
552 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "OutputCellIterator.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/Utf16Parser.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/GlyphWidth.hpp"
#include "../../inc/conattrs.hpp"
static constexpr TextAttribute InvalidTextAttribute{ INVALID_COLOR, INVALID_COLOR };
// Routine Description:
// - This is a fill-mode iterator for one particular wchar. It will repeat forever if fillLimit is 0.
// Arguments:
// - wch - The character to use for filling
// - fillLimit - How many times to allow this value to be viewed/filled. Infinite if 0.
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const wchar_t& wch, const size_t fillLimit) :
// Routine Description:
// - This is a fill-mode iterator for one particular color. It will repeat forever if fillLimit is 0.
// Arguments:
// - attr - The color attribute to use for filling
// - fillLimit - How many times to allow this value to be viewed/filled. Infinite if 0.
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const TextAttribute& attr, const size_t fillLimit) :
// Routine Description:
// - This is a fill-mode iterator for one particular character and color. It will repeat forever if fillLimit is 0.
// Arguments:
// - wch - The character to use for filling
// - attr - The color attribute to use for filling
// - fillLimit - How many times to allow this value to be viewed/filled. Infinite if 0.
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const wchar_t& wch, const TextAttribute& attr, const size_t fillLimit) :
_currentView(s_GenerateView(wch, attr)),
// Routine Description:
// - This is a fill-mode iterator for one particular CHAR_INFO. It will repeat forever if fillLimit is 0.
// Arguments:
// - charInfo - The legacy character and color data to use for fililng (uses Unicode portion of text data)
// - fillLimit - How many times to allow this value to be viewed/filled. Infinite if 0.
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const CHAR_INFO& charInfo, const size_t fillLimit) :
// Routine Description:
// - This is an iterator over a range of text only. No color data will be modified as the text is inserted.
// Arguments:
// - utf16Text - UTF-16 text range
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const std::wstring_view utf16Text) :
// Routine Description:
// - This is an iterator over a range text that will apply the same color to every position.
// Arguments:
// - utf16Text - UTF-16 text range
// - attribute - Color to apply over the entire range
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const std::wstring_view utf16Text, const TextAttribute attribute) :
_currentView(s_GenerateView(utf16Text, attribute)),
// Routine Description:
// - This is an iterator over legacy colors only. The text is not modified.
// Arguments:
// - legacyAttrs - One legacy color item per cell
// - unused - useless bool to change function signature for legacyAttrs constructor because the C++ compiler in
// razzle cannot distinguish between a std::wstring_view and a std::basic_string_view<WORD>
// NOTE: This one internally casts to wchar_t because Razzle sees WORD and wchar_t as the same type
// despite that Visual Studio build can tell the difference.
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const std::basic_string_view<WORD> legacyAttrs, const bool /*unused*/) :
_run(std::wstring_view(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(legacyAttrs.data()), legacyAttrs.size())),
// Routine Description:
// - This is an iterator over legacy cell data. We will use the unicode text and the legacy color attribute.
// Arguments:
// - charInfos - Multiple cell with unicode text and legacy color data.
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const std::basic_string_view<CHAR_INFO> charInfos) :
// Routine Description:
// - This is an iterator over existing OutputCells with full text and color data.
// Arguments:
// - cells - Multiple cells in a run
OutputCellIterator::OutputCellIterator(const std::basic_string_view<OutputCell> cells) :
// Routine Description:
// - Specifies whether this iterator is valid for dereferencing (still valid underlying data)
// Return Value:
// - True if the views on dereference are valid. False if it shouldn't be dereferenced.
