
1067 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "../buffer/out/search.h"
#include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator;
// Routine Description:
// - Handles a keyboard event for extending the current selection
// - Must be called when the console is in selecting state.
// Arguments:
// - pInputKeyInfo : The key press state information from the keyboard
// Return Value:
// - True if the event is handled. False otherwise.
Selection::KeySelectionEventResult Selection::HandleKeySelectionEvent(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo)
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const auto inputServices = ServiceLocator::LocateInputServices();
const WORD wVirtualKeyCode = pInputKeyInfo->GetVirtualKey();
const bool ctrlPressed = WI_IsFlagSet(inputServices->GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL), KEY_PRESSED);
// if escape or ctrl-c, cancel selection
if (!IsMouseButtonDown())
if (wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE)
return Selection::KeySelectionEventResult::EventHandled;
else if (wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RETURN ||
// C-c, C-Ins. C-S-c Is also handled by this case.
((ctrlPressed) && (wVirtualKeyCode == 'C' || wVirtualKeyCode == VK_INSERT)))
// copy selection
return Selection::KeySelectionEventResult::CopyToClipboard;
else if (gci.GetEnableColorSelection() &&
('0' <= wVirtualKeyCode) &&
('9' >= wVirtualKeyCode))
if (_HandleColorSelection(pInputKeyInfo))
return Selection::KeySelectionEventResult::EventHandled;
if (!IsMouseInitiatedSelection())
if (_HandleMarkModeSelectionNav(pInputKeyInfo))
return Selection::KeySelectionEventResult::EventHandled;
else if (!IsMouseButtonDown())
// if the existing selection is a line selection
if (IsLineSelection())
// try to handle it first if we've used a valid keyboard command to extend the selection
if (HandleKeyboardLineSelectionEvent(pInputKeyInfo))
return Selection::KeySelectionEventResult::EventHandled;
// if in mouse selection mode and user hits a key, cancel selection
if (!IsSystemKey(wVirtualKeyCode))
return Selection::KeySelectionEventResult::EventNotHandled;
// Routine Description:
// - Checks if a keyboard event can be handled by HandleKeyboardLineSelectionEvent
// Arguments:
// - pInputKeyInfo : The key press state information from the keyboard
// Return Value:
// - True if the event can be handled. False otherwise.
// NOTE:
// - Keyboard handling cases in this function should be synchronized with HandleKeyboardLineSelectionEvent
bool Selection::s_IsValidKeyboardLineSelection(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo)
bool fIsValidCombination = false;
const WORD wVirtualKeyCode = pInputKeyInfo->GetVirtualKey();
if (pInputKeyInfo->IsShiftOnly())
switch (wVirtualKeyCode)
case VK_LEFT:
case VK_RIGHT:
case VK_UP:
case VK_DOWN:
case VK_NEXT:
case VK_PRIOR:
case VK_HOME:
case VK_END:
fIsValidCombination = true;
else if (pInputKeyInfo->IsShiftAndCtrlOnly())
switch (wVirtualKeyCode)
case VK_LEFT:
case VK_RIGHT:
case VK_UP:
case VK_DOWN:
case VK_HOME:
case VK_END:
fIsValidCombination = true;
return fIsValidCombination;
// Routine Description:
// - Modifies the given selection point to the edge of the next (or previous) word.
// - By default operates in a left-to-right fashion.
// Arguments:
// - fReverse: Specifies that this function should operate in reverse. E.g. Right-to-left.
// - bufferSize: The dimensions of the screen buffer.
// - coordAnchor: The point within the buffer (inside the edges) where this selection started.
// - coordSelPoint: Defines selection region from coordAnchor to this point. Modified to define the new selection region.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
COORD Selection::WordByWordSelection(const bool fReverse,
const Viewport& bufferSize,
const COORD coordAnchor,
const COORD coordSelPoint) const
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer();
COORD outCoord = coordSelPoint;
// first move one character in the requested direction
if (!fReverse)
// get the character at the new position
auto charData = *screenInfo.GetTextDataAt(outCoord);
// we want to go until the state change from delim to non-delim
bool fCurrIsDelim = IsWordDelim(charData);
bool fPrevIsDelim;
// find the edit-line boundaries that we can highlight
COORD coordMaxLeft;
COORD coordMaxRight;
const bool fSuccess = s_GetInputLineBoundaries(&coordMaxLeft, &coordMaxRight);
// if line boundaries fail, then set them to the buffer corners so they don't restrict anything.
if (!fSuccess)
coordMaxLeft.X = bufferSize.Left();
coordMaxLeft.Y = bufferSize.Top();
coordMaxRight.X = bufferSize.RightInclusive();
coordMaxRight.Y = bufferSize.BottomInclusive();
// track whether we failed to move during an operation
// if we failed to move, we hit the end of the buffer and should just highlight to there and be done.
bool fMoveSucceeded = false;
// determine if we're highlighting more text or unhighlighting already selected text.
bool fUnhighlighting;
if (!fReverse)
// if the selection point is left of the anchor, then we're unhighlighting when moving right
fUnhighlighting = Utils::s_CompareCoords(outCoord, coordAnchor) < 0;
// if the selection point is right of the anchor, then we're unhighlighting when moving left
fUnhighlighting = Utils::s_CompareCoords(outCoord, coordAnchor) > 0;
// store previous state
fPrevIsDelim = fCurrIsDelim;
// to make us "sticky" within the edit line, stop moving once we've reached a given max position left/right
// users can repeat the command to move past the line and continue word selecting
// if we're at the max position left, stop moving
if (Utils::s_CompareCoords(outCoord, coordMaxLeft) == 0)
// set move succeeded to false as we can't move any further
fMoveSucceeded = false;
// if we're at the max position right, stop moving.
// we don't want them to "word select" past the end of the edit line as there's likely nothing there.
// (thus >= and not == like left)
if (Utils::s_CompareCoords(outCoord, coordMaxRight) >= 0)
// set move succeeded to false as we can't move any further.
fMoveSucceeded = false;
if (!fReverse)
fMoveSucceeded = bufferSize.IncrementInBounds(outCoord);
fMoveSucceeded = bufferSize.DecrementInBounds(outCoord);
if (!fMoveSucceeded)
// get the character associated with the new position
charData = *screenInfo.GetTextDataAt(outCoord);
fCurrIsDelim = IsWordDelim(charData);
// This is a bit confusing.
