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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- textBuffer.hpp
- This module contains structures and functions for manipulating a text
based buffer within the console host window.
- Michael Niksa (miniksa) 10-Apr-2014
- Paul Campbell (paulcam) 10-Apr-2014
Revision History:
- From components of output.h/.c
by Therese Stowell (ThereseS) 1990-1991
ScreenBuffer data structure overview:
each screen buffer has an array of ROW structures. each ROW structure
contains the data for one row of text. the data stored for one row of
text is a character array and an attribute array. the character array
is allocated the full length of the row from the heap, regardless of the
non-space length. we also maintain the non-space length. the character
array is initialized to spaces. the attribute
array is run length encoded (i.e 5 BLUE, 3 RED). if there is only one
attribute for the whole row (the normal case), it is stored in the ATTR_ROW
structure. otherwise the attr string is allocated from the heap.
ROW - CHAR_ROW - CHAR string
\ \ length of char string
\ length of attr pair string
ScreenInfo->Rows points to the ROW array. ScreenInfo->Rows[0] is not
necessarily the top row. ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo->FirstRow contains the index of
the top row. That means scrolling (if scrolling entire screen)
merely involves changing the FirstRow index,
filling in the last row, and updating the screen.
#pragma once
Greatly reduce allocations in the conhost/OpenConsole startup path (#8489) I was looking at conhost/OpenConsole and noticed it was being pretty inefficient with allocations due to some usages of std::deque and std::vector that didn't need to be done quite that way. So this uses std::vector for the TextBuffer's storage of ROW objects, which allows one allocation to contiguously reserve space for all the ROWs - on Desktop this is 9001 ROW objects which means it saves 9000 allocations that the std::deque would have done. Plus it has the benefit of increasing locality of the ROW objects since deque is going to chase pointers more often with its data structure. Then, within each ROW there are CharRow and ATTR_ROW objects that use std::vector today. This changes them to use Boost's small_vector, which is a variation of vector that allows for the so-called "small string optimization." Since we know the typical size of these vectors, we can pre-reserve the right number of elements directly in the CharRow/ATTR_ROW instances, avoiding any heap allocations at all for constructing these objects. There are a ton of variations on this "small_vector" concept out there in the world - this one in Boost, LLVM has one called SmallVector, Electronic Arts' STL has a small_vector, Facebook's folly library has one...there are a silly number of these out there. But Boost seems like it's by far the easiest to consume in terms of integration into this repo, the CI/CD pipeline, licensing, and stuff like that, so I went with the boost version. In terms of numbers, I measured the startup path of OpenConsole.exe on my dev box for Release x64 configuration. My box is an i7-6700k @ 4 Ghz, with 32 GB RAM, not that I think machine config matters much here: | | Allocation count | Allocated bytes | CPU usage (ms) | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------------ | -------------- | | Before | 29,461 | 4,984,640 | 103 | | After | 2,459 (-91%) | 4,853,931 (-2.6%) | 96 (-7%) | Along the way, I also fixed a dynamic initializer I happened to spot in the registry code, and updated some docs. ## Validation Steps Performed - Ran "runut", "runft" and "runuia" locally and confirmed results are the same as the main branch - Profiled the before/after numbers in the Visual Studio profiler, for the numbers shown in the table Co-authored-by: Austin Lamb <austinl@microsoft.com>
2020-12-16 19:40:30 +01:00
#include <vector>
#include "cursor.h"
#include "Row.hpp"
#include "TextAttribute.hpp"
#include "UnicodeStorage.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/Viewport.hpp"
#include "../buffer/out/textBufferCellIterator.hpp"
#include "../buffer/out/textBufferTextIterator.hpp"
#include "../renderer/inc/IRenderTarget.hpp"
class TextBuffer final
TextBuffer(const COORD screenBufferSize,
const TextAttribute defaultAttributes,
const UINT cursorSize,
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& renderTarget);
TextBuffer(const TextBuffer& a) = delete;
// Used for duplicating properties to another text buffer
void CopyProperties(const TextBuffer& OtherBuffer) noexcept;
// row manipulation
const ROW& GetRowByOffset(const size_t index) const;
ROW& GetRowByOffset(const size_t index);
TextBufferCellIterator GetCellDataAt(const COORD at) const;
TextBufferCellIterator GetCellLineDataAt(const COORD at) const;
TextBufferCellIterator GetCellDataAt(const COORD at, const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport limit) const;
TextBufferTextIterator GetTextDataAt(const COORD at) const;
TextBufferTextIterator GetTextLineDataAt(const COORD at) const;
TextBufferTextIterator GetTextDataAt(const COORD at, const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport limit) const;
// Text insertion functions
OutputCellIterator Write(const OutputCellIterator givenIt);
OutputCellIterator Write(const OutputCellIterator givenIt,
const COORD target,
const std::optional<bool> wrap = true);
OutputCellIterator WriteLine(const OutputCellIterator givenIt,
const COORD target,
const std::optional<bool> setWrap = std::nullopt,
const std::optional<size_t> limitRight = std::nullopt);
bool InsertCharacter(const wchar_t wch, const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute, const TextAttribute attr);
bool InsertCharacter(const std::wstring_view chars, const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute, const TextAttribute attr);
bool IncrementCursor();
bool NewlineCursor();
// Scroll needs access to this to quickly rotate around the buffer.
