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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Pane.h"
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl;
static const int PaneSeparatorSize = 4;
Pane::Pane(const GUID& profile, const TermControl& control, const bool lastFocused) :
_control{ control },
_lastFocused{ lastFocused },
_profile{ profile }
_connectionClosedToken = _control.ConnectionClosed({ this, &Pane::_ControlClosedHandler });
// Set the background of the pane to match that of the theme's default grid
// background. This way, we'll match the small underline under the tabs, and
// the UI will be consistent on bot light and dark modes.
const auto res = Application::Current().Resources();
const auto key = winrt::box_value(L"BackgroundGridThemeStyle");
if (res.HasKey(key))
const auto g = res.Lookup(key);
const auto style = g.try_as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Style>();
// try_as fails by returning nullptr
if (style)
// Method Description:
// - Called when our attached control is closed. Triggers listeners to our close
// event, if we're a leaf pane.
// - If this was called, and we became a parent pane (due to work on another
// thread), this function will do nothing (allowing the control's new parent
// to handle the event instead).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_ControlClosedHandler()
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// It's possible that this event handler started being executed, then before
// we got the lock, another thread created another child. So our control is
// actually no longer _our_ control, and instead could be a descendant.
// When the control's new Pane takes ownership of the control, the new
// parent will register it's own event handler. That event handler will get
// fired after this handler returns, and will properly cleanup state.
if (!_IsLeaf())
if (_control.ShouldCloseOnExit())
// Fire our Closed event to tell our parent that we should be removed.
// Method Description:
// - Get the root UIElement of this pane. There may be a single TermControl as a
// child, or an entire tree of grids and panes as children of this element.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the Grid acting as the root of this pane.
Controls::Grid Pane::GetRootElement()
return _root;
// Method Description:
// - If this is the last focused pane, returns itself. Returns nullptr if this
// is a leaf and it's not focused. If it's a parent, it returns nullptr if no
// children of this pane were the last pane to be focused, or the Pane that
// _was_ the last pane to be focused (if there was one).
// - This Pane's control might not currently be focused, if the tab itself is
// not currently focused.
// Return Value:
// - nullptr if we're a leaf and unfocused, or no children were marked
// `_lastFocused`, else returns this
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::GetFocusedPane()
if (_IsLeaf())
return _lastFocused ? shared_from_this() : nullptr;
auto firstFocused = _firstChild->GetFocusedPane();
if (firstFocused != nullptr)
return firstFocused;
return _secondChild->GetFocusedPane();
// Method Description:
// - Returns nullptr if no children of this pane were the last control to be
// focused, or the TermControl that _was_ the last control to be focused (if
// there was one).
// - This control might not currently be focused, if the tab itself is not
// currently focused.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullptr if no children were marked `_lastFocused`, else the TermControl
// that was last focused.
TermControl Pane::GetFocusedTerminalControl()
auto lastFocused = GetFocusedPane();
return lastFocused ? lastFocused->_control : nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Returns nullopt if no children of this pane were the last control to be
// focused, or the GUID of the profile of the last control to be focused (if
// there was one).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullopt if no children of this pane were the last control to be
// focused, else the GUID of the profile of the last control to be focused
std::optional<GUID> Pane::GetFocusedProfile()
auto lastFocused = GetFocusedPane();
return lastFocused ? lastFocused->_profile : std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if this pane was the last pane to be focused in a tree of panes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we were the last pane focused in this tree of panes.
bool Pane::WasLastFocused() const noexcept
return _lastFocused;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true iff this pane has no child panes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff this pane has no child panes.
bool Pane::_IsLeaf() const noexcept
return _splitState == SplitState::None;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if this pane is currently focused, or there is a pane which is
// a child of this pane that is actively focused
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true if the currently focused pane is either this pane, or one of this
// pane's descendants
bool Pane::_HasFocusedChild() const noexcept
// We're intentionally making this one giant expression, so the compiler
// will skip the following lookups if one of the lookups before it returns
// true
return (_control && _control.GetControl().FocusState() != FocusState::Unfocused) ||
(_firstChild && _firstChild->_HasFocusedChild()) ||
(_secondChild && _secondChild->_HasFocusedChild());
// Method Description:
// - Update the focus state of this pane, and all its descendants.
