
63 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// pch.h
// Header for platform projection include files
#pragma once
#define NOMCX
#define NOHELP
#define NOCOMM
Manually pass mouse wheel messages to TermControls (#5131) ## Summary of the Pull Request As we've learned in #979, not all touchpads are created equal. Some of them have bad drivers that makes scrolling inactive windows not work. For whatever reason, these devices think the Terminal is all one giant inactive window, so we don't get the mouse wheel events through the XAML stack. We do however get the event as a `WM_MOUSEWHEEL` on those devices (a message we don't get on devices with normally functioning trackpads). This PR attempts to take that `WM_MOUSEWHEEL` and manually dispatch it to the `TermControl`, so we can at least scroll the terminal content. Unfortunately, this solution is not very general purpose. This only works to scroll controls that manually implement our own `IMouseWheelListener` interface. As we add more controls, we'll need to continue manually implementing this interface, until the underlying XAML Islands bug is fixed. **I don't love this**. I'd rather have a better solution, but it seems that we can't synthesize a more general-purpose `PointerWheeled` event that could get routed through the XAML tree as normal. ## References * #2606 and microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#2101 - these bugs are also tracking a similar "inactive windows" / "scaled mouse events" issue in XAML ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #979 * [x] I work here * [ ] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I've also added a `til::point` conversion _to_ `winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point`, and some scaling operators for `point` ## Validation Steps Performed * It works on my HP Spectre 2017 with a synaptics trackpad - I also made sure to test that `tmux` works in panes on this laptop * It works on my slaptop, and DOESN'T follow this hack codepath on this machine.
2020-04-01 18:58:16 +02:00
// Manually include til after we include Windows.Foundation to give it winrt superpowers
#define BLOCK_TIL
#include <LibraryIncludes.h>
// This is inexplicable, but for whatever reason, cppwinrt conflicts with the
// SDK definition of this function, so the only fix is to undef it.
// from WinBase.h
// Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Animation::IStoryboard::GetCurrentTime
#ifdef GetCurrentTime
#undef GetCurrentTime
#include <wil/cppwinrt.h>
#include <unknwn.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
Manually pass mouse wheel messages to TermControls (#5131) ## Summary of the Pull Request As we've learned in #979, not all touchpads are created equal. Some of them have bad drivers that makes scrolling inactive windows not work. For whatever reason, these devices think the Terminal is all one giant inactive window, so we don't get the mouse wheel events through the XAML stack. We do however get the event as a `WM_MOUSEWHEEL` on those devices (a message we don't get on devices with normally functioning trackpads). This PR attempts to take that `WM_MOUSEWHEEL` and manually dispatch it to the `TermControl`, so we can at least scroll the terminal content. Unfortunately, this solution is not very general purpose. This only works to scroll controls that manually implement our own `IMouseWheelListener` interface. As we add more controls, we'll need to continue manually implementing this interface, until the underlying XAML Islands bug is fixed. **I don't love this**. I'd rather have a better solution, but it seems that we can't synthesize a more general-purpose `PointerWheeled` event that could get routed through the XAML tree as normal. ## References * #2606 and microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#2101 - these bugs are also tracking a similar "inactive windows" / "scaled mouse events" issue in XAML ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #979 * [x] I work here * [ ] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I've also added a `til::point` conversion _to_ `winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point`, and some scaling operators for `point` ## Validation Steps Performed * It works on my HP Spectre 2017 with a synaptics trackpad - I also made sure to test that `tmux` works in panes on this laptop * It works on my slaptop, and DOESN'T follow this hack codepath on this machine.