Correct fill attributes when scrolling and erasing (#3100) ## Summary of the Pull Request Operations that erase areas of the screen are typically meant to do so using the current color attributes, but with the rendition attributes reset (what we refer to as meta attributes). This also includes scroll operations that have to clear the area of the screen that has scrolled into view. The only exception is the _Erase Scrollback_ operation, which needs to reset the buffer with the default attributes. This PR updates all of these cases to apply the correct attributes when scrolling and erasing. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2553 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [x] Tests added/passed * [ ] Requires documentation to be updated * [ ] I've not really discussed this with core contributors. I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments My initial plan was to use a special case legacy attribute value to indicate the "standard erase attribute" which could safely be passed through the legacy APIs. But this wouldn't cover the cases that required default attributes to be used. And then with the changes in PR #2668 and #2987, it became clear that our requirements could be better achieved with a couple of new private APIs that wouldn't have to depend on legacy attribute hacks at all. To that end, I've added the `PrivateFillRegion` and `PrivateScrollRegion` APIs to the `ConGetSet` interface. These are just thin wrappers around the existing `SCREEN_INFORMATION::Write` method and the `ScrollRegion` function respectively, but with a simple boolean parameter to choose between filling with default attributes or the standard erase attributes (i.e the current colors but with meta attributes reset). With those new APIs in place, I could then update most scroll operations to use `PrivateScrollRegion`, and most erase operations to use `PrivateFillRegion`. The functions affected by scrolling included: * `DoSrvPrivateReverseLineFeed` (the RI command) * `DoSrvPrivateModifyLinesImpl` (the IL and DL commands) * `AdaptDispatch::_InsertDeleteHelper` (the ICH and DCH commands) * `AdaptDispatch::_ScrollMovement` (the SU and SD commands) The functions affected by erasing included: * `AdaptDispatch::_EraseSingleLineHelper` (the EL command, and most ED variants) * `AdaptDispatch::EraseCharacters` (the ECH command) While updating these erase methods, I noticed that both of them also required boundary fixes similar to those in PR #2505 (i.e. the horizontal extent of the erase operation should apply to the full width of the buffer, and not just the current viewport width), so I've addressed that at the same time. In addition to the changes above, there were also a few special cases, the first being the line feed handling, which required updating in a number of places to use the correct erase attributes: * `SCREEN_INFORMATION::InitializeCursorRowAttributes` - this is used to initialise the rows that pan into view when the viewport is moved down the buffer. * `TextBuffer::IncrementCircularBuffer` - this occurs when we scroll passed the very end of the buffer, and a recycled row now needs to be reinitialised. * `AdjustCursorPosition` - when within margin boundaries, this relies on a couple of direct calls to `ScrollRegion` which needed to be passed the correct fill attributes. The second special case was the full screen erase sequence (`ESC 2 J`), which is handled separately from the other ED sequences. This required updating the `SCREEN_INFORMATION::VtEraseAll` method to use the standard erase attributes, and also required changes to the horizontal extent of the filled area, since it should have been clearing the full buffer width (the same issue as the other erase operations mentioned above). Finally, there was the `AdaptDispatch::_EraseScrollback` method, which uses both scroll and fill operations, which could now be handled by the new `PrivateScrollRegion` and `PrivateFillRegion` APIs. But in this case we needed to fill with the default attributes rather than the standard erase attributes. And again this implementation needed some changes to make sure the full width of the active area was retained after the erase, similar to the horizontal boundary issues with the other erase operations. Once all these changes were made, there were a few areas of the code that could then be simplified quite a bit. The `FillConsoleOutputCharacterW`, `FillConsoleOutputAttribute`, and `ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW` were no longer needed in the `ConGetSet` interface, so all of that code could now be removed. The `_EraseSingleLineDistanceHelper` and `_EraseAreaHelper` methods in the `AdaptDispatch` class were also no longer required and could be removed. Then there were the hacks to handle legacy default colors in the `FillConsoleOutputAttributeImpl` and `ScrollConsoleScreenBufferWImpl` implementations. Since those hacks were only needed for VT operations, and the VT code no longer calls those methods, there was no longer a need to retain that behaviour (in fact there are probably some edge cases where that behaviour might have been considered a bug when reached via the public console APIs). ## Validation Steps Performed For most of the scrolling operations there were already existing tests in place, and those could easily be extended to check that the meta attributes were correctly reset when filling the revealed lines of the scrolling region. In the screen buffer tests, I made updates of that sort to the `ScrollOperations` method (handling SU, SD, IL, DL, and RI), the `InsertChars` and `DeleteChars` methods (ICH and DCH), and the `VtNewlinePastViewport` method (LF). I also added a new `VtNewlinePastEndOfBuffer` test to check the case where the line feed causes the viewport to pan past the end of the buffer. The erase operations, however, were being covered by adapter tests, and those aren't really suited for this kind of functionality (the same sort of issue came up in PR #2505). As a result I've had to reimplement those tests as screen buffer tests. Most of the erase operations are covered by the `EraseTests` method, except the for the scrollback erase which has a dedicated `EraseScrollbackTests` method. I've also had to replace the `HardReset` adapter test, but that was already mostly covered by the `HardResetBuffer` screen buffer test, which I've now extended slightly (it could do with some more checks, but I think that can wait for a future PR when we're fixing other RIS issues).
