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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- cursor.h
- This file implements the NT console server cursor routines.
- Therese Stowell (ThereseS) 5-Dec-1990
Revision History:
- Grouped into class and items made private. (MiNiksa, 2014)
#pragma once
#include "../inc/conattrs.hpp"
class TextBuffer;
class Cursor final
static const unsigned int s_InvertCursorColor = INVALID_COLOR;
// the following values are used to create the textmode cursor.
static constexpr unsigned int CURSOR_SMALL_SIZE = 25; // large enough to be one pixel on a six pixel font
Cursor(const ULONG ulSize, TextBuffer& parentBuffer) noexcept;
// No Copy. It will copy the timer handle. Bad news.
Cursor(const Cursor&) = delete;
Cursor& operator=(const Cursor&) & = delete;
Cursor(Cursor&&) = default;
Cursor& operator=(Cursor&&) & = delete;
bool HasMoved() const noexcept;
bool IsVisible() const noexcept;
bool IsOn() const noexcept;
bool IsBlinkingAllowed() const noexcept;
bool IsDouble() const noexcept;
bool IsConversionArea() const noexcept;
bool IsPopupShown() const noexcept;
bool GetDelay() const noexcept;
ULONG GetSize() const noexcept;
COORD GetPosition() const noexcept;
const CursorType GetType() const noexcept;
const bool IsUsingColor() const noexcept;
const COLORREF GetColor() const noexcept;
void StartDeferDrawing() noexcept;
bool IsDeferDrawing() noexcept;
void EndDeferDrawing() noexcept;
void SetHasMoved(const bool fHasMoved) noexcept;
void SetIsVisible(const bool fIsVisible) noexcept;
void SetIsOn(const bool fIsOn) noexcept;
void SetBlinkingAllowed(const bool fIsOn) noexcept;
void SetIsDouble(const bool fIsDouble) noexcept;
void SetIsConversionArea(const bool fIsConversionArea) noexcept;
void SetIsPopupShown(const bool fIsPopupShown) noexcept;
void SetDelay(const bool fDelay) noexcept;
void SetSize(const ULONG ulSize) noexcept;
void SetStyle(const ULONG ulSize, const COLORREF color, const CursorType type) noexcept;
void SetPosition(const COORD cPosition) noexcept;
void SetXPosition(const int NewX) noexcept;
void SetYPosition(const int NewY) noexcept;
void IncrementXPosition(const int DeltaX) noexcept;
void IncrementYPosition(const int DeltaY) noexcept;
void DecrementXPosition(const int DeltaX) noexcept;
void DecrementYPosition(const int DeltaY) noexcept;
void CopyProperties(const Cursor& OtherCursor) noexcept;
void DelayEOLWrap(const COORD coordDelayedAt) noexcept;
void ResetDelayEOLWrap() noexcept;
COORD GetDelayedAtPosition() const noexcept;
bool IsDelayedEOLWrap() const noexcept;
void SetColor(const unsigned int color) noexcept;
void SetType(const CursorType type) noexcept;
TextBuffer& _parentBuffer;
//TODO: separate the rendering and text placement
// NOTE: If you are adding a property here, go add it to CopyProperties.
COORD _cPosition; // current position on screen (in screen buffer coords).
bool _fHasMoved;
bool _fIsVisible; // whether cursor is visible (set only through the API)
bool _fIsOn; // whether blinking cursor is on or not
bool _fIsDouble; // whether the cursor size should be doubled
bool _fBlinkingAllowed; //Whether or not the cursor is allowed to blink at all. only set through VT (^[[?12h/l)
bool _fDelay; // don't blink scursor on next timer message
bool _fIsConversionArea; // is attached to a conversion area so it doesn't actually need to display the cursor.
bool _fIsPopupShown; // if a popup is being shown, turn off, stop blinking.
bool _fDelayedEolWrap; // don't wrap at EOL till the next char comes in.
COORD _coordDelayedAt; // coordinate the EOL wrap was delayed at.
bool _fDeferCursorRedraw; // whether we should defer redrawing the cursor or not
bool _fHaveDeferredCursorRedraw; // have we been asked to redraw the cursor while it was being deferred?
ULONG _ulSize;
void _RedrawCursor() noexcept;
void _RedrawCursorAlways() noexcept;
CursorType _cursorType;
bool _fUseColor;
COLORREF _color;