OutputCellIterator::operator bool() const noexcept
switch (_mode)
case Mode::Loose:
case Mode::LooseTextOnly:
// In lieu of using start and end, this custom iterator type simply becomes bool false
// when we run out of items to iterate over.
return _pos < std::get<std::wstring_view>(_run).length();
case Mode::Fill:
if (_fillLimit > 0)
return _pos < _fillLimit;
return true;
case Mode::Cell:
return _pos < std::get<std::basic_string_view<OutputCell>>(_run).length();
case Mode::CharInfo:
return _pos < std::get<std::basic_string_view<CHAR_INFO>>(_run).length();
case Mode::LegacyAttr:
return _pos < std::get<std::wstring_view>(_run).length();
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator one position over the underlying data source.
// Return Value:
// - Reference to self after advancement.
OutputCellIterator& OutputCellIterator::operator++()
// Keep track of total distance moved (cells filled)
switch (_mode)
case Mode::Loose:
if (!_TryMoveTrailing())
// When walking through a text sequence, we need to move forward by the number of wchar_ts consumed in the previous view
// in case we had a surrogate pair (or wider complex sequence) in the previous view.
_pos += _currentView.Chars().size();
if (operator bool())
_currentView = s_GenerateView(std::get<std::wstring_view>(_run).substr(_pos), _attr);
case Mode::LooseTextOnly:
if (!_TryMoveTrailing())
// When walking through a text sequence, we need to move forward by the number of wchar_ts consumed in the previous view
// in case we had a surrogate pair (or wider complex sequence) in the previous view.
_pos += _currentView.Chars().size();
if (operator bool())
_currentView = s_GenerateView(std::get<std::wstring_view>(_run).substr(_pos));
case Mode::Fill:
if (!_TryMoveTrailing())
if (_currentView.DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
auto dbcsAttr = _currentView.DbcsAttr();
_currentView = OutputCellView(_currentView.Chars(),
if (_fillLimit > 0)
// We walk forward by one because we fill with the same cell over and over no matter what
case Mode::Cell:
// Walk forward by one because cells are assumed to be in the form they needed to be
if (operator bool())
_currentView = s_GenerateView(std::get<std::basic_string_view<OutputCell>>(_run).at(_pos));
case Mode::CharInfo:
// Walk forward by one because charinfos are just the legacy version of cells and prealigned to columns
if (operator bool())
_currentView = s_GenerateView(std::get<std::basic_string_view<CHAR_INFO>>(_run).at(_pos));
case Mode::LegacyAttr:
// Walk forward by one because color attributes apply cell by cell (no complex text information)
if (operator bool())
_currentView = s_GenerateViewLegacyAttr(std::get<std::wstring_view>(_run).at(_pos));
return (*this);
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator one position over the underlying data source.
// Return Value:
// - Reference to self after advancement.
OutputCellIterator OutputCellIterator::operator++(int)
auto temp(*this);
return temp;
// Routine Description:
// - Reference the view to fully-formed output cell data representing the underlying data source.
// Return Value:
// - Reference to the view
const OutputCellView& OutputCellIterator::operator*() const
return _currentView;
// Routine Description:
// - Get pointer to the view to fully-formed output cell data representing the underlying data source.
// Return Value:
// - Pointer to the view
const OutputCellView* OutputCellIterator::operator->() const
return &_currentView;
// Routine Description:
// - Checks the current view. If it is a leading half, it updates the current
// view to the trailing half of the same glyph.
// - This helps us to draw glyphs that are two columns wide by "doubling"
// the view that is returned so it will consume two cells.
// Return Value:
// - True if we just turned a lead half into a trailing half (and caller doesn't
// need to further update the view).
// - False if this wasn't applicable and the caller should update the view.
bool OutputCellIterator::_TryMoveTrailing()
if (_currentView.DbcsAttr().IsLeading())
auto dbcsAttr = _currentView.DbcsAttr();
_currentView = OutputCellView(_currentView.Chars(),
return true;
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// - This will infer the width of the glyph and specify that the attributes shouldn't be changed.
// Arguments:
// - view - View representing characters corresponding to a single glyph
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateView(const std::wstring_view view)
return s_GenerateView(view, InvalidTextAttribute, TextAttributeBehavior::Current);
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// - This will infer the width of the glyph and apply the appropriate attributes to the view.
