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* *
* Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved. *
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#include "pch.h"
#include "NonClientIslandWindow.h"
extern "C" IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Composition;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Numerics;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console::Types;
constexpr int RECT_WIDTH(const RECT* const pRect)
return pRect->right - pRect->left;
constexpr int RECT_HEIGHT(const RECT* const pRect)
return pRect->bottom - pRect->top;
NonClientIslandWindow::NonClientIslandWindow() noexcept :
_nonClientInteropWindowHandle{ nullptr },
_nonClientRootGrid{ nullptr },
_nonClientSource{ nullptr },
_maximizedMargins{ 0 },
_isMaximized{ false }
// Method Description:
// - Used to initialize the XAML island for the non-client area. Also calls our
// base IslandWindow's Initialize, which will initialize the client XAML
// Island.
void NonClientIslandWindow::Initialize()
_nonClientSource = DesktopWindowXamlSource{};
auto interop = _nonClientSource.as<IDesktopWindowXamlSourceNative>();
// stash the child interop handle so we can resize it when the main hwnd is resized
_nonClientRootGrid = winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Grid{};
// Call the IslandWindow Initialize to set up the client xaml island
// Method Description:
// - Sets the content of the non-client area of our window to the given XAML element.
// Arguments:
// - content: a XAML element to use as the content of the titlebar.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void NonClientIslandWindow::SetNonClientContent(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement content)
// Method Description:
// - Set the height we expect to reserve for the non-client content.
// Arguments:
// - contentHeight: the size in pixels we should use for the non-client content.
void NonClientIslandWindow::SetNonClientHeight(const int contentHeight) noexcept
_titlebarUnscaledContentHeight = contentHeight;
// Method Description:
// - Gets the size of the content area of the titlebar (the non-client area).
// This can be padded either by the margins from maximization (when the window
// is maximized) or the normal window borders.
// Return Value:
// - A Viewport representing the area of the window which should be the titlebar
// content, in window coordinates.
Viewport NonClientIslandWindow::GetTitlebarContentArea() const noexcept
const auto scale = GetCurrentDpiScale();
const auto titlebarContentHeight = _titlebarUnscaledContentHeight * scale;
const auto titlebarMarginRight = _titlebarMarginRight;
const auto physicalSize = GetPhysicalSize();
const auto clientWidth = physicalSize.cx;
auto titlebarWidth = clientWidth - (_windowMarginSides + titlebarMarginRight);
// Adjust for maximized margins
titlebarWidth -= (_maximizedMargins.cxLeftWidth + _maximizedMargins.cxRightWidth);
const auto titlebarHeight = titlebarContentHeight - (_titlebarMarginTop + _titlebarMarginBottom);
COORD titlebarOrigin = { static_cast<short>(_windowMarginSides),
static_cast<short>(_titlebarMarginTop) };
if (_isMaximized)
titlebarOrigin.X = static_cast<short>(_maximizedMargins.cxLeftWidth);
titlebarOrigin.Y = static_cast<short>(_maximizedMargins.cyTopHeight);
return Viewport::FromDimensions(titlebarOrigin,
{ static_cast<short>(titlebarWidth), static_cast<short>(titlebarHeight) });
// Method Description:
// - Gets the size of the client content area of the window.
// This can be padded either by the margins from maximization (when the window
// is maximized) or the normal window borders.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - A Viewport representing the area of the window which should be the client
// content, in window coordinates.
Viewport NonClientIslandWindow::GetClientContentArea() const noexcept
MARGINS margins = GetFrameMargins();
COORD clientOrigin = { static_cast<short>(margins.cxLeftWidth),
static_cast<short>(margins.cyTopHeight) };
const auto physicalSize = GetPhysicalSize();
auto clientWidth = physicalSize.cx;
auto clientHeight = physicalSize.cy;
// If we're maximized, we don't want to use the frame as our margins,
// instead we want to use the margins from the maximization. If we included
// the left&right sides of the frame in this calculation while maximized,
// you' have a few pixels of the window border on the sides while maximized,
// which most apps do not have.
if (_isMaximized)
clientWidth -= (_maximizedMargins.cxLeftWidth + _maximizedMargins.cxRightWidth);
clientHeight -= (margins.cyTopHeight + _maximizedMargins.cyBottomHeight);
clientOrigin.X = static_cast<short>(_maximizedMargins.cxLeftWidth);
// Remove the left and right width of the frame from the client area
clientWidth -= (margins.cxLeftWidth + margins.cxRightWidth);
clientHeight -= (margins.cyTopHeight + margins.cyBottomHeight);
// The top maximization margin is already included in the GetFrameMargins
// calcualtion.
return Viewport::FromDimensions(clientOrigin,
{ static_cast<short>(clientWidth), static_cast<short>(clientHeight) });
// Method Description:
// - called when the size of the window changes for any reason. Updates the
// sizes of our child Xaml Islands to match our new sizing.
void NonClientIslandWindow::OnSize()
auto clientArea = GetClientContentArea();
auto titlebarArea = GetTitlebarContentArea();
// update the interop window size
if (_rootGrid)
const SIZE physicalSize{ clientArea.Width(), clientArea.Height() };
const auto logicalSize = GetLogicalSize(physicalSize);
// update the interop window size
// Method Description:
// Hit test the frame for resizing and moving.