2020-04-01 18:58:16 +02:00
#include <winrt/Windows.system.h>
Add a Windows.UI.Text.Core IME overlay to TerminalControl (#1919) TerminalControl doesn't use any of the built in text input and edit controls provided by XAML for text input, which means TermianlControl needs to communicate with the Text Services Framework (TSF) in order to provide Input Method Editor (IME) support. Just like the rest of Terminal we get to take advantage of newer APIs (Windows.UI.Text.Core) namespace to provide support vs. the old TSF 1.0. Windows.UI.Text.Core handles communication between a text edit control and the text services primarily through a CoreTextEditContext object. This change introduces a new UserControl TSFInputControl which is a custom EditControl similar to the CustomEditControl sample[1]. TSFInputControl is similar (overlay with IME text) to how old console (conimeinfo) handled IME. # Details TSFInputControl is a Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.UserControl TSFInputControl contains a Canvas control for absolution positioning a TextBlock control within its containing control (TerminalControl). The TextBlock control is used for displaying candidate text from the IME. When the user makes a choice in the IME the TextBlock is cleared and the text is written to the Terminal buffer like normal text. TSFInputControl creates an instance of the CoreTextEditContext and attaches appropriate event handlers to CoreTextEditContext in order to interact with the IME. A good write-up on how to interact with CoreTextEditContext can be found here[2]. ## Text Updates Text updates from the IME come in on the TextUpdating event handler, text updates are stored in an internal buffer (_inputBuffer). ## Completed Text Once a user selects a text in the IME, the CompositionCompleted handler is invoked. The input buffer (_inputBuffer) is written to the Terminal buffer, _inputBuffer is cleared and Canvas and TextBlock controls are hidden until the user starts a composition session again. ## Positioning Telling the IME where to properly position itself was the hardest part of this change. The IME expects to know it's location in screen coordinates as supposed to client coordinates. This is pretty easy if you are a pure UWP, but since we are hosted inside a XAMLIsland the client to screen coordinate translation is a little harder. ### Calculating Screen Coordinates 1. Obtaining the Window position in Screen coordinates. 2. Determining the Client coordinate of the cursor. 3. Converting the Client coordinate of the cursor to Screen coordinates. 4. Offsetting the X and Y coordinate of the cursor by the position of the TerminalControl within the window (tabs if present, margins, etc..). 5. Applying any scale factor of the display. Once we have the right position in screen coordinates, this is supplied in the LayoutBounds of the CoreTextLayoutRequestedEventArgs which lets the IME know where to position itself on the Screen. ## Font Information/Cursor/Writing to Terminal 3 events were added to the TSFInputControl to create a loosely-coupled implementation between the TerminalControl and the TSFInputControl. These events are used for obtaining Font information from the TerminalControl, getting the Cursor position and writing to the terminal buffer. ## Known Issues - Width of TextBlock is hardcoded to 200 pixels and most likely should adjust to the available width of the current input line on the console (#3640) - Entering text in the middle of an existing set of text has TextBlock render under existing text. Current Console behavior here isn't good experience either (writes over text) - Text input at edges of window is clipped versus wrapping around to next line. This isn't any worse than the original command line, but Terminal should be better (#3657) ## Future Considerations Ideally, we'd be able to interact with the console buffer directly and replace characters as the user types. ## Validation General steps to try functionality - Open Console - Switch to Simplified Chinese (Shortcut: Windows+Spacebar) - Switch to Chinese mode on language bar Scenarios validated: - As user types unformatted candidates appear on command line and IME renders in correct position under unformatted characters. - User can dismiss IME and text doesn't appear on command line - Switch back to English mode, functions like normal - New tab has proper behavior - Switching between tabs has proper behavior - Switching away from Terminal Window with IME present causes IME to disappear [1]: https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-universal-samples/tree/master/Samples/CustomEditControl [2]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/input/custom-text-input Closes #459 Closes #2213 Closes #3641
2019-11-22 01:25:50 +01:00
#include <winrt/Windows.Graphics.Display.h>
#include <winrt/windows.ui.core.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.ui.input.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.ViewManagement.h>
