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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
using WEX::Logging::Log;
using namespace WEX::Common;
// This class is intended to test:
// GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
// GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx
// GetLargestConsoleWindowSize
// SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx --> SetScreenBufferInfo internally
// SetConsoleScreenBufferSize
// SetConsoleWindowInfo
class DimensionsTests
// This needs to run in both absolute and relative modes.
// 0x1 = X, 0x2 = Y, 0x3 = Both
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:scaleChoices", L"{1, 2, 3}")
bool DimensionsTests::TestSetup()
return Common::TestBufferSetup();
bool DimensionsTests::TestCleanup()
return Common::TestBufferCleanup();
void DimensionsTests::TestGetLargestConsoleWindowSize()
if (!OneCoreDelay::IsIsWindowPresent())
Log::Comment(L"Largest window size scenario can't be checked on platform without classic window operations.");
// Note that this API is named "window size" but actually refers to the maximum viewport.
// Viewport is defined as the character count that can fit within one client area of the window.
// It has nothing to do with the outer pixel dimensions of the window.
// To know the largest window size, we need:
// - The size of the monitor that the console window is on
// - The style of the window
// - The current size of the font used within that window
// The "largest window size" is the maximum number of rows and columns worth of characters
// that can be displayed if the current console window was stretched as large as it is currently
// allowed to be on the given monitor.
// NOTE: The legacy behavior of this function (in v1) was to give the "full screen window" size as the largest
// even if it was in windowed mode and wouldn't fit on the monitor.
// Get the window handle
HWND const hWindow = GetConsoleWindow();
VerifySucceededGLE(VERIFY_IS_TRUE(!!IsWindow(hWindow), L"Get the window handle for the window."));
// Get the dimensions of the monitor that the window is on.
HMONITOR const hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(hWindow, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL);
VerifySucceededGLE(VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(hMonitor, L"Get the monitor handle corresponding to the console window."));
MONITORINFO mi = { 0 };
mi.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetMonitorInfoW(hMonitor, &mi), L"Get monitor information for the handle.");
// Get the styles for the window from the handle
DWORD const dwStyle = GetWindowStyle(hWindow);
DWORD const dwStyleEx = GetWindowExStyle(hWindow);
BOOL const bHasMenu = OneCoreDelay::GetMenu(hWindow) != nullptr;
// Get the current font size
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(OneCoreDelay::GetCurrentConsoleFont(Common::_hConsole, FALSE, &cfi), L"Get the current console font structure.");
// Now use what we've learned to attempt to calculate the expected size
COORD coordExpected = { 0 };
RECT rcPixels = mi.rcWork; // start from the monitor work area as the maximum pixel size
// we have to adjust the work area by the size of the window borders to compensate for a maximized window
// where the window manager will render the borders off the edges of the screen.
WINDOWINFO wi = { 0 };
wi.cbSize = sizeof(WINDOWINFO);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetWindowInfo(hWindow, &wi), L"Get window information to obtain window border sizes.");
rcPixels.top -= wi.cyWindowBorders;
rcPixels.bottom += wi.cyWindowBorders;
rcPixels.left -= wi.cxWindowBorders;
rcPixels.right += wi.cxWindowBorders;
UnadjustWindowRectEx(&rcPixels, dwStyle, bHasMenu, dwStyleEx); // convert outer window dimensions into client area size
// Do not reserve space for scroll bars.
// Now take width and height and divide them by the size of a character to get the max character count.
coordExpected.X = (SHORT)((rcPixels.right - rcPixels.left) / cfi.dwFontSize.X);
coordExpected.Y = (SHORT)((rcPixels.bottom - rcPixels.top) / cfi.dwFontSize.Y);
// Now finally ask the console what it thinks its largest size should be and compare.
