
457 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "VtIo.hpp"
#include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp"
#include "../renderer/vt/XtermEngine.hpp"
#include "../renderer/vt/Xterm256Engine.hpp"
#include "../renderer/vt/WinTelnetEngine.hpp"
#include "../renderer/base/renderer.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include "handle.h" // LockConsole and UnlockConsole
#include "output.h" // CloseConsoleProcessState
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Utils;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Interactivity;
VtIo::VtIo() :
if (_shutdownEvent)
// Wait for watchdog future to get the memo or we might try to destroy it before it gets to work.
// Routine Description:
// Tries to get the VtIoMode from the given string. If it's not one of the
// *_STRING constants in VtIoMode.hpp, then it returns E_INVALIDARG.
// Arguments:
// VtIoMode: A string containing the console's requested VT mode. This can be
// any of the strings in VtIoModes.hpp
// pIoMode: recieves the VtIoMode that the string prepresents if it's a valid
// IO mode string
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we parsed the string successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::ParseIoMode(const std::wstring& VtMode, _Out_ VtIoMode& ioMode)
ioMode = VtIoMode::INVALID;
if (VtMode == XTERM_256_STRING)
ioMode = VtIoMode::XTERM_256;
else if (VtMode == XTERM_STRING)
ioMode = VtIoMode::XTERM;
else if (VtMode == WIN_TELNET_STRING)
ioMode = VtIoMode::WIN_TELNET;
else if (VtMode == XTERM_ASCII_STRING)
ioMode = VtIoMode::XTERM_ASCII;
else if (VtMode == DEFAULT_STRING)
ioMode = VtIoMode::XTERM_256;
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::Initialize(const ConsoleArguments* const pArgs)
_lookingForCursorPosition = pArgs->GetInheritCursor();
// If we were already given VT handles, set up the VT IO engine to use those.
if (pArgs->InConptyMode())
return _Initialize(pArgs->GetVtInHandle(), pArgs->GetVtOutHandle(), pArgs->GetVtMode(), pArgs->GetSignalHandle());
// Didn't need to initialize if we didn't have VT stuff. It's still OK, but report we did nothing.
return S_FALSE;
// Routine Description:
// Tries to initialize this VtIo instance from the given pipe handles and
// VtIoMode. The pipes should have been created already (by the caller of
// conhost), in non-overlapped mode.
// The VtIoMode string can be the empty string as a default value.
// Arguments:
// InHandle: a valid file handle. The console will
// read VT sequences from this pipe to generate INPUT_RECORDs and other
// input events.
// OutHandle: a valid file handle. The console
// will be "rendered" to this pipe using VT sequences
// VtIoMode: A string containing the console's requested VT mode. This can be
// any of the strings in VtIoModes.hpp
// SignalHandle: an optional file handle that will be used to send signals into the console.
// This represents the ability to send signals to a *nix tty/pty.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we initialized successfully, otherwise an appropriate HRESULT
// indicating failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::_Initialize(const HANDLE InHandle,
const HANDLE OutHandle,
const std::wstring& VtMode,
_In_opt_ const HANDLE SignalHandle)
FAIL_FAST_IF_MSG(_initialized, "Someone attempted to double-_Initialize VtIo");
RETURN_IF_FAILED(ParseIoMode(VtMode, _IoMode));
// Since we have a valid request for a PTY, set up the events and watchdog mechanisms
// required to tear everything apart correctly at the end of a PTY session.
_shutdownWatchdog = std::async(std::launch::async, [=] {
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// Don't close process state if we're unit testing and this has been set by a friend because
// it will trigger the rundown and exit TerminateProcess killing the test host!
if (_doNotTerminate)
// We also need to register to know when the last process is exiting.
ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation().ProcessHandleList.RegisterForNotifyOnLastFree(std::bind(&VtIo::_OnLastProcessExit, this));
// The only way we're initialized is if the args said we're in conpty mode.
// If the args say so, then at least one of in, out, or signal was specified
_initialized = true;
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Create the VtRenderer and the VtInputThread for this console.
// MUST BE DONE AFTER CONSOLE IS INITIALIZED, to make sure we've gotten the
// buffer size from the attached client application.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we initialized successfully,
// S_FALSE if VtIo hasn't been initialized (or we're not in conpty mode)
// otherwise an appropriate HRESULT indicating failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::CreateIoHandlers() noexcept
if (!_initialized)
return S_FALSE;
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
if (IsValidHandle(_hInput.get()))
_pVtInputThread = std::make_unique<VtInputThread>(std::move(_hInput), _shutdownEvent, _lookingForCursorPosition);
if (IsValidHandle(_hOutput.get()))
Viewport initialViewport = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 },
switch (_IoMode)
case VtIoMode::XTERM_256:
_pVtRenderEngine = std::make_unique<Xterm256Engine>(std::move(_hOutput),
case VtIoMode::XTERM:
_pVtRenderEngine = std::make_unique<XtermEngine>(std::move(_hOutput),
case VtIoMode::XTERM_ASCII:
_pVtRenderEngine = std::make_unique<XtermEngine>(std::move(_hOutput),
case VtIoMode::WIN_TELNET:
_pVtRenderEngine = std::make_unique<WinTelnetEngine>(std::move(_hOutput),
return E_FAIL;
_objectsCreated = true;
return S_OK;
bool VtIo::IsUsingVt() const
return _objectsCreated;
// Routine Description:
// Potentially starts this VtIo's input thread and render engine.