Accessibility: TermControl Automation Peer (#2083) Builds on the work of #1691 and #1915 Let's start with the easy change: - `TermControl`'s `controlRoot` was removed. `TermControl` is a `UserControl` now. Ok. Now we've got a story to tell here.... ### TermControlAP - the Automation Peer Here's an in-depth guide on custom automation peers: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/accessibility/custom-automation-peers We have a custom XAML element (TermControl). So XAML can't really hold our hands and determine an accessible behavior for us. So this automation peer is responsible for enabling that interaction. We made it a FrameworkElementAutomationPeer to get as much accessibility as possible from it just being a XAML element (i.e.: where are we on the screen? what are my dimensions?). This is recommended. Any functions with "Core" at the end, are overwritten here to tweak this automation peer into what we really need. But what kind of interactions can a user expect from this XAML element? Introducing ControlPatterns! There's a ton of interfaces that just define "what can I do". Thankfully, we already know that we're supposed to be `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` and that was an `ITextProvider`, so let's just make the TermControlAP an `ITextProvider` too. So now we have a way to define what accessible actions can be performed on us, but what should those actions do? Well let's just use the automation providers from ConHost that are now in a shared space! (Note: this is a great place to stop and get some coffee. We're about to hop into the .cpp file in the next section) ### Wrapping our shared Automation Providers Unfortunately, we can't just use the automation providers from ConHost. Or, at least not just hook them up as easily as we wish. ConHost's UIA Providers were written using UIAutomationCore and ITextRangeProiuder. XAML's interfaces ITextProvider and ITextRangeProvider are lined up to be exactly the same. So we need to wrap our ConHost UIA Providers (UIAutomationCore) with the XAML ones. We had two providers, so that means we have two wrappers. #### TermControlAP (XAML) <----> ScreenInfoUiaProvider (UIAutomationCore) Each of the functions in the pragma region `ITextProvider` for TermControlAP.cpp is just wrapping what we do in `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, and returning an acceptable version of it. Most of `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`'s functions return `UiaTextRange`s. So we need to wrap that too. That's this next section... #### XamlUiaTextRange (XAML) <----> UiaTextRange (UIAutomationCore) Same idea. We're wrapping everything that we could do with `UiaTextRange` and putting it inside of `XamlUiaTextRange`. ### Additional changes to `UiaTextRange` and `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` If you don't know what I just said, please read this background: - #1691: how accessibility works and the general responsibility of these two classes - #1915: how we pulled these Accessibility Providers into a shared area TL;DR: `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` lets you interact with the displayed text. `UiaTextRange` is specific ranges of text in the display and navigate the text. Thankfully, we didn't do many changes here. I feel like some of it is hacked together but now that we have a somewhat working system, making changes shouldn't be too hard...I hope. #### UiaTextRange We don't have access to the window handle. We really only need it to draw the bounding rects using WinUser's `ScreenToClient()` and `ClientToScreen()`. I need to figure out how to get around this. In the meantime, I made the window handle optional. And if we don't have one....well, we need to figure that out. But other than that, we have a `UiaTextRange`. #### ScreenInfoUiaProvider At some point, we need to hook up this automation provider to the WindowUiaProvider. This should help with navigation of the UIA Tree and make everything just look waaaay better. For now, let's just do the same approach and make the pUiaParent optional. This one's the one I'm not that proud of, but it works. We need the parent to get a bounding rect of the terminal. While we figure out how to attach the WindowUiaProvider, we should at the very least be able to get a bunch of info from our xaml automation peer. So, I've added a _getBoundingRect optional function. This is what's called when we don't have a WindowUiaProvider as our parent. ## Validation Steps Performed I've been using inspect.exe to see the UIA tree. I was able to interact with the terminal mostly fine. A few known issues below. Unfortunately, I tried running Narrator on this and it didn't seem to like it (by that I mean WT crashed). Then again, I don't really know how to use narrator other than "click on object" --> "listen voice". I feel like there's a way to get the other interactions with narrator, but I'll be looking into more of that soon. I bet if I fix the two issues below, Narrator will be happy. ## Miscellaneous Known Issues - `GetSelection()` and `GetVisibleRanges()` crashes. I need to debug through these. I want to include them in this PR. Fixes #1353.
2019-07-31 01:43:10 +02:00
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.h>
Add a Windows.UI.Text.Core IME overlay to TerminalControl (#1919) TerminalControl doesn't use any of the built in text input and edit controls provided by XAML for text input, which means TermianlControl needs to communicate with the Text Services Framework (TSF) in order to provide Input Method Editor (IME) support. Just like the rest of Terminal we get to take advantage of newer APIs (Windows.UI.Text.Core) namespace to provide support vs. the old TSF 1.0. Windows.UI.Text.Core handles communication between a text edit control and the text services primarily through a CoreTextEditContext object. This change introduces a new UserControl TSFInputControl which is a custom EditControl similar to the CustomEditControl sample[1]. TSFInputControl is similar (overlay with IME text) to how old console (conimeinfo) handled IME. # Details TSFInputControl is a Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.UserControl TSFInputControl contains a Canvas control for absolution positioning a TextBlock control within its containing control (TerminalControl). The TextBlock control is used for displaying candidate text from the IME. When the user makes a choice in the IME the TextBlock is cleared and the text is written to the Terminal buffer like normal text. TSFInputControl creates an instance of the CoreTextEditContext and attaches appropriate event handlers