// Arguments:
// - view - View representing characters corresponding to a single glyph
// - attr - Color attributes to apply to the text
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateView(const std::wstring_view view,
const TextAttribute attr)
return s_GenerateView(view, attr, TextAttributeBehavior::Stored);
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// - This will infer the width of the glyph and apply the appropriate attributes to the view.
// Arguments:
// - view - View representing characters corresponding to a single glyph
// - attr - Color attributes to apply to the text
// - behavior - Behavior of the given text attribute (used when writing)
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateView(const std::wstring_view view,
const TextAttribute attr,
const TextAttributeBehavior behavior)
const auto glyph = Utf16Parser::ParseNext(view);
DbcsAttribute dbcsAttr;
Change ParseNext function in UTF16 parser to never yield invalid data… (#1129) …. It will return a replacement character at that point if it was given bad data. #788 <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request This modifies the parser used while inserting text into the underlying data buffer to never return an empty sequence. The empty sequence is invalid as you can't insert a "nothing" into the buffer. The buffer asserted this with a fail fast crash. Now we will instead insert U+FFFD (the Unicode replacement character) � to symbolize that something was invalid and has been replaced. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #788 and internal MSFT: 20990158 * [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA * [x] Tests added/passed * [x] Requires documentation to be updated * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #788 <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments The solution here isn't perfect and isn't going to solve all of our problems. I was basically trying to stop the crash while not getting in the way of the other things coming down the pipe for the input channels. I considered the following: 1. Remove the fail fast assertion from the buffer - I didn't want to do this because it really is invalid to get all the way to placing the text down into the buffer and then request a string of 0 length get inserted. I feel the fail fast is a good indication that something is terribly wrong elsewhere that should be corrected. 2. Update the UTF16 parser in order to stop returning empty strings - This is what I ultimately did. If it would ever return just a lead, it returns �. If it would ever return just a trail, it returns �. Otherwise it will return them as a pair if they're both there, or it will return a single valid codepoint. I am now assuming that if the parse function is being called in an Output Iterator and doesn't contain a string with all pieces of the data that are needed, that someone at a higher level messed up the data, it is in valid, and it should be repaired into replacements. - This then will move the philosophy up out of the buffer layer to make folks inserting into the buffer identify half a sequence (if they're sitting on a stream where this circumstance could happen... one `wchar_t` at a time) and hold onto it until the next bit arrives. This is because there can be many different routes into the buffer from many different streams/channels. So buffering it low, right near the insertion point, is bad as it might pair loose `wchar_t` across stream entrypoints. 3. Update the iterator, on creating views, to disallow/transform empty strings. - I considered this solution as well, but it would have required, under some circumstances, a second parsing of the string to identify lead/trail status from outside the `Utf16Parser` class to realize when to use the � character. So I avoided the double-parse. 4. Change the cooked read classes to identify that they pulled the lead `wchar_t` from a sequence then try to pull another one. - I was going to attempt this, but @adiviness said that he tried it and it made all sorts of other weirdness happen with the edit line. - Additionally, @adiviness has an outstanding series of effort to make cooked read significantly less horrible and disgusting. I didn't want to get in the way here. 5. Change the `GetChar` method off of the input buffer queue to return a `char32_t`, a `wstring_view`, transform a standalone lead/trail, etc. - The `GetChar` method is used by several different accessors and API calls to retrieve information off of the input queue, transforming the Key events into straight up characters. To change this at that level would change them all. Long-term, it is probably warranted to do so as all of those consumers likely need to become aware of handling UTF-16 surrogates before we can declare victory. But two problems. 1. This gets in the way of @adiviness work on cooked read data 2. This goes WAY beyond the scope of what I want to accomplish here as the immediate goal is to stop the crash, not fix the world. I've validated this by: 1. Writing some additional tests against the Utf16Parser to simulate some of the theoretical sequences that could arrive and need to be corrected into replacement characters per a verbal discussion and whiteboarding with @adiviness. 2. Manually triggered the emoji panel and inserted a bunch of emoji. Then seeked around left and right, deleted assorted points with the backspace key, pressed enter to commit, and used the up-arrow history to recommit them to see what happened. There were no crashes. The behavior is still weird and not great... but outside the scope of no crashy crashy.
