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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
class RunLengthEncodingTests;
namespace til // Terminal Implementation Library. Also: "Today I Learned"
namespace details
template<typename T, typename S, typename ParentIt>
class rle_iterator
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
using size_type = S;
using difference_type = typename ParentIt::difference_type;
// TODO GH#10135: Enable checked iterators for _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0.
explicit rle_iterator(ParentIt&& it) noexcept :
_it{ std::forward<ParentIt>(it) },
_pos{ 0 }
[[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const noexcept
return _it->value;
[[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const noexcept
return &operator*();
rle_iterator& operator++() noexcept
if (_pos == _it->length)
_pos = 0;
return *this;
rle_iterator operator++(int) noexcept
auto tmp = *this;
return tmp;
rle_iterator& operator--() noexcept
if (_pos == 0)
_pos = _it->length;
return *this;
rle_iterator operator--(int) noexcept
auto tmp = *this;
return tmp;
rle_iterator& operator+=(difference_type move) noexcept
// Splitting our function into a forward and backward move
// makes implementing the arithmetic quite a bit simpler.
if (move >= 0)
while (move > 0)
// If we have a run like this:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^
// And this iterator points to ^, then space will be 2,
// as that's the number of times this iterator would continue
// yielding the number "2", if we were using operator++().
const auto space = static_cast<difference_type>(_it->length - _pos);
if (move < space)
// At this point: move <= std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max().
// --> the narrowing is safe.
_pos += gsl::narrow_cast<size_type>(move);
move -= space;
_pos = 0;
move = -move;
while (move > 0)
// If we have a run like this:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^
// And this iterator points to ^, then space will be 1,
// as that's the number of times this iterator would continue
// yielding the number "2", if we were using operator--().
const auto space = static_cast<difference_type>(_pos);
if (move <= space)
// At this point: move <= std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max()
// --> the narrowing is safe.
_pos -= gsl::narrow_cast<size_type>(move);
// When moving backwards we want to move to the last item
// in the previous run (that is: _pos == length - 1).
// --> Don't just move to the beginning of this run (-= _pos),
// but actually one item further (-= 1).
move -= static_cast<difference_type>(_pos) + 1;
// _pos is supposed to be in the range [0, _it->length).
// --> The last position in the previous run is length - 1;
_pos = _it->length - 1;
return *this;
rle_iterator& operator-=(const difference_type offset) noexcept
return *this += -offset;
[[nodiscard]] rle_iterator operator+(const difference_type offset) const noexcept
auto tmp = *this;
return tmp += offset;
[[nodiscard]] rle_iterator operator-(const difference_type offset) const noexcept
auto tmp = *this;
return tmp -= offset;
[[nodiscard]] difference_type operator-(const rle_iterator& right) const noexcept
// If we figure out which of the two iterators is "lower" (nearer to begin()) and
// "upper" (nearer to end()), we can simplify the way we think about this algorithm:
// The distance equals the length of all runs between lower and upper,
// excluding the positions of the lower and upper iterator.
// For instance:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2 2|3 3|4 4 4
// ^ ^
// lower upper
// _pos == 2 _pos == 1
// The total distance equals the total length all runs that are covered by
// lower up until (but not including) upper (here: 9), minus the number of
// items not covered by lower (here: 2, the same as _pos), plus the ones
// covered by upper, excluding itself (here: 1, the same as _pos).
const auto negative = *this < right;
const auto& lower = negative ? *this : right;
const auto& upper = negative ? right : *this;
difference_type distance = 0;
for (auto it = lower._it; it < upper._it; ++it)
distance += it->length;
distance -= lower._pos;
distance += upper._pos;
return negative ? -distance : distance;
[[nodiscard]] reference operator[](const difference_type offset) const noexcept
return *operator+(offset);
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const rle_iterator& right) const noexcept
return _it == right._it && _pos == right._pos;
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const rle_iterator& right) const noexcept
return !(*this == right);
[[nodiscard]] bool operator<(const rle_iterator& right) const noexcept
return _it < right._it || (_it == right._it && _pos < right._pos);
[[nodiscard]] bool operator>(const rle_iterator& right) const noexcept
return right < *this;
[[nodiscard]] bool operator<=(const rle_iterator& right) const noexcept
return !(right < *this);
[[nodiscard]] bool operator>=(const rle_iterator& right) const noexcept
return !(*this < right);
ParentIt _it;
size_type _pos;
} // namespace details
// rle_pair is a simple clone of std::pair, with one difference:
// copy and move constructors and operators are explicitly defaulted.