// If the VtIo hasn't yet been given pipes, then this function will
// silently do nothing. It's the responsibility of the caller to make sure
// that the pipes are initialized first with VtIo::Initialize
// Arguments:
// <none>
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we started successfully or had nothing to start, otherwise an
// appropriate HRESULT indicating failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::StartIfNeeded()
// If we haven't been set up, do nothing (because there's nothing to start)
if (!_objectsCreated)
return S_FALSE;
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
if (_pVtRenderEngine)
// MSFT: 15813316
// If the terminal application wants us to inherit the cursor position,
// we're going to emit a VT sequence to ask for the cursor position, then
// read input until we get a response. Terminals who request this behavior
// but don't respond will hang.
// If we get a response, the InteractDispatch will call SetCursorPosition,
// which will call to our VtIo::SetCursorPosition method.
// We need both handles for this initialization to work. If we don't have
// both, we'll skip it. They either aren't going to be reading output
// (so they can't get the DSR) or they can't write the response to us.
// GH Microsoft/Terminal#1810:
// - We can't just infinite loop and let them hang. It needs to recognize an error
// condition otherwise it can be getting notified on another thread of a proper shutdown
// and be unable to actually leave this loop and let go of the lock.
if (_lookingForCursorPosition && _pVtRenderEngine && _pVtInputThread)
// The consequences of the VT Input
// receiving its cursor position information cause additional entrances to the global
// lock that we're already holding on the IO thread as a part of initialization here.
// So we have to pump the read manually here until we get what we're looking for.
while (!_shutdownEvent.is_signaled() && _lookingForCursorPosition)
// We can't start the VT input thread until after we've pumped it manually
// (if necessary) above for the cursor response.
if (_pVtInputThread)
if (_pPtySignalInputThread)
// Let the signal thread know that the console is connected
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Create and start the signal thread. The signal thread can be created
// independent of the i/o threads, and doesn't require a client first
// attaching to the console. We need to create it first and foremost,
// because it's possible that a terminal application could
// CreatePseudoConsole, then ClosePseudoConsole without ever attaching a
// client. Should that happen, we still need to exit.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_FALSE if we're not in VtIo mode,
// S_OK if we succeeded,
// otherwise an appropriate HRESULT indicating failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::CreateAndStartSignalThread() noexcept
if (!_initialized)
return S_FALSE;
// If we were passed a signal handle, try to open it and make a signal reading thread.
if (IsValidHandle(_hSignal.get()))
_pPtySignalInputThread = std::make_unique<PtySignalInputThread>(std::move(_hSignal), _shutdownEvent);
// Start it if it was successfully created.
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Prevent the renderer from emitting output on the next resize. This prevents
// the host from echoing a resize to the terminal that requested it.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if the renderer successfully suppressed the next repaint, otherwise an
// appropriate HRESULT indicating failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::SuppressResizeRepaint()
if (_pVtRenderEngine)
hr = _pVtRenderEngine->SuppressResizeRepaint();
return hr;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to set the initial cursor position, if we're looking for it.
// If we're not trying to inherit the cursor, does nothing.
// Arguments:
// - coordCursor: The initial position of the cursor.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we successfully inherited the cursor or did nothing, else an
// appropriate HRESULT
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::SetCursorPosition(const COORD coordCursor)
if (_lookingForCursorPosition)
if (_pVtRenderEngine)
hr = _pVtRenderEngine->InheritCursor(coordCursor);
_lookingForCursorPosition = false;
return hr;
// Method Description:
// - Tell the vt renderer to begin a resize operation. During a resize
// operation, the vt renderer should _not_ request to be repainted during a
// text buffer circling event. Any callers of this method should make sure to
// call EndResize to make sure the renderer returns to normal behavior.
// See GH#1795 for context on this method.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void VtIo::BeginResize()
if (_pVtRenderEngine)
// Method Description:
// - Tell the vt renderer to end a resize operation.
// See BeginResize for more details.
// See GH#1795 for context on this method.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void VtIo::EndResize()
if (_pVtRenderEngine)
// Method Description:
// - Called when the last client process exits. We'll use this to shut off the main IO thread.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void VtIo::_OnLastProcessExit()
// If a shutdown is signaled because one of the PTY pipes has broken connection with the
// hosting Terminal on top and we've been notified that the last client application has just
// disconnected, then we want to stop all IO channel communication.
// Normally IO channel communication stops itself when all outstanding references to the console
// session are broken with the driver, but in this circumstance, the Terminal application may still
// be holding a server, reference, or other handle to the session. It is implied that breaking any
// one of the connections or calling ClosePseudoConsole is a specific request to close all those things off from the
// Terminal's end. That means those handles are not really valid means of keeping the session open and therefore
// once the client connections are gone, there's no longer a reason to stick around even if the Terminal on top
// didn't fully clean up all of its handles before reaching this state.
if (_shutdownEvent.is_signaled())