COORD const coordLargest = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(Common::_hConsole);
VerifySucceededGLE(VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(coordLargest, L"Now ask what the console thinks the largest size should be."));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(coordExpected, coordLargest, L"Compare what we calculated to what the console says the largest size should be.");
void DimensionsTests::TestGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoAndEx()
// Get both structures
sbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(Common::_hConsole, &sbi), L"Retrieve old-style buffer info.");
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiex), L"Retrieve extended buffer info.");
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Verify overlapping values are the same between both call types."));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(sbi.dwCursorPosition, sbiex.dwCursorPosition);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(sbi.dwMaximumWindowSize, sbi.dwMaximumWindowSize);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(sbi.dwSize, sbiex.dwSize);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(sbi.srWindow, sbiex.srWindow);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(sbi.wAttributes, sbiex.wAttributes);
void ConvertAbsoluteToRelative(bool const bAbsolute, SMALL_RECT* const srViewport, const SMALL_RECT* const srOriginalWindow)
if (!bAbsolute)
srViewport->Left -= srOriginalWindow->Left;
srViewport->Right -= srOriginalWindow->Right;
srViewport->Top -= srOriginalWindow->Top;
srViewport->Bottom -= srOriginalWindow->Bottom;
void TestSetConsoleWindowInfoHelper(bool const bAbsolute,
const SMALL_RECT* const srViewport,
const SMALL_RECT* const srOriginalViewport,
bool const bExpectedResult,
PCWSTR pwszDescription)
SMALL_RECT srTest = *srViewport;
ConvertAbsoluteToRelative(bAbsolute, &srTest, srOriginalViewport);
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Abs:%s Original:%s Viewport:%s",
bAbsolute ? L"True" : L"False",
VerifyOutputTraits<SMALL_RECT>::ToString(*srOriginalViewport).ToCStrWithFallbackTo(L"Fail To Display SMALL_RECT"),
VerifyOutputTraits<SMALL_RECT>::ToString(srTest).ToCStrWithFallbackTo(L"Fail To Display SMALL_RECT")));
if (bExpectedResult)
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleWindowInfo(Common::_hConsole, bAbsolute, &srTest), pwszDescription);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_FAILED(SetConsoleWindowInfo(Common::_hConsole, bAbsolute, &srTest), pwszDescription);
void DimensionsTests::TestSetConsoleWindowInfo()
bool bAbsolute;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(TestData::TryGetValue(L"bAbsolute", bAbsolute), L"Get absolute vs. relative parameter");
// Get window and buffer information
sbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiex), L"Get initial buffer and window information.");
SMALL_RECT srViewport = { 0 };
// Test with and without absolute
// Left > Right, Top > Bottom (INVALID)
srViewport.Right = sbiex.srWindow.Left;
srViewport.Left = sbiex.srWindow.Right;
srViewport.Bottom = sbiex.srWindow.Top;
srViewport.Top = sbiex.srWindow.Bottom;
TestSetConsoleWindowInfoHelper(bAbsolute, &srViewport, &sbiex.srWindow, false, L"Ensure Left > Right, Top > Bottom is marked invalid.");
// Window greater than, equal to and less than the max client window
// Window > Max ( INVALID )
srViewport.Left = 0;
srViewport.Top = 0;
srViewport.Right = sbiex.dwMaximumWindowSize.X; // this is 1 larger than the valid right bound since it's 0-based array indexes
srViewport.Bottom = sbiex.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y;
TestSetConsoleWindowInfoHelper(bAbsolute, &srViewport, &sbiex.srWindow, false, L"Ensure window larger than max is marked invalid.");
// Set to same position we were just at (full screen or not)
srViewport = sbiex.srWindow;
TestSetConsoleWindowInfoHelper(bAbsolute, &srViewport, &sbiex.srWindow, true, L"Set to the original window size");
TestSetConsoleWindowInfoHelper(bAbsolute, &srViewport, &sbiex.srWindow, true, L"Confirm that setting it again to the same position works.");
// Will fail while in full screen, but no current way to set that mode externally. :(
// Finally, check roundtrip by changing window.
srViewport = sbiex.srWindow;
srViewport.Left += 1;
srViewport.Right -= 1;
srViewport.Top += 1;
srViewport.Bottom -= 1;
// Verify the assumption that the viewport was sufficiently large to shrink it in the above manner.
if (srViewport.Left > srViewport.Right ||
srViewport.Top > srViewport.Bottom ||
(srViewport.Right - srViewport.Left) < 1 ||
(srViewport.Bottom - srViewport.Top) < 1)
VERIFY_FAIL(NoThrowString().Format(L"Adjusted viewport is invalid. %s", VerifyOutputTraits<SMALL_RECT>::ToString(srViewport).GetBuffer()));
// Store a copy of the original (for comparison in case the relative translation is applied).