// This allows rle_pair to be std::is_trivially_copyable, if both T and S are.
// --> rle_pair can be used with memcpy(), unlike std::pair.
template<typename T, typename S>
struct rle_pair
using value_type = T;
using size_type = S;
rle_pair() = default;
rle_pair(const rle_pair&) = default;
rle_pair& operator=(const rle_pair&) = default;
rle_pair(rle_pair&&) = default;
rle_pair& operator=(rle_pair&&) = default;
constexpr rle_pair(const T& value, const S& length) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<T>&& std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<S>) :
value(value), length(length)
constexpr rle_pair(T&& value, S&& length) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<T>&& std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<S>) :
value(std::forward<T>(value)), length(std::forward<S>(length))
constexpr void swap(rle_pair& other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_swappable_v<T>&& std::is_nothrow_swappable_v<S>)
if (this != std::addressof(other))
std::swap(value, other.value);
std::swap(length, other.length);
value_type value{};
size_type length{};
template<typename T, typename S>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const rle_pair<T, S>& lhs, const rle_pair<T, S>& rhs)
return lhs.value == rhs.value && lhs.length == rhs.length;
template<typename T, typename S>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const rle_pair<T, S>& lhs, const rle_pair<T, S>& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
template<typename T, typename S = std::size_t, typename Container = std::vector<rle_pair<T, S>>>
class basic_rle
using value_type = T;
using allocator_type = typename Container::allocator_type;
using pointer = typename Container::pointer;
using const_pointer = typename Container::const_pointer;
using reference = T&;
using const_reference = const T&;
using size_type = S;
using difference_type = S;
using const_iterator = details::rle_iterator<const T, S, typename Container::const_iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
using rle_type = rle_pair<value_type, size_type>;
using container = Container;
// We don't check anywhere whether a size_type value is negative.
// Having signed integers would break that.
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<size_type>::value, "the run length S must be unsigned");
static_assert(std::is_same<rle_type, typename Container::value_type>::value, "the value type of the Container must be rle_pair<T, S>");
constexpr basic_rle() noexcept = default;
~basic_rle() = default;
basic_rle(const basic_rle& other) = default;
basic_rle& operator=(const basic_rle& other) = default;
basic_rle(basic_rle&& other) noexcept :
_runs(std::move(other._runs)), _total_length(other._total_length)
// C++ fun fact:
// "std::move" actually doesn't actually promise to _really_ move stuff from A to B,
// but rather "leaves the source in an unspecified but valid state" according to the spec.
// Probably for the sake of performance or something.
// Quite ironic given that the committee refuses to change the STL ABI,
// forcing us to reinvent std::pair as til::rle_pair.
// --> Let's assume that container behavior falls into only two categories:
// * Moves the underlying memory, setting .size() to 0
// * Leaves the source intact (basically copying it)
// We can detect these cases using _runs.empty() and set _total_length accordingly.
if (other._runs.empty())
other._total_length = 0;
basic_rle& operator=(basic_rle&& other) noexcept
_runs = std::move(other._runs);
_total_length = other._total_length;
// See basic_rle(basic_rle&&) for why this is necessary.
if (other._runs.empty())
other._total_length = 0;
return *this;
basic_rle(std::initializer_list<rle_type> runs) :
_runs(runs), _total_length(0)
for (const auto& run : _runs)
_total_length += run.length;
basic_rle(container&& runs) :
_runs(std::forward<container>(runs)), _total_length(0)
for (const auto& run : _runs)
_total_length += run.length;
basic_rle(const size_type length, const value_type& value) :
if (length)
_runs.emplace_back(value, length);
void swap(basic_rle& other) noexcept
std::swap(_total_length, other._total_length);
bool empty() const noexcept
return _total_length == 0;
// Returns the total length of all runs as encoded.
