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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "../inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
// This macro must be used alongside GETSET_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING.
// Use this in your class's constructor after Initialize_Component().
// It sorts and initializes the observable list of enum entries with the enum name
// being its localized name, and also initializes the enum to EnumEntry
// map that's required to tell XAML what enum value the currently active
// setting has.
#define INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING(name, enumMappingsName, enumType, resourceSectionAndType, resourceProperty) \
do \
{ \
std::vector<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry> name##List; \
_##name##Map = winrt::single_threaded_map<enumType, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry>(); \
auto enumMapping##name = winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::EnumMappings::enumMappingsName(); \
for (auto [key, value] : enumMapping##name) \
{ \
auto enumName = LocalizedNameForEnumName(resourceSectionAndType, key, resourceProperty); \
auto entry = winrt::make<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::implementation::EnumEntry>(enumName, winrt::box_value<enumType>(value)); \
name##List.emplace_back(entry); \
_##name##Map.Insert(value, entry); \
} \
std::sort(name##List.begin(), name##List.end(), EnumEntryComparator<enumType>()); \
_##name##List = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry>(std::move(name##List)); \
} while (0);
#define INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING_REVERSE_ORDER(name, enumMappingsName, enumType, resourceSectionAndType, resourceProperty) \
do \
{ \
std::vector<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry> name##List; \
_##name##Map = winrt::single_threaded_map<enumType, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry>(); \
auto enumMapping##name = winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::EnumMappings::enumMappingsName(); \
for (auto [key, value] : enumMapping##name) \
{ \
auto enumName = LocalizedNameForEnumName(resourceSectionAndType, key, resourceProperty); \
auto entry = winrt::make<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::implementation::EnumEntry>(enumName, winrt::box_value<enumType>(value)); \
name##List.emplace_back(entry); \
_##name##Map.Insert(value, entry); \
} \
std::sort(name##List.begin(), name##List.end(), EnumEntryReverseComparator<enumType>()); \
_##name##List = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry>(std::move(name##List)); \
} while (0);
// This macro must be used alongside INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING.
// It declares the needed data structures, getters, and setters to make
// the given enum type bindable to XAML. It provides an observable list
// of EnumEntries so that we may display all possible values of the given
// enum type and its localized names. It also provides a getter and setter
// for the setting we wish to bind to.
#define GETSET_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING(name, enumType, settingsModelName, settingNameInModel) \
public: \
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry> name##List() \
{ \
return _##name##List; \
} \
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable Current##name() \
{ \
return winrt::box_value<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry>(_##name##Map.Lookup(settingsModelName().settingNameInModel())); \
} \
void Current##name(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& enumEntry) \
{ \
if (auto ee = enumEntry.try_as<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry>()) \
{ \
auto setting = winrt::unbox_value<enumType>(ee.EnumValue()); \
settingsModelName().settingNameInModel(setting); \
} \
} \
private: \
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry> _##name##List; \
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<enumType, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::EnumEntry> _##name##Map;
Make Actions page editable (#9949) ## Summary of the Pull Request This PR lays the foundation for a new Actions page in the Settings UI as designed in #6900. The Actions page now leverages the `ActionMap` to display all of the key bindings and allow the user to modify the associated key chord or delete the key binding entirely. ## References #9621 - ActionMap #9926 - ActionMap serialization #9428 - ActionMap Spec #6900 - Actions page #9427 - Actions page design doc ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments ### Settings Model Changes - `Command::Copy()` now copies the `ActionAndArgs` - `ActionMap::RebindKeys()` handles changing the key chord of a key binding. If a conflict occurs, the conflicting key chord is overwritten. - `ActionMap::DeleteKeyBinding()` "deletes" a key binding by binding "unbound" to the given key chord. - `ActionMap::KeyBindings()` presents another view (similar to `NameMap`) of the `ActionMap`. It specifically presents a map of key chords to commands. It is generated similar to how `NameMap` is generated. ### Editor Changes - `Actions.xaml` is mainly split into two parts: - `ListView` (as before) holds the list of key bindings. We _could_ explore the idea of an items repeater, but the `ListView` seems to provide some niceties with regards to navigating the list via the key board (though none are selectable). - `DataTemplate` is used to represent each key binding inside the `ListView`. This is tricky because it is bound to a `KeyBindingViewModel` which must provide _all_ context necessary to modify the UI and the settings model. We cannot use names to target UI elements inside this template, so we must make the view model smart and force updates to the UI via changes in the view model. - `KeyBindingViewModel` is a view model object that controls the UI and the settings model. There are a number of TODOs in Actions.cpp will be long-term follow-ups and would be nice to have. This includes... - a binary search by name on `Actions::KeyBindingList` - presenting an error when the provided key chord is invalid. ## Demo ![Actions Page Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/116034988-131d1b80-a619-11eb-8df2-c7e57c6fad86.gif)
2021-05-18 23:37:16 +02:00
// This macro defines a dependency property for a WinRT class.
