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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- UiaTextRangeBase.hpp
- This module provides UI Automation access to the text of the console
window to support both automation tests and accessibility (screen
reading) applications.
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
- ConHost and Windows Terminal must implement their own virtual functions separately.
- Austin Diviness (AustDi) 2017
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
- Carlos Zamora (CaZamor) 2019
#pragma once
#include "precomp.h"
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
#include "inc/viewport.hpp"
#include "../buffer/out/textBuffer.hpp"
#include "IUiaData.h"
#include <deque>
#include <tuple>
class UiaTextRangeTests;
// The UiaTextRangeBase deals with several data structures that have
// similar semantics. In order to keep the information from these data
// structures separated, each structure has its own naming for a
// row.
// There is the generic Row, which does not know which data structure
// the row came from.
// There is the ViewportRow, which is a 0-indexed row value from the
// viewport. The top row of the viewport is at 0, rows below the top
// row increase in value and rows above the top row get increasingly
// negative.
// ScreenInfoRow is a row from the screen info data structure. They
// start at 0 at the top of screen info buffer. Their positions do not
// change but their associated row in the text buffer does change each
// time a new line is written.
// TextBufferRow is a row from the text buffer. It is not a ROW
// struct, but rather the index of a row. This is also 0-indexed. A
// TextBufferRow with a value of 0 does not necessarily refer to the
// top row of the console.
typedef int Row;
typedef int ViewportRow;
typedef unsigned int ScreenInfoRow;
typedef unsigned int TextBufferRow;
typedef unsigned long long IdType;
// A Column is a row agnostic value that refers to the column an
// endpoint is equivalent to. It is 0-indexed.
typedef unsigned int Column;
// an endpoint is a char location in the text buffer. endpoint 0 is
// the first char of the 0th row in the text buffer row array.
typedef unsigned int Endpoint;
constexpr IdType InvalidId = 0;
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
namespace Microsoft::Console::Types
class UiaTextRangeBase : public ITextRangeProvider
static IdType id;
// indicates which direction a movement operation
// is going
enum class MovementDirection
// valid increment amounts for forward and
// backward movement
enum class MovementIncrement
Forward = 1,
Backward = -1
// common information used by the variety of
// movement operations
struct MoveState
// screen/column position of _start
ScreenInfoRow StartScreenInfoRow;
Column StartColumn;
// screen/column position of _end
ScreenInfoRow EndScreenInfoRow;
Column EndColumn;
// last row in the direction being moved
ScreenInfoRow LimitingRow;
// first column in the direction being moved
Column FirstColumnInRow;
// last column in the direction being moved
Column LastColumnInRow;
// increment amount
MovementIncrement Increment;
// direction moving
MovementDirection Direction;
MoveState(IUiaData* pData,
const UiaTextRangeBase& range,
const MovementDirection direction);
MoveState(const ScreenInfoRow startScreenInfoRow,
const Column startColumn,
const ScreenInfoRow endScreenInfoRow,
const Column endColumn,
const ScreenInfoRow limitingRow,
const Column firstColumnInRow,
const Column lastColumnInRow,
const MovementIncrement increment,
const MovementDirection direction) noexcept;
friend class ::UiaTextRangeTests;
virtual ~UiaTextRangeBase() = default;
const IdType GetId() const noexcept;
const Endpoint GetStart() const noexcept;
const Endpoint GetEnd() const noexcept;
const bool IsDegenerate() const noexcept;
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
// TODO GitHub #605:
// only used for UiaData::FindText. Remove after Search added properly
void SetRangeValues(const Endpoint start, const Endpoint end, const bool isDegenerate) noexcept;
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
// IUnknown methods
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
AddRef() override;
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
Release() override;
IFACEMETHODIMP QueryInterface(_In_ REFIID riid,
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
_COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ void** ppInterface) override;
