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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "WexTestClass.h"
#include "../../../inc/consoletaeftemplates.hpp"
#include "../textBuffer.hpp"
using namespace WEX::Common;
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
namespace WEX
namespace TestExecution
class VerifyOutputTraits<TextAttributeRun>
static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const TextAttributeRun& tar)
return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(
L"Length:%d, attr:%s",
class VerifyCompareTraits<TextAttributeRun, TextAttributeRun>
static bool AreEqual(const TextAttributeRun& expected, const TextAttributeRun& actual)
return expected.GetAttributes() == actual.GetAttributes() &&
expected.GetLength() == actual.GetLength();
static bool AreSame(const TextAttributeRun& expected, const TextAttributeRun& actual)
return &expected == &actual;
static bool IsLessThan(const TextAttributeRun&, const TextAttributeRun&) = delete;
static bool IsGreaterThan(const TextAttributeRun&, const TextAttributeRun&) = delete;
static bool IsNull(const TextAttributeRun& object)
return object.GetAttributes().IsLegacy() && object.GetAttributes().GetLegacyAttributes() == 0 &&
object.GetLength() == 0;
class AttrRowTests
ATTR_ROW* pSingle;
ATTR_ROW* pChain;
short _sDefaultLength = 80;
short _sDefaultChainLength = 6;
short sChainSegLength;
short sChainLeftover;
short sChainSegmentsNeeded;
TextAttribute _DefaultAttr = TextAttribute(__wDefaultAttr);
TextAttribute _DefaultChainAttr = TextAttribute(__wDefaultChainAttr);
pSingle = new ATTR_ROW(_sDefaultLength, _DefaultAttr);
// Segment length is the expected length divided by the row length
// E.g. row of 80, 4 segments, 20 segment length each
sChainSegLength = _sDefaultLength / _sDefaultChainLength;
// Leftover is spaces that don't fit evenly
// E.g. row of 81, 4 segments, 1 leftover length segment
sChainLeftover = _sDefaultLength % _sDefaultChainLength;
// Start with the number of segments we expect
sChainSegmentsNeeded = _sDefaultChainLength;
// If we had a remainder, add one more segment
if (sChainLeftover)
// Create the chain
pChain = new ATTR_ROW(_sDefaultLength, _DefaultAttr);
// Attach all chain segments that are even multiples of the row length
for (short iChain = 0; iChain < _sDefaultChainLength; iChain++)
TextAttributeRun* pRun = &pChain->_list[iChain];
pRun->SetAttributes(TextAttribute{ gsl::narrow_cast<WORD>(iChain) }); // Just use the chain position as the value
if (sChainLeftover > 0)
// If we had a leftover, then this chain is one longer than we expected (the default length)
// So use it as the index (because indices start at 0)
TextAttributeRun* pRun = &pChain->_list[_sDefaultChainLength];
return true;
delete pSingle;
delete pChain;
return true;
// Properties needed for test
TextAttribute attr = TextAttribute(wAttr);
// Cases to test
ATTR_ROW* pTestItems[]{ pSingle, pChain };
// Loop cases
for (UINT iIndex = 0; iIndex < ARRAYSIZE(pTestItems); iIndex++)
ATTR_ROW* pUnderTest = pTestItems[iIndex];
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pUnderTest->_list.size(), 1u);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pUnderTest->_list[0].GetAttributes(), attr);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pUnderTest->_list[0].GetLength(), (unsigned int)_sDefaultLength);
// Routine Description:
// - Packs an array of words representing attributes into the more compact storage form used by the row.
// Arguments:
// - rgAttrs - Array of words representing the attribute associated with each character position in the row.
// - cRowLength - Length of preceding array.
// - outAttrRun - reference to unique_ptr that will contain packed attr run on success.
// Return Value:
// - Success if success. Buffer too small if row length is incorrect.
