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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "CommandPalette.h"
#include "HighlightedText.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include "FilteredCommand.g.cpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::System;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
// This class is a wrapper of PaletteItem, that is used as an item of a filterable list in CommandPalette.
// It manages a highlighted text that is computed by matching search filter characters to item name
FilteredCommand::FilteredCommand(winrt::TerminalApp::PaletteItem const& item) :
_HighlightedName = _computeHighlightedName();
// Recompute the highlighted name if the item name changes
_itemChangedRevoker = _Item.PropertyChanged(winrt::auto_revoke, [weakThis{ get_weak() }](auto& /*sender*/, auto& e) {
auto filteredCommand{ weakThis.get() };
if (filteredCommand && e.PropertyName() == L"Name")
void FilteredCommand::UpdateFilter(winrt::hstring const& filter)
// If the filter was not changed we want to prevent the re-computation of matching
// that might result in triggering a notification event
if (filter != _Filter)
// Method Description:
// - Looks up the filter characters within the item name.
// Iterating through the filter and the item name it tries to associate the next filter character
// with the first appearance of this character in the item name suffix.
// E.g., for filter="c l t s" and name="close all tabs after this", the match will be "CLose TabS after this".
// The item name is then split into segments (groupings of matched and non matched characters).
// E.g., the segments were the example above will be "CL", "ose ", "T", "ab", "S", "after this".
// The segments matching the filter characters are marked as highlighted.
// E.g., ("CL", true) ("ose ", false), ("T", true), ("ab", false), ("S", true), ("after this", false)
// TODO: we probably need to merge this logic with _getWeight computation?
// Return Value:
// - The HighlightedText object initialized with the segments computed according to the algorithm above.
winrt::TerminalApp::HighlightedText FilteredCommand::_computeHighlightedName()
const auto segments = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector<winrt::TerminalApp::HighlightedTextSegment>();
auto commandName = _Item.Name();
bool isProcessingMatchedSegment = false;
uint32_t nextOffsetToReport = 0;
uint32_t currentOffset = 0;
for (const auto searchChar : _Filter)
const WCHAR searchCharAsString[] = { searchChar, L'\0' };
while (true)
if (currentOffset == commandName.size())
// There are still unmatched filter characters but we finished scanning the name.
// In this case we return the entire item name as unmatched
auto entireNameSegment{ winrt::make<HighlightedTextSegment>(commandName, false) };
return winrt::make<HighlightedText>(segments);
// GH#9941: search should be locale-aware as well
// We use the same comparison method as upon sorting to guarantee consistent behavior
const WCHAR currentCharAsString[] = { commandName[currentOffset], L'\0' };
auto isCurrentCharMatched = lstrcmpi(searchCharAsString, currentCharAsString) == 0;
if (isProcessingMatchedSegment != isCurrentCharMatched)
// We reached the end of the region (matched character came after a series of unmatched or vice versa).
// Conclude the segment and add it to the list.
// Skip segment if it is empty (might happen when the first character of the name is matched)
auto sizeToReport = currentOffset - nextOffsetToReport;
if (sizeToReport > 0)
winrt::hstring segment{ commandName.data() + nextOffsetToReport, sizeToReport };
auto highlightedSegment{ winrt::make<HighlightedTextSegment>(segment, isProcessingMatchedSegment) };
nextOffsetToReport = currentOffset;
isProcessingMatchedSegment = isCurrentCharMatched;
if (isCurrentCharMatched)
// We have matched this filter character, let's move to matching the next filter char
// Either the filter or the item name were fully processed.
// If we were in the middle of the matched segment - add it.
if (isProcessingMatchedSegment)
auto sizeToReport = currentOffset - nextOffsetToReport;
if (sizeToReport > 0)
winrt::hstring segment{ commandName.data() + nextOffsetToReport, sizeToReport };
auto highlightedSegment{ winrt::make<HighlightedTextSegment>(segment, true) };
nextOffsetToReport = currentOffset;
// Now create a segment for all remaining characters.
// We will have remaining characters as long as the filter is shorter than the item name.
auto sizeToReport = commandName.size() - nextOffsetToReport;
if (sizeToReport > 0)
winrt::hstring segment{ commandName.data() + nextOffsetToReport, sizeToReport };
auto highlightedSegment{ winrt::make<HighlightedTextSegment>(segment, false) };
return winrt::make<HighlightedText>(segments);
// Function Description:
// - Calculates a "weighting" by which should be used to order a item
// name relative to other names, given a specific search string.
// Currently, this is based off of two factors:
// * The weight is incremented once for each matched character of the
// search text.
// * If a matching character from the search text was found at the start
// of a word in the name, then we increment the weight again.
// * For example, for a search string "sp", we want "Split Pane" to
// appear in the list before "Close Pane"
// * Consecutive matches will be weighted higher than matches with
// characters in between the search characters.
// - This will return 0 if the item should not be shown. If all the
// characters of search text appear in order in `name`, then this function
// will return a positive number. There can be any number of characters
// separating consecutive characters in searchText.
// * For example:
// "name": "New Tab"
// "name": "Close Tab"
// "name": "Close Pane"
// "name": "[-] Split Horizontal"
// "name": "[ | ] Split Vertical"
// "name": "Next Tab"
// "name": "Prev Tab"
// "name": "Open Settings"
// "name": "Open Media Controls"
// * "open" should return both "**Open** Settings" and "**Open** Media Controls".
// * "Tab" would return "New **Tab**", "Close **Tab**", "Next **Tab**" and "Prev
// **Tab**".
// * "P" would return "Close **P**ane", "[-] S**p**lit Horizontal", "[ | ]
// S**p**lit Vertical", "**P**rev Tab", "O**p**en Settings" and "O**p**en Media
// Controls".
// * "sv" would return "[ | ] Split Vertical" (by matching the **S** in
// "Split", then the **V** in "Vertical").
// Arguments:
// - searchText: the string of text to search for in `name`
// - name: the name to check
// Return Value:
// - the relative weight of this match
int FilteredCommand::_computeWeight()
int result = 0;
bool isNextSegmentWordBeginning = true;
for (const auto& segment : _HighlightedName.Segments())
const auto& segmentText = segment.TextSegment();
const auto segmentSize = segmentText.size();
if (segment.IsHighlighted())
// Give extra point for each consecutive match
result += (segmentSize <= 1) ? segmentSize : 1 + 2 * (segmentSize - 1);
// Give extra point if this segment is at the beginning of a word
if (isNextSegmentWordBeginning)
isNextSegmentWordBeginning = segmentSize > 0 && segmentText[segmentSize - 1] == L' ';
return result;
// Function Description:
// - Implementation of Compare for FilteredCommand interface.
// Compares first instance of the interface with the second instance, first by weight, then by name.
// In the case of a tie prefers the first instance.
// Arguments:
// - other: another instance of FilteredCommand interface
// Return Value:
// - Returns true if the first is "bigger" (aka should appear first)
int FilteredCommand::Compare(winrt::TerminalApp::FilteredCommand const& first, winrt::TerminalApp::FilteredCommand const& second)
auto firstWeight{ first.Weight() };
auto secondWeight{ second.Weight() };
if (firstWeight == secondWeight)
std::wstring_view firstName{ first.Item().Name() };
std::wstring_view secondName{ second.Item().Name() };
return lstrcmpi(firstName.data(), secondName.data()) < 0;
return firstWeight > secondWeight;