size_type size() const noexcept
return _total_length;
// This method gives access to the raw run length encoded array
// and allows users of this class to iterate over those.
const container& runs() const noexcept
return _runs;
// Get the value at the position
const_reference at(size_type position) const
const auto begin = _runs.begin();
const auto end = _runs.end();
rle_scanner scanner(begin, end);
auto it = scanner.scan(position).first;
if (it == end)
throw std::out_of_range("position out of range");
return it->value;
// Returns the range [start_index, end_index) as a new vector.
// It works just like std::string::substr(), but with absolute indices.
[[nodiscard]] basic_rle slice(size_type start_index, size_type end_index) const noexcept
if (end_index > _total_length)
end_index = _total_length;
if (start_index >= end_index)
return {};
// Thanks to the prior conditions we can safely assume that:
// * 0 <= start_index < _total_length
// * 0 < end_index <= _total_length
// * start_index < end_index
// --> It's safe to subtract 1 from end_index
rle_scanner scanner(_runs.begin(), _runs.end());
auto [begin_run, start_run_pos] = scanner.scan(start_index);
auto [end_run, end_run_pos] = scanner.scan(end_index - 1);
container slice{ begin_run, end_run + 1 };
slice.back().length = end_run_pos + 1;
slice.front().length -= start_run_pos;
return { std::move(slice), static_cast<size_type>(end_index - start_index) };
// Replace the range [start_index, end_index) with the given value.
// If end_index is larger than size() it's set to size().
// start_index must be smaller or equal to end_index.
void replace(size_type start_index, size_type end_index, const value_type& value)
_check_indices(start_index, end_index);
const rle_type replacement{ value, static_cast<size_type>(end_index - start_index) };
_replace_unchecked(start_index, end_index, { &replacement, 1 });
// Replace the range [start_index, end_index) with the given run.
// If end_index is larger than size() it's set to size().
// start_index must be smaller or equal to end_index.
void replace(size_type start_index, size_type end_index, const rle_type& replacement)
replace(start_index, end_index, { &replacement, 1 });
// Replace the range [start_index, end_index) with replacements.
// If end_index is larger than size() it's set to size().
// start_index must be smaller or equal to end_index.
void replace(size_type start_index, size_type end_index, const gsl::span<const rle_type> replacements)
_check_indices(start_index, end_index);
_replace_unchecked(start_index, end_index, replacements);
// Replaces every instance of old_value in this vector with new_value.
void replace_values(const value_type& old_value, const value_type& new_value)
for (auto& run : _runs)
if (run.value == old_value)
run.value = new_value;
// Adjust the size of the vector.
// If the size is being increased, the last run is extended to fill up the new vector size.
// If the size is being decreased, the trailing runs are cut off to fit.