HRESULT PackAttrs(_In_reads_(cRowLength) const TextAttribute* const rgAttrs,
const size_t cRowLength,
_Inout_ std::unique_ptr<TextAttributeRun[]>& outAttrRun,
_Out_ size_t* const cOutAttrRun)
// first count up the deltas in the array
size_t cDeltas = 1;
const TextAttribute* pPrevAttr = &rgAttrs[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < cRowLength; i++)
const TextAttribute* pCurAttr = &rgAttrs[i];
if (*pCurAttr != *pPrevAttr)
pPrevAttr = pCurAttr;
// This whole situation was too complicated with a one off holder for one row run
// new method:
// delete the old buffer
// make a new buffer, one run + one run for each change
// set the values for each run one run index at a time
std::unique_ptr<TextAttributeRun[]> attrRun = std::make_unique<TextAttributeRun[]>(cDeltas);
TextAttributeRun* pCurrentRun = attrRun.get();
for (size_t i = 1; i < cRowLength; i++)
if (pCurrentRun->GetAttributes() == rgAttrs[i])
pCurrentRun->SetLength(pCurrentRun->GetLength() + 1);
*cOutAttrRun = cDeltas;
return S_OK;
NoThrowString LogRunElement(_In_ TextAttributeRun& run)
return NoThrowString().Format(L"%wc%d", run.GetAttributes().GetLegacyAttributes(), run.GetLength());
Greatly reduce allocations in the conhost/OpenConsole startup path (#8489) I was looking at conhost/OpenConsole and noticed it was being pretty inefficient with allocations due to some usages of std::deque and std::vector that didn't need to be done quite that way. So this uses std::vector for the TextBuffer's storage of ROW objects, which allows one allocation to contiguously reserve space for all the ROWs - on Desktop this is 9001 ROW objects which means it saves 9000 allocations that the std::deque would have done. Plus it has the benefit of increasing locality of the ROW objects since deque is going to chase pointers more often with its data structure. Then, within each ROW there are CharRow and ATTR_ROW objects that use std::vector today. This changes them to use Boost's small_vector, which is a variation of vector that allows for the so-called "small string optimization." Since we know the typical size of these vectors, we can pre-reserve the right number of elements directly in the CharRow/ATTR_ROW instances, avoiding any heap allocations at all for constructing these objects. There are a ton of variations on this "small_vector" concept out there in the world - this one in Boost, LLVM has one called SmallVector, Electronic Arts' STL has a small_vector, Facebook's folly library has one...there are a silly number of these out there. But Boost seems like it's by far the easiest to consume in terms of integration into this repo, the CI/CD pipeline, licensing, and stuff like that, so I went with the boost version. In terms of numbers, I measured the startup path of OpenConsole.exe on my dev box for Release x64 configuration. My box is an i7-6700k @ 4 Ghz, with 32 GB RAM, not that I think machine config matters much here: | | Allocation count | Allocated bytes | CPU usage (ms) | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------------ | -------------- | | Before | 29,461 | 4,984,640 | 103 | | After | 2,459 (-91%) | 4,853,931 (-2.6%) | 96 (-7%) | Along the way, I also fixed a dynamic initializer I happened to spot in the registry code, and updated some docs. ## Validation Steps Performed - Ran "runut", "runft" and "runuia" locally and confirmed results are the same as the main branch - Profiled the before/after numbers in the Visual Studio profiler, for the numbers shown in the table Co-authored-by: Austin Lamb <austinl@microsoft.com>
2020-12-16 19:40:30 +01:00
void LogChain(_In_ PCWSTR pwszPrefix,
boost::container::small_vector_base<TextAttributeRun>& chain)
NoThrowString str(pwszPrefix);
if (chain.size() > 0)
for (size_t i = 1; i < chain.size(); i++)
str.AppendFormat(L"->%s", (const wchar_t*)(LogRunElement(chain[i])));
void LogChain(_In_ PCWSTR pwszPrefix,
std::vector<TextAttributeRun>& chain)
NoThrowString str(pwszPrefix);
if (chain.size() > 0)
for (size_t i = 1; i < chain.size(); i++)
str.AppendFormat(L"->%s", (const wchar_t*)(LogRunElement(chain[i])));
void DoTestInsertAttrRuns(UINT& uiStartPos, WORD& ch1, UINT& uiChar1Length, WORD& ch2, UINT& uiChar2Length)
Log::Comment(String().Format(L"StartPos: %d, Char1: %wc, Char1Length: %d, Char2: %wc, Char2Length: %d",
bool const fUseStr2 = (ch2 != L'0');
// Set up our "original row" that we are going to try to insert into.
// This will represent a 10 column run of R3->B5->G2 that we will use for all tests.