to CoreTextEditContext in order to interact with the IME. A good write-up on how to interact with CoreTextEditContext can be found here[2]. ## Text Updates Text updates from the IME come in on the TextUpdating event handler, text updates are stored in an internal buffer (_inputBuffer). ## Completed Text Once a user selects a text in the IME, the CompositionCompleted handler is invoked. The input buffer (_inputBuffer) is written to the Terminal buffer, _inputBuffer is cleared and Canvas and TextBlock controls are hidden until the user starts a composition session again. ## Positioning Telling the IME where to properly position itself was the hardest part of this change. The IME expects to know it's location in screen coordinates as supposed to client coordinates. This is pretty easy if you are a pure UWP, but since we are hosted inside a XAMLIsland the client to screen coordinate translation is a little harder. ### Calculating Screen Coordinates 1. Obtaining the Window position in Screen coordinates. 2. Determining the Client coordinate of the cursor. 3. Converting the Client coordinate of the cursor to Screen coordinates. 4. Offsetting the X and Y coordinate of the cursor by the position of the TerminalControl within the window (tabs if present, margins, etc..). 5. Applying any scale factor of the display. Once we have the right position in screen coordinates, this is supplied in the LayoutBounds of the CoreTextLayoutRequestedEventArgs which lets the IME know where to position itself on the Screen. ## Font Information/Cursor/Writing to Terminal 3 events were added to the TSFInputControl to create a loosely-coupled implementation between the TerminalControl and the TSFInputControl. These events are used for obtaining Font information from the TerminalControl, getting the Cursor position and writing to the terminal buffer. ## Known Issues - Width of TextBlock is hardcoded to 200 pixels and most likely should adjust to the available width of the current input line on the console (#3640) - Entering text in the middle of an existing set of text has TextBlock render under existing text. Current Console behavior here isn't good experience either (writes over text) - Text input at edges of window is clipped versus wrapping around to next line. This isn't any worse than the original command line, but Terminal should be better (#3657) ## Future Considerations Ideally, we'd be able to interact with the console buffer directly and replace characters as the user types. ## Validation General steps to try functionality - Open Console - Switch to Simplified Chinese (Shortcut: Windows+Spacebar) - Switch to Chinese mode on language bar Scenarios validated: - As user types unformatted candidates appear on command line and IME renders in correct position under unformatted characters. - User can dismiss IME and text doesn't appear on command line - Switch back to English mode, functions like normal - New tab has proper behavior - Switching between tabs has proper behavior - Switching away from Terminal Window with IME present causes IME to disappear [1]: https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-universal-samples/tree/master/Samples/CustomEditControl [2]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/input/custom-text-input Closes #459 Closes #2213 Closes #3641
2019-11-22 01:25:50 +01:00
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Text.Core.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.h>
Add a Windows.UI.Text.Core IME overlay to TerminalControl (#1919) TerminalControl doesn't use any of the built in text input and edit controls provided by XAML for text input, which means TermianlControl needs to communicate with the Text Services Framework (TSF) in order to provide Input Method Editor (IME) support. Just like the rest of Terminal we get to take advantage of newer APIs (Windows.UI.Text.Core) namespace to provide support vs. the old TSF 1.0. Windows.UI.Text.Core handles communication between a text edit control and the text services primarily through a CoreTextEditContext object. This change introduces a new UserControl TSFInputControl which is a custom EditControl similar to the CustomEditControl sample[1]. TSFInputControl is similar (overlay with IME text) to how old console (conimeinfo) handled IME. # Details TSFInputControl is a Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.UserControl TSFInputControl contains a Canvas control for absolution positioning a TextBlock control within its containing control (TerminalControl). The TextBlock control is used for displaying candidate text from the IME. When the user makes a choice in the IME the TextBlock is cleared and the text is written to the Terminal buffer like normal text. TSFInputControl creates an instance of the CoreTextEditContext and attaches appropriate event handlers to CoreTextEditContext in order to interact with the IME. A good write-up on how to interact with CoreTextEditContext can be found here[2]. ## Text Updates Text updates from the IME come in on the TextUpdating event handler, text updates are stored in an internal buffer (_inputBuffer). ## Completed Text Once a user selects a text in the IME, the CompositionCompleted handler is invoked. The input buffer (_inputBuffer) is written to the Terminal buffer, _inputBuffer is cleared and Canvas and TextBlock controls are hidden until the user starts a composition session again. ## Positioning Telling the IME where to properly position itself was the hardest part of this change. The IME expects to know it's location in screen coordinates as supposed to client coordinates. This is pretty easy if you are a pure UWP, but since we are hosted inside a XAMLIsland the client to screen coordinate translation is a little harder. ### Calculating Screen Coordinates 1. Obtaining the Window position in Screen coordinates. 