// If we're going Left to Right (!fReverse)...
// - Then we want to keep going UNTIL (!) we move from a delimiter (fPrevIsDelim) to a normal character (!fCurrIsDelim)
// This will then eat up all delimiters after a word and stop once we reach the first letter of the next word.
// If we're going Right to Left (fReverse)...
// - Then we want to keep going UNTIL (!) we move from a normal character (!fPrevIsDelim) to a delimiter (fCurrIsDelim)
// This will eat up all letters of the word and stop once we see the delimiter before the word.
} while (!fReverse ? !(fPrevIsDelim && !fCurrIsDelim) : !(!fPrevIsDelim && fCurrIsDelim));
// To stop the loop, we had to move the cursor one too far to figure out that the delta occurred from delimiter to not (or vice versa)
// Therefore move back by one character after proceeding through the loop.
// 1. If we broke out of the loop by reaching the beginning of the buffer, leave it alone.
// 2. If we're un-highlighting a region, also leave it alone.
// This is an oddity that occurs because our cursor is on a character, not between two characters like most text editors.
// We want the current position to be ON the first letter of the word (or the last delimiter after the word) so it stays highlighted.
if (fMoveSucceeded && !fUnhighlighting)
if (!fReverse)
FAIL_FAST_IF(!fMoveSucceeded); // we should never fail to move forward after having moved backward
return outCoord;
// Routine Description:
// - Handles a keyboard event for manipulating line-mode selection with the keyboard
// - If called when console isn't in selecting state, will start a new selection.
// Arguments:
// - inputKeyInfo : The key press state information from the keyboard
// Return Value:
// - True if the event is handled. False otherwise.
// NOTE:
// - Keyboard handling cases in this function should be synchronized with IsValidKeyboardLineSelection
bool Selection::HandleKeyboardLineSelectionEvent(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo)
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const WORD wVirtualKeyCode = pInputKeyInfo->GetVirtualKey();
// if this isn't a valid key combination for this function, exit quickly.
if (!s_IsValidKeyboardLineSelection(pInputKeyInfo))
return false;
// if we're not currently selecting anything, start a new mouse selection
if (!IsInSelectingState())
// force that this is a line selection
// if we did shift+left/right, then just exit
if (pInputKeyInfo->IsShiftOnly())
switch (wVirtualKeyCode)
case VK_LEFT:
case VK_RIGHT:
return true;
// anchor is the first clicked position
const COORD coordAnchor = _coordSelectionAnchor;
// rect covers the entire selection
const SMALL_RECT rectSelection = _srSelectionRect;
// the selection point is the other corner of the rectangle from the anchor that we're about to manipulate
COORD coordSelPoint;
coordSelPoint.X = coordAnchor.X == rectSelection.Left ? rectSelection.Right : rectSelection.Left;
coordSelPoint.Y = coordAnchor.Y == rectSelection.Top ? rectSelection.Bottom : rectSelection.Top;
// this is the maximum size of the buffer
const auto bufferSize = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetBufferSize();
const SHORT sWindowHeight = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetViewport().Height();
// retrieve input line information. If we are selecting from within the input line, we need
// to bound ourselves within the input data first and not move into the back buffer.
COORD coordInputLineStart;
COORD coordInputLineEnd;
bool fHaveInputLine = s_GetInputLineBoundaries(&coordInputLineStart, &coordInputLineEnd);
if (pInputKeyInfo->IsShiftOnly())
switch (wVirtualKeyCode)
// shift + left/right extends the selection by one character, wrapping at screen edge
case VK_LEFT:
case VK_RIGHT:
// if we're about to split a character in half, keep moving right
const auto attr = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetCellDataAt(coordSelPoint)->DbcsAttr();
if (attr.IsTrailing())
// shift + up/down extends the selection by one row, stopping at top or bottom of screen
case VK_UP:
if (coordSelPoint.Y > bufferSize.Top())
case VK_DOWN:
if (coordSelPoint.Y < bufferSize.BottomInclusive())
// shift + pgup/pgdn extends selection up or down one full screen
case VK_NEXT:
coordSelPoint.Y = base::CheckAdd(coordSelPoint.Y, sWindowHeight).ValueOrDefault(bufferSize.BottomInclusive());
if (coordSelPoint.Y > bufferSize.BottomInclusive())
coordSelPoint.Y = bufferSize.BottomInclusive();
case VK_PRIOR:
coordSelPoint.Y = base::CheckSub(coordSelPoint.Y, sWindowHeight).ValueOrDefault(bufferSize.Top());
if (coordSelPoint.Y < bufferSize.Top())
coordSelPoint.Y = bufferSize.Top();
// shift + home/end extends selection to beginning or end of line
case VK_HOME:
Prompt sample:
C:\>dir /p /w C
The input area runs from the d in "dir" to the space after the 2 in "32"
We want to stop the HOME command from running to the beginning of the line only
if we're on the first input line because then it would capture the prompt.
So if the selection point we're manipulating is currently anywhere in the
"dir /p /w C" area, then pressing home should only move it on top of the "d" in "dir".
But if it's already at the "d" in dir, pressing HOME again should move us to the
beginning of the line anyway to collect up the prompt as well.
// if we're in the input line
if (fHaveInputLine)
// and the selection point is inside the input line area
if (Utils::s_CompareCoords(coordSelPoint, coordInputLineStart) > 0)
// and we're on the same line as the beginning of the input
if (coordInputLineStart.Y == coordSelPoint.Y)
// then only back up to the start of the input
coordSelPoint.X = coordInputLineStart.X;
// otherwise, fall through and select to the head of the line.
coordSelPoint.X = 0;
case VK_END:
Prompt sample:
C:\>dir /p /w C
The input area runs from the d in "dir" to the space after the 2 in "32"
We want to stop the END command from running to the space after the "32" because
that's just where the cursor lies to let more text get entered and not actually
a valid selection area.
So if the selection point is anywhere on the "m32", pressing end should move it
to on top of the "2".
Additionally, if we're starting within the output buffer (qwerty, etc. and C:\>), then
pressing END should stop us before we enter the input line the first time.
So if we're anywhere on "C:\", we should select up to the ">" character and no further
until a subsequent press of END.