ATTR_ROW originalRow{ static_cast<UINT>(_sDefaultLength), _DefaultAttr };
originalRow._cchRowWidth = 10;
originalRow._list[0].SetAttributes(TextAttribute{ 'R' });
originalRow._list[1].SetAttributes(TextAttribute{ 'B' });
originalRow._list[2].SetAttributes(TextAttribute{ 'G' });
LogChain(L"Original: ", originalRow._list);
// Set up our "insertion run"
size_t cInsertRow = 1;
if (fUseStr2)
std::vector<TextAttributeRun> insertRow;
insertRow[0].SetAttributes(TextAttribute{ ch1 });
if (fUseStr2)
insertRow[1].SetAttributes(TextAttribute{ ch2 });
LogChain(L"Insert: ", insertRow);
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"At Index: %d", uiStartPos));
UINT uiTotalLength = uiChar1Length;
if (fUseStr2)
uiTotalLength += uiChar2Length;
VERIFY_IS_TRUE((uiStartPos + uiTotalLength) >= 1); // assert we won't underflow.
UINT const uiEndPos = uiStartPos + uiTotalLength - 1;
// Calculate our expected final/result run by unpacking original, laying our insertion on it at the index
// then using our pack function to repack it.
// This method is easy to understand and very reliable, but its performance is bad.
// The InsertAttrRuns method we test against below is hard to understand but very high performance in production.
// - 1. Unpack
std::vector<TextAttribute> unpackedOriginal = { originalRow.begin(), originalRow.end() };
// - 2. Overlay insertion
UINT uiInsertedCount = 0;
UINT uiInsertIndex = 0;
// --- Walk through the unpacked run from start to end....
for (UINT uiUnpackedIndex = uiStartPos; uiUnpackedIndex <= uiEndPos; uiUnpackedIndex++)
// Pull the item from the insert run to analyze.
TextAttributeRun run = insertRow[uiInsertIndex];
// Copy the attribute from the run into the unpacked array
unpackedOriginal[uiUnpackedIndex] = run.GetAttributes();
// Increment how many times we've copied this particular portion of the run
// If we've now inserted enough of them to match the length, advance the insert index and reset the counter.
if (uiInsertedCount >= run.GetLength())
uiInsertedCount = 0;
// - 3. Pack.
std::unique_ptr<TextAttributeRun[]> packedRun;
size_t cPackedRun = 0;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(PackAttrs(unpackedOriginal.data(), originalRow._cchRowWidth, packedRun, &cPackedRun));
// Now send parameters into InsertAttrRuns and get its opinion on the subject.
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(originalRow.InsertAttrRuns({ insertRow.data(), insertRow.size() }, uiStartPos, uiEndPos, (UINT)originalRow._cchRowWidth));
// Compare and ensure that the expected and actual match.
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(cPackedRun, originalRow._list.size(), L"Ensure that number of array elements required for RLE are the same.");
std::vector<TextAttributeRun> packedRunExpected;
std::copy_n(packedRun.get(), cPackedRun, std::back_inserter(packedRunExpected));
LogChain(L"Expected: ", packedRunExpected);
LogChain(L"Actual: ", originalRow._list);
for (size_t testIndex = 0; testIndex < cPackedRun; testIndex++)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(packedRun[testIndex], originalRow._list[testIndex]);
UINT const uiTestRunLength = 10;
UINT uiStartPos = 0;
WORD ch1 = L'0';
UINT uiChar1Length = 0;
WORD ch2 = L'0';
UINT uiChar2Length = 0;
Log::Comment(L"Test inserting a single item of a variable length into the run.");
WORD rgch1Options[] = { L'X', L'R', L'G', L'B' };
for (size_t iCh1Option = 0; iCh1Option < ARRAYSIZE(rgch1Options); iCh1Option++)
ch1 = rgch1Options[iCh1Option];
for (UINT iCh1Length = 1; iCh1Length <= uiTestRunLength; iCh1Length++)
uiChar1Length = iCh1Length;
// We can't try to insert a run that's longer than would fit.
// If the run is of length 10 and we're trying to insert a length of 10,
// we can only insert at position 0.
// For the run length of 10 and an insert length of 9, we can try positions 0 and 1.
// And so on...