// ITextRangeProvider methods
virtual IFACEMETHODIMP Clone(_Outptr_result_maybenull_ ITextRangeProvider** ppRetVal) = 0;
IFACEMETHODIMP Compare(_In_opt_ ITextRangeProvider* pRange, _Out_ BOOL* pRetVal) noexcept override;
IFACEMETHODIMP CompareEndpoints(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_In_ ITextRangeProvider* pTargetRange,
_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint,
_Out_ int* pRetVal) noexcept override;
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
IFACEMETHODIMP ExpandToEnclosingUnit(_In_ TextUnit unit) override;
_In_ VARIANT val,
_In_ BOOL searchBackward,
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ ITextRangeProvider** ppRetVal) noexcept override;
virtual IFACEMETHODIMP FindText(_In_ BSTR text,
_In_ BOOL searchBackward,
_In_ BOOL ignoreCase,
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ ITextRangeProvider** ppRetVal) = 0;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetAttributeValue(_In_ TEXTATTRIBUTEID textAttributeId,
_Out_ VARIANT* pRetVal) noexcept override;
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
IFACEMETHODIMP GetBoundingRectangles(_Outptr_result_maybenull_ SAFEARRAY** ppRetVal) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetEnclosingElement(_Outptr_result_maybenull_ IRawElementProviderSimple** ppRetVal) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetText(_In_ int maxLength,
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
_Out_ BSTR* pRetVal) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP Move(_In_ TextUnit unit,
_In_ int count,
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
_Out_ int* pRetVal) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP MoveEndpointByUnit(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_In_ TextUnit unit,
_In_ int count,
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
_Out_ int* pRetVal) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP MoveEndpointByRange(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_In_ ITextRangeProvider* pTargetRange,
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP Select() override;
IFACEMETHODIMP AddToSelection() noexcept override;
IFACEMETHODIMP RemoveFromSelection() noexcept override;
2019-08-29 22:23:32 +02:00
IFACEMETHODIMP ScrollIntoView(_In_ BOOL alignToTop) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetChildren(_Outptr_result_maybenull_ SAFEARRAY** ppRetVal) noexcept override;
#if _DEBUG
void _outputRowConversions(IUiaData* pData);
void _outputObjectState();
IUiaData* const _pData;
wil::com_ptr<IRawElementProviderSimple> const _pProvider;
virtual void _ChangeViewport(const SMALL_RECT NewWindow) = 0;
virtual void _TranslatePointToScreen(LPPOINT clientPoint) const = 0;
virtual void _TranslatePointFromScreen(LPPOINT screenPoint) const = 0;
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
// degenerate range
UiaTextRangeBase(_In_ IUiaData* pData,
_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const pProvider);
// degenerate range at cursor position
UiaTextRangeBase(_In_ IUiaData* pData,
_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const pProvider,
const Cursor& cursor);
// specific endpoint range
UiaTextRangeBase(_In_ IUiaData* pData,
_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const pProvider,
const Endpoint start,
const Endpoint end,
const bool degenerate);
void Initialize(_In_ const UiaPoint point);
UiaTextRangeBase(const UiaTextRangeBase& a) noexcept;
// used to debug objects passed back and forth
// between the provider and the client
IdType _id;
// Ref counter for COM object
ULONG _cRefs;
// measure units in the form [_start, _end]. _start
// may be a bigger number than _end if the range
// wraps around the end of the text buffer.
// In this scenario, _start <= _end
// 0 ............... N (text buffer line indices)
// s-----e (_start to _end)
// In this scenario, _start >= end
// 0 ............... N (text buffer line indices)
// ---e s----- (_start to _end)
Endpoint _start;
Endpoint _end;
// The msdn documentation (and hence this class) talks a bunch about a
// degenerate range. A range is degenerate if it contains
// no text (both the start and end endpoints are the same). Note that
// a degenerate range may have a position in the text. We indicate a
// degenerate range internally with a bool. If a range is degenerate
// then both endpoints will contain the same value.
