
268 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "textBufferCellIterator.hpp"
#include "CharRow.hpp"
#include "textBuffer.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/viewport.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
// Routine Description:
// - Creates a new read-only iterator to seek through cell data stored within a screen buffer
// Arguments:
// - buffer - Text buffer to seek throught
// - pos - Starting position to retrieve text data from (within screen buffer bounds)
TextBufferCellIterator::TextBufferCellIterator(const TextBuffer& buffer, COORD pos) :
TextBufferCellIterator(buffer, pos, buffer.GetSize())
// Routine Description:
// - Creates a new read-only iterator to seek through cell data stored within a screen buffer
// Arguments:
// - buffer - Pointer to screen buffer to seek through
// - pos - Starting position to retrieve text data from (within screen buffer bounds)
// - limits - Viewport limits to restrict the iterator within the buffer bounds (smaller than the buffer itself)
TextBufferCellIterator::TextBufferCellIterator(const TextBuffer& buffer, COORD pos, const Viewport limits) :
_pRow(s_GetRow(buffer, pos)),
_view({}, {}, {}, TextAttributeBehavior::Stored),
_attrIter(s_GetRow(buffer, pos)->GetAttrRow().cbegin())
// Throw if the bounds rectangle is not limited to the inside of the given buffer.
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !buffer.GetSize().IsInBounds(limits));
// Throw if the coordinate is not limited to the inside of the given buffer.
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !limits.IsInBounds(pos));
_attrIter += pos.X;
// Routine Description:
// - Tells if the iterator is still valid (hasn't exceeded boundaries of underlying text buffer)
// Return Value:
// - True if this iterator can still be dereferenced for data. False if we've passed the end and are out of data.
TextBufferCellIterator::operator bool() const noexcept
return !_exceeded && _bounds.IsInBounds(_pos);
// Routine Description:
// - Compares two iterators to see if they're pointing to the same position in the same buffer
// Arguments:
// - it - The other iterator to compare to this one.
// Return Value:
// - True if it's the same text buffer and same cell position. False otherwise.
bool TextBufferCellIterator::operator==(const TextBufferCellIterator& it) const noexcept
return _pos == it._pos &&
&_buffer == &it._buffer &&
_exceeded == it._exceeded &&
_bounds == it._bounds &&
_pRow == it._pRow &&
_attrIter == it._attrIter;
// Routine Description:
// - Compares two iterators to see if they're pointing to the different positions in the same buffer or different buffers entirely.
// Arguments:
// - it - The other iterator to compare to this one.
// Return Value:
// - True if it's the same text buffer and different cell position or if they're different buffers. False otherwise.
bool TextBufferCellIterator::operator!=(const TextBufferCellIterator& it) const noexcept
return !(*this == it);
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator forward relative to the underlying text buffer by the specified movement
// Arguments:
// - movement - Magnitude and direction of movement.
// Return Value:
// - Reference to self after movement.
TextBufferCellIterator& TextBufferCellIterator::operator+=(const ptrdiff_t& movement)
ptrdiff_t move = movement;
auto newPos = _pos;
while (move > 0 && !_exceeded)
_exceeded = !_bounds.IncrementInBounds(newPos);
while (move < 0 && !_exceeded)
_exceeded = !_bounds.DecrementInBounds(newPos);
return (*this);
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator backward relative to the underlying text buffer by the specified movement
// Arguments:
// - movement - Magnitude and direction of movement.
// Return Value:
// - Reference to self after movement.
TextBufferCellIterator& TextBufferCellIterator::operator-=(const ptrdiff_t& movement)
return this->operator+=(-movement);
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator forward relative to the underlying text buffer by exactly 1
// Return Value:
// - Reference to self after movement.
TextBufferCellIterator& TextBufferCellIterator::operator++()
return this->operator+=(1);
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator backward relative to the underlying text buffer by exactly 1
// Return Value:
// - Reference to self after movement.
TextBufferCellIterator& TextBufferCellIterator::operator--()
return this->operator-=(1);
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator forward relative to the underlying text buffer by exactly 1
// Return Value:
// - Value with previous position prior to movement.
TextBufferCellIterator TextBufferCellIterator::operator++(int)
auto temp(*this);
return temp;
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator backward relative to the underlying text buffer by exactly 1
// Return Value:
// - Value with previous position prior to movement.
TextBufferCellIterator TextBufferCellIterator::operator--(int)
auto temp(*this);
return temp;
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator forward relative to the underlying text buffer by the specified movement
// Arguments:
// - movement - Magnitude and direction of movement.
// Return Value:
// - Value with previous position prior to movement.
TextBufferCellIterator TextBufferCellIterator::operator+(const ptrdiff_t& movement)
auto temp(*this);
temp += movement;
return temp;
// Routine Description:
// - Advances the iterator negative relative to the underlying text buffer by the specified movement
// Arguments:
// - movement - Magnitude and direction of movement.
// Return Value:
// - Value with previous position prior to movement.
TextBufferCellIterator TextBufferCellIterator::operator-(const ptrdiff_t& movement)
auto temp(*this);
temp -= movement;
return temp;
// Routine Description:
// - Provides the difference in position between two iterators.
// Arguments:
// - it - The other iterator to compare to this one.
ptrdiff_t TextBufferCellIterator::operator-(const TextBufferCellIterator& it)
THROW_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, &_buffer != &it._buffer); // It's not valid to compare this for iterators pointing at different buffers.
return _bounds.CompareInBounds(_pos, it._pos);
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the coordinate position that this iterator will inspect within the text buffer on dereference.
// Arguments:
// - newPos - The new coordinate position.
void TextBufferCellIterator::_SetPos(const COORD newPos)
if (newPos.Y != _pos.Y)
_pRow = s_GetRow(_buffer, newPos);
_attrIter = _pRow->GetAttrRow().cbegin();
_pos.X = 0;
if (newPos.X != _pos.X)
const ptrdiff_t diff = newPos.X - _pos.X;
_attrIter += diff;
_pos = newPos;
// Routine Description:
// - Shortcut for pulling the row out of the text buffer embedded in the screen information.
// We'll hold and cache this to improve performance over looking it up every time.
// Arguments:
// - buffer - Screen information pointer to pull text buffer data from
// - pos - Position inside screen buffer bounds to retrieve row
// Return Value:
// - Pointer to the underlying CharRow structure
const ROW* TextBufferCellIterator::s_GetRow(const TextBuffer& buffer, const COORD pos)
return &buffer.GetRowByOffset(pos.Y);
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the internal view. Call after updating row, attribute, or positions.
void TextBufferCellIterator::_GenerateView()
_view = OutputCellView(_pRow->GetCharRow().GlyphAt(_pos.X),
// Routine Description:
// - Provides full fidelity view of the cell data in the underlying buffer.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Uses current position
// Return Value:
// - OutputCellView representation that provides a read-only view into the underlying text buffer data.
const OutputCellView& TextBufferCellIterator::operator*() const noexcept
return _view;
// Routine Description:
// - Provides full fidelity view of the cell data in the underlying buffer.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Uses current position
// Return Value:
// - OutputCellView representation that provides a read-only view into the underlying text buffer data.
const OutputCellView* TextBufferCellIterator::operator->() const noexcept
return &_view;