void resize_trailing_extent(const size_type new_size)
if (new_size == 0)
else if (new_size < _total_length)
rle_scanner scanner(_runs.begin(), _runs.end());
auto [run, pos] = scanner.scan(new_size - 1);
run->length = ++pos;
_runs.erase(++run, _runs.cend());
else if (new_size > _total_length)
auto& run = _runs.back();
run.length += new_size - _total_length;
_total_length = new_size;
constexpr bool operator==(const basic_rle& other) const noexcept
return _total_length == other._total_length && _runs == other._runs;
constexpr bool operator!=(const basic_rle& other) const noexcept
return !(*this == other);
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator begin() const noexcept
return const_iterator(_runs.begin());
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator end() const noexcept
return const_iterator(_runs.end());
[[nodiscard]] const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept
return const_reverse_iterator(end());
[[nodiscard]] const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept
return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
return begin();
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator cend() const noexcept
return end();
[[nodiscard]] const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept
return rbegin();
[[nodiscard]] const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept
return rend();
[[nodiscard]] std::wstring to_string() const
std::wstringstream ss;
bool beginning = true;
for (const auto& run : _runs)
if (beginning)
beginning = false;
ss << '|';
for (size_t i = 0; i < run.length; ++i)
if (i != 0)
ss << ' ';
ss << run.value;
return ss.str();
template<typename It>
struct rle_scanner
explicit rle_scanner(It begin, It end) noexcept :
it(std::move(begin)), end(std::move(end)) {}
std::pair<It, size_type> scan(size_type index) noexcept
run_pos = 0;
for (; it != end; ++it)
const size_type new_total = total + it->length;
if (new_total > index)
run_pos = index - total;
total = new_total;
return { it, run_pos };
It it;
const It end;
size_type run_pos = 0;
size_type total = 0;
basic_rle(container&& runs, size_type size) :
void _compact()
auto it = _runs.begin();
const auto end = _runs.end();
if (it == end)
for (auto ref = it; ++it != end; ref = it)
if (ref->value == it->value)
ref->length += it->length;
while (++it != end)
if (ref->value == it->value)
ref->length += it->length;
*++ref = std::move(*it);
_runs.erase(++ref, end);
inline void _check_indices(size_type start_index, size_type& end_index)
if (end_index > _total_length)
end_index = _total_length;
// start_index and end_index must be inside the inclusive range [0, _total_length].
if (start_index > end_index)
throw std::out_of_range("start_index <= end_index");
// Replace the range [start_index, end_index) with replacements.
void _replace_unchecked(size_type start_index, size_type end_index, const gsl::span<const rle_type> replacements)
// MUST READ: How this function (mostly) works
// -------------------------------------------
// ## Overview
// Assuming this instance consists of:
// _runs == {{1, 3}, {2, 3}, {3, 3}}
// Or shown in a more visual way:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// If we're called with:
// _replace_unchecked(3, 6, {{1, 2}, {4, 1}, {2, 1}})
// Or shown in a more visual way:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^ ^ <-- the first ^ is "start_index" (inclusive) and the second "end_index" (exclusive)
// 1 1|4|2 <-- the "replacements"
// This results in:
// 1 1 1 1|4|2 2|3 3 3
// and _total_length increases by 1.
// ## Trivial algorithm
// Assuming we have the following situation:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^ ^
// 1 1|4|2
// A trivial algorithm can achieve this in 3-4 steps:
// 1. Remove the to be replaced range (marked with ^).
// The lengths of existing runs must be modified accordingly.
// Resulting in:
// 1 1|2|3 3 3
// ^ <-- the insertion point for replacements
// 2. (Optional) If the replaced range starts and ends within the same run,
// we need to split it up into two. An example can be found below.
// 3. Add the new replacements:
// 1 1|1 1|4|2|2|3 3 3
// 4. Join adjacent runs together (using _compact):
// 1 1 1 1|4|2 2|3 3 3
// An example for the optional step 2:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^^
// 1 1
// Resulting in:
// 1 1 1|2|1 1|2|3 3 3
// ^ ^ <-- the {2, 3} run was split up
// All 4 steps require elements in the underlying _runs vector to be shuffled around.
// This function is long and complex, as it determines the place of insertion
// as well as joining of adjacent runs before applying any modifications.
// ## Optimized algorithm
// Note: "step N" refers to the 4 steps in previous "Trivial algorithm" section.
// There are 3 ways to reduce the cost of the trivial algorithm.
// Before modifying the underlying _runs vector we must detect:
// * (step 2) Whether the replaced range starts and ends within the same run,
// forcing us to split up a run and **add an additional element**.
// * (step 4) "adjacent runs" which would occur after insertion.
// We must insert **one run less each** if either the first or last element
// of "replacements" is the same as it's existing successor/predecessor element.
// This fact is even true in case like this:
// 1 1|2 2|1 1
// ^ ^
// 1 1
// Resulting in a single run and the removal of 2 elements from _runs:
// 1 1 1 1 1 1
// * How many runs we need to insert in total (including the previous 2 points)
// and how many existing runs this will replace. Using this information
// we can merge removal (step 1) and insertion (step 3) together.