// * If this is a leaf node, and our control is actively focused, we'll mark
// ourselves as the _lastFocused.
// * If we're not a leaf, we'll recurse on our children to check them.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::UpdateFocus()
if (_IsLeaf())
const auto controlFocused = _control &&
_control.GetControl().FocusState() != FocusState::Unfocused;
_lastFocused = controlFocused;
_lastFocused = false;
// Method Description:
// - Focuses this control if we're a leaf, or attempts to focus the first leaf
// of our first child, recursively.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_FocusFirstChild()
if (_IsLeaf())
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to update the settings of this pane or any children of this pane.
// * If this pane is a leaf, and our profile guid matches the parameter, then
// we'll apply the new settings to our control.
// * If we're not a leaf, we'll recurse on our children.
// Arguments:
// - settings: The new TerminalSettings to apply to any matching controls
// - profile: The GUID of the profile these settings should apply to.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::UpdateSettings(const TerminalSettings& settings, const GUID& profile)
if (!_IsLeaf())
_firstChild->UpdateSettings(settings, profile);
_secondChild->UpdateSettings(settings, profile);
if (profile == _profile)
// Method Description:
// - Closes one of our children. In doing so, takes the control from the other
// child, and makes this pane a leaf node again.
// Arguments:
// - closeFirst: if true, the first child should be closed, and the second
// should be preserved, and vice-versa for false.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_CloseChild(const bool closeFirst)
// Lock the create/close lock so that another operation won't concurrently
// modify our tree
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// If we're a leaf, then chances are both our children closed in close
// succession. We waited on the lock while the other child was closed, so
// now we don't have a child to close anymore. Return here. When we moved
// the non-closed child into us, we also set up event handlers that will be
// triggered when we return from this.
if (_IsLeaf())
auto closedChild = closeFirst ? _firstChild : _secondChild;
auto remainingChild = closeFirst ? _secondChild : _firstChild;
// If the only child left is a leaf, that means we're a leaf now.
if (remainingChild->_IsLeaf())
// take the control and profile of the pane that _wasn't_ closed.
_control = remainingChild->_control;
_profile = remainingChild->_profile;
// Add our new event handler before revoking the old one.
_connectionClosedToken = _control.ConnectionClosed({ this, &Pane::_ControlClosedHandler });
// Revoke the old event handlers. Remove both the handlers for the panes
// themselves closing, and remove their handlers for their controls
// closing. At this point, if the remaining child's control is closed,
// they'll trigger only our event handler for the control's close.
// If either of our children was focused, we want to take that focus from
// them.
_lastFocused = _firstChild->_lastFocused || _secondChild->_lastFocused;
// Remove all the ui elements of our children. This'll make sure we can
// re-attach the TermControl to our Grid.
// Reset our UI:
_separatorRoot = { nullptr };
// Reattach the TermControl to our grid.
if (_lastFocused)
_splitState = SplitState::None;
// Release our children.
_firstChild = nullptr;
_secondChild = nullptr;
// First stash away references to the old panes and their tokens
const auto oldFirstToken = _firstClosedToken;
const auto oldSecondToken = _secondClosedToken;
const auto oldFirst = _firstChild;
const auto oldSecond = _secondClosedToken;
// Steal all the state from our child
_splitState = remainingChild->_splitState;
_separatorRoot = remainingChild->_separatorRoot;
_firstChild = remainingChild->_firstChild;
_secondChild = remainingChild->_secondChild;
// Set up new close handlers on the children
// Revoke the old event handlers.
// Reset our UI:
// Copy the old UI over to our grid.
// Start by copying the row/column definitions. Iterate over the
// rows/cols, and remove each one from the old grid, and attach it to
// our grid instead.
while (remainingChild->_root.ColumnDefinitions().Size() > 0)
auto col = remainingChild->_root.ColumnDefinitions().GetAt(0);
while (remainingChild->_root.RowDefinitions().Size() > 0)
auto row = remainingChild->_root.RowDefinitions().GetAt(0);
// Remove the child's UI elements from the child's grid, so we can
// attach them to us instead.