SMALL_RECT const srViewportBefore = srViewport;
TestSetConsoleWindowInfoHelper(bAbsolute, &srViewport, &sbiex.srWindow, true, L"Attempt shrinking the window in a valid manner.");
// Get it back and ensure it's the same dimensions
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(Common::_hConsole, &sbi), L"Confirm the size we specified round-trips through to the Get API.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(srViewportBefore, sbi.srWindow, L"Match before and after viewport sizes.");
void RestrictDimensionsHelper(COORD* const coordTest, SHORT const x, SHORT const y, bool const fUseX, bool const fUseY)
if (fUseX)
coordTest->X = x;
if (fUseY)
coordTest->Y = y;
void DimensionsTests::TestSetConsoleScreenBufferSize()
DWORD dwMode = { 0 };
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(TestData::TryGetValue(L"scaleChoices", dwMode), L"Get active mode");
bool fAdjustX = false;
bool fAdjustY = false;
if ((dwMode & 0x1) != 0)
fAdjustX = true;
Log::Comment(L"Adjusting X dimension");
if ((dwMode & 0x2) != 0)
fAdjustY = true;
Log::Comment(L"Adjusting Y dimension");
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(Common::_hConsole, &sbi), L"Get initial buffer/window information.");
COORD coordSize = { 0 };
// Ensure buffer size cannot be smaller than minimum
RestrictDimensionsHelper(&coordSize, 0, 0, fAdjustX, fAdjustY);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_FAILED(SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(Common::_hConsole, coordSize), L"Set buffer size to smaller than minimum possible.");
// Ensure buffer size cannot be excessively large.
RestrictDimensionsHelper(&coordSize, SHRT_MAX, SHRT_MAX, fAdjustX, fAdjustY);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_FAILED(SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(Common::_hConsole, coordSize), L"Set buffer size to very, very large.");
// Ensure buffer size cannot be excessively small (negative).
RestrictDimensionsHelper(&coordSize, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MIN, fAdjustX, fAdjustY);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_FAILED(SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(Common::_hConsole, coordSize), L"Set buffer size to negative values.");
// Ensure success on giving the same size back that we started with
coordSize = sbi.dwSize;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(Common::_hConsole, coordSize), L"Set it to the same size as initial.");
// save the dimensions of the window for use in tests relative to window size
COORD coordWindowDim;
coordWindowDim.X = sbi.srWindow.Right - sbi.srWindow.Left;
coordWindowDim.Y = sbi.srWindow.Bottom - sbi.srWindow.Top;
// Ensure buffer size cannot be smaller than the window
coordSize = coordWindowDim;
RestrictDimensionsHelper(&coordSize, coordSize.X - 1, coordSize.Y - 1, fAdjustX, fAdjustY);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_FAILED(SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(Common::_hConsole, coordSize), L"Try to make buffer smaller than the window size.");
// Success on setting a buffer larger than the window
coordSize = coordWindowDim;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(Common::_hConsole, coordSize), L"Try to make buffer larger than the window size.");
void DimensionsTests::TestZeroSizedConsoleScreenBuffers()
// Make sure we never accept zero-sized console buffers through the public API
const COORD rgTestCoords[] = {
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0 }
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgTestCoords); i++)
const BOOL fSucceeded = SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(Common::_hConsole, rgTestCoords[i]);
NoThrowString().Format(L"Setting zero console size should always fail (x: %d y:%d)",
template<typename T>
void TestSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoExHelper(bool const fShouldHaveChanged,
T const pOriginal,
T const pTest,
T const pReturned,
PCWSTR pwszDescriptor)
if (fShouldHaveChanged)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pTest, pReturned, NoThrowString().Format(L"Verify %s has changed to match the test value.", pwszDescriptor));
VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(pOriginal, pReturned, NoThrowString().Format(L"Verify %s does not match original value.", pwszDescriptor));
VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(pTest, pReturned, NoThrowString().Format(L"Verify %s has NOT changed to match the test value.", pwszDescriptor));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pOriginal, pReturned, NoThrowString().Format(L"Verify %s DOES match original value.", pwszDescriptor));
void DimensionsTests::TestSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx()
sbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// <n/a> = cbSize
// Attributes = wAttributes
// ColorTable = ColorTable
// CursorPosition = dwCursorPosition
// FullscreenSupported = bFullscreenSupported
// MaximumWindowSize = dwMaximumWindowSize
// PopupAttributes = wPopupAttributes
// Size = dwSize
// combine to make srWindow. Translated inside the driver \minkernel\console\client\getset.c
// CurrentWindowSize
// ScrollPosition
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiex), L"Get original buffer state.");
// save a copy for the final comparison.
CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX const sbiexOriginal = sbiex;
// check invalid values of viewport size
sbiex = sbiexOriginal;
sbiex.dwSize.X = 0;
sbiex.dwSize.Y = 0;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_FAILED(SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiex), L"Try 0x0 viewport size.");
sbiex = sbiexOriginal;
sbiex.dwSize.X = MAXSHORT;
sbiex.dwSize.Y = MAXSHORT;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_FAILED(SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiex), L"Try MAX by MAX viewport size.");
// Fill the entire structure with new data and set
sbiex.dwSize.X = 200;
sbiex.dwSize.Y = 5555;
sbiex.srWindow.Left = 0;
sbiex.srWindow.Right = 79;
sbiex.srWindow.Top = 0;
sbiex.srWindow.Bottom = 49;
sbiex.ColorTable[0] = 0x0000000F;
sbiex.ColorTable[1] = 0x000000F0;
sbiex.ColorTable[2] = 0x00000F00;
sbiex.ColorTable[3] = 0x0000F000;
sbiex.ColorTable[4] = 0x000F0000;
sbiex.ColorTable[5] = 0x00F00000;
sbiex.ColorTable[6] = 0x000000FF;
sbiex.ColorTable[7] = 0x00000FF0;
sbiex.ColorTable[8] = 0x0000FF00;
sbiex.ColorTable[9] = 0x000FF000;
sbiex.ColorTable[10] = 0x00FF0000;
sbiex.ColorTable[11] = 0x00000FFF;
sbiex.ColorTable[12] = 0x0000FFF0;
sbiex.ColorTable[13] = 0x000FFF00;
sbiex.ColorTable[14] = 0x00FFF000;
sbiex.ColorTable[15] = 0x0000FFFF;
sbiex.dwMaximumWindowSize.X = 100;
sbiex.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y = 80;
sbiex.bFullscreenSupported = !sbiex.bFullscreenSupported; // set to opposite
// DO NOT TRY TO SET THE CURSOR. It may or may not be in the same place. The Set API actually never obeyed the request
// to set the position and we can't fix it now.
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiex), L"Attempt to set structure with all new data.");
// Confirm that the prompt stored settings as appropriate
sbiexAfter.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiexAfter), L"Retrieve set data with get.");
// Verify that relevant properties were stored into the console.
// The buffer size is weird because there are currently two valid answers.
// This is due to the word wrap status of the console which is currently not visible through the API.
// We must accept either answer as valid.
bool fBufferSizePassed = false;
// 1. The buffer size we set matches exactly with what we retrieved after it was done. (classic behavior, no word wrap)
if (VerifyCompareTraits<COORD, COORD>().AreEqual(sbiex.dwSize, sbiexAfter.dwSize))
fBufferSizePassed = true;
// 2. The buffer size is restricted/pegged to the width (X dimension) of the window. (new behavior, word wrap)
short sWidthLimit = (sbiex.srWindow.Right - sbiex.srWindow.Left) + 1; // the right index counts as valid, so right - left + 1 for total width.
