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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "TermControl.g.h"
#include "CopyToClipboardEventArgs.g.h"
#include "PasteFromClipboardEventArgs.g.h"
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalConnection.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.h>
#include "../../renderer/base/Renderer.hpp"
#include "../../renderer/dx/DxRenderer.hpp"
#include "../../cascadia/TerminalCore/Terminal.hpp"
#include "../../cascadia/inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::implementation
struct CopyToClipboardEventArgs :
public CopyToClipboardEventArgsT<CopyToClipboardEventArgs>
CopyToClipboardEventArgs(hstring text, hstring html) :
_html(html) {}
hstring Text() { return _text; };
hstring Html() { return _html; };
hstring _text;
hstring _html;
struct PasteFromClipboardEventArgs :
public PasteFromClipboardEventArgsT<PasteFromClipboardEventArgs>
PasteFromClipboardEventArgs(std::function<void(std::wstring)> clipboardDataHandler) :
m_clipboardDataHandler(clipboardDataHandler) {}
void HandleClipboardData(hstring value)
std::function<void(std::wstring)> m_clipboardDataHandler;
struct TermControl : TermControlT<TermControl>
TermControl(Settings::IControlSettings settings, TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection connection);
void UpdateSettings(Settings::IControlSettings newSettings);
hstring Title();
bool CopySelectionToClipboard(bool trimTrailingWhitespace);
void PasteTextFromClipboard();
void Close();
bool ShouldCloseOnExit() const noexcept;
Windows::Foundation::Size CharacterDimensions() const;
Windows::Foundation::Size MinimumSize() const;
void ScrollViewport(int viewTop);
void KeyboardScrollViewport(int viewTop);
int GetScrollOffset();
int GetViewHeight() const;
void SwapChainChanged();
Accessibility: TermControl Automation Peer (#2083) Builds on the work of #1691 and #1915 Let's start with the easy change: - `TermControl`'s `controlRoot` was removed. `TermControl` is a `UserControl` now. Ok. Now we've got a story to tell here.... ### TermControlAP - the Automation Peer Here's an in-depth guide on custom automation peers: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/accessibility/custom-automation-peers We have a custom XAML element (TermControl). So XAML can't really hold our hands and determine an accessible behavior for us. So this automation peer is responsible for enabling that interaction. We made it a FrameworkElementAutomationPeer to get as much accessibility as possible from it just being a XAML element (i.e.: where are we on the screen? what are my dimensions?). This is recommended. Any functions with "Core" at the end, are overwritten here to tweak this automation peer into what we really need. But what kind of interactions can a user expect from this XAML element? Introducing ControlPatterns! There's a ton of interfaces that just define "what can I do". Thankfully, we already know that we're supposed to be `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` and that was an `ITextProvider`, so let's just make the TermControlAP an `ITextProvider` too. So now we have a way to define what accessible actions can be performed on us, but what should those actions do? Well let's just use the automation providers from ConHost that are now in a shared space! (Note: this is a great place to stop and get some coffee. We're about to hop into the .cpp file in the next section) ### Wrapping our shared Automation Providers Unfortunately, we can't just use the automation providers from ConHost. Or, at least not just hook them up as easily as we wish. ConHost's UIA Providers were written using UIAutomationCore and ITextRangeProiuder. XAML's interfaces ITextProvider and ITextRangeProvider are lined up to be exactly the same. So we need to wrap our ConHost UIA Providers (UIAutomationCore) with the XAML ones. We had two providers, so that means we have two wrappers. #### TermControlAP (XAML) <----> ScreenInfoUiaProvider (UIAutomationCore) Each of the functions in the pragma region `ITextProvider` for TermControlAP.cpp is just wrapping what we do in `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, and returning an acceptable version of it. Most of `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`'s functions return `UiaTextRange`s. So we need to wrap that too. That's this next section... #### XamlUiaTextRange (XAML) <----> UiaTextRange (UIAutomationCore) Same idea. We're wrapping everything that we could do with `UiaTextRange` and putting it inside of `XamlUiaTextRange`. ### Additional changes to `UiaTextRange` and `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` If you don't know what I just said, please read this background: - #1691: how accessibility works and the general responsibility of these two classes - #1915: how we pulled these Accessibility Providers into a shared area TL;DR: `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` lets you interact with the displayed text. `UiaTextRange` is specific ranges of text in the display and navigate the text. Thankfully, we didn't do many changes here. I feel like some of it is hacked together but now that we have a somewhat working system, making changes shouldn't be too hard...I hope. #### UiaTextRange We don't have access to the window handle. We really only need it to draw the bounding rects using WinUser's `ScreenToClient()` and `ClientToScreen()`. I need to figure out how to get around this. In the meantime, I made the window handle optional. And if we don't have one....well, we need to figure that out. But other than that, we have a `UiaTextRange`. #### ScreenInfoUiaProvider At some point, we need to hook up this automation provider to the WindowUiaProvider. This should help with navigation of the UIA Tree and make everything just look waaaay better. For now, let's just do the same approach and make the pUiaParent optional. This one's the one I'm not that proud of, but it works. We need the parent to get a bounding rect of the terminal. While we figure out how to attach the WindowUiaProvider, we should at the very least be able to get a bunch of info from our xaml automation peer. So, I've added a _getBoundingRect optional function. This is what's called when we don't have a WindowUiaProvider as our parent. ## Validation Steps Performed I've been using inspect.exe to see the UIA tree. I was able to interact with the terminal mostly fine. A few known issues below. Unfortunately, I tried running Narrator on this and it didn't seem to like it (by that I mean WT crashed). Then again, I don't really know how to use narrator other than "click on object" --> "listen voice". I feel like there's a way to get the other interactions with narrator, but I'll be looking into more of that soon. I bet if I fix the two issues below, Narrator will be happy. ## Miscellaneous Known Issues - `GetSelection()` and `GetVisibleRanges()` crashes. I need to debug through these. I want to include them in this PR. Fixes #1353.
2019-07-31 01:43:10 +02:00
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers::AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer();
::Microsoft::Console::Types::IUiaData* GetUiaData() const;
const FontInfo GetActualFont() const;
const Windows::UI::Xaml::Thickness GetPadding() const;
Accessibility: TermControl Automation Peer (#2083) Builds on the work of #1691 and #1915 Let's start with the easy change: - `TermControl`'s `controlRoot` was removed. `TermControl` is a `UserControl` now. Ok. Now we've got a story to tell here.... ### TermControlAP - the Automation Peer Here's an in-depth guide on custom automation peers: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/accessibility/custom-automation-peers We have a custom XAML element (TermControl). So XAML can't really hold our hands and determine an accessible behavior for us. So this automation peer is responsible for enabling that interaction. We made it a FrameworkElementAutomationPeer to get as much accessibility as possible from it just being a XAML element (i.e.: where are we on the screen? what are my dimensions?). This is recommended. Any functions with "Core" at the end, are overwritten here to tweak this automation peer into what we really need. But what kind of interactions can a user expect from this XAML element? Introducing ControlPatterns! There's a ton of interfaces that just define "what can I do". Thankfully, we already know that we're supposed to be `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` and that was an `ITextProvider`, so let's just make the TermControlAP an `ITextProvider` too. So now we have a way to define what accessible actions can be performed on us, but what should those actions do? Well let's just use the automation providers from ConHost that are now in a shared space! (Note: this is a great place to stop and get some coffee. We're about to hop into the .cpp file in the next section) ### Wrapping our shared Automation Providers Unfortunately, we can't just use the automation providers from ConHost. Or, at least not just hook them up as easily as we wish. ConHost's UIA Providers were written using UIAutomationCore and ITextRangeProiuder. XAML's interfaces ITextProvider and ITextRangeProvider are lined up to be exactly the same. So we need to wrap our ConHost UIA Providers (UIAutomationCore) with the XAML ones. We had two providers, so that means we have two wrappers. #### TermControlAP (XAML) <----> ScreenInfoUiaProvider (UIAutomationCore) Each of the functions in the pragma region `ITextProvider` for TermControlAP.cpp is just wrapping what we do in `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, and returning an acceptable version of it. Most of `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`'s functions return `UiaTextRange`s. So we need to wrap that too. That's this next section... #### XamlUiaTextRange (XAML) <----> UiaTextRange (UIAutomationCore) Same idea. We're wrapping everything that we could do with `UiaTextRange` and putting it inside of `XamlUiaTextRange`. ### Additional changes to `UiaTextRange` and `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` If you don't know what I just said, please read this background: - #1691: how accessibility works and the general responsibility of these two classes - #1915: how we pulled these Accessibility Providers into a shared area TL;DR: `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` lets you interact with the displayed text. `UiaTextRange` is specific ranges of text in the display and navigate the text. Thankfully, we didn't do many changes here. I feel like some of it is hacked together but now that we have a somewhat working system, making changes shouldn't be too hard...I hope. #### UiaTextRange We don't have access to the window handle. We really only need it to draw the bounding rects using WinUser's `ScreenToClient()` and `ClientToScreen()`. I need to figure out how to get around this. In the meantime, I made the window handle optional. And if we don't have one....well, we need to figure that out. But other than that, we have a `UiaTextRange`. #### ScreenInfoUiaProvider At some point, we need to hook up this automation provider to the WindowUiaProvider. This should help with navigation of the UIA Tree and make everything just look waaaay better. For now, let's just do the same approach and make the pUiaParent optional. This one's the one I'm not that proud of, but it works. We need the parent to get a bounding rect of the terminal. While we figure out how to attach the WindowUiaProvider, we should at the very least be able to get a bunch of info from our xaml automation peer. So, I've added a _getBoundingRect optional function. This is what's called when we don't have a WindowUiaProvider as our parent. ## Validation Steps Performed I've been using inspect.exe to see the UIA tree. I was able to interact with the terminal mostly fine. A few known issues below. Unfortunately, I tried running Narrator on this and it didn't seem to like it (by that I mean WT crashed). Then again, I don't really know how to use narrator other than "click on object" --> "listen voice". I feel like there's a way to get the other interactions with narrator, but I'll be looking into more of that soon. I bet if I fix the two issues below, Narrator will be happy. ## Miscellaneous Known Issues - `GetSelection()` and `GetVisibleRanges()` crashes. I need to debug through these. I want to include them in this PR. Fixes #1353.
2019-07-31 01:43:10 +02:00
static Windows::Foundation::Point GetProposedDimensions(Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::IControlSettings const& settings, const uint32_t dpi);
// clang-format off
// -------------------------------- WinRT Events ---------------------------------
DECLARE_EVENT(TitleChanged, _titleChangedHandlers, TerminalControl::TitleChangedEventArgs);
DECLARE_EVENT(ConnectionClosed, _connectionClosedHandlers, TerminalControl::ConnectionClosedEventArgs);
DECLARE_EVENT(ScrollPositionChanged, _scrollPositionChangedHandlers, TerminalControl::ScrollPositionChangedEventArgs);
DECLARE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(PasteFromClipboard, _clipboardPasteHandlers, TerminalControl::TermControl, TerminalControl::PasteFromClipboardEventArgs);
DECLARE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(CopyToClipboard, _clipboardCopyHandlers, TerminalControl::TermControl, TerminalControl::CopyToClipboardEventArgs);
// clang-format on
TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection _connection;
bool _initializedTerminal;
Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Grid _root;
Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Image _bgImageLayer;
Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainPanel _swapChainPanel;
Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives::ScrollBar _scrollBar;
event_token _connectionOutputEventToken;
std::unique_ptr<::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal> _terminal;
std::unique_ptr<::Microsoft::Console::Render::Renderer> _renderer;
std::unique_ptr<::Microsoft::Console::Render::DxEngine> _renderEngine;
Settings::IControlSettings _settings;
bool _focused;
std::atomic<bool> _closing;
FontInfoDesired _desiredFont;
FontInfo _actualFont;
std::optional<int> _lastScrollOffset;
// Auto scroll occurs when user, while selecting, drags cursor outside viewport. View is then scrolled to 'follow' the cursor.
