
541 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <intsafe.h>
#include <propvarutil.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include "ShortcutSerialization.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
void ShortcutSerialization::s_InitPropVarFromBool(_In_ BOOL fVal, _Out_ PROPVARIANT* ppropvar)
ppropvar->vt = VT_BOOL;
ppropvar->boolVal = fVal ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
void ShortcutSerialization::s_InitPropVarFromByte(_In_ BYTE bVal, _Out_ PROPVARIANT* ppropvar)
ppropvar->vt = VT_I2;
ppropvar->iVal = bVal;
void ShortcutSerialization::s_InitPropVarFromDword(_In_ DWORD dwVal, _Out_ PROPVARIANT* ppropvar)
// A DWORD is a 4-byte unsigned int value, so use the ui4 member.
// DO NOT use VT_UINT, that doesn't work with PROPVARIANTs.
// see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/wtypes/ne-wtypes-varenum
// also MSFT:18312914
ppropvar->vt = VT_UI4;
ppropvar->ulVal = dwVal;
void ShortcutSerialization::s_SetLinkPropertyBoolValue(_In_ IPropertyStore* pps,
const BOOL fVal)
PROPVARIANT propvarBool;
s_InitPropVarFromBool(fVal, &propvarBool);
pps->SetValue(refPropKey, propvarBool);
void ShortcutSerialization::s_SetLinkPropertyByteValue(_In_ IPropertyStore* pps,
const BYTE bVal)
PROPVARIANT propvarByte;
s_InitPropVarFromByte(bVal, &propvarByte);
pps->SetValue(refPropKey, propvarByte);
void ShortcutSerialization::s_SetLinkPropertyDwordValue(_Inout_ IPropertyStore* pps,
const DWORD dwVal)
PROPVARIANT propvarDword;
s_InitPropVarFromDword(dwVal, &propvarDword);
pps->SetValue(refPropKey, propvarDword);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ShortcutSerialization::s_GetPropertyBoolValue(_In_ IPropertyStore* const pPropStore,
_Out_ BOOL* const pfValue)
HRESULT hr = pPropStore->GetValue(refPropKey, &propvar);
// Only retrieve the value if we actually found one. If the link didn't have
// the property (eg a new property was added_, then ignore it.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && propvar.vt != VT_EMPTY)
hr = PropVariantToBoolean(propvar, pfValue);
return hr;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ShortcutSerialization::s_GetPropertyByteValue(_In_ IPropertyStore* const pPropStore,
_Out_ BYTE* const pbValue)
HRESULT hr = pPropStore->GetValue(refPropKey, &propvar);
// Only retrieve the value if we actually found one. If the link didn't have
// the property (eg a new property was added_, then ignore it.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && propvar.vt != VT_EMPTY)
SHORT sValue;
hr = PropVariantToInt16(propvar, &sValue);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = (sValue >= 0 && sValue <= BYTE_MAX) ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*pbValue = (BYTE)sValue;
return hr;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ShortcutSerialization::s_GetPropertyDwordValue(_Inout_ IPropertyStore* const pPropStore,
_Out_ DWORD* const pdwValue)
HRESULT hr = pPropStore->GetValue(refPropKey, &propvar);
// Only retrieve the value if we actually found one. If the link didn't have
// the property (eg a new property was added_, then ignore it.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && propvar.vt != VT_EMPTY)
DWORD dwValue;
hr = PropVariantToUInt32(propvar, &dwValue);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*pdwValue = dwValue;
return hr;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ShortcutSerialization::s_PopulateV1Properties(_In_ IShellLink* const pslConsole,
IShellLinkDataList* pConsoleLnkDataList;
HRESULT hr = pslConsole->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pConsoleLnkDataList));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// get/apply standard console properties
NT_CONSOLE_PROPS* pNtConsoleProps = nullptr;
hr = pConsoleLnkDataList->CopyDataBlock(NT_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pNtConsoleProps));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
pStateInfo->ScreenAttributes = pNtConsoleProps->wFillAttribute;
pStateInfo->PopupAttributes = pNtConsoleProps->wPopupFillAttribute;
pStateInfo->ScreenBufferSize = pNtConsoleProps->dwScreenBufferSize;
pStateInfo->WindowSize = pNtConsoleProps->dwWindowSize;
pStateInfo->WindowPosX = pNtConsoleProps->dwWindowOrigin.X;
pStateInfo->WindowPosY = pNtConsoleProps->dwWindowOrigin.Y;
pStateInfo->FontSize = pNtConsoleProps->dwFontSize;
pStateInfo->FontFamily = pNtConsoleProps->uFontFamily;
pStateInfo->FontWeight = pNtConsoleProps->uFontWeight;
StringCchCopyW(pStateInfo->FaceName, ARRAYSIZE(pStateInfo->FaceName), pNtConsoleProps->FaceName);
pStateInfo->CursorSize = pNtConsoleProps->uCursorSize;
pStateInfo->FullScreen = pNtConsoleProps->bFullScreen;
pStateInfo->QuickEdit = pNtConsoleProps->bQuickEdit;
pStateInfo->InsertMode = pNtConsoleProps->bInsertMode;
pStateInfo->AutoPosition = pNtConsoleProps->bAutoPosition;
pStateInfo->HistoryBufferSize = pNtConsoleProps->uHistoryBufferSize;
pStateInfo->NumberOfHistoryBuffers = pNtConsoleProps->uNumberOfHistoryBuffers;
pStateInfo->HistoryNoDup = pNtConsoleProps->bHistoryNoDup;
CopyMemory(pStateInfo->ColorTable, pNtConsoleProps->ColorTable, sizeof(pStateInfo->ColorTable));
// get/apply international console properties