At the subsequent press of END when we're on the ">", we should move to the end of the input
line or the end of the screen, whichever comes first.
// if we're in the input line
if (fHaveInputLine)
// and the selection point is inside the input area
if (Utils::s_CompareCoords(coordSelPoint, coordInputLineStart) >= 0)
// and we're on the same line as the end of the input
if (coordInputLineEnd.Y == coordSelPoint.Y)
// and we're not already on the end of the input...
if (coordSelPoint.X < coordInputLineEnd.X)
// then only use end to the end of the input
coordSelPoint.X = coordInputLineEnd.X;
// otherwise if we're outside and on the same line as the start of the input
if (coordInputLineStart.Y == coordSelPoint.Y)
// calculate the end of the outside/output buffer position
const short sEndOfOutputPos = coordInputLineStart.X - 1;
// if we're not already on the very last character...
if (coordSelPoint.X < sEndOfOutputPos)
// then only move to just before the beginning of the input
coordSelPoint.X = sEndOfOutputPos;
else if (coordSelPoint.X == sEndOfOutputPos)
// if we were on the last character,
// then if the end of the input line is also on this current line,
// move to that.
if (coordSelPoint.Y == coordInputLineEnd.Y)
coordSelPoint.X = coordInputLineEnd.X;
// otherwise, fall through and go to selecting the whole line to the end.
coordSelPoint.X = bufferSize.RightInclusive();
else if (pInputKeyInfo->IsShiftAndCtrlOnly())
switch (wVirtualKeyCode)
// shift + ctrl + left/right extends selection to next/prev word boundary
case VK_LEFT:
coordSelPoint = WordByWordSelection(true, bufferSize, coordAnchor, coordSelPoint);
case VK_RIGHT:
coordSelPoint = WordByWordSelection(false, bufferSize, coordAnchor, coordSelPoint);
// shift + ctrl + up/down does the same thing that shift + up/down does
case VK_UP:
if (coordSelPoint.Y > bufferSize.Top())
case VK_DOWN:
if (coordSelPoint.Y < bufferSize.BottomInclusive())
// shift + ctrl + home/end extends selection to top or bottom of buffer from selection
case VK_HOME:
COORD coordValidStart;
GetValidAreaBoundaries(&coordValidStart, nullptr);
coordSelPoint = coordValidStart;
case VK_END:
COORD coordValidEnd;
GetValidAreaBoundaries(nullptr, &coordValidEnd);
coordSelPoint = coordValidEnd;
// ensure we're not planting the cursor in the middle of a double-wide character.
const auto attr = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetCellDataAt(coordSelPoint)->DbcsAttr();
if (attr.IsTrailing())
// try to move off by highlighting the lead half too.
bool fSuccess = bufferSize.DecrementInBounds(coordSelPoint);
// if that fails, move off to the next character
if (!fSuccess)
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - Checks whether the ALT key was pressed when this method was called.
// - ALT is the modifier for the alternate selection mode, so this will set state accordingly.
// Arguments:
// - <none> (Uses global key state)
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Selection::CheckAndSetAlternateSelection()
_fUseAlternateSelection = !!(ServiceLocator::LocateInputServices()->GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & KEY_PRESSED);
// Routine Description:
// - Handles a keyboard event for manipulating color selection
// - If called when console isn't in selecting state, will start a new selection.
// Arguments:
// - pInputKeyInfo : The key press state information from the keyboard
// Return Value:
// - True if the event is handled. False otherwise.
bool Selection::_HandleColorSelection(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const WORD wVirtualKeyCode = pInputKeyInfo->GetVirtualKey();
// It's a numeric key, a text mode buffer and the color selection regkey is set,
// then check to see if the user want's to color the selection or search and
// highlight the selection.
bool fAltPressed = pInputKeyInfo->IsAltPressed();
bool fShiftPressed = pInputKeyInfo->IsShiftPressed();
bool fCtrlPressed = false;
// Shift implies a find-and-color operation.
// We only support finding a string, not a block.
// If it is line selection, we can assemble that across multiple lines to make a search term.
// But if it is block selection and the selected area is > 1 line in height, ignore the shift because we can't search.
// Also ignore if there is no current selection.
if ((fShiftPressed) && (!IsAreaSelected() || (!IsLineSelection() && (_srSelectionRect.Top != _srSelectionRect.Bottom))))
fShiftPressed = false;
// If CTRL + ALT together, then we interpret as ALT (eg on French
// keyboards AltGr == RALT+LCTRL, but we want it to behave as ALT).
if (!fAltPressed)
fCtrlPressed = pInputKeyInfo->IsCtrlPressed();
SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer();
// Clip the selection to within the console buffer
// If ALT or CTRL are pressed, then color the selected area.