2019-06-05 00:22:18 +02:00
if (IsGlyphFullWidth(glyph))
return OutputCellView(glyph, dbcsAttr, attr, behavior);
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// - This will infer the width of the glyph and apply the appropriate attributes to the view.
// Arguments:
// - wch - View representing a single UTF-16 character (that can be represented without surrogates)
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateView(const wchar_t& wch)
const auto glyph = std::wstring_view(&wch, 1);
DbcsAttribute dbcsAttr;
if (IsGlyphFullWidth(wch))
return OutputCellView(glyph, dbcsAttr, InvalidTextAttribute, TextAttributeBehavior::Current);
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// - This will infer the width of the glyph and apply the appropriate attributes to the view.
// Arguments:
// - attr - View representing a single color
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateView(const TextAttribute& attr)
return OutputCellView({}, {}, attr, TextAttributeBehavior::StoredOnly);
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// - This will infer the width of the glyph and apply the appropriate attributes to the view.
// Arguments:
// - wch - View representing a single UTF-16 character (that can be represented without surrogates)
// - attr - View representing a single color
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateView(const wchar_t& wch, const TextAttribute& attr)
const auto glyph = std::wstring_view(&wch, 1);
DbcsAttribute dbcsAttr;
if (IsGlyphFullWidth(wch))
return OutputCellView(glyph, dbcsAttr, attr, TextAttributeBehavior::Stored);
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// - This will infer the width of the glyph and apply the appropriate attributes to the view.
// Arguments:
// - legacyAttr - View representing a single legacy color
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateViewLegacyAttr(const WORD& legacyAttr)
WORD cleanAttr = legacyAttr;
WI_ClearAllFlags(cleanAttr, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS); // don't use legacy lead/trailing byte flags for colors
TextAttribute attr(cleanAttr);
return s_GenerateView(attr);
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// - This will infer the width of the glyph and apply the appropriate attributes to the view.
// Arguments:
// - charInfo - character and attribute pair representing a single cell
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateView(const CHAR_INFO& charInfo)
const auto glyph = std::wstring_view(&charInfo.Char.UnicodeChar, 1);
DbcsAttribute dbcsAttr;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(charInfo.Attributes, COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE))
else if (WI_IsFlagSet(charInfo.Attributes, COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE))
TextAttribute textAttr;
const auto behavior = TextAttributeBehavior::Stored;
return OutputCellView(glyph, dbcsAttr, textAttr, behavior);
// Routine Description:
// - Static function to create a view.
// - It's pulled out statically so it can be used during construction with just the given
// variables (so OutputCellView doesn't need an empty default constructor)
// Arguments:
// - cell - A reference to the cell for which we will make the read-only view
// Return Value:
// - Object representing the view into this cell
OutputCellView OutputCellIterator::s_GenerateView(const OutputCell& cell)
return OutputCellView(cell.Chars(), cell.DbcsAttr(), cell.TextAttr(), cell.TextAttrBehavior());
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the distance between two iterators relative to the input data given in.
// Return Value:
// - The number of items of the input run consumed between these two iterators.
ptrdiff_t OutputCellIterator::GetInputDistance(OutputCellIterator other) const noexcept
return _pos - other._pos;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the distance between two iterators relative to the number of cells inserted.
// Return Value:
// - The number of cells in the backing buffer filled between these two iterators.
ptrdiff_t OutputCellIterator::GetCellDistance(OutputCellIterator other) const noexcept
return _distance - other._distance;