// Let's look at the example from the previous section and
// assume we apply the previously mentioned optimizations
// This allows us to detect the adjacent runs and turn this:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^ ^
// 1 1|4|2
// Into this:
// 1 1 1 1|2 2|3 3 3
// ^
// 4
// Our algorithm now only needs to make a single insertion into _runs.
// Let's look at the example for the optional step 2:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^^
// 1 1
// We can detect early that we need to add an additional element.
// This allows us to change it into a single insertion again:
// 1 1 1|2|3 3 3
// ^
// 1 1|2
// Similarly we can detect cases where we replace more runs than we insert.
// For instance:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3|4 4 4|5 5 5
// ^ ^
// 6 6 6
// After shortening the existing runs this is turned into a copy operation:
// 1 1 1|2|3 3 3|4 4 4|5 5 5
// ^ ^
// 6 6 6
// And a removal of the extra space:
// 1 1 1|2|6 6 6|4 4 4|5 5 5
// ^ ^
// Resulting in:
// 1 1 1|2|6 6 6|5 5 5
// ## Implementation
// The need to calculate the exact space requirements before insertion of new or
// removal of existing runs requires us to have our steps in a specific order.
// [Step1]: Detect future adjacent runs.
// As this requires us to insert up to 2 runs less.
// For instance:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^ ^
// 1 1
// = 1 1 1 1 1|2|3 3 3
// ^-- The first run was joined in place by increasing its length by 2.
// This continues in [Step7].
// [Step2]: Detect whether a run needs to be split in 2.
// As this requires us to insert 1 additional run.
// For instance:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^^
// 1 1
// = 1 1 1|2|1 1|2|3 3 3
// ^-- An additional run was inserted.
// This continues in [Step5].
// [Step3]: Adjust the lengths of existing runs.
// For instance:
// 1 1 1|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^ ^
// 3 3
// = 1|3 3|2 2 2|3 3 3
// ^-- The first existing run was shortened by 2.
// [Step4]: Copy over as many runs into the to-be-replaced range as possible.
// [Step5]: If we split up a run, we must copy in the trailing end now.
// [Step6.1]: If we still have any remaining extra space in the to-be-replaced range we need to remove it.
// [Step6.2]: Otherwise if the space wasn't enough we need to insert the remaining runs.
// [Step7]: Apply the additional lengths for adjacent runs.
// [Step8]: Recalculate the _total_length.
// TODO GH#10135: Ensure replacements contains no runs with .length == 0.
rle_scanner scanner{ _runs.begin(), _runs.end() };
auto [begin, begin_pos] = scanner.scan(start_index);
auto [end, end_pos] = scanner.scan(end_index);
// This condition handles pure removals, where replacements.size() == 0.
// But this isn't just a shortcut optimization...
// The remaining code in this function assumes that replacements.size() != 0
// and will happily access replacements.front()/.back() for instance.
// Otherwise the logic within this if condition is identical to the rest of this function.
// NOTE:
// Optimally the remaining code in this method should be made compatible with empty replacements.
// Especially since this logic is extremely similar to the one below for non-empty replacements.
if (replacements.empty())
const size_type removed = end_index - start_index;
if (start_index != 0 && end_index != _total_length)
const auto previous = begin_pos ? begin : begin - 1;
if (previous->value == end->value)
end->length -= end_pos - (begin_pos ? begin_pos : previous->length);
begin_pos = 0;
end_pos = 0;
begin = previous;
if (begin_pos)
begin->length = begin_pos;
if (end_pos)
end->length -= end_pos;
_runs.erase(begin, end);
_total_length -= removed;
// [Step1]
size_type begin_additional_length = 0;
size_type end_additional_length = 0;
if (start_index != 0)
const auto previous = begin_pos ? begin : begin - 1;
if (previous->value == replacements.front().value)
begin_additional_length = begin_pos ? begin_pos : previous->length;
begin_pos = 0;
begin = previous;
if (end_index != _total_length)
// end already points 1 item past "end_index".