// ALT+n => fg, CTRL+n => bg
if (fAltPressed || fCtrlPressed)
Improve the legacy color conversions (#6358) This PR provides a faster algorithm for converting 8-bit and 24-bit colors into the 4-bit legacy values that are required by the Win32 console APIs. It also fixes areas of the code that were incorrectly using a simple 16-color conversion that didn't handle 8-bit and 24-bit values. The faster conversion algorithm should be an improvement for issues #783 and #3950. One of the main points of this PR was to fix the `ReadConsoleOutputAttribute` API, which was using a simplified legacy color conversion (the original `TextAttribute:GetLegacyAttributes` method), which could only handle values from the 16-color table. RGB values, and colors from the 256-color table, would be mapped to completely nonsensical values. This API has now been updated to use the more correct `Settings::GenerateLegacyAttributes` method. But there were also a couple of other places in the code that were using `GetLegacyAttributes` when they really had no reason to be working with legacy attributes at all. This could result in colors being downgraded to 4-bit values (often badly, as explained above), when the code was already perfectly capable of displaying the full 24-bits. This included the fill colors in the IME composer (in `ConsoleImeInfo`), and the construction of the highlighting colors in the color search/selection handler (`Selection::_HandleColorSelection`). I also got rid of some legacy attribute code in the `Popup` class, which was originally intended to update colors below the popup when the settings changed, but actually caused more problems than it solved. The other major goal of this PR was to improve the performance of the `GenerateLegacyAttributes` method, since the existing implementation could be quite slow when dealing with RGB values. The simple cases are handled much the same as they were before. For an `IsDefault` color, we get the default index from the `Settings::_wFillAttribute` field. For an `IsIndex16` color, the index can just be returned as is. For an `IsRgb` color, the RGB components are compressed down to 8 bits (3 red, 3 green, 2 blue), simply by dropping the least significant bits. This 8-bit value is then used to lookup a representative 16-color value from a hard-coded table. An `IsIndex256` color is also converted with a lookup table, just using the existing 8-bit index. The RGB mapping table was calculated by taking each compressed 8-bit color, and picking a entry from the _Campbell_ palette that best approximated that color. This was done by looking at a range of 24-bit colors that mapped to the 8-bit value, finding the best _Campbell_ match for each of them (using a [CIEDE2000] color difference calculation), and then the most common match became the index that the 8-bit value would map to. The 256-color table was just a simpler version of this process. For each entry in the table, we take the default RGB palette value, and find it's closest match in the _Campbell_ palette. Because these tables are hard-coded, the results won't adjust to changes in the palette. However, they should still produce reasonable results for palettes that follow the standard ANSI color range. And since they're only a very loose approximation of the colors anyway, the exact value really isn't that important. That said, I have tried to make sure that if you take an RGB value for a particular index in a reasonable color scheme, then the legacy color mapped from that value should ideally match the same index. This will never be possible for all color schemes, but I have tweaked a few of the table entries to improve the results for some of the common schemes. One other point worth making regarding the hard-coded tables: even if we wanted to take the active palette into account, that wouldn't actually be possible over a conpty connection, because we can't easily know what color scheme the client application is using. At least this way the results in conhost are guaranteed to be the same as in the Windows Terminal. [CIEDE2000]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CIEDE2000 ## Validation Steps Performed This code still passes the `TextAttributeTests` that check the basic `GetLegacyAttribute` behaviour and verify the all legacy attributes roundtrip correctly. However, some of the values in the `RgbColorTests` had to be updated, since we're now intentionally returning different values as a result of the changes to the RGB conversion algorithm. I haven't added additional unit tests, but I have done a lot of manual testing to see how well the new algorithm works with a range of colors and a variety of different color schemes. It's not perfect in every situation, but I think it works well enough for the purpose it serves. I've also confirmed that the issues reported in #5940 and #6247 are now fixed by these changes. Closes #5940 Closes #6247
2020-06-08 21:05:06 +02:00
TextAttribute selectionAttr;
Standardize the color table order (#11602) ## Summary of the Pull Request In the original implementation, we used two different orderings for the color tables. The WT color table used ANSI order, while the conhost color table used a Windows-specific order. This PR standardizes on the ANSI color order everywhere, so the usage of indexed colors is consistent across both parts of the code base, which will hopefully allow more of the code to be shared one day. ## References This is another small step towards de-duplicating `AdaptDispatch` and `TerminalDispatch` for issue #3849, and is essentially a followup to the SGR dispatch refactoring in PR #6728. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #11461 * [x] CLA signed. * [x] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. Issue number where discussion took place: #11461 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Conhost still needs to deal with legacy attributes using Windows color order, so those values now need to be transposed to ANSI colors order when creating a `TextAttribute` object. This is done with a simple mapping table, which also handles the translation of the default color entries, so it's actually slightly faster than the original code. And when converting `TextAttribute` values back to legacy console attributes, we were already using a mapping table to handle the narrowing of 256-color values down to 16 colors, so we just needed to adjust that table to account for the translation from ANSI to Windows, and then could make use of the same table for both 256-color and 16-color values. There are also a few places in conhost that read from or write to the color tables, and those now need to transpose the index values. I've addressed this by creating separate `SetLegacyColorTableEntry` and `GetLegacyColorTableEntry` methods in the `Settings` class which take care of the mapping, so it's now clearer in which cases the code is dealing with legacy values, and which are ANSI values. These methods are used in the `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` and `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` APIs, as well as a few place where color preferences are handled (the registry, shortcut links, and the properties dialog), none of which are particularly sensitive to performance. However, we also use the legacy table when looking up the default colors for rendering (which happens a lot), so I've refactored that code so the default color calculations now only occur once per frame. The plus side of all of this is that the VT code doesn't need to do the index translation anymore, so we can finally get rid of all the calls to `XTermToWindowsIndex`, and we no longer need a separate color table initialization method for conhost, so I was able to merge a number of color initialization methods into one. We also no longer need to translate from legacy values to ANSI when generating VT sequences for conpty. The one exception to that is the 16-color VT renderer, which uses the `TextColor::GetLegacyIndex` method to approximate 16-color equivalents for RGB and 256-color values. Since that method returns a legacy index, it still needs to be translated to ANSI before it can be used in a VT sequence. But this should be no worse than it was before. One more special case is conhost's secret _Color Selection_ feature. That uses `Ctrl`+Number and `Alt`+Number key sequences to highlight parts of the buffer, and the mapping from number to color is based on the Windows color order. So that mapping now needs to be transposed, but that's also not performance sensitive. The only thing that I haven't bothered to update is the trace logging code in the `Telemetry` class, which logs the first 16 entries in the color table. Those entries are now going to be in a different order, but I didn't think that would be of great concern to anyone. ## Validation Steps Performed A lot of unit tests needed to be updated to use ANSI color constants when setting indexed colors, where before they might have been expecting values in Windows order. But this replaced a wild mix of different constants, sometimes having to use bit shifting, as well as values mapped with `XTermToWindowsIndex`, so I think the tests are a whole lot clearer now. Only a few cases have been left with literal numbers where that seemed more appropriate. In addition to getting the unit tests working, I've also manually tested the behaviour of all the console APIs which I thought could be affected by these changes, and confirmed that they produced the same results in the new code as they did in the original implementation. This includes: - `WriteConsoleOutput` - `ReadConsoleOutput` - `SetConsoleTextAttribute` with `WriteConsoleOutputCharacter` - `FillConsoleOutputAttribute` and `FillConsoleOutputCharacter` - `ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer` - `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo` - `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` - `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` I've also manually tested changing colors via the console properties menu, the registry, and shortcut links, including setting default colors and popup colors. And I've tested that the "Quirks Mode" is still working as expected in PowerShell. In terms of performance, I wrote a little test app that filled a 80x9999 buffer with random color combinations using `WriteConsoleOutput`, which I figured was likely to be the most performance sensitive call, and I think it now actually performs slightly better than the original implementation. I've also tested similar code - just filling the visible window - with SGR VT sequences of various types, and the performance seems about the same as it was before.