UINT const uiMaxPos = uiTestRunLength - uiChar1Length;
for (UINT iStartPos = 0; iStartPos < uiMaxPos; iStartPos++)
uiStartPos = iStartPos;
DoTestInsertAttrRuns(uiStartPos, ch1, uiChar1Length, ch2, uiChar2Length);
UINT const uiTestRunLength = 10;
UINT uiStartPos = 0;
WORD ch1 = L'0';
UINT uiChar1Length = 0;
WORD ch2 = L'0';
UINT uiChar2Length = 0;
Log::Comment(L"Test inserting a multiple item run with each piece having variable length into the existing run.");
WORD rgch1Options[] = { L'X', L'R', L'G', L'B' };
for (size_t iCh1Option = 0; iCh1Option < ARRAYSIZE(rgch1Options); iCh1Option++)
ch1 = rgch1Options[iCh1Option];
UINT const uiMaxCh1Length = uiTestRunLength - 1; // leave at least 1 space for the second piece of the insert run.
for (UINT iCh1Length = 1; iCh1Length <= uiMaxCh1Length; iCh1Length++)
uiChar1Length = iCh1Length;
WORD rgch2Options[] = { L'Y' };
for (size_t iCh2Option = 0; iCh2Option < ARRAYSIZE(rgch2Options); iCh2Option++)
ch2 = rgch2Options[iCh2Option];
// When choosing the length of the second item, it can't be bigger than the remaining space in the run
// when accounting for the length of the first piece chosen.
// For example if the total run length is 10 and the first piece chosen was 8 long,
// the second piece can only be 1 or 2 long.
UINT const uiMaxCh2Length = uiTestRunLength - uiMaxCh1Length;
for (UINT iCh2Length = 1; iCh2Length <= uiMaxCh2Length; iCh2Length++)
uiChar2Length = iCh2Length;
// We can't try to insert a run that's longer than would fit.
// If the run is of length 10 and we're trying to insert a total length of 10,
// we can only insert at position 0.
// For the run length of 10 and an insert length of 9, we can try positions 0 and 1.
// And so on...
UINT const uiMaxPos = uiTestRunLength - (uiChar1Length + uiChar2Length);
for (UINT iStartPos = 0; iStartPos <= uiMaxPos; iStartPos++)
uiStartPos = iStartPos;
DoTestInsertAttrRuns(uiStartPos, ch1, uiChar1Length, ch2, uiChar2Length);
Log::Comment(L"Checking unpack of a single color for the entire length");
const std::vector<TextAttribute> attrs{ pSingle->begin(), pSingle->end() };
for (auto& attr : attrs)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(attr, _DefaultAttr);
Log::Comment(L"Checking unpack of the multiple color chain");
const std::vector<TextAttribute> attrs{ pChain->begin(), pChain->end() };
short cChainRun = 0; // how long we've been looking at the current piece of the chain
short iChainSegIndex = 0; // which piece of the chain we should be on right now
for (auto& attr : attrs)
// by default the chain was assembled above to have the chain segment index be the attribute
TextAttribute MatchingAttr = TextAttribute(iChainSegIndex);
// However, if the index is greater than the expected chain length, a remainder piece was made with a default attribute
if (iChainSegIndex >= _sDefaultChainLength)
MatchingAttr = _DefaultChainAttr;
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(attr, MatchingAttr);
// Add to the chain run
// If the chain run is greater than the length the segments were specified to be
if (cChainRun >= sChainSegLength)
// reset to 0
cChainRun = 0;
// move to the next chain segment down the line
// GH #3409, walking backwards through color range runs out of bounds
// We're going to create an attribute row with assorted colors and varying lengths
// just like the row of text on the Ubuntu prompt line that triggered this bug being found.
// Then we're going to walk backwards through the iterator like a selection-expand-to-left
// operation and ensure we don't run off the bounds.
// walk the chain, from index, stepSize at a time
// ensure we don't crash
auto testWalk = [](ATTR_ROW* chain, size_t index, int stepSize) {
// move to starting index
auto iter = chain->cbegin();
iter += index;
// Now walk backwards in a loop until 0.
while (iter)
iter -= stepSize;
Log::Comment(L"We made it through without crashing!");
// take one step of size stepSize on the chain
// index is where we start from
// expectedAttribute is what we expect to read here
auto verifyStep = [](ATTR_ROW* chain, size_t index, int stepSize, TextAttribute expectedAttribute) {
// move to starting index
auto iter = chain->cbegin();
iter += index;
// Now step backwards
iter -= stepSize;
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedAttribute, *iter);
Log::Comment(L"Reverse iterate through ubuntu prompt");
// Create attr row representing a buffer that's 121 wide.
auto chain = std::make_unique<ATTR_ROW>(121, _DefaultAttr);
// The repro case had 4 chain segments.
// The color 10 went for the first 18.
// Default color for the next 1
// Color 12 for the next 29
// Then default color to end the run
// The sum of the lengths should be 121.