// Use this in your class' header file after declaring it in the idl.
// Remember to register your dependency property in the respective cpp file.
#define DEPENDENCY_PROPERTY(type, name) \
public: \
static winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyProperty name##Property() \
{ \
return _##name##Property; \
} \
type name() const \
{ \
return winrt::unbox_value<type>(GetValue(_##name##Property)); \
} \
void name(type const& value) \
{ \
SetValue(_##name##Property, winrt::box_value(value)); \
} \
private: \
static winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyProperty _##name##Property;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings
winrt::hstring GetSelectedItemTag(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& comboBoxAsInspectable);
winrt::hstring LocalizedNameForEnumName(const std::wstring_view sectionAndType, const std::wstring_view enumValue, const std::wstring_view propertyType);
Manually dismiss popups when the window moves, or the SUI scrolls (#10922) ## Summary of the Pull Request BODGY! This solution was suggested in https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/4554#issuecomment-887815332. When the window moves, or when a ScrollViewer scrolls, dismiss any popups that are visible. This happens automagically when an app is a real XAML app, but it doesn't work for XAML Islands. ## References * upstream at https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/4554 ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #9320 * [x] I work here * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Requires documentation to be updated ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Unfortunately, we've got a bunch of scroll viewers in our SUI. So I did something bodgyx2 to make our life a little easier. `DismissAllPopups` can be used to dismiss all popups for a particular UI element. However, we've got a bunch of pages with scroll viewers that may or may not have popups in them. Rather than define the same exact body for all their `ViewChanging` events, the `HasScrollViewer` struct will just do it for you! Inside the `HasScrollViewer` stuct, we can't get at the `XamlRoot()` that our subclass implements. I mean, _we_ can, but when XAML does it's codegen, _XAML_ won't be able to figure it out. Fortunately for us, we don't need to! The sender is a UIElement, so we can just get _their_ `XamlRoot()`. So, you can fix this for any SUI page with just a simple ```diff - <ScrollViewer> + <ScrollViewer ViewChanging="ViewChanging"> ``` ```diff - struct AddProfile : AddProfileT<AddProfile> + struct AddProfile : public HasScrollViewer<AddProfile>, AddProfileT<AddProfile> ``` ## Validation Steps Performed * the window doesn't close when you move it * the popups _do_ close when you move the window * the popups close when you scroll any SUI page
2021-08-16 15:41:17 +02:00
// The following function and struct are a workaround for GH#9320.
// DismissAllPopups can be used to dismiss all popups for a particular UI
// element. However, we've got a bunch of pages with scroll viewers that may or
// may not have popups in them. Rather than define the same exact body for all
// their ViewChanging events, the HasScrollViewer struct will just do it for
// you!
inline void DismissAllPopups(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::XamlRoot const& xamlRoot)
const auto popups{ winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::VisualTreeHelper::GetOpenPopupsForXamlRoot(xamlRoot) };
for (const auto& p : popups)
template<typename T>
struct HasScrollViewer
// When the ScrollViewer scrolls, dismiss any popups we might have.
void ViewChanging(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender,
const winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::ScrollViewerViewChangingEventArgs& /*e*/)
// Inside this struct, we can't get at the XamlRoot() that our subclass
// implements. I mean, _we_ can, but when XAML does it's code
// generation, _XAML_ won't be able to figure it out.
// Fortunately for us, we don't need to! The sender is a UIElement, so
// we can just get _their_ XamlRoot().
if (const auto& uielem{ sender.try_as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement>() })