// Method Description:
// - Hit test the frame for resizing and moving.
// Arguments:
// - ptMouse: the mouse point being tested, in absolute (NOT WINDOW) coordinates.
// Return Value:
// - one of the values from
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/wm-nchittest#return-value
// corresponding to the area of the window that was hit
// NOTE:
// Largely taken from code on:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/dwm/customframe
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::HitTestNCA(POINT ptMouse) const noexcept
// Get the window rectangle.
RECT rcWindow = BaseWindow::GetWindowRect();
MARGINS margins = GetFrameMargins();
// Get the frame rectangle, adjusted for the style without a caption.
RECT rcFrame = { 0 };
auto expectedStyle = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW;
WI_ClearAllFlags(expectedStyle, WS_CAPTION);
AdjustWindowRectEx(&rcFrame, expectedStyle, false, 0);
// Determine if the hit test is for resizing. Default middle (1,1).
unsigned short uRow = 1;
unsigned short uCol = 1;
bool fOnResizeBorder = false;
// Determine if the point is at the top or bottom of the window.
if (ptMouse.y >= rcWindow.top && ptMouse.y < rcWindow.top + margins.cyTopHeight)
fOnResizeBorder = (ptMouse.y < (rcWindow.top - rcFrame.top));
uRow = 0;
else if (ptMouse.y < rcWindow.bottom && ptMouse.y >= rcWindow.bottom - margins.cyBottomHeight)
uRow = 2;
// Determine if the point is at the left or right of the window.
if (ptMouse.x >= rcWindow.left && ptMouse.x < rcWindow.left + margins.cxLeftWidth)
uCol = 0; // left side
else if (ptMouse.x < rcWindow.right && ptMouse.x >= rcWindow.right - margins.cxRightWidth)
uCol = 2; // right side
// clang-format off
LRESULT hitTests[3][3] = {
// clang-format on
return hitTests[uRow][uCol];
// Method Description:
// - Get the size of the borders we want to use. The sides and bottom will just
// be big enough for resizing, but the top will be as big as we need for the
// non-client content.
// Return Value:
// - A MARGINS struct containing the border dimensions we want.
MARGINS NonClientIslandWindow::GetFrameMargins() const noexcept
const auto titlebarView = GetTitlebarContentArea();
MARGINS margins{ 0 };
margins.cxLeftWidth = _windowMarginSides;
margins.cxRightWidth = _windowMarginSides;
margins.cyBottomHeight = _windowMarginBottom;
margins.cyTopHeight = titlebarView.BottomExclusive();
return margins;
// Method Description:
// - Updates the borders of our window frame, using DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the HRESULT returned by DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::_UpdateFrameMargins() const noexcept
// Get the size of the borders we want to use. The sides and bottom will
// just be big enough for resizing, but the top will be as big as we need
// for the non-client content.
MARGINS margins = GetFrameMargins();
// Extend the frame into the client area.
return DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(_window, &margins);
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the maximum possible window rectangle in pixels. Based on the monitor
// the window is on or the primary monitor if no window exists yet.
// Arguments:
// - prcSuggested - If we were given a suggested rectangle for where the window
// is going, we can pass it in here to find out the max size
// on that monitor.
// - If this value is zero and we had a valid window handle,
// we'll use that instead. Otherwise the value of 0 will make
// us use the primary monitor.
// - pDpiSuggested - The dpi that matches the suggested rect. We will attempt to
// compute this during the function, but if we fail for some
// reason, the original value passed in will be left untouched.
// Return Value:
// - RECT containing the left, right, top, and bottom positions from the desktop
// origin in pixels. Measures the outer edges of the potential window.
// NOTE:
// Heavily taken from WindowMetrics::GetMaxWindowRectInPixels in conhost.
RECT NonClientIslandWindow::GetMaxWindowRectInPixels(const RECT* const prcSuggested,
_Out_opt_ UINT* pDpiSuggested)
// prepare rectangle
RECT rc = *prcSuggested;
// use zero rect to compare.
RECT rcZero;
// First get the monitor pointer from either the active window or the default location (0,0,0,0)
HMONITOR hMonitor = nullptr;
// NOTE: We must use the nearest monitor because sometimes the system moves the window around into strange spots while performing snap and Win+D operations.