2019-12-11 00:14:40 +01:00
bool IncrementCircularBuffer(const bool inVtMode = false);
Add support for "reflow"ing the Terminal buffer (#4741) This PR adds support for "Resize with Reflow" to the Terminal. In conhost, `ResizeWithReflow` is the function that's responsible for reflowing wrapped lines of text as the buffer gets resized. Now that #4415 has merged, we can also implement this in the Terminal. Now, when the Terminal is resized, it will reflow the lines of it's buffer in the same way that conhost does. This means, the terminal will no longer chop off the ends of lines as the buffer is too small to represent them. As a happy side effect of this PR, it also fixed #3490. This was a bug that plagued me during the investigation into this functionality. The original #3490 PR, #4354, tried to fix this bug with some heavy conpty changes. Turns out, that only made things worse, and far more complicated. When I really got to thinking about it, I realized "conhost can handle this right, why can't the Terminal?". Turns out, by adding resize with reflow, I was also able to fix this at the same time. Conhost does a little bit of math after reflowing to attempt to keep the viewport in the same relative place after a reflow. By re-using that logic in the Terminal, I was able to fix #3490. I also included that big ole test from #3490, because everyone likes adding 60 test cases in a PR. ## References * #4200 - this scenario * #405/#4415 - conpty emits wrapped lines, which was needed for this PR * #4403 - delayed EOL wrapping via conpty, which was also needed for this * #4354 - we don't speak of this PR anymore ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1465 * [x] Closes #3490 * [x] Closes #4771 * [x] Tests added/passed ## EDIT: Changes to this PR on 5 March 2020 I learned more since my original version of this PR. I wrote that in January, and despite my notes that say it was totally working, it _really_ wasn't. Part of the hard problem, as mentioned in #3490, is that the Terminal might request a resize to (W, H-1), and while conpty is preparing that frame, or before the terminal has received that frame, the Terminal resizes to (W, H-2). Now, there aren't enough lines in the terminal buffer to catch all the lines that conpty is about to emit. When that happens, lines get duplicated in the buffer. From a UX perspective, this certainly looks a lot worse than a couple lost lines. It looks like utter chaos. So I've introduced a new mode to conpty to try and counteract this behavior. This behavior I'm calling "quirky resize". The **TL;DR** of quirky resize mode is that conpty won't emit the entire buffer on a resize, and will trust that the terminal is prepared to reflow it's buffer on it's own. This will enable the quirky resize behavior for applications that are prepared for it. The "quirky resize" is "don't `InvalidateAll` when the terminal resizes". This is added as a quirk as to not regress other terminal applications that aren't prepared for this behavior (gnome-terminal, conhost in particular). For those kinds of terminals, when the buffer is resized, it's just going to lose lines. That's what currently happens for them. When the quirk is enabled, conpty won't repaint the entire buffer. This gets around the "duplicated lines" issue that requesting multiple resizes in a row can cause. However, for these terminals that are unprepared, the conpty cursor might end up in the wrong position after a quirky resize. The case in point is maximizing the terminal. For maximizing (height->50) from a buffer that's 30 lines tall, with the cursor on y=30, this is what happens: * With the quirk disabled, conpty reprints the entire buffer. This is 60 lines that get printed. This ends up blowing away about 20 lines of scrollback history, as the terminal app would have tried to keep the text pinned to the bottom of the window. The term. app moved the viewport up 20 lines, and then the 50 lines of conpty output (30 lines of text, and 20 blank lines at the bottom) overwrote the lines from the scrollback. This is bad, but not immediately obvious, and is **what currently happens**. * With the quirk enabled, conpty doesn't emit any lines, but the actual content of the window is still only in the top 30 lines. However, the terminal app has still moved 20 lines down from the scrollback back into the viewport. So the terminal's cursor is at y=50 now, but conpty's is at 30. This means that the terminal and conpty are out of sync, and there's not a good way of re-syncing these. It's very possible (trivial in `powershell`) that the new output will jump up to y=30 override the existing output in the terminal buffer. The Windows Terminal is already prepared for this quirky behavior, so it doesn't keep the output at the bottom of the window. It shifts it's viewport down to match what conpty things the buffer looks like. What happens when we have passthrough mode and WT is like "I would like quirky resize"? I guess things will just work fine, cause there won't be a buffer behind the passthrough app that the terminal cares about. Sure, in the passthrough case the Terminal could _not_ quirky resize, but the quirky resize won't be wrong.
2020-03-13 01:43:37 +01:00
COORD GetLastNonSpaceCharacter(std::optional<const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport> viewOptional = std::nullopt) const;
Cursor& GetCursor() noexcept;
const Cursor& GetCursor() const noexcept;
const SHORT GetFirstRowIndex() const noexcept;
const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport GetSize() const noexcept;
void ScrollRows(const SHORT firstRow, const SHORT size, const SHORT delta);
UINT TotalRowCount() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] TextAttribute GetCurrentAttributes() const noexcept;
void SetCurrentAttributes(const TextAttribute& currentAttributes) noexcept;
Add support for double-width/double-height lines in conhost (#8664) This PR adds support for the VT line rendition attributes, which allow for double-width and double-height line renditions. These renditions are enabled with the `DECDWL` (double-width line) and `DECDHL` (double-height line) escape sequences. Both reset to the default rendition with the `DECSWL` (single-width line) escape sequence. For now this functionality is only supported by the GDI renderer in conhost. There are a lot of changes, so this is just a general overview of the main areas affected. Previously it was safe to assume that the screen had a fixed width, at least for a given point in time. But now we need to deal with the possibility of different lines have different widths, so all the functions that are constrained by the right border (text wrapping, cursor movement operations, and sequences like `EL` and `ICH`) now need to lookup the width of the active line in order to behave correctly. Similarly it used to be safe to assume that buffer and screen coordinates were the same thing, but that is no longer true. Lots of places now need to translate back and forth between coordinate systems dependent on the line rendition. This includes clipboard handling, the conhost color selection and search, accessibility location tracking and screen reading, IME editor positioning, "snapping" the viewport, and of course all the rendering calculations. For the rendering itself, I've had to introduce a new `PrepareLineTransform` method that the render engines can use to setup the necessary transform matrix for a given line rendition. This is also now used to handle the horizontal viewport offset, since