->GetCaretBlinkTime();
void CursorBlinker::SettingsChanged()
DWORD const dwCaretBlinkTime = ServiceLocator::LocateSystemConfigurationProvider()->GetCaretBlinkTime();
if (dwCaretBlinkTime != _uCaretBlinkTime)
_uCaretBlinkTime = dwCaretBlinkTime;
void CursorBlinker::FocusEnd()
void CursorBlinker::FocusStart()
// Routine Description:
// - This routine is called when the timer in the console with the focus goes off. It blinks the cursor.
// Arguments:
// - ScreenInfo - reference to screen info structure.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CursorBlinker::TimerRoutine(SCREEN_INFORMATION& ScreenInfo)
Cursor& cursor = ScreenInfo.GetTextBuffer().GetCursor();
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto* const _pAccessibilityNotifier = ServiceLocator::LocateAccessibilityNotifier();
if (!WI_IsFlagSet(gci.Flags, CONSOLE_HAS_FOCUS))
goto DoScroll;
// Update the cursor pos in USER so accessibility will work.
if (cursor.HasMoved())
const auto position = cursor.GetPosition();
const auto viewport = ScreenInfo.GetViewport();
const auto fontSize = ScreenInfo.GetScreenFontSize();
RECT rc;
rc.left = (position.X - viewport.Left()) * fontSize.X;
rc.top = (position.Y - viewport.Top()) * fontSize.Y;
rc.right = rc.left + fontSize.X;
rc.bottom = rc.top + fontSize.Y;
// Send accessibility information
IAccessibilityNotifier::ConsoleCaretEventFlags flags = IAccessibilityNotifier::ConsoleCaretEventFlags::CaretInvisible;
// Flags is expected to be 2, 1, or 0. 2 in selecting (whether or not visible), 1 if just visible, 0 if invisible/noselect.
if (WI_IsFlagSet(gci.Flags, CONSOLE_SELECTING))
flags = IAccessibilityNotifier::ConsoleCaretEventFlags::CaretSelection;
else if (cursor.IsVisible())
flags = IAccessibilityNotifier::ConsoleCaretEventFlags::CaretVisible;
_pAccessibilityNotifier->NotifyConsoleCaretEvent(flags, MAKELONG(position.X, position.Y));
// If the DelayCursor flag has been set, wait one more tick before toggle.
// This is used to guarantee the cursor is on for a finite period of time
// after a move and off for a finite period of time after a WriteString.
if (cursor.GetDelay())
goto DoScroll;
// Don't blink the cursor for remote sessions.
if ((!ServiceLocator::LocateSystemConfigurationProvider()->IsCaretBlinkingEnabled() ||
_uCaretBlinkTime == -1 ||
(!cursor.IsBlinkingAllowed())) &&
goto DoScroll;
// Blink only if the cursor isn't turned off via the API
if (cursor.IsVisible())
void CALLBACK CursorTimerRoutineWrapper(_In_ PVOID /* lpParam */, _In_ BOOLEAN /* TimerOrWaitFired */)
// Suppose the following sequence of events takes place:
// 1. The user resizes the console;
// 2. The console acquires the console lock;
// 3. The current SCREEN_INFORMATION instance is deleted;
// 4. This causes the current Cursor instance to be deleted, too;
// 5. The Cursor's destructor is called;
// => Somewhere between 1 and 5, the timer fires:
// Timer queue timer callbacks execute asynchronously with respect to
// the UI thread under which the numbered steps are taking place.
// Because the callback touches console state, it needs to acquire the
// console lock. But what if the timer callback fires at just the right
// time such that 2 has already acquired the lock?
// 6. The Cursor's destructor deletes the timer queue and thereby destroys
// the timer queue timer used for blinking. However, because this
// timer's callback modifies console state, it is prudent to not
// continue the destruction if the callback has already started but has
// not yet finished. Therefore, the destructor waits for the callback to
// finish executing.
// => Meanwhile, the callback just happens to be stuck waiting for the
// console lock acquired in step 2. Since the destructor is waiting on
// the callback to complete, and the callback is waiting on the lock,
// which will only be released way after the Cursor instance is deleted,
// the console has now deadlocked.
// As a solution, skip the blink if the console lock is already being held.
// Note that critical sections to not have a waitable synchronization
// object unless there readily is contention on it. As a result, if we
// wanted to wait until the lock became available under the condition of
// not being destroyed, things get too complicated.
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
if (gci.TryLockConsole() != false)
// Cursor& cursor = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetTextBuffer().GetCursor();
// This was originally just UnlockConsole, not CONSOLE_INFORMATION::UnlockConsole
// Is there a reason it would need to be the global version?
// Routine Description:
// - If guCaretBlinkTime is -1, we don't want to blink the caret. However, we
// need to make sure it gets drawn, so we'll set a short timer. When that
// goes off, we'll hit CursorTimerRoutine, and it'll do the right thing if
// guCaretBlinkTime is -1.
void CursorBlinker::SetCaretTimer()
static const DWORD dwDefTimeout = 0x212;
if (_hCaretBlinkTimer == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
bool bRet = true;
DWORD dwEffectivePeriod = _uCaretBlinkTime == -1 ? dwDefTimeout : _uCaretBlinkTime;
bRet = CreateTimerQueueTimer(&_hCaretBlinkTimer,
void CursorBlinker::KillCaretTimer()
if (_hCaretBlinkTimer != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
bool bRet = true;
bRet = DeleteTimerQueueTimer(_hCaretBlinkTimerQueue,
// According to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682569(v=vs.85).aspx
// A failure to delete the timer with the LastError being ERROR_IO_PENDING means that the timer is
// currently in use and will get cleaned up when released. Delete should not be called again.
// We treat that case as a success.
if (bRet == false && GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)