2021-11-04 23:13:22 +01:00
// The key number corresponds to the Windows color table order, so the value
// need to be transposed to obtain the index in an ANSI-compatible order.
const auto colorIndex = TextColor::TransposeLegacyIndex(wVirtualKeyCode - '0' + 6);
if (fCtrlPressed)
// Setting background color. Set fg color to black.
Improve the legacy color conversions (#6358) This PR provides a faster algorithm for converting 8-bit and 24-bit colors into the 4-bit legacy values that are required by the Win32 console APIs. It also fixes areas of the code that were incorrectly using a simple 16-color conversion that didn't handle 8-bit and 24-bit values. The faster conversion algorithm should be an improvement for issues #783 and #3950. One of the main points of this PR was to fix the `ReadConsoleOutputAttribute` API, which was using a simplified legacy color conversion (the original `TextAttribute:GetLegacyAttributes` method), which could only handle values from the 16-color table. RGB values, and colors from the 256-color table, would be mapped to completely nonsensical values. This API has now been updated to use the more correct `Settings::GenerateLegacyAttributes` method. But there were also a couple of other places in the code that were using `GetLegacyAttributes` when they really had no reason to be working with legacy attributes at all. This could result in colors being downgraded to 4-bit values (often badly, as explained above), when the code was already perfectly capable of displaying the full 24-bits. This included the fill colors in the IME composer (in `ConsoleImeInfo`), and the construction of the highlighting colors in the color search/selection handler (`Selection::_HandleColorSelection`). I also got rid of some legacy attribute code in the `Popup` class, which was originally intended to update colors below the popup when the settings changed, but actually caused more problems than it solved. The other major goal of this PR was to improve the performance of the `GenerateLegacyAttributes` method, since the existing implementation could be quite slow when dealing with RGB values. The simple cases are handled much the same as they were before. For an `IsDefault` color, we get the default index from the `Settings::_wFillAttribute` field. For an `IsIndex16` color, the index can just be returned as is. For an `IsRgb` color, the RGB components are compressed down to 8 bits (3 red, 3 green, 2 blue), simply by dropping the least significant bits. This 8-bit value is then used to lookup a representative 16-color value from a hard-coded table. An `IsIndex256` color is also converted with a lookup table, just using the existing 8-bit index. The RGB mapping table was calculated by taking each compressed 8-bit color, and picking a entry from the _Campbell_ palette that best approximated that color. This was done by looking at a range of 24-bit colors that mapped to the 8-bit value, finding the best _Campbell_ match for each of them (using a [CIEDE2000] color difference calculation), and then the most common match became the index that the 8-bit value would map to. The 256-color table was just a simpler version of this process. For each entry in the table, we take the default RGB palette value, and find it's closest match in the _Campbell_ palette. Because these tables are hard-coded, the results won't adjust to changes in the palette. However, they should still produce reasonable results for palettes that follow the standard ANSI color range. And since they're only a very loose approximation of the colors anyway, the exact value really isn't that important. That said, I have tried to make sure that if you take an RGB value for a particular index in a reasonable color scheme, then the legacy color mapped from that value should ideally match the same index. This will never be possible for all color schemes, but I have tweaked a few of the table entries to improve the results for some of the common schemes. One other point worth making regarding the hard-coded tables: even if we wanted to take the active palette into account, that wouldn't actually be possible over a conpty connection, because we can't easily know what color scheme the client application is using. At least this way the results in conhost are guaranteed to be the same as in the Windows Terminal. [CIEDE2000]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CIEDE2000 ## Validation Steps Performed This code still passes the `TextAttributeTests` that check the basic `GetLegacyAttribute` behaviour and verify the all legacy attributes roundtrip correctly. However, some of the values in the `RgbColorTests` had to be updated, since we're now intentionally returning different values as a result of the changes to the RGB conversion algorithm. I haven't added additional unit tests, but I have done a lot of manual testing to see how well the new algorithm works with a range of colors and a variety of different color schemes. It's not perfect in every situation, but I think it works well enough for the purpose it serves. I've also confirmed that the issues reported in #5940 and #6247 are now fixed by these changes. Closes #5940 Closes #6247
2020-06-08 21:05:06 +02:00
Standardize the color table order (#11602) ## Summary of the Pull Request In the original implementation, we used two different orderings for the color tables. The WT color table used ANSI order, while the conhost color table used a Windows-specific order. This PR standardizes on the ANSI color order everywhere, so the usage of indexed colors is consistent across both parts of the code base, which will hopefully allow more of the code to be shared one day. ## References This is another small step towards de-duplicating `AdaptDispatch` and `TerminalDispatch` for issue #3849, and is essentially a followup to the SGR dispatch refactoring in PR #6728. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #11461 * [x] CLA signed. * [x] Tests added/passed * [ ] Documentation updated. * [ ] Schema updated. * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. Issue number where discussion took place: #11461 ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments Conhost still needs to deal with legacy attributes using Windows color order, so those values now need to be transposed to ANSI colors order when creating a `TextAttribute` object. This is done with a simple mapping table, which also handles the translation of the default color entries, so it's actually slightly faster than the original code. And when converting `TextAttribute` values back to legacy console attributes, we were already using a mapping table to handle the narrowing of 256-color values down to 16 colors, so we just needed to adjust that table to account for the translation from ANSI to Windows, and then could make use of the same table for both 256-color and 16-color values. There are also a few places in conhost that read from or write to the color tables, and those now need to transpose the index values. I've addressed this by creating separate `SetLegacyColorTableEntry` and `GetLegacyColorTableEntry` methods in the `Settings` class which take care of the mapping, so it's now clearer in which cases the code is dealing with legacy values, and which are ANSI values. These methods are used in the `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` and `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` APIs, as well as a few place where color preferences are handled (the registry, shortcut links, and the properties dialog), none of which are particularly sensitive to performance. However, we also use the legacy table when looking up the default colors for rendering (which happens a lot), so I've refactored that code so the default color calculations now only occur once per frame. The plus side of all of this is that the VT code doesn't need to do the index translation anymore, so we can finally get rid of all the calls to `XTermToWindowsIndex`, and we no longer need a separate color table initialization method for conhost, so I was able to merge a number of color initialization methods into one. We also no longer need to translate from legacy values to ANSI when generating VT