that could no longer be achieved just by changing the target coordinates (on a double width line, the viewport offset may be halfway through a character). I've also had to change the renderer's existing `InvalidateCursor` method to take a `SMALL_RECT` rather than a `COORD`, to allow for the cursor being a variable width. Technically this was already a problem, because the cursor could occupy two screen cells when over a double-width character, but now it can be anything between one and four screen cells (e.g. a double-width character on the double-width line). In terms of architectural changes, there is now a new `lineRendition` field in the `ROW` class that keeps track of the line rendition for each row, and several new methods in the `ROW` and `TextBuffer` classes for manipulating that state. This includes a few helper methods for handling the various issues discussed above, e.g. position clamping and translating between coordinate systems. ## Validation Steps Performed I've manually confirmed all the double-width and double-height tests in _Vttest_ are now working as expected, and the _VT100 Torture Test_ now renders correctly (at least the line rendition aspects). I've also got my own test scripts that check many of the line rendition boundary cases and have confirmed that those are now passing. I've manually tested as many areas of the conhost UI that I could think of, that might be affected by line rendition, including things like searching, selection, copying, and color highlighting. For accessibility, I've confirmed that the _Magnifier_ and _Narrator_ correctly handle double-width lines. And I've also tested the Japanese IME, which while not perfect, is at least useable. Closes #7865
2021-02-18 06:44:50 +01:00
void SetCurrentLineRendition(const LineRendition lineRendition);
void ResetLineRenditionRange(const size_t startRow, const size_t endRow);
LineRendition GetLineRendition(const size_t row) const;
bool IsDoubleWidthLine(const size_t row) const;
SHORT GetLineWidth(const size_t row) const;
COORD ClampPositionWithinLine(const COORD position) const;
COORD ScreenToBufferPosition(const COORD position) const;
COORD BufferToScreenPosition(const COORD position) const;
void Reset();
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ResizeTraditional(const COORD newSize) noexcept;
const UnicodeStorage& GetUnicodeStorage() const noexcept;
UnicodeStorage& GetUnicodeStorage() noexcept;
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& GetRenderTarget() noexcept;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
const COORD GetWordStart(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters, bool accessibilityMode = false, std::optional<til::point> limitOptional = std::nullopt) const;
const COORD GetWordEnd(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters, bool accessibilityMode = false, std::optional<til::point> limitOptional = std::nullopt) const;
bool MoveToNextWord(COORD& pos, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters, std::optional<til::point> limitOptional = std::nullopt) const;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
bool MoveToPreviousWord(COORD& pos, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) const;
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
const til::point GetGlyphStart(const til::point pos, std::optional<til::point> limitOptional = std::nullopt) const;
const til::point GetGlyphEnd(const til::point pos, bool accessibilityMode = false, std::optional<til::point> limitOptional = std::nullopt) const;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
bool MoveToNextGlyph(til::point& pos, bool allowBottomExclusive = false, std::optional<til::point> limitOptional = std::nullopt) const;
bool MoveToPreviousGlyph(til::point& pos, std::optional<til::point> limitOptional = std::nullopt) const;
Add support for double-width/double-height lines in conhost (#8664) This PR adds support for the VT line rendition attributes, which allow for double-width and double-height line renditions. These renditions are enabled with the `DECDWL` (double-width line) and `DECDHL` (double-height line) escape sequences. Both reset to the default rendition with the `DECSWL` (single-width line) escape sequence. For now this functionality is only supported by the GDI renderer in conhost. There are a lot of changes, so this is just a general overview of the main areas affected. Previously it was safe to assume that the screen had a fixed width, at least for a given point in time. But now we need to deal with the possibility of different lines have different widths, so all the functions that are constrained by the right border (text wrapping, cursor movement operations, and sequences like `EL` and `ICH`) now need to lookup the width of the active line in order to behave correctly. Similarly it used to be safe to assume that buffer and screen coordinates were the same thing, but that is no longer true. Lots of places now need to translate back and forth between coordinate systems dependent on the line rendition. This includes clipboard handling, the conhost color selection and search, accessibility location tracking and screen reading, IME editor positioning, "snapping" the viewport, and of course all the rendering calculations. For the rendering itself, I've had to introduce a new `PrepareLineTransform` method that the render engines can use to setup the necessary transform matrix for a given line rendition. This is also now used to handle the horizontal viewport offset, since that could no longer be achieved just by changing the target coordinates (on a double width line, the viewport offset may be halfway through a character). I've also had to change the renderer's existing `InvalidateCursor` method to take a `SMALL_RECT` rather than a `COORD`, to allow for the cursor being a variable width. Technically this was already a problem, because the cursor could occupy two screen cells when over a double-width character, but now it can be anything between one and four screen cells (e.g. a double-width character on the double-width line). In terms of architectural changes, there is now a new `lineRendition` field in the `ROW` class that keeps track of the line rendition for each row, and several new methods in the `ROW` and `TextBuffer` classes for manipulating that state. This includes a few helper methods for handling the various issues discussed above, e.g. position clamping and translating between coordinate systems. ## Validation Steps Performed I've manually confirmed all the double-width and double-height tests in _Vttest_ are now working as expected, and the _VT100 Torture Test_ now renders correctly (at least the line rendition aspects). I've also got my own test scripts that check many of the line rendition boundary cases and have confirmed that those are now passing. I've manually tested as many areas of the conhost UI that I could think of, that might be affected by line rendition, including things like searching, selection, copying, and color highlighting. For accessibility, I've confirmed that the _Magnifier_ and _Narrator_ correctly handle double-width lines. And I've also tested the Japanese IME, which while not perfect, is at least useable. Closes #7865
2021-02-18 06:44:50 +01:00
const std::vector<SMALL_RECT> GetTextRects(COORD start, COORD end, bool blockSelection, bool bufferCoordinates) const;