2. Determining the Client coordinate of the cursor. 3. Converting the Client coordinate of the cursor to Screen coordinates. 4. Offsetting the X and Y coordinate of the cursor by the position of the TerminalControl within the window (tabs if present, margins, etc..). 5. Applying any scale factor of the display. Once we have the right position in screen coordinates, this is supplied in the LayoutBounds of the CoreTextLayoutRequestedEventArgs which lets the IME know where to position itself on the Screen. ## Font Information/Cursor/Writing to Terminal 3 events were added to the TSFInputControl to create a loosely-coupled implementation between the TerminalControl and the TSFInputControl. These events are used for obtaining Font information from the TerminalControl, getting the Cursor position and writing to the terminal buffer. ## Known Issues - Width of TextBlock is hardcoded to 200 pixels and most likely should adjust to the available width of the current input line on the console (#3640) - Entering text in the middle of an existing set of text has TextBlock render under existing text. Current Console behavior here isn't good experience either (writes over text) - Text input at edges of window is clipped versus wrapping around to next line. This isn't any worse than the original command line, but Terminal should be better (#3657) ## Future Considerations Ideally, we'd be able to interact with the console buffer directly and replace characters as the user types. ## Validation General steps to try functionality - Open Console - Switch to Simplified Chinese (Shortcut: Windows+Spacebar) - Switch to Chinese mode on language bar Scenarios validated: - As user types unformatted candidates appear on command line and IME renders in correct position under unformatted characters. - User can dismiss IME and text doesn't appear on command line - Switch back to English mode, functions like normal - New tab has proper behavior - Switching between tabs has proper behavior - Switching away from Terminal Window with IME present causes IME to disappear [1]: https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-universal-samples/tree/master/Samples/CustomEditControl [2]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/input/custom-text-input Closes #459 Closes #2213 Closes #3641
2019-11-22 01:25:50 +01:00
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Ui.Xaml.Documents.h>
Add a Windows.UI.Text.Core IME overlay to TerminalControl (#1919) TerminalControl doesn't use any of the built in text input and edit controls provided by XAML for text input, which means TermianlControl needs to communicate with the Text Services Framework (TSF) in order to provide Input Method Editor (IME) support. Just like the rest of Terminal we get to take advantage of newer APIs (Windows.UI.Text.Core) namespace to provide support vs. the old TSF 1.0. Windows.UI.Text.Core handles communication between a text edit control and the text services primarily through a CoreTextEditContext object. This change introduces a new UserControl TSFInputControl which is a custom EditControl similar to the CustomEditControl sample[1]. TSFInputControl is similar (overlay with IME text) to how old console (conimeinfo) handled IME. # Details TSFInputControl is a Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.UserControl TSFInputControl contains a Canvas control for absolution positioning a TextBlock control within its containing control (TerminalControl). The TextBlock control is used for displaying candidate text from the IME. When the user makes a choice in the IME the TextBlock is cleared and the text is written to the Terminal buffer like normal text. TSFInputControl creates an instance of the CoreTextEditContext and attaches appropriate event handlers to CoreTextEditContext in order to interact with the IME. A good write-up on how to interact with CoreTextEditContext can be found here[2]. ## Text Updates Text updates from the IME come in on the TextUpdating event handler, text updates are stored in an internal buffer (_inputBuffer). ## Completed Text Once a user selects a text in the IME, the CompositionCompleted handler is invoked. The input buffer (_inputBuffer) is written to the Terminal buffer, _inputBuffer is cleared and Canvas and TextBlock controls are hidden until the user starts a composition session again. ## Positioning Telling the IME where to properly position itself was the hardest part of this change. The IME expects to know it's location in screen coordinates as supposed to client coordinates. This is pretty easy if you are a pure UWP, but since we are hosted inside a XAMLIsland the client to screen coordinate translation is a little harder. ### Calculating Screen Coordinates 1. Obtaining the Window position in Screen coordinates. 2. Determining the Client coordinate of the cursor. 3. Converting the Client coordinate of the cursor to Screen coordinates. 4. Offsetting the X and Y coordinate of the cursor by the position of the TerminalControl within the window (tabs if present, margins, etc..). 