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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- TextColor.h
- contains data for a single color of the text. Text Attributes are composed of
two of these - one for the foreground and one for the background.
The color can be in one of three states:
* Default Colors - The terminal should use the terminal's notion of whatever
the default color should be for this component.
It's up to the terminal that's consuming this buffer to control the
behavior of default attributes.
Terminals typically have a pair of Default colors that are separate from
their color table. This component should use that value.
Consoles also can have a legacy table index as their default colors.
* Indexed Color - The terminal should use our value as an index into the
color table to retrieve the real value of the color.
This is the type of color that "legacy" 16-color attributes have.
* RGB color - We'll store a real color value in this attribute
- Mike Griese (migrie) Nov 2018
Revision History:
- From components of output.h/.c
by Therese Stowell (ThereseS) 1990-1991
- Pulled into its own file from textBuffer.hpp/cpp (AustDi, 2017)
- Moved the colors into their own seperate abstraction. (migrie Nov 2018)
#pragma once
#include "WexTestClass.h"
#pragma pack(push, 1)
enum class ColorType : BYTE
IsIndex = 0x0,
IsDefault = 0x1,
IsRgb = 0x2
struct TextColor
constexpr TextColor() noexcept :
_meta{ ColorType::IsDefault },
_red{ 0 },
_green{ 0 },
_blue{ 0 }
constexpr TextColor(const BYTE wLegacyAttr) noexcept :
_meta{ ColorType::IsIndex },
_index{ wLegacyAttr },
_green{ 0 },
_blue{ 0 }
constexpr TextColor(const COLORREF rgb) noexcept :
_meta{ ColorType::IsRgb },
_red{ GetRValue(rgb) },
_green{ GetGValue(rgb) },
_blue{ GetBValue(rgb) }
friend constexpr bool operator==(const TextColor& a, const TextColor& b) noexcept;
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const TextColor& a, const TextColor& b) noexcept;
constexpr bool IsLegacy() const noexcept
return !(IsDefault() || IsRgb());
constexpr bool IsDefault() const noexcept
return _meta == ColorType::IsDefault;
constexpr bool IsRgb() const noexcept
return _meta == ColorType::IsRgb;
void SetColor(const COLORREF rgbColor);
void SetIndex(const BYTE index);
void SetDefault();
COLORREF GetColor(std::basic_string_view<COLORREF> colorTable,
const COLORREF defaultColor,
const bool brighten) const;
constexpr BYTE GetIndex() const noexcept
return _index;
ColorType _meta : 2;
BYTE _red, _index;
BYTE _green;
BYTE _blue;
COLORREF _GetRGB() const;
friend class TextBufferTests;
template<typename TextColor> friend class WEX::TestExecution::VerifyOutputTraits;
#pragma pack(pop)
bool constexpr operator==(const TextColor& a, const TextColor& b) noexcept
return a._meta == b._meta &&
a._red == b._red &&
a._green == b._green &&
a._blue == b._blue;
bool constexpr operator!=(const TextColor& a, const TextColor& b) noexcept
return !(a == b);
namespace WEX {
namespace TestExecution {
class VerifyOutputTraits < TextColor >
static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const TextColor& color)
if (color.IsDefault())
return L"{default}";
else if (color.IsRgb())
return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"{RGB:0x%06x}", color._GetRGB());
return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"{index:0x%04x}", color._red);
static_assert(sizeof(TextColor) <= 4*sizeof(BYTE), "We should only need 4B for an entire TextColor. Any more than that is just waste");