Move rect expansion to textbuffer; refactor selection code (#4560) - When performing chunk selection, the expansion now occurs at the time of the selection, not the rendering of the selection - `GetSelectionRects()` was moved to the `TextBuffer` and is now shared between ConHost and Windows Terminal - Some of the selection variables were renamed for clarity - Selection COORDs are now in the Text Buffer coordinate space - Fixes an issue with Shift+Click after performing a Multi-Click Selection ## References This also contributes to... - #4509: UIA Box Selection - #2447: UIA Signaling for Selection - #1354: UIA support for Wide Glyphs Now that the expansion occurs at before render-time, the selection anchors are an accurate representation of what is selected. We just need to move `GetText` to the `TextBuffer`. Then we can have those three issues just rely on code from the text buffer. This also means ConHost gets some of this stuff for free 😀 ### TextBuffer - `GetTextRects` is the abstracted form of `GetSelectionRects` - `_ExpandTextRow` is still needed to handle wide glyphs properly ### Terminal - Rename... - `_boxSelection` --> `_blockSelection` for consistency with ConHost - `_selectionAnchor` --> `_selectionStart` for consistency with UIA - `_endSelectionPosition` --> `_selectionEnd` for consistency with UIA - Selection anchors are in Text Buffer coordinates now - Really rely on `SetSelectionEnd` to accomplish appropriate chunk selection and shift+click actions ## Validation Steps Performed - Shift+Click - Multi-Click --> Shift+Click - Chunk Selection at... - top of buffer - bottom of buffer - random region in scrollback Closes #4465 Closes #4547
2020-02-28 01:42:26 +01:00
OSC 8 support for conhost and terminal (#7251) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request Conhost can now support OSC8 sequences (as specified [here](https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda)). Terminal also supports those sequences and additionally hyperlinks can be opened by Ctrl+LeftClicking on them. <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References #204 <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #204 * [ ] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Added support to: - parse OSC8 sequences and extract URIs from them (conhost and terminal) - add hyperlink uri data to textbuffer/screeninformation, associated with a hyperlink id (conhost and terminal) - attach hyperlink ids to text to allow for uri extraction from the textbuffer/screeninformation (conhost and terminal) - process ctrl+leftclick to open a hyperlink in the clicked region if present <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed Open up a PowerShell tab and type ```PowerShell ${ESC}=[char]27 Write-Host "${ESC}]8;;https://github.com/microsoft/terminal${ESC}\This is a link!${ESC}]8;;${ESC}\" ``` Ctrl+LeftClick on the link correctly brings you to the terminal page on github ![hyperlink](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26824113/89953536-45a6f580-dbfd-11ea-8e0d-8a3cd25c634a.gif)
2020-09-03 19:52:39 +02:00
void AddHyperlinkToMap(std::wstring_view uri, uint16_t id);
std::wstring GetHyperlinkUriFromId(uint16_t id) const;
uint16_t GetHyperlinkId(std::wstring_view uri, std::wstring_view id);
void RemoveHyperlinkFromMap(uint16_t id) noexcept;
OSC 8 support for conhost and terminal (#7251) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request Conhost can now support OSC8 sequences (as specified [here](https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda)). Terminal also supports those sequences and additionally hyperlinks can be opened by Ctrl+LeftClicking on them. <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References #204 <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #204 * [ ] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Added support to: - parse OSC8 sequences and extract URIs from them (conhost and terminal) - add hyperlink uri data to textbuffer/screeninformation, associated with a hyperlink id (conhost and terminal) - attach hyperlink ids to text to allow for uri extraction from the textbuffer/screeninformation (conhost and terminal) - process ctrl+leftclick to open a hyperlink in the clicked region if present <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed Open up a PowerShell tab and type ```PowerShell ${ESC}=[char]27 Write-Host "${ESC}]8;;https://github.com/microsoft/terminal${ESC}\This is a link!${ESC}]8;;${ESC}\" ``` Ctrl+LeftClick on the link correctly brings you to the terminal page on github ![hyperlink](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26824113/89953536-45a6f580-dbfd-11ea-8e0d-8a3cd25c634a.gif)
2020-09-03 19:52:39 +02:00
std::wstring GetCustomIdFromId(uint16_t id) const;
void CopyHyperlinkMaps(const TextBuffer& OtherBuffer);
class TextAndColor
std::vector<std::wstring> text;
std::vector<std::vector<COLORREF>> FgAttr;
std::vector<std::vector<COLORREF>> BkAttr;
const TextAndColor GetText(const bool includeCRLF,
const bool trimTrailingWhitespace,
const std::vector<SMALL_RECT>& textRects,
std::function<std::pair<COLORREF, COLORREF>(const TextAttribute&)> GetAttributeColors = nullptr,
const bool formatWrappedRows = false) const;
static std::string GenHTML(const TextAndColor& rows,
const int fontHeightPoints,
const std::wstring_view fontFaceName,
const COLORREF backgroundColor);
Copy RTF data to the clipboard (#3535) ## Summary of the Pull Request RTF data is now copied to the clipboard. Tested by copy pasting text from terminal to WordPad. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2487 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Requires documentation to be updated * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #2487 <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Mostly similar to PR #1224. Added a new static method `GenRTF` in `TextBuffer` that is responsible for generating the RTF representation of a given text. The generated RTF is added to the `DataPackage` that is ultimately passed to the clipboard. <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed Validated by copy pasting text from the terminal to WordPad. Validated with different colors to make sure that is working. (MS Word seems to prefer HTML data from the clipboard instead of RTF.) <hr> * Copy RTF data to the clipboard * Added comment explaining various parts of the header * Fixed static code analysis issues and added noexcept to GenRTF() * Removed noexcept
2019-11-13 21:13:22 +01:00
static std::string GenRTF(const TextAndColor& rows,
const int fontHeightPoints,
const std::wstring_view fontFaceName,
const COLORREF backgroundColor);
struct PositionInformation
short mutableViewportTop{ 0 };
short visibleViewportTop{ 0 };