// --> No need for something analogue to "previous" above.
if (end->value == replacements.back().value)
end_additional_length = end->length - end_pos;
end_pos = 0;
// [Step2]
std::optional<rle_type> mid_insertion_trailer;
if (begin == end && begin_pos != 0)
mid_insertion_trailer.emplace(begin->value, static_cast<size_type>(begin->length - end_pos));
// mid_insertion_trailer contains the element that will be inserted past
// the to-be-replaced range. We must ensure that we don't accidentally
// adjust the length of an unrelated run and thus set end_post to 0.
end_pos = 0;
// [Step3]
if (begin_pos)
begin->length = begin_pos;
// begin is part of the to-be-replaced range.
// We've used the run begin is pointing to adjust it's length.
// --> We must increment it in order to not overwrite it in [Step4].
if (end_pos)
// Similarly to before we must adjust the length,
// but this time we don't need to decrement end, as it's
// already pointing past the to-be-replaced range anyways.
end->length -= end_pos;
// NOTE: It's possible for begin > end, as we increment begin in [Step3].
const size_t available_space = begin < end ? end - begin : 0;
const size_t required_space = replacements.size() + (mid_insertion_trailer ? 1 : 0);
const auto begin_index = begin - _runs.begin();
const auto replacements_begin = replacements.begin();
const auto replacements_end = replacements.end();
// [Step4]
const auto direct_copy_end = replacements_begin + std::min(available_space, replacements.size());
begin = std::copy(replacements_begin, direct_copy_end, begin);
if (available_space >= required_space)
// [Step6.1]
_runs.erase(begin, end);
if (mid_insertion_trailer)
// Unfortunately there's no efficient way to express "insert an iterator range
// plus one extra element at the end" with standard vector containers.
// --> First make some space for N+1 elements using default initialization.
// Then insert the new runs and finally the mid_insertion_trailer.
_runs.insert(begin, required_space - available_space, {});
// [Step6.2]
begin = std::copy(direct_copy_end, replacements_end, _runs.begin() + begin_index);
// [Step5]
*begin = *std::move(mid_insertion_trailer);
// [Step6.2]
_runs.insert(begin, direct_copy_end, replacements_end);
// [Step7]
if (begin_additional_length)
begin = _runs.begin() + begin_index;
begin->length += begin_additional_length;
if (end_additional_length)
end = _runs.begin() + begin_index + required_space - 1;
end->length += end_additional_length;
// [Step8]
_total_length -= end_index - start_index;
for (const auto& run : replacements)
_total_length += run.length;
container _runs;
S _total_length{ 0 };
friend class ::RunLengthEncodingTests;
template<typename T, typename S = std::size_t>
using rle = basic_rle<T, S, std::vector<rle_pair<T, S>>>;
template<typename T, typename S = std::size_t, std::size_t N = 1>
using small_rle = basic_rle<T, S, boost::container::small_vector<rle_pair<T, S>, N>>;
#ifdef __WEX_COMMON_H__
namespace WEX::TestExecution
template<typename T, typename S, typename Container>
class VerifyOutputTraits<::til::basic_rle<T, S, Container>>
using rle_vector = ::til::basic_rle<T, S, Container>;
static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const rle_vector& object)
return WEX::Common::NoThrowString(object.to_string().c_str());
template<typename T, typename S, typename Container>
class VerifyCompareTraits<::til::basic_rle<T, S, Container>, ::til::basic_rle<T, S, Container>>
using rle_vector = ::til::basic_rle<T, S, Container>;
static bool AreEqual(const rle_vector& expected, const rle_vector& actual) noexcept
return expected == actual;
static bool AreSame(const rle_vector& expected, const rle_vector& actual) noexcept
return &expected == &actual;
static bool IsLessThan(const rle_vector& expectedLess, const rle_vector& expectedGreater) = delete;
static bool IsGreaterThan(const rle_vector& expectedGreater, const rle_vector& expectedLess) = delete;
static bool IsNull(const rle_vector& object) = delete;