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(chain->_cchRowWidth, chain->_list[0]._cchLength + chain->_list[1]._cchLength + chain->_list[2]._cchLength + chain->_list[3]._cchLength);
auto index = chain->_list[0].GetLength();
auto stepSize = 1;
testWalk(chain.get(), index, stepSize);
Log::Comment(L"Reverse iterate across a text run in the chain");
// Create attr row representing a buffer that's 3 wide.
auto chain = std::make_unique<ATTR_ROW>(3, _DefaultAttr);
// The repro case had 3 chain segments.
// The color 10 went for the first 1.
// The color 11 for the next 1
// Color 12 for the next 1
// The sum of the lengths should be 3.
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(chain->_cchRowWidth, chain->_list[0]._cchLength + chain->_list[1]._cchLength + chain->_list[2]._cchLength);
// on 'ABC', step from B to A
auto index = 1;
auto stepSize = 1;
verifyStep(chain.get(), index, stepSize, TextAttribute(0xA));
Log::Comment(L"Reverse iterate across two text runs in the chain");
// Create attr row representing a buffer that's 3 wide.
auto chain = std::make_unique<ATTR_ROW>(3, _DefaultAttr);
// The repro case had 3 chain segments.
// The color 10 went for the first 1.
// The color 11 for the next 1
// Color 12 for the next 1
// The sum of the lengths should be 3.
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(chain->_cchRowWidth, chain->_list[0]._cchLength + chain->_list[1]._cchLength + chain->_list[2]._cchLength);
// on 'ABC', step from C to A
auto index = 2;
auto stepSize = 2;
verifyStep(chain.get(), index, stepSize, TextAttribute(0xA));
TextAttribute TestAttr = TextAttribute(wTestAttr);
Log::Comment(L"FIRST: Set index to > 0 to test making/modifying chains");
const short iTestIndex = 50;
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(iTestIndex >= 0 && iTestIndex < _sDefaultLength);
Log::Comment(L"SetAttrToEnd for single color applied to whole string.");
pSingle->SetAttrToEnd(iTestIndex, TestAttr);
// Was 1 (single), should now have 2 segments
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pSingle->_list.size(), 2u);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pSingle->_list[0].GetAttributes(), _DefaultAttr);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pSingle->_list[0].GetLength(), (unsigned int)(_sDefaultLength - (_sDefaultLength - iTestIndex)));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pSingle->_list[1].GetAttributes(), TestAttr);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pSingle->_list[1].GetLength(), (unsigned int)(_sDefaultLength - iTestIndex));
Log::Comment(L"SetAttrToEnd for existing chain of multiple colors.");
pChain->SetAttrToEnd(iTestIndex, TestAttr);
// From 7 segments down to 5.
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pChain->_list.size(), 5u);
// Verify chain colors and lengths
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextAttribute(0), pChain->_list[0].GetAttributes());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pChain->_list[0].GetLength(), (unsigned int)13);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextAttribute(1), pChain->_list[1].GetAttributes());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pChain->_list[1].GetLength(), (unsigned int)13);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextAttribute(2), pChain->_list[2].GetAttributes());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pChain->_list[2].GetLength(), (unsigned int)13);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TextAttribute(3), pChain->_list[3].GetAttributes());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pChain->_list[3].GetLength(), (unsigned int)11);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(TestAttr, pChain->_list[4].GetAttributes());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pChain->_list[4].GetLength(), (unsigned int)30);
Log::Comment(L"SECOND: Set index to 0 to test replacing anything with a single");
ATTR_ROW* pTestItems[]{ pSingle, pChain };
for (UINT iIndex = 0; iIndex < ARRAYSIZE(pTestItems); iIndex++)
ATTR_ROW* pUnderTest = pTestItems[iIndex];
pUnderTest->SetAttrToEnd(0, TestAttr);
// should be down to 1 attribute set from beginning to end of string
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pUnderTest->_list.size(), 1u);
// singular pair should contain the color
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pUnderTest->_list[0].GetAttributes(), TestAttr);
// and its length should be the length of the whole string
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pUnderTest->_list[0].GetLength(), (unsigned int)_sDefaultLength);
ATTR_ROW* pTestItems[]{ pSingle, pChain };
for (UINT iIndex = 0; iIndex < ARRAYSIZE(pTestItems); iIndex++)
ATTR_ROW* pUnderTest = pTestItems[iIndex];
const size_t Result = pUnderTest->_cchRowWidth;
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((short)Result, _sDefaultLength);
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(pSingle->Resize(0), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_INVALIDARG; });
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(pChain->Resize(0), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_INVALIDARG; });