Add support for "reflow"ing the Terminal buffer (#4741) This PR adds support for "Resize with Reflow" to the Terminal. In conhost, `ResizeWithReflow` is the function that's responsible for reflowing wrapped lines of text as the buffer gets resized. Now that #4415 has merged, we can also implement this in the Terminal. Now, when the Terminal is resized, it will reflow the lines of it's buffer in the same way that conhost does. This means, the terminal will no longer chop off the ends of lines as the buffer is too small to represent them. As a happy side effect of this PR, it also fixed #3490. This was a bug that plagued me during the investigation into this functionality. The original #3490 PR, #4354, tried to fix this bug with some heavy conpty changes. Turns out, that only made things worse, and far more complicated. When I really got to thinking about it, I realized "conhost can handle this right, why can't the Terminal?". Turns out, by adding resize with reflow, I was also able to fix this at the same time. Conhost does a little bit of math after reflowing to attempt to keep the viewport in the same relative place after a reflow. By re-using that logic in the Terminal, I was able to fix #3490. I also included that big ole test from #3490, because everyone likes adding 60 test cases in a PR. ## References * #4200 - this scenario * #405/#4415 - conpty emits wrapped lines, which was needed for this PR * #4403 - delayed EOL wrapping via conpty, which was also needed for this * #4354 - we don't speak of this PR anymore ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1465 * [x] Closes #3490 * [x] Closes #4771 * [x] Tests added/passed ## EDIT: Changes to this PR on 5 March 2020 I learned more since my original version of this PR. I wrote that in January, and despite my notes that say it was totally working, it _really_ wasn't. Part of the hard problem, as mentioned in #3490, is that the Terminal might request a resize to (W, H-1), and while conpty is preparing that frame, or before the terminal has received that frame, the Terminal resizes to (W, H-2). Now, there aren't enough lines in the terminal buffer to catch all the lines that conpty is about to emit. When that happens, lines get duplicated in the buffer. From a UX perspective, this certainly looks a lot worse than a couple lost lines. It looks like utter chaos. So I've introduced a new mode to conpty to try and counteract this behavior. This behavior I'm calling "quirky resize". The **TL;DR** of quirky resize mode is that conpty won't emit the entire buffer on a resize, and will trust that the terminal is prepared to reflow it's buffer on it's own. This will enable the quirky resize behavior for applications that are prepared for it. The "quirky resize" is "don't `InvalidateAll` when the terminal resizes". This is added as a quirk as to not regress other terminal applications that aren't prepared for this behavior (gnome-terminal, conhost in particular). For those kinds of terminals, when the buffer is resized, it's just going to lose lines. That's what currently happens for them. When the quirk is enabled, conpty won't repaint the entire buffer. This gets around the "duplicated lines" issue that requesting multiple resizes in a row can cause. However, for these terminals that are unprepared, the conpty cursor might end up in the wrong position after a quirky resize. The case in point is maximizing the terminal. For maximizing (height->50) from a buffer that's 30 lines tall, with the cursor on y=30, this is what happens: * With the quirk disabled, conpty reprints the entire buffer. This is 60 lines that get printed. This ends up blowing away about 20 lines of scrollback history, as the terminal app would have tried to keep the text pinned to the bottom of the window. The term. app moved the viewport up 20 lines, and then the 50 lines of conpty output (30 lines of text, and 20 blank lines at the bottom) overwrote the lines from the scrollback. This is bad, but not immediately obvious, and is **what currently happens**. * With the quirk enabled, conpty doesn't emit any lines, but the actual content of the window is still only in the top 30 lines. However, the terminal app has still moved 20 lines down from the scrollback back into the viewport. So the terminal's cursor is at y=50 now, but conpty's is at 30. This means that the terminal and conpty are out of sync, and there's not a good way of re-syncing these. It's very possible (trivial in `powershell`) that the new output will jump up to y=30 override the existing output in the terminal buffer. The Windows Terminal is already prepared for this quirky behavior, so it doesn't keep the output at the bottom of the window. It shifts it's viewport down to match what conpty things the buffer looks like. What happens when we have passthrough mode and WT is like "I would like quirky resize"? I guess things will just work fine, cause there won't be a buffer behind the passthrough app that the terminal cares about. Sure, in the passthrough case the Terminal could _not_ quirky resize, but the quirky resize won't be wrong.
2020-03-13 01:43:37 +01:00
static HRESULT Reflow(TextBuffer& oldBuffer,
TextBuffer& newBuffer,
const std::optional<Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport> lastCharacterViewport,
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<PositionInformation>> positionInfo);
const size_t AddPatternRecognizer(const std::wstring_view regexString);
void ClearPatternRecognizers() noexcept;
void CopyPatterns(const TextBuffer& OtherBuffer);
interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t> GetPatterns(const size_t firstRow, const size_t lastRow) const;
void _UpdateSize();
Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport _size;
Greatly reduce allocations in the conhost/OpenConsole startup path (#8489) I was looking at conhost/OpenConsole and noticed it was being pretty inefficient with allocations due to some usages of std::deque and std::vector that didn't need to be done quite that way. So this uses std::vector for the TextBuffer's storage of ROW objects, which allows one allocation to contiguously reserve space for all the ROWs - on Desktop this is 9001 ROW objects which means it saves 9000 allocations that the std::deque would have done. Plus it has the benefit of increasing locality of the ROW objects since deque is going to chase pointers more often with its data structure. Then, within each ROW there are CharRow and ATTR_ROW objects that use std::vector today. This changes them to use Boost's small_vector, which is a variation of vector that allows for the so-called "small string optimization." Since we know the typical size of these vectors, we can pre-reserve the right number of elements directly in the CharRow/ATTR_ROW instances, avoiding any heap allocations at all for constructing these objects. There are a ton of variations on this "small_vector" concept out there in the world - this one in Boost, LLVM has one called SmallVector, Electronic Arts' STL has a small_vector, Facebook's folly library has one...there are a silly number of these out there. But Boost seems like it's by far the easiest to consume in terms of integration into this repo, the CI/CD pipeline, licensing, and stuff like that, so I went with the boost version. In terms of numbers, I measured the startup path of OpenConsole.exe on my dev box for Release x64 configuration. My box is an i7-6700k @ 4 Ghz, with 32 GB RAM, not that I think machine config matters much here: | | Allocation count | Allocated bytes | CPU usage (ms) | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------------ | -------------- | | Before | 29,461 | 4,984,640 | 103 | | After | 2,459 (-91%) | 4,853,931 (-2.6%) | 96 (-7%) | Along the way, I also fixed a dynamic initializer I happened to spot in the registry code, and updated some docs. ## Validation Steps Performed - Ran "runut", "runft" and "runuia" locally and confirmed results are the same as the main branch - Profiled the before/after numbers in the Visual Studio profiler, for the numbers shown in the table Co-authored-by: Austin Lamb <austinl@microsoft.com>
2020-12-16 19:40:30 +01:00
std::vector<ROW> _storage;
Cursor _cursor;
SHORT _firstRow; // indexes top row (not necessarily 0)
TextAttribute _currentAttributes;
// storage location for glyphs that can't fit into the buffer normally
UnicodeStorage _unicodeStorage;