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (SUCCEEDED(pConsoleLnkDataList->CopyDataBlock(NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pNtFEConsoleProps))))
pNtFEConsoleProps->uCodePage = pStateInfo->CodePage;
return hr;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ShortcutSerialization::s_PopulateV2Properties(_In_ IShellLink* const pslConsole,
IPropertyStore* pPropStoreLnk;
HRESULT hr = pslConsole->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pPropStoreLnk));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyBoolValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_WrapText, &pStateInfo->fWrapText);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyBoolValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_FilterOnPaste, &pStateInfo->fFilterOnPaste);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyBoolValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_CtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled, &pStateInfo->fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyBoolValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_LineSelection, &pStateInfo->fLineSelection);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyByteValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_WindowTransparency, &pStateInfo->bWindowTransparency);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
DWORD placeholder = 0;
hr = s_GetPropertyDwordValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_CursorType, &placeholder);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
pStateInfo->CursorType = (unsigned int)placeholder;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyDwordValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_CursorColor, &pStateInfo->CursorColor);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyBoolValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_InterceptCopyPaste, &pStateInfo->InterceptCopyPaste);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyDwordValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_DefaultForeground, &pStateInfo->DefaultForeground);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyDwordValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_DefaultBackground, &pStateInfo->DefaultBackground);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_GetPropertyBoolValue(pPropStoreLnk, PKEY_Console_TerminalScrolling, &pStateInfo->TerminalScrolling);
return hr;
// Given a shortcut filename, determine what title we should use. Under normal circumstances, we rely on the shell to
// provide the correct title. However, if that fails, we'll just use the shortcut filename minus the extension.
void ShortcutSerialization::s_GetLinkTitle(_In_ PCWSTR pwszShortcutFilename,
_Out_writes_(cchShortcutTitle) PWSTR pwszShortcutTitle,
const size_t cchShortcutTitle)
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
pwszShortcutTitle[0] = L'\0';
Status = StringCchCopyW(szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp), pwszShortcutFilename);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
// Now load the localized title for the shortcut
IShellItem* psi;
HRESULT hrShellItem = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(pwszShortcutFilename, nullptr, IID_PPV_ARGS(&psi));
if (SUCCEEDED(hrShellItem))
PWSTR pwszShortcutDisplayName;
hrShellItem = psi->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_NORMALDISPLAY, &pwszShortcutDisplayName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrShellItem))
Status = StringCchCopyW(pwszShortcutTitle, cchShortcutTitle, pwszShortcutDisplayName);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
// default to an extension-free version of the filename passed in
Status = StringCchCopyW(pwszShortcutTitle, cchShortcutTitle, pwszShortcutFilename);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
// don't care if we can't remove the extension
(void)PathCchRemoveExtension(pwszShortcutTitle, cchShortcutTitle);
// Given a shortcut filename, retrieve IShellLink and IPersistFile itf ptrs, and ensure that the link is loaded.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ShortcutSerialization::s_GetLoadedShellLinkForShortcut(_In_ PCWSTR pwszShortcutFileName,
const DWORD dwMode,
_COM_Outptr_ IShellLink** ppsl,
_COM_Outptr_ IPersistFile** ppPf)
*ppsl = nullptr;
*ppPf = nullptr;
IShellLink* psl;
HRESULT hr = SHCoCreateInstance(nullptr, &CLSID_ShellLink, nullptr, IID_PPV_ARGS(&psl));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
IPersistFile* pPf;
hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pPf));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pPf->Load(pwszShortcutFileName, dwMode);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(ppsl));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pPf->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(ppPf));
if (FAILED(hr))
*ppsl = nullptr;
return hr;
// Retrieves console-only properties from the shortcut file specified in pStateInfo. Used by the console properties sheet.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS ShortcutSerialization::s_GetLinkConsoleProperties(_Inout_ PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO pStateInfo)
IShellLink* psl;
IPersistFile* ppf;
HRESULT hr = s_GetLoadedShellLinkForShortcut(pStateInfo->LinkTitle