// If the closed child was focused, transfer the focus to it's first sibling.
if (closedChild->_lastFocused)
// Release the pointers that the child was holding.
remainingChild->_firstChild = nullptr;
remainingChild->_secondChild = nullptr;
remainingChild->_separatorRoot = { nullptr };
// Method Description:
// - Adds event handlers to our children to handle their close events.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_SetupChildCloseHandlers()
_firstClosedToken = _firstChild->Closed([this]() {
_root.Dispatcher().RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [=]() {
_secondClosedToken = _secondChild->Closed([this]() {
_root.Dispatcher().RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [=]() {
// Method Description:
// - Initializes our UI for a new split in this pane. Sets up row/column
// definitions, and initializes the separator grid. Does nothing if our split
// state is currently set to SplitState::None
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_CreateSplitContent()
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
// Create three columns in this grid: one for each pane, and one for the separator.
auto separatorColDef = Controls::ColumnDefinition();
// Create the pane separator
_separatorRoot = Controls::Grid{};
// NaN is the special value XAML uses for "Auto" sizing.
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
// Create three rows in this grid: one for each pane, and one for the separator.
auto separatorRowDef = Controls::RowDefinition();
// Create the pane separator
_separatorRoot = Controls::Grid{};
// NaN is the special value XAML uses for "Auto" sizing.
// Method Description:
// - Sets the row/column of our child UI elements, to match our current split type.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_ApplySplitDefinitions()
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(_firstChild->GetRootElement(), 0);
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(_separatorRoot, 1);
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(_secondChild->GetRootElement(), 2);
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
Controls::Grid::SetRow(_firstChild->GetRootElement(), 0);
Controls::Grid::SetRow(_separatorRoot, 1);
Controls::Grid::SetRow(_secondChild->GetRootElement(), 2);
// Method Description:
// - Vertically split the focused pane in our tree of panes, and place the given
// TermControl into the newly created pane. If we're the focused pane, then
// we'll create two new children, and place them side-by-side in our Grid.
// Arguments:
// - profile: The profile GUID to associate with the newly created pane.
// - control: A TermControl to use in the new pane.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::SplitVertical(const GUID& profile, const TermControl& control)
// If we're not the leaf, recurse into our children to split them.
if (!_IsLeaf())
if (_firstChild->_HasFocusedChild())
_firstChild->SplitVertical(profile, control);
else if (_secondChild->_HasFocusedChild())
_secondChild->SplitVertical(profile, control);
_DoSplit(SplitState::Vertical, profile, control);
// Method Description:
// - Horizontally split the focused pane in our tree of panes, and place the given
// TermControl into the newly created pane. If we're the focused pane, then
// we'll create two new children, and place them side-by-side in our Grid.
// Arguments:
// - profile: The profile GUID to associate with the newly created pane.
// - control: A TermControl to use in the new pane.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::SplitHorizontal(const GUID& profile, const TermControl& control)
if (!_IsLeaf())
if (_firstChild->_HasFocusedChild())
_firstChild->SplitHorizontal(profile, control);
else if (_secondChild->_HasFocusedChild())
_secondChild->SplitHorizontal(profile, control);
_DoSplit(SplitState::Horizontal, profile, control);
// Method Description:
// - Does the bulk of the work of creating a new split. Initializes our UI,
// creates a new Pane to host the control, registers event handlers.
// Arguments:
// - splitType: what type of split we should create.
// - profile: The profile GUID to associate with the newly created pane.
// - control: A TermControl to use in the new pane.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_DoSplit(SplitState splitType, const GUID& profile, const TermControl& control)
// Lock the create/close lock so that another operation won't concurrently
// modify our tree
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// revoke our handler - the child will take care of the control now.
_connectionClosedToken.value = 0;
_splitState = splitType;
// Remove any children we currently have. We can't add the existing
// TermControl to a new grid until we do this.
// Create two new Panes
// Move our control, guid into the first one.
// Move the new guid, control into the second.
_firstChild = std::make_shared<Pane>(_profile.value(), _control);
_profile = std::nullopt;
_control = { nullptr };
_secondChild = std::make_shared<Pane>(profile, control);
// Register event handlers on our children to handle their Close events
_lastFocused = false;
DEFINE_EVENT(Pane, Closed, _closedHandlers, ConnectionClosedEventArgs);