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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- alias.h
- Encapsulates the cmdline functions and structures specifically related to
command alias functionality.
#pragma once
class Alias
static void s_ClearCmdExeAliases();
static void s_MatchAndCopyAliasLegacy(_In_reads_bytes_(cbSource) PWCHAR pwchSource,
_In_ size_t cbSource,
_Out_writes_bytes_(cbTargetWritten) PWCHAR pwchTarget,
_In_ const size_t cbTargetSize,
size_t& cbTargetWritten,
const std::wstring& exeName,
DWORD& lines);
static std::wstring s_MatchAndCopyAlias(const std::wstring& sourceText,
const std::wstring& exeName,
size_t& lineCount);
static void s_TrimLeadingSpaces(std::wstring& str);
static void s_TrimTrailingCrLf(std::wstring& str);
static std::deque<std::wstring> s_Tokenize(const std::wstring& str);
static std::wstring s_GetArgString(const std::wstring& str);
static size_t s_ReplaceMacros(std::wstring& str,
const std::deque<std::wstring>& tokens,
const std::wstring& fullArgString);
static bool s_TryReplaceNumberedArgMacro(const wchar_t ch,
std::wstring& appendToStr,
const std::deque<std::wstring>& tokens);
static bool s_TryReplaceWildcardArgMacro(const wchar_t ch,
std::wstring& appendToStr,
const std::wstring fullArgString);
static bool s_TryReplaceInputRedirMacro(const wchar_t ch,
std::wstring& appendToStr);
static bool s_TryReplaceOutputRedirMacro(const wchar_t ch,
std::wstring& appendToStr);
static bool s_TryReplacePipeRedirMacro(const wchar_t ch,
std::wstring& appendToStr);
static bool s_TryReplaceNextCommandMacro(const wchar_t ch,
std::wstring& appendToStr,
size_t& lineCount);
static void s_AppendCrLf(std::wstring& appendToStr,
size_t& lineCount);
static void s_TestAddAlias(std::wstring& exe,
std::wstring& alias,
std::wstring& target);
static void s_TestClearAliases();
friend class AliasTests;