sequences for conpty. The one exception to that is the 16-color VT renderer, which uses the `TextColor::GetLegacyIndex` method to approximate 16-color equivalents for RGB and 256-color values. Since that method returns a legacy index, it still needs to be translated to ANSI before it can be used in a VT sequence. But this should be no worse than it was before. One more special case is conhost's secret _Color Selection_ feature. That uses `Ctrl`+Number and `Alt`+Number key sequences to highlight parts of the buffer, and the mapping from number to color is based on the Windows color order. So that mapping now needs to be transposed, but that's also not performance sensitive. The only thing that I haven't bothered to update is the trace logging code in the `Telemetry` class, which logs the first 16 entries in the color table. Those entries are now going to be in a different order, but I didn't think that would be of great concern to anyone. ## Validation Steps Performed A lot of unit tests needed to be updated to use ANSI color constants when setting indexed colors, where before they might have been expecting values in Windows order. But this replaced a wild mix of different constants, sometimes having to use bit shifting, as well as values mapped with `XTermToWindowsIndex`, so I think the tests are a whole lot clearer now. Only a few cases have been left with literal numbers where that seemed more appropriate. In addition to getting the unit tests working, I've also manually tested the behaviour of all the console APIs which I thought could be affected by these changes, and confirmed that they produced the same results in the new code as they did in the original implementation. This includes: - `WriteConsoleOutput` - `ReadConsoleOutput` - `SetConsoleTextAttribute` with `WriteConsoleOutputCharacter` - `FillConsoleOutputAttribute` and `FillConsoleOutputCharacter` - `ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer` - `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo` - `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` - `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` I've also manually tested changing colors via the console properties menu, the registry, and shortcut links, including setting default colors and popup colors. And I've tested that the "Quirks Mode" is still working as expected in PowerShell. In terms of performance, I wrote a little test app that filled a 80x9999 buffer with random color combinations using `WriteConsoleOutput`, which I figured was likely to be the most performance sensitive call, and I think it now actually performs slightly better than the original implementation. I've also tested similar code - just filling the visible window - with SGR VT sequences of various types, and the performance seems about the same as it was before.
2021-11-04 23:13:22 +01:00
// Set foreground color. Maintain the current console bg color.
Improve the legacy color conversions (#6358) This PR provides a faster algorithm for converting 8-bit and 24-bit colors into the 4-bit legacy values that are required by the Win32 console APIs. It also fixes areas of the code that were incorrectly using a simple 16-color conversion that didn't handle 8-bit and 24-bit values. The faster conversion algorithm should be an improvement for issues #783 and #3950. One of the main points of this PR was to fix the `ReadConsoleOutputAttribute` API, which was using a simplified legacy color conversion (the original `TextAttribute:GetLegacyAttributes` method), which could only handle values from the 16-color table. RGB values, and colors from the 256-color table, would be mapped to completely nonsensical values. This API has now been updated to use the more correct `Settings::GenerateLegacyAttributes` method. But there were also a couple of other places in the code that were using `GetLegacyAttributes` when they really had no reason to be working with legacy attributes at all. This could result in colors being downgraded to 4-bit values (often badly, as explained above), when the code was already perfectly capable of displaying the full 24-bits. This included the fill colors in the IME composer (in `ConsoleImeInfo`), and the construction of the highlighting colors in the color search/selection handler (`Selection::_HandleColorSelection`). I also got rid of some legacy attribute code in the `Popup` class, which was originally intended to update colors below the popup when the settings changed, but actually caused more problems than it solved. The other major goal of this PR was to improve the performance of the `GenerateLegacyAttributes` method, since the existing implementation could be quite slow when dealing with RGB values. The simple cases are handled much the same as they were before. For an `IsDefault` color, we get the default index from the `Settings::_wFillAttribute` field. For an `IsIndex16` color, the index can just be returned as is. For an `IsRgb` color, the RGB components are compressed down to 8 bits (3 red, 3 green, 2 blue), simply by dropping the least significant bits. This 8-bit value is then used to lookup a representative 16-color value from a hard-coded table. An `IsIndex256` color is also converted with a lookup table, just using the existing 8-bit index. The RGB mapping table was calculated by taking each compressed 8-bit color, and picking a entry from the _Campbell_ palette that best approximated that color. This was done by looking at a range of 24-bit colors that mapped to the 8-bit value, finding the best _Campbell_ match for each of them (using a [CIEDE2000] color difference calculation), and then the most common match became the index that the 8-bit value would map to. The 256-color table was just a simpler version of this process. For each entry in the table, we take the default RGB palette value, and find it's closest match in the _Campbell_ palette. Because these tables are hard-coded, the results won't adjust to changes in the palette. However, they should still produce reasonable results for palettes that follow the standard ANSI color range. And since they're only a very loose approximation of the colors anyway, the exact value really isn't that important. That said, I have tried to make sure that if you take an RGB value for a particular index in a reasonable color scheme, then the legacy color mapped from that value should ideally match the same index. This will never be possible for all color schemes, but I have tweaked a few of the table entries to improve the results for some of the common schemes. One other point worth making regarding the hard-coded tables: even if we wanted to take the active palette into account, that wouldn't actually be possible over a conpty connection, because we can't easily know what color scheme the client application is using. At least this way the results in conhost are guaranteed to be the same as in the Windows Terminal. [CIEDE2000]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CIEDE2000 ## Validation Steps Performed This code still passes the `TextAttributeTests` that check the basic `GetLegacyAttribute` behaviour and verify the all legacy attributes roundtrip correctly. However, some of the values in the `RgbColorTests` had to be updated, since we're now intentionally returning different values as a result of the changes to the RGB conversion algorithm. I haven't added additional unit tests, but I have done a lot of manual testing to see how well the new algorithm works with a range of colors and a variety of different color schemes. It's not perfect in every situation, but I think it works well enough for the purpose it serves. I've also confirmed that the issues reported in #5940 and #6247 are now fixed by these changes. Closes #5940 Closes #6247
2020-06-08 21:05:06 +02:00
selectionAttr = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetAttributes();
// If shift was pressed as well, then this is actually a
// find-and-color request. Otherwise just color the selection.
if (fShiftPressed)
const auto selectionRects = GetSelectionRects();
if (selectionRects.size() > 0)
// Pull the selection out of the buffer to pass to the
// search function. Clamp to max search string length.