5. Applying any scale factor of the display. Once we have the right position in screen coordinates, this is supplied in the LayoutBounds of the CoreTextLayoutRequestedEventArgs which lets the IME know where to position itself on the Screen. ## Font Information/Cursor/Writing to Terminal 3 events were added to the TSFInputControl to create a loosely-coupled implementation between the TerminalControl and the TSFInputControl. These events are used for obtaining Font information from the TerminalControl, getting the Cursor position and writing to the terminal buffer. ## Known Issues - Width of TextBlock is hardcoded to 200 pixels and most likely should adjust to the available width of the current input line on the console (#3640) - Entering text in the middle of an existing set of text has TextBlock render under existing text. Current Console behavior here isn't good experience either (writes over text) - Text input at edges of window is clipped versus wrapping around to next line. This isn't any worse than the original command line, but Terminal should be better (#3657) ## Future Considerations Ideally, we'd be able to interact with the console buffer directly and replace characters as the user types. ## Validation General steps to try functionality - Open Console - Switch to Simplified Chinese (Shortcut: Windows+Spacebar) - Switch to Chinese mode on language bar Scenarios validated: - As user types unformatted candidates appear on command line and IME renders in correct position under unformatted characters. - User can dismiss IME and text doesn't appear on command line - Switch back to English mode, functions like normal - New tab has proper behavior - Switching between tabs has proper behavior - Switching away from Terminal Window with IME present causes IME to disappear [1]: https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-universal-samples/tree/master/Samples/CustomEditControl [2]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/input/custom-text-input Closes #459 Closes #2213 Closes #3641
2019-11-22 01:25:50 +01:00
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.h>
Search - add search box control and implement search experience (#3590) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> This is the PR for feature Search: #605 This PR includes the newly introduced SearchBoxControl in TermControl dir, which is the search bar for the search experience. And the codes that enable Search in Windows Terminal. <!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> The PR that migrates the Conhost search module: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/3279 Spec (still actively updating): https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/3299 <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #605 * [ ] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [ ] Tests added/passed * [ ] Requires documentation to be updated * [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> These functionalities are included in the search experience. 1. Search in Terminal text buffer. 2. Automatic wrap-around. 3. Search up or down switch by clicking different buttons. 4. Search case sensitively/insensitively by clicking a button. S. Move the search box to the top/bottom by clicking a button. 6. Close by clicking 'X'. 7. Open search by ctrl + F. When the searchbox is open, the user could still interact with the terminal by clicking the terminal input area. While I already have the search functionalities, currently there are still some known to-do works and I will keep updating my PR: 1. Optimize the search box UI, this includes: 1) Theme adaptation. The search box background and font color should change according to the theme, 2) Add background. Currently the elements in search box are all transparent. However, we need a background. 3) Move button should be highlighted once clicked. 2. Accessibility: search process should be able to performed without mouse. Once the search box is focused, the user should be able to navigate between all interactive elements on the searchbox using keyboard. <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> To test: 1. checkout this branch. 2. Build the project. 3. Start Windows Terminal and press Ctrl+F 4. The search box should appear on the top right corner.
2019-12-17 16:52:37 +01:00
#include <winrt/Windows.ui.xaml.markup.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalConnection.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.Core.h>
#include <windows.ui.xaml.media.dxinterop.h>
#include <TraceLoggingProvider.h>
#include <telemetry/ProjectTelemetry.h>
Manually pass mouse wheel messages to TermControls (#5131) ## Summary of the Pull Request As we've learned in #979, not all touchpads are created equal. Some of them have bad drivers that makes scrolling inactive windows not work. For whatever reason, these devices think the Terminal is all one giant inactive window, so we don't get the mouse wheel events through the XAML stack. We do however get the event as a `WM_MOUSEWHEEL` on those devices (a message we don't get on devices with normally functioning trackpads). This PR attempts to take that `WM_MOUSEWHEEL` and manually dispatch it to the `TermControl`, so we can at least scroll the terminal content. Unfortunately, this solution is not very general purpose. This only works to scroll controls that manually implement our own `IMouseWheelListener` interface. As we add more controls, we'll need to continue manually implementing this interface, until the underlying XAML Islands bug is fixed. **I don't love this**. I'd rather have a better solution, but it seems that we can't synthesize a more general-purpose `PointerWheeled` event that could get routed through the XAML tree as normal. ## References * #2606 and microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#2101 - these bugs are also tracking a similar "inactive windows" / "scaled mouse events" issue in XAML ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #979 * [x] I work here * [ ] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I've also added a `til::point` conversion _to_ `winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point`, and some scaling operators for `point` ## Validation Steps Performed * It works on my HP Spectre 2017 with a synaptics trackpad - I also made sure to test that `tmux` works in panes on this laptop * It works on my slaptop, and DOESN'T follow this hack codepath on this machine.
2020-04-01 18:58:16 +02:00
#include "til.h"
#include "ThrottledFunc.h"