// Those operations won't work correctly if we use MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY.
if (!EqualRect(&rc, &rcZero))
// For invalid window handles or when we were passed a non-zero suggestion rectangle, get the monitor from the rect.
hMonitor = MonitorFromRect(&rc, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
// Otherwise, get the monitor from the window handle.
hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(_window, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
// If for whatever reason there is no monitor, we're going to give back whatever we got since we can't figure anything out.
// We won't adjust the DPI either. That's OK. DPI doesn't make much sense with no display.
if (nullptr == hMonitor)
return rc;
// Now obtain the monitor pixel dimensions
MONITORINFO MonitorInfo = { 0 };
MonitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);
GetMonitorInfoW(hMonitor, &MonitorInfo);
// We have to make a correction to the work area. If we actually consume the entire work area (by maximizing the window)
// The window manager will render the borders off-screen.
// We need to pad the work rectangle with the border dimensions to represent the actual max outer edges of the window rect.
WINDOWINFO wi = { 0 };
wi.cbSize = sizeof(WINDOWINFO);
GetWindowInfo(_window, &wi);
// In non-full screen, we want to only use the work area (avoiding the task bar space)
rc = MonitorInfo.rcWork;
if (pDpiSuggested != nullptr)
UINT monitorDpiX;
UINT monitorDpiY;
if (SUCCEEDED(GetDpiForMonitor(hMonitor, MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, &monitorDpiX, &monitorDpiY)))
*pDpiSuggested = monitorDpiX;
*pDpiSuggested = GetDpiForWindow(_window);
return rc;
// Method Description:
// - Handle window messages from the message loop.
// Arguments:
// - message: A window message ID identifying the message.
// - wParam: The contents of this parameter depend on the value of the message parameter.
// - lParam: The contents of this parameter depend on the value of the message parameter.
// Return Value:
// - The return value is the result of the message processing and depends on the
// message sent.
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::MessageHandler(UINT const message,
WPARAM const wParam,
LPARAM const lParam) noexcept
LRESULT lRet = 0;
// First call DwmDefWindowProc. This might handle things like the
// min/max/close buttons for us.
const bool dwmHandledMessage = DwmDefWindowProc(_window, message, wParam, lParam, &lRet);
switch (message)
if (wParam == false)
return 0;
// Handle the non-client size message.
if (wParam == TRUE && lParam)
// Calculate new NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS based on custom NCA inset.
NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* pncsp = reinterpret_cast<NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS*>(lParam);
pncsp->rgrc[0].left = pncsp->rgrc[0].left + 0;
pncsp->rgrc[0].top = pncsp->rgrc[0].top + 0;
pncsp->rgrc[0].right = pncsp->rgrc[0].right - 0;
pncsp->rgrc[0].bottom = pncsp->rgrc[0].bottom - 0;
return 0;
if (dwmHandledMessage)
return lRet;
// Handle hit testing in the NCA if not handled by DwmDefWindowProc.
if (lRet == 0)
lRet = HitTestNCA({ GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) });
if (lRet != HTNOWHERE)
return lRet;
// Enforce maximum size here instead of WM_GETMINMAXINFO. If we return
// it in WM_GETMINMAXINFO, then it will be enforced when snapping across
// DPI boundaries (bad.)
LPWINDOWPOS lpwpos = reinterpret_cast<LPWINDOWPOS>(lParam);
if (lpwpos == nullptr)
if (_HandleWindowPosChanging(lpwpos))
return 0;
return IslandWindow::MessageHandler(message, wParam, lParam);
// Method Description:
// - Handle a WM_ACTIVATE message. Called during the creation of the window, and
// used as an opprotunity to get the dimensions of the caption buttons (the
// min, max, close buttons). We'll use these dimensions to help size the
// non-client area of the window.
void NonClientIslandWindow::_HandleActivateWindow()
const auto dpi = GetDpiForWindow(_window);
// Use DwmGetWindowAttribute to get the complete size of the caption buttons.
RECT captionSize{ 0 };
THROW_IF_FAILED(DwmGetWindowAttribute(_window, DWMWA_CAPTION_BUTTON_BOUNDS, &captionSize, sizeof(RECT)));
// Divide by 3 to get the width of a single button
// Multiply by 4 to reserve the space of one button as the "grab handle"
_titlebarMarginRight = MulDiv(RECT_WIDTH(&captionSize), 4, 3);
// _titlebarUnscaledContentHeight is set with SetNonClientHeight by the app
// hosting us.
// Method Description:
// - Handle a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message. When the window is changing, or the
// dpi is changing, this handler is triggered to give us a chance to adjust
// the window size and position manually. We use this handler during a maxiize
// to figure out by how much the window will overhang the edges of the
// monitor, and set up some padding to adjust for that.