// We just copy the bytes out of the row buffer.
std::wstring str;
for (const auto& selectRect : selectionRects)
auto it = screenInfo.GetCellDataAt(COORD{ selectRect.Left, selectRect.Top });
for (SHORT i = 0; i < (selectRect.Right - selectRect.Left + 1);)
i += gsl::narrow_cast<SHORT>(it->Columns());
it += it->Columns();
// Clear the selection and call the search / mark function.
Search search(gci.renderData, str, Search::Direction::Forward, Search::Sensitivity::CaseInsensitive);
while (search.FindNext())
Improve the legacy color conversions (#6358) This PR provides a faster algorithm for converting 8-bit and 24-bit colors into the 4-bit legacy values that are required by the Win32 console APIs. It also fixes areas of the code that were incorrectly using a simple 16-color conversion that didn't handle 8-bit and 24-bit values. The faster conversion algorithm should be an improvement for issues #783 and #3950. One of the main points of this PR was to fix the `ReadConsoleOutputAttribute` API, which was using a simplified legacy color conversion (the original `TextAttribute:GetLegacyAttributes` method), which could only handle values from the 16-color table. RGB values, and colors from the 256-color table, would be mapped to completely nonsensical values. This API has now been updated to use the more correct `Settings::GenerateLegacyAttributes` method. But there were also a couple of other places in the code that were using `GetLegacyAttributes` when they really had no reason to be working with legacy attributes at all. This could result in colors being downgraded to 4-bit values (often badly, as explained above), when the code was already perfectly capable of displaying the full 24-bits. This included the fill colors in the IME composer (in `ConsoleImeInfo`), and the construction of the highlighting colors in the color search/selection handler (`Selection::_HandleColorSelection`). I also got rid of some legacy attribute code in the `Popup` class, which was originally intended to update colors below the popup when the settings changed, but actually caused more problems than it solved. The other major goal of this PR was to improve the performance of the `GenerateLegacyAttributes` method, since the existing implementation could be quite slow when dealing with RGB values. The simple cases are handled much the same as they were before. For an `IsDefault` color, we get the default index from the `Settings::_wFillAttribute` field. For an `IsIndex16` color, the index can just be returned as is. For an `IsRgb` color, the RGB components are compressed down to 8 bits (3 red, 3 green, 2 blue), simply by dropping the least significant bits. This 8-bit value is then used to lookup a representative 16-color value from a hard-coded table. An `IsIndex256` color is also converted with a lookup table, just using the existing 8-bit index. The RGB mapping table was calculated by taking each compressed 8-bit color, and picking a entry from the _Campbell_ palette that best approximated that color. This was done by looking at a range of 24-bit colors that mapped to the 8-bit value, finding the best _Campbell_ match for each of them (using a [CIEDE2000] color difference calculation), and then the most common match became the index that the 8-bit value would map to. The 256-color table was just a simpler version of this process. For each entry in the table, we take the default RGB palette value, and find it's closest match in the _Campbell_ palette. Because these tables are hard-coded, the results won't adjust to changes in the palette. However, they should still produce reasonable results for palettes that follow the standard ANSI color range. And since they're only a very loose approximation of the colors anyway, the exact value really isn't that important. That said, I have tried to make sure that if you take an RGB value for a particular index in a reasonable color scheme, then the legacy color mapped from that value should ideally match the same index. This will never be possible for all color schemes, but I have tweaked a few of the table entries to improve the results for some of the common schemes. One other point worth making regarding the hard-coded tables: even if we wanted to take the active palette into account, that wouldn't actually be possible over a conpty connection, because we can't easily know what color scheme the client application is using. At least this way the results in conhost are guaranteed to be the same as in the Windows Terminal. [CIEDE2000]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CIEDE2000 ## Validation Steps Performed This code still passes the `TextAttributeTests` that check the basic `GetLegacyAttribute` behaviour and verify the all legacy attributes roundtrip correctly. However, some of the values in the `RgbColorTests` had to be updated, since we're now intentionally returning different values as a result of the changes to the RGB conversion algorithm. I haven't added additional unit tests, but I have done a lot of manual testing to see how well the new algorithm works with a range of colors and a variety of different color schemes. It's not perfect in every situation, but I think it works well enough for the purpose it serves. I've also confirmed that the issues reported in #5940 and #6247 are now fixed by these changes. Closes #5940 Closes #6247
2020-06-08 21:05:06 +02:00
const auto selectionRects = GetSelectionRects();
for (const auto& selectionRect : selectionRects)
ColorSelection(selectionRect, selectionAttr);
return true;
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - Handles a keyboard event for selection in mark mode
// Arguments:
// - pInputKeyInfo : The key press state information from the keyboard
// Return Value:
// - True if the event is handled. False otherwise.