OSC 8 support for conhost and terminal (#7251) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request Conhost can now support OSC8 sequences (as specified [here](https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda)). Terminal also supports those sequences and additionally hyperlinks can be opened by Ctrl+LeftClicking on them. <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References #204 <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #204 * [ ] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Added support to: - parse OSC8 sequences and extract URIs from them (conhost and terminal) - add hyperlink uri data to textbuffer/screeninformation, associated with a hyperlink id (conhost and terminal) - attach hyperlink ids to text to allow for uri extraction from the textbuffer/screeninformation (conhost and terminal) - process ctrl+leftclick to open a hyperlink in the clicked region if present <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed Open up a PowerShell tab and type ```PowerShell ${ESC}=[char]27 Write-Host "${ESC}]8;;https://github.com/microsoft/terminal${ESC}\This is a link!${ESC}]8;;${ESC}\" ``` Ctrl+LeftClick on the link correctly brings you to the terminal page on github ![hyperlink](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26824113/89953536-45a6f580-dbfd-11ea-8e0d-8a3cd25c634a.gif)
2020-09-03 19:52:39 +02:00
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::wstring> _hyperlinkMap;
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, uint16_t> _hyperlinkCustomIdMap;
uint16_t _currentHyperlinkId;
void _RefreshRowIDs(std::optional<SHORT> newRowWidth);
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& _renderTarget;
void _SetFirstRowIndex(const SHORT FirstRowIndex) noexcept;
Add support for double-width/double-height lines in conhost (#8664) This PR adds support for the VT line rendition attributes, which allow for double-width and double-height line renditions. These renditions are enabled with the `DECDWL` (double-width line) and `DECDHL` (double-height line) escape sequences. Both reset to the default rendition with the `DECSWL` (single-width line) escape sequence. For now this functionality is only supported by the GDI renderer in conhost. There are a lot of changes, so this is just a general overview of the main areas affected. Previously it was safe to assume that the screen had a fixed width, at least for a given point in time. But now we need to deal with the possibility of different lines have different widths, so all the functions that are constrained by the right border (text wrapping, cursor movement operations, and sequences like `EL` and `ICH`) now need to lookup the width of the active line in order to behave correctly. Similarly it used to be safe to assume that buffer and screen coordinates were the same thing, but that is no longer true. Lots of places now need to translate back and forth between coordinate systems dependent on the line rendition. This includes clipboard handling, the conhost color selection and search, accessibility location tracking and screen reading, IME editor positioning, "snapping" the viewport, and of course all the rendering calculations. For the rendering itself, I've had to introduce a new `PrepareLineTransform` method that the render engines can use to setup the necessary transform matrix for a given line rendition. This is also now used to handle the horizontal viewport offset, since that could no longer be achieved just by changing the target coordinates (on a double width line, the viewport offset may be halfway through a character). I've also had to change the renderer's existing `InvalidateCursor` method to take a `SMALL_RECT` rather than a `COORD`, to allow for the cursor being a variable width. Technically this was already a problem, because the cursor could occupy two screen cells when over a double-width character, but now it can be anything between one and four screen cells (e.g. a double-width character on the double-width line). In terms of architectural changes, there is now a new `lineRendition` field in the `ROW` class that keeps track of the line rendition for each row, and several new methods in the `ROW` and `TextBuffer` classes for manipulating that state. This includes a few helper methods for handling the various issues discussed above, e.g. position clamping and translating between coordinate systems. ## Validation Steps Performed I've manually confirmed all the double-width and double-height tests in _Vttest_ are now working as expected, and the _VT100 Torture Test_ now renders correctly (at least the line rendition aspects). I've also got my own test scripts that check many of the line rendition boundary cases and have confirmed that those are now passing. I've manually tested as many areas of the conhost UI that I could think of, that might be affected by line rendition, including things like searching, selection, copying, and color highlighting. For accessibility, I've confirmed that the _Magnifier_ and _Narrator_ correctly handle double-width lines. And I've also tested the Japanese IME, which while not perfect, is at least useable. Closes #7865
2021-02-18 06:44:50 +01:00
COORD _GetPreviousFromCursor() const;
void _SetWrapOnCurrentRow();
void _AdjustWrapOnCurrentRow(const bool fSet);
void _NotifyPaint(const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& viewport) const;
// Assist with maintaining proper buffer state for Double Byte character sequences
bool _PrepareForDoubleByteSequence(const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute);
bool _AssertValidDoubleByteSequence(const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute);
ROW& _GetFirstRow();
ROW& _GetPrevRowNoWrap(const ROW& row);
Move rect expansion to textbuffer; refactor selection code (#4560) - When performing chunk selection, the expansion now occurs at the time of the selection, not the rendering of the selection - `GetSelectionRects()` was moved to the `TextBuffer` and is now shared between ConHost and Windows Terminal - Some of the selection variables were renamed for clarity - Selection COORDs are now in the Text Buffer coordinate space - Fixes an issue with Shift+Click after performing a Multi-Click Selection ## References This also contributes to... - #4509: UIA Box Selection - #2447: UIA Signaling for Selection - #1354: UIA support for Wide Glyphs Now that the expansion occurs at before render-time, the selection anchors are an accurate representation of what is selected. We just need to move `GetText` to the `TextBuffer`. Then we can have those three issues just rely on code from the text buffer. This also means ConHost gets some of this stuff for free 😀 ### TextBuffer - `GetTextRects` is the abstracted form of `GetSelectionRects` - `_ExpandTextRow` is still needed to handle wide glyphs properly ### Terminal - Rename... - `_boxSelection` --> `_blockSelection` for consistency with ConHost - `_selectionAnchor` --> `_selectionStart` for consistency with UIA - `_endSelectionPosition` --> `_selectionEnd` for consistency with UIA - Selection anchors are in Text Buffer coordinates now - Really rely on `SetSelectionEnd` to accomplish appropriate chunk selection and shift+click actions ## Validation Steps Performed - Shift+Click - Multi-Click --> Shift+Click - Chunk Selection at... - top of buffer - bottom of buffer - random region in scrollback Closes #4465 Closes #4547
2020-02-28 01:42:26 +01:00
void _ExpandTextRow(SMALL_RECT& selectionRow) const;