bool _degenerate;
RECT _getTerminalRect() const;
static const COORD _getScreenBufferCoords(IUiaData* pData);
virtual const COORD _getScreenFontSize() const;
static const unsigned int _getTotalRows(IUiaData* pData);
static const unsigned int _getRowWidth(IUiaData* pData);
static const unsigned int _getFirstScreenInfoRowIndex() noexcept;
static const unsigned int _getLastScreenInfoRowIndex(IUiaData* pData) noexcept;
static const Column _getFirstColumnIndex() noexcept;
static const Column _getLastColumnIndex(IUiaData* pData);
const unsigned int _rowCountInRange(IUiaData* pData) const;
static const TextBufferRow _endpointToTextBufferRow(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const Endpoint endpoint);
static const ScreenInfoRow _textBufferRowToScreenInfoRow(IUiaData* pData,
const TextBufferRow row);
static const TextBufferRow _screenInfoRowToTextBufferRow(IUiaData* pData,
const ScreenInfoRow row);
static const Endpoint _textBufferRowToEndpoint(IUiaData* pData, const TextBufferRow row);
static const ScreenInfoRow _endpointToScreenInfoRow(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const Endpoint endpoint);
static const Endpoint _screenInfoRowToEndpoint(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const ScreenInfoRow row);
static COORD _endpointToCoord(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const Endpoint endpoint);
static Endpoint _coordToEndpoint(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const COORD coord);
static const Column _endpointToColumn(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const Endpoint endpoint);
static const Row _normalizeRow(IUiaData* pData, const Row row) noexcept;
static const ViewportRow _screenInfoRowToViewportRow(IUiaData* pData,
const ScreenInfoRow row);
static constexpr const ViewportRow _screenInfoRowToViewportRow(const ScreenInfoRow row,
const SMALL_RECT viewport) noexcept;
static const bool _isScreenInfoRowInViewport(IUiaData* pData,
const ScreenInfoRow row);
static const bool _isScreenInfoRowInViewport(const ScreenInfoRow row,
const SMALL_RECT viewport) noexcept;
static const unsigned int _getViewportHeight(const SMALL_RECT viewport) noexcept;
static const unsigned int _getViewportWidth(const SMALL_RECT viewport) noexcept;
void _addScreenInfoRowBoundaries(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const ScreenInfoRow screenInfoRow,
_Inout_ std::vector<double>& coords) const;
static const int _compareScreenCoords(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const ScreenInfoRow rowA,
const Column colA,
const ScreenInfoRow rowB,
const Column colB);
static std::pair<Endpoint, Endpoint> _moveByCharacter(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::pair<Endpoint, Endpoint> _moveByCharacterForward(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::pair<Endpoint, Endpoint> _moveByCharacterBackward(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::pair<Endpoint, Endpoint> _moveByLine(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::pair<Endpoint, Endpoint> _moveByDocument(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::tuple<Endpoint, Endpoint, bool>
_moveEndpointByUnitCharacter(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::tuple<Endpoint, Endpoint, bool>
_moveEndpointByUnitCharacterForward(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::tuple<Endpoint, Endpoint, bool>
_moveEndpointByUnitCharacterBackward(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::tuple<Endpoint, Endpoint, bool>
_moveEndpointByUnitLine(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
static std::tuple<Endpoint, Endpoint, bool>
_moveEndpointByUnitDocument(IUiaData* pData,
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691) **The Basics of Accessibility** - [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-tree-overview) - Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it. - Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right. **Accessibility in our Project** There's a few important classes... regarding Accessibility... - **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree. - **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer. - **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them. regarding the Windows Terminal window... - **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff. - **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal - **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow` regarding ConHost... - **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window. - **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow` - `IConsoleWindow` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Have `IslandWindow` extend it - `WindowUiaProvider` changes: - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space) - Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree) ### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized. In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen. So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen. 🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352. ### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types` These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal. This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed. - `IConsoleWindow` - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow` - `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - `UiaTextRange` - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details. - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them. ### Changes to IRenderData Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here: - `bool IsAreaSelected()` - `void ClearSelection()` - `void SelectNewRegion(...)` - `HRESULT SearchForText(...)` `SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-30 00:21:15 +02:00
const int moveCount,
const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
const MoveState moveState,
_Out_ int* const pAmountMoved);
friend class ::UiaTextRangeTests;
namespace UiaTextRangeBaseTracing
enum class ApiCall
struct IApiMsg
struct ApiMsgConstructor : public IApiMsg
IdType Id;
struct ApiMsgClone : public IApiMsg
IdType CloneId;
struct ApiMsgCompare : public IApiMsg
IdType OtherId;
bool Equal;
struct ApiMsgCompareEndpoints : public IApiMsg
IdType OtherId;
TextPatternRangeEndpoint Endpoint;
TextPatternRangeEndpoint TargetEndpoint;
int Result;
struct ApiMsgExpandToEnclosingUnit : public IApiMsg
TextUnit Unit;
Endpoint OriginalStart;
Endpoint OriginalEnd;
struct ApiMsgGetText : IApiMsg
const wchar_t* Text;
struct ApiMsgMove : IApiMsg
Endpoint OriginalStart;
Endpoint OriginalEnd;
TextUnit Unit;
int RequestedCount;
int MovedCount;
struct ApiMsgMoveEndpointByUnit : IApiMsg
Endpoint OriginalStart;
Endpoint OriginalEnd;
TextPatternRangeEndpoint Endpoint;
TextUnit Unit;
int RequestedCount;
int MovedCount;
struct ApiMsgMoveEndpointByRange : IApiMsg
Endpoint OriginalStart;
Endpoint OriginalEnd;
TextPatternRangeEndpoint Endpoint;
TextPatternRangeEndpoint TargetEndpoint;
IdType OtherId;
struct ApiMsgScrollIntoView : IApiMsg
bool AlignToTop;