double _autoScrollVelocity;
std::optional<Windows::UI::Input::PointerPoint> _autoScrollingPointerPoint;
Windows::UI::Xaml::DispatcherTimer _autoScrollTimer;
std::optional<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point> _lastAutoScrollUpdateTime;
// storage location for the leading surrogate of a utf-16 surrogate pair
std::optional<wchar_t> _leadingSurrogate;
std::optional<Windows::UI::Xaml::DispatcherTimer> _cursorTimer;
// If this is set, then we assume we are in the middle of panning the
// viewport via touch input.
std::optional<winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point> _touchAnchor;
using Timestamp = uint64_t;
// imported from WinUser
// Used for PointerPoint.Timestamp Property (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.ui.input.pointerpoint.timestamp#Windows_UI_Input_PointerPoint_Timestamp)
Timestamp _multiClickTimer;
Timestamp _lastMouseClick;
unsigned int _multiClickCounter;
std::optional<winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point> _lastMouseClickPos;
// Event revokers -- we need to deregister ourselves before we die,
// lest we get callbacks afterwards.
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Control::SizeChanged_revoker _sizeChangedRevoker;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainPanel::CompositionScaleChanged_revoker _compositionScaleChangedRevoker;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainPanel::Loaded_revoker _loadedRevoker;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement::LostFocus_revoker _lostFocusRevoker;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement::GotFocus_revoker _gotFocusRevoker;
void _Create();
void _ApplyUISettings();
void _InitializeBackgroundBrush();
void _BackgroundColorChanged(const uint32_t color);
void _InitializeTerminal();
void _UpdateFont();
void _KeyDownHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::KeyRoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _CharacterHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::CharacterReceivedRoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _PointerPressedHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _PointerMovedHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _PointerReleasedHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _MouseWheelHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _ScrollbarChangeHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives::RangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs const& e);
void _GotFocusHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _LostFocusHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _BlinkCursor(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& e);
void _SetEndSelectionPointAtCursor(Windows::Foundation::Point const& cursorPosition);
void _SendInputToConnection(const std::wstring& wstr);
void _SwapChainSizeChanged(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::SizeChangedEventArgs const& e);
void _SwapChainScaleChanged(Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainPanel const& sender, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& args);
void _DoResize(const double newWidth, const double newHeight);
void _TerminalTitleChanged(const std::wstring_view& wstr);
void _TerminalScrollPositionChanged(const int viewTop, const int viewHeight, const int bufferSize);
void _MouseScrollHandler(const double delta, Windows::UI::Input::PointerPoint const& pointerPoint);
void _MouseZoomHandler(const double delta);
void _MouseTransparencyHandler(const double delta);
bool _CapturePointer(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& e);
bool _ReleasePointerCapture(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _TryStartAutoScroll(Windows::UI::Input::PointerPoint const& pointerPoint, const double scrollVelocity);
void _TryStopAutoScroll(const uint32_t pointerId);
void _UpdateAutoScroll(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& e);
void _ScrollbarUpdater(Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives::ScrollBar scrollbar, const int viewTop, const int viewHeight, const int bufferSize);
static Windows::UI::Xaml::Thickness _ParseThicknessFromPadding(const hstring padding);
::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates _GetPressedModifierKeys() const;
void _HandleVoidKeyEvent();
bool _TrySendKeyEvent(WORD vkey, ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers);
const COORD _GetTerminalPosition(winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point cursorPosition);
const unsigned int _NumberOfClicks(winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point clickPos, Timestamp clickTime);
double _GetAutoScrollSpeed(double cursorDistanceFromBorder) const;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::factory_implementation
struct TermControl : TermControlT<TermControl, implementation::TermControl>