// 2a. Width expected might be reduced if the buffer is taller than the window. If so, reduce by a scroll bar in width.
if (sbiex.dwSize.Y > ((sbiex.srWindow.Bottom - sbiex.srWindow.Top) + 1)) // the bottom index counts as valid, so bottom - top + 1 for total height.
// Get pixel size of a vertical scroll bar.
short const sVerticalScrollWidthPx = (SHORT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
// Get the current font size
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(OneCoreDelay::GetCurrentConsoleFont(Common::_hConsole, FALSE, &cfi), L"Get the current console font structure.");
if (VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(0, cfi.dwFontSize.X, L"Verify that the font width is not zero or we'll have a division error."))
// Figure out how many character widths to reduce by.
short sReduceBy = 0;
// Divide the size of a scroll bar by the font widths.
sReduceBy = sVerticalScrollWidthPx / cfi.dwFontSize.X;
// If there is a remainder, add one more. We can't render partial characters.
sReduceBy += sVerticalScrollWidthPx % cfi.dwFontSize.X ? 1 : 0;
// Subtract the number of characters being reserved for the scroll bar.
sWidthLimit -= sReduceBy;
// 2b. Do the comparison. Y should be correct, but X will be the lesser of the size we asked for or the window limit for word wrap.
if (sbiex.dwSize.Y == sbiexAfter.dwSize.Y && std::min(sbiex.dwSize.X, sWidthLimit) == sbiexAfter.dwSize.X)
fBufferSizePassed = true;
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(fBufferSizePassed, L"Verify Buffer Size has changed as expected.");
// Test remaining parameters are the same
TestSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoExHelper(true, sbiexOriginal.wAttributes, sbiex.wAttributes, sbiexAfter.wAttributes, L"Attributes (Fg/Bg Colors)");
TestSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoExHelper(true, sbiexOriginal.wPopupAttributes, sbiex.wPopupAttributes, sbiexAfter.wPopupAttributes, L"Popup Attributes (Fg/Bg Colors)");
// verify colors match
for (UINT i = 0; i < 16; i++)
TestSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoExHelper(true, sbiexOriginal.ColorTable[i], sbiex.ColorTable[i], sbiexAfter.ColorTable[i], NoThrowString().Format(L"Color %x", i));
// NOTE: Max window size and the positioning of the window are adjusted at the discretion of the console.
// They will not necessarily match, so we're not testing them.
// NOTE: Full screen will NOT be changed by this API and should match the originals.
TestSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoExHelper(false, sbiexOriginal.bFullscreenSupported, sbiex.bFullscreenSupported, sbiexAfter.bFullscreenSupported, L"Fullscreen");
// NOTE: Ignore cursor position. It can change or not depending on the word wrap mode and the API set doesn't do anything.
// BUG: This is a long standing bug in the console which some of our customers have documented on the MSDN page.
// The console driver (\minkernel\console\client\getset.c) is treating the viewport as an "exclusive" rectangle where it is actually "inclusive"
// of its edges. This means when it does a width calculation, it has an off-by-one error and will shrink the window in height and width by 1 each
// trip around. For example, normally we do viewport width as Right-Left+1, and the driver does it as Right-Left.
// As this has lasted so long, it's likely a compat issue to fix now. So we'll leave it in and compensate for it in the test here.
// See: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686039(v=vs.85).aspx
CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX sbiexBug = sbiexOriginal;
// Restore original settings
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiexBug), L"Restore original settings.");
// Ensure originals are restored.
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(Common::_hConsole, &sbiexAfter), L"Retrieve what we just set.");
// NOTE: Set the two cursor positions to the same thing because we don't care to compare them. They can
// be different or they may not be different. The SET API doesn't actually work so it depends on the other state,
// which we're not measuring now.
sbiexAfter.dwCursorPosition = sbiexOriginal.dwCursorPosition;
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(sbiexAfter, sbiexOriginal, L"Ensure settings are back to original values.");