bool Selection::_HandleMarkModeSelectionNav(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const WORD wVirtualKeyCode = pInputKeyInfo->GetVirtualKey();
// we're selecting via keyboard -- handle keystrokes
if (wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RIGHT ||
wVirtualKeyCode == VK_LEFT ||
wVirtualKeyCode == VK_UP ||
wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DOWN ||
wVirtualKeyCode == VK_NEXT ||
wVirtualKeyCode == VK_PRIOR ||
wVirtualKeyCode == VK_END ||
wVirtualKeyCode == VK_HOME)
SCREEN_INFORMATION& ScreenInfo = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer();
TextBuffer& textBuffer = ScreenInfo.GetTextBuffer();
SHORT iNextRightX = 0;
SHORT iNextLeftX = 0;
const COORD cursorPos = textBuffer.GetCursor().GetPosition();
auto it = ScreenInfo.GetCellLineDataAt(cursorPos);
// calculate next right
if (it->DbcsAttr().IsLeading())
iNextRightX = 2;
iNextRightX = 1;
// calculate next left
if (cursorPos.X > 0)
if (it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
iNextLeftX = 2;
else if (it->DbcsAttr().IsLeading())
if (cursorPos.X - 1 > 0)
if (it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
iNextLeftX = 3;
iNextLeftX = 2;
iNextLeftX = 1;
iNextLeftX = 1;
Cursor& cursor = textBuffer.GetCursor();
switch (wVirtualKeyCode)
case VK_RIGHT:
if (cursorPos.X + iNextRightX < ScreenInfo.GetBufferSize().Width())
case VK_LEFT:
if (cursorPos.X > 0)
case VK_UP:
if (cursorPos.Y > 0)
case VK_DOWN:
if (cursorPos.Y + 1 < ScreenInfo.GetTerminalBufferSize().Height())
case VK_NEXT:
cursor.IncrementYPosition(ScreenInfo.GetViewport().Height() - 1);
const COORD coordBufferSize = ScreenInfo.GetTerminalBufferSize().Dimensions();
if (cursor.GetPosition().Y >= coordBufferSize.Y)
cursor.SetYPosition(coordBufferSize.Y - 1);
case VK_PRIOR:
cursor.DecrementYPosition(ScreenInfo.GetViewport().Height() - 1);
if (cursor.GetPosition().Y < 0)
case VK_END:
// End by itself should go to end of current line. Ctrl-End should go to end of buffer.
if (pInputKeyInfo->IsCtrlPressed())
COORD coordValidEnd;
GetValidAreaBoundaries(nullptr, &coordValidEnd);
// Adjust Y position of cursor to the final line with valid text
case VK_HOME:
// Home by itself should go to the beginning of the current line. Ctrl-Home should go to the beginning of
// the buffer
if (pInputKeyInfo->IsCtrlPressed())
// see if shift is down. if so, we're extending the selection. otherwise, we're resetting the anchor
if (ServiceLocator::LocateInputServices()->GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & KEY_PRESSED)
// if we're just starting to "extend" our selection from moving around as a cursor
// then attempt to set the alternate selection state based on the ALT key right now
if (!IsAreaSelected())
// if the selection was not empty, reset the anchor
if (IsAreaSelected())
_fUseAlternateSelection = false;
_coordSelectionAnchor = textBuffer.GetCursor().GetPosition();
ScreenInfo.MakeCursorVisible(_coordSelectionAnchor, false);
_srSelectionRect.Left = _srSelectionRect.Right = _coordSelectionAnchor.X;
_srSelectionRect.Top = _srSelectionRect.Bottom = _coordSelectionAnchor.Y;
return true;
return false;
#pragma region Calculation / Support for keyboard selection
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the boundaries of the input line (first and last char positions)
// Arguments:
// - pcoordInputStart - Position of the first character in the input line
// - pcoordInputEnd - Position of the last character in the input line
// Return Value:
// - If true, the boundaries returned are valid. If false, they should be discarded.
[[nodiscard]] bool Selection::s_GetInputLineBoundaries(_Out_opt_ COORD* const pcoordInputStart, _Out_opt_ COORD* const pcoordInputEnd)
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const auto bufferSize = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetBufferSize();
auto& textBuffer = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetTextBuffer();
const auto pendingCookedRead = gci.HasPendingCookedRead();
const auto isVisible = CommandLine::Instance().IsVisible();
// if we have no read data, we have no input line.
if (!pendingCookedRead || gci.CookedReadData().VisibleCharCount() == 0 || !isVisible)
return false;
const auto& cookedRead = gci.CookedReadData();
const COORD coordStart = cookedRead.OriginalCursorPosition();
COORD coordEnd = cookedRead.OriginalCursorPosition();
if (coordEnd.X < 0 && coordEnd.Y < 0)
// if the original cursor position from the input line data is invalid, then the buffer cursor position is the final position
coordEnd = textBuffer.GetCursor().GetPosition();
// otherwise, we need to add the number of characters in the input line to the original cursor position
bufferSize.MoveInBounds(cookedRead.VisibleCharCount(), coordEnd);
// - 1 so the coordinate is on top of the last position of the text, not one past it.
bufferSize.MoveInBounds(-1, coordEnd);
if (pcoordInputStart != nullptr)
pcoordInputStart->X = coordStart.X;
pcoordInputStart->Y = coordStart.Y;
if (pcoordInputEnd != nullptr)
pcoordInputEnd->X = coordEnd.X;
pcoordInputEnd->Y = coordEnd.Y;
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the boundaries of all valid text on the screen.
// Includes the output/back buffer as well as the input line text.
// Arguments:
// - pcoordInputStart - Position of the first character in the buffer
// - pcoordInputEnd - Position of the last character in the buffer
// Return Value:
// - If true, the boundaries returned are valid. If false, they should be discarded.
void Selection::GetValidAreaBoundaries(_Out_opt_ COORD* const pcoordValidStart, _Out_opt_ COORD* const pcoordValidEnd) const
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
COORD coordEnd;
coordEnd.X = 0;
coordEnd.Y = 0;
const bool fHaveInput = s_GetInputLineBoundaries(nullptr, &coordEnd);
if (!fHaveInput)
if (IsInSelectingState() && IsKeyboardMarkSelection())
coordEnd = _coordSavedCursorPosition;
coordEnd = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetTextBuffer().GetCursor().GetPosition();
if (pcoordValidStart != nullptr)
// valid area always starts at 0,0
pcoordValidStart->X = 0;
pcoordValidStart->Y = 0;
if (pcoordValidEnd != nullptr)
pcoordValidEnd->X = coordEnd.X;
pcoordValidEnd->Y = coordEnd.Y;
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a coordinate lies between the start and end positions
// - NOTE: Is inclusive of the edges of the boundary.
// Arguments:
// - coordPosition - The position to test
// - coordFirst - The start or left most edge of the regional boundary.
// - coordSecond - The end or right most edge of the regional boundary.
// Return Value:
// - True if it's within the bounds (inclusive). False otherwise.
bool Selection::s_IsWithinBoundaries(const COORD coordPosition, const COORD coordStart, const COORD coordEnd)
bool fInBoundaries = false;
if (Utils::s_CompareCoords(coordStart, coordPosition) <= 0)
if (Utils::s_CompareCoords(coordPosition, coordEnd) <= 0)
fInBoundaries = true;
return fInBoundaries;
#pragma endregion