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// <copyright file="MiscTests.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// </copyright>
// <summary>Miscellaneous UI Automation tests (like things from bugs)</summary>
namespace Conhost.UIA.Tests
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using WEX.Common.Managed;
using WEX.Logging.Interop;
using WEX.TestExecution;
using WEX.TestExecution.Markup;
using Conhost.UIA.Tests.Common;
using Conhost.UIA.Tests.Common.NativeMethods;
using Conhost.UIA.Tests.Elements;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium;
public class MiscTests
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
public void DotNetSetWindowPosition()
using (RegistryHelper reg = new RegistryHelper())
VersionSelector.SetConsoleVersion(reg, ConsoleVersion.V2);
using (CmdApp app = new CmdApp(CreateType.ProcessOnly, TestContext))
// maximize the window
AppiumWebElement titleBar = app.GetTitleBar();
// wait for double click action to react.
// do the thing that makes it upset.
// MSFT:2490828 called Console.SetWindowPosition, so let's just copy the .NET source for that here...
// see: http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/console.cs,fcb364a853d81c57
SetWindowPosition(0, 0);
// Adapted from .NET source code...
// See: http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/console.cs,fcb364a853d81c57
private static void SetWindowPosition(int left, int top)
AutoHelpers.LogInvariant("Attempt to set console viewport buffer to Left: {0} and Top: {1}", left, top);
IntPtr hConsole = WinCon.GetStdHandle(WinCon.CONSOLE_STD_HANDLE.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
// Get the size of the current console window
NativeMethods.Win32BoolHelper(WinCon.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, out csbi), "Get console screen buffer for viewport size information.");
WinCon.SMALL_RECT srWindow = csbi.srWindow;
AutoHelpers.LogInvariant("Initial viewport position: {0}", srWindow);
// Check for arithmetic underflows & overflows.
int newRight = left + srWindow.Right - srWindow.Left + 1;
if (left < 0 || newRight > csbi.dwSize.X || newRight < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("left");
int newBottom = top + srWindow.Bottom - srWindow.Top + 1;
if (top < 0 || newBottom > csbi.dwSize.Y || newBottom < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("top");
// Preserve the size, but move the position.
srWindow.Bottom -= (short)(srWindow.Top - top);
srWindow.Right -= (short)(srWindow.Left - left);
srWindow.Left = (short)left;
srWindow.Top = (short)top;
NativeMethods.Win32BoolHelper(WinCon.SetConsoleWindowInfo(hConsole, true, ref srWindow), string.Format("Attempt to update viewport position to {0}.", srWindow));