const DelimiterClass _GetDelimiterClassAt(const COORD pos, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) const;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const COORD _GetWordStartForAccessibility(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) const;
const COORD _GetWordStartForSelection(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) const;
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122) ## Summary of the Pull Request Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore. The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt. Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably). ## References #7000 - Epic Closes #6986 Closes #10925 ## Validation Steps Performed - [X] Tests pass - [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 22:44:29 +02:00
const COORD _GetWordEndForAccessibility(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters, const COORD limit) const;
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018) ## Summary of the Pull Request This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals... 1) reduce duplicate code 2) remove static functions 3) improve readability 4) improve reliability 5) improve code-coverage for testing 6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA. See below for additional context. ## References #3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here. #3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files #2160 - same as #3976 above #1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### UiaTextRange - converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space - `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end. - all functions are no longer static - `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions - removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc.. - relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport` ### XamlUiaTextRange - `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA. - `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module ### TextBuffer - Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction - a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it: " word other " In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include [" ", "word", " ", "other", " "]. In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word ", "other "]. Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD. Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection. ### Viewport - the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive` - Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds. ### Testing - word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests - additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange - The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results. ## Validation Steps Performed Tests pass Narrator works NVDA works
2020-01-31 21:59:39 +01:00
const COORD _GetWordEndForSelection(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) const;
Enable Word Navigation in UiaTextRange (#3659) Enables support for word navigation when using an automation client (i.e.: Narrator, etc...). Specifically, adds this functionality to the UiaTextRange class. The only delimiter used is whitespace because that's how words are separated in English. # General "Word Movement" Expectations The resulting text range should include any word break characters that are present at the end of the word, but before the start of the next word. (Source) If you already are on a word, getting the "next word" means you skip the word you are on, and highlight the upcoming word appropriately. (similar idea when moving backwards) # Word Expansion Since word selection is supposed to detect word delimiters already, I figured I'd reuse that code. I moved it from TerminalCore to the TextBuffer. Then I built on top of it by adding an optional additional parameter that decides if you want to include... - the delimiter run when moving forward - the character run when moving backwards It defaults to false so that we don't have to care when using it in selection. But we change it to true when using it in our UiaTextRange # UiaTextRange The code is based on character movement. This allows us to actually work with boundary conditions. The main thing to remember here is that each text range is recorded as a MoveState. The text range is most easily defined when you think about the start Endpoint and the end Endpoint. An Endpoint is just a linear 1-dimensional indexing of the text buffer. Examples: - Endpoint 0 --> (0,0) - Endpoint 79 --> (79,0) (when the buffer width is 80) - Endpoint 80 -->(0,1) (when the buffer width is 80) - When moving forward, the strategy is to focus on moving the end Endpoint. That way, we properly get the indexing for the "next" word (this also fixes a wrapping issue). Then, we update the start Endpoint. (This is reversed for moving backwards). - When moving a specific Endpoint, we just have a few extra if statements to properly adjust for moving start vs end. # Hooking it up All we really had to do is add an enum. This part was super easy :) I originally wanted the delimiters to be able to be defined. I'm not so sure about that anymore. Either way, I hardcoded our delimiter into a variable so if we ever want to expand on it or make that customizable, we just modify that variable. # Defining your own word delimiters - Import a word delimiter into the constructor of the ScreenInfoUiaProvider (SIUP) - This defines a word delimiter for all the UiaTextRanges (UTR) created by in this context - import a word delimiter into the UTR directly - this provides more control over what a "word" is - this can be useful if you have an idea of what text a particular UTR will encounter and you want to customize the word navigation for it (i.e consider adding / or \\ for file paths) The default param of " " is scattered throughout because this is the word delimiter used in the English language.
2019-12-13 00:22:12 +01:00
OSC 8 support for conhost and terminal (#7251) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request Conhost can now support OSC8 sequences (as specified [here](https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda)). Terminal also supports those sequences and additionally hyperlinks can be opened by Ctrl+LeftClicking on them. <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> ## References #204 <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #204 * [ ] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx * [ ] Schema updated. * [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Added support to: - parse OSC8 sequences and extract URIs from them (conhost and terminal) - add hyperlink uri data to textbuffer/screeninformation, associated with a hyperlink id (conhost and terminal) - attach hyperlink ids to text to allow for uri extraction from the textbuffer/screeninformation (conhost and terminal) - process ctrl+leftclick to open a hyperlink in the clicked region if present <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed Open up a PowerShell tab and type ```PowerShell ${ESC}=[char]27 Write-Host "${ESC}]8;;https://github.com/microsoft/terminal${ESC}\This is a link!${ESC}]8;;${ESC}\" ``` Ctrl+LeftClick on the link correctly brings you to the terminal page on github ![hyperlink](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26824113/89953536-45a6f580-dbfd-11ea-8e0d-8a3cd25c634a.gif)
2020-09-03 19:52:39 +02:00
void _PruneHyperlinks();
std::unordered_map<size_t, std::wstring> _idsAndPatterns;
size_t _currentPatternId;
friend class TextBufferTests;
friend class UiaTextRangeTests;