// Arguments:
// - windowPos: A pointer to a proposed window location and size. Should we wish
// to manually position the window, we could change the values of this struct.
// Return Value:
// - true if we handled this message, false otherwise. If we return false, the
// message should instead be handled by DefWindowProc
// Note:
// Largely taken from the conhost WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING handler.
bool NonClientIslandWindow::_HandleWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS* const windowPos)
// We only need to apply restrictions if the size is changing.
if (WI_IsFlagSet(windowPos->flags, SWP_NOSIZE))
return false;
// Figure out the suggested dimensions
RECT rcSuggested;
rcSuggested.left = windowPos->x;
rcSuggested.top = windowPos->y;
rcSuggested.right = rcSuggested.left + windowPos->cx;
rcSuggested.bottom = rcSuggested.top + windowPos->cy;
SIZE szSuggested;
szSuggested.cx = RECT_WIDTH(&rcSuggested);
szSuggested.cy = RECT_HEIGHT(&rcSuggested);
// Figure out the current dimensions for comparison.
RECT rcCurrent = GetWindowRect();
// Determine whether we're being resized by someone dragging the edge or
// completely moved around.
bool fIsEdgeResize = false;
// We can only be edge resizing if our existing rectangle wasn't empty.
// If it was empty, we're doing the initial create.
if (!IsRectEmpty(&rcCurrent))
// If one or two sides are changing, we're being edge resized.
unsigned int cSidesChanging = 0;
if (rcCurrent.left != rcSuggested.left)
if (rcCurrent.right != rcSuggested.right)
if (rcCurrent.top != rcSuggested.top)
if (rcCurrent.bottom != rcSuggested.bottom)
if (cSidesChanging == 1 || cSidesChanging == 2)
fIsEdgeResize = true;
const auto windowStyle = GetWindowStyle(_window);
const auto isMaximized = WI_IsFlagSet(windowStyle, WS_MAXIMIZE);
// If we're about to maximize the window, determine how much we're about to
// overhang by, and adjust for that.
// We need to do this because maximized windows will typically overhang the
// actual monitor bounds by roughly the size of the old "thick: window
// borders. For normal windows, this is fine, but because we're using
// DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea, that means some of our client content will
// now overhang, and get cut off.
if (isMaximized)
// Find the related monitor, the maximum pixel size,
// and the dpi for the suggested rect.
UINT dpiOfMaximum;
RECT rcMaximum;
if (fIsEdgeResize)
// If someone's dragging from the edge to resize in one direction,
// we want to make sure we never grow past the current monitor.
rcMaximum = GetMaxWindowRectInPixels(&rcCurrent, &dpiOfMaximum);
// In other circumstances, assume we're snapping around or some
// other jump (TS). Just do whatever we're told using the new
// suggestion as the restriction monitor.
rcMaximum = GetMaxWindowRectInPixels(&rcSuggested, &dpiOfMaximum);
const auto suggestedWidth = szSuggested.cx;
const auto suggestedHeight = szSuggested.cy;
const auto maxWidth = RECT_WIDTH(&rcMaximum);
const auto maxHeight = RECT_HEIGHT(&rcMaximum);
// Only apply the maximum size restriction if the current DPI matches
// the DPI of the maximum rect. This keeps us from applying the wrong
// restriction if the monitor we're moving to has a different DPI but
// we've yet to get notified of that DPI change. If we do apply it, then
// we'll restrict the console window BEFORE its been resized for the DPI
// change, so we're likely to shrink the window too much or worse yet,
// keep it from moving entirely. We'll get a WM_DPICHANGED, resize the
// window, and then process the restriction in a few window messages.
if (((int)dpiOfMaximum == _currentDpi) &&
((suggestedWidth > maxWidth) ||
(suggestedHeight > maxHeight)))
auto offset = 0;
// Determine which side of the window to use for the offset
// calculation. If the taskbar is on the left or top of the screen,
// then the x or y coordinate of the work rect might not be 0.
// Check both, and use whichever is 0.
if (rcMaximum.left == 0)
offset = windowPos->x;
else if (rcMaximum.top == 0)
offset = windowPos->y;
const auto offsetX = offset;
const auto offsetY = offset;
_maximizedMargins.cxRightWidth = -offset;
_maximizedMargins.cxLeftWidth = -offset;
_maximizedMargins.cyTopHeight = -offset;
_maximizedMargins.cyBottomHeight = -offset;
_isMaximized = true;
// Clear our maximization state
_maximizedMargins = { 0 };
// Immediately after resoring down, don't update our frame margins. If
// you do this here, then a small gap will appear between the titlebar
// and the content, until the window is moved. However, we do need to
// keep this here _in general_ for dragging across DPI boundaries.
if (!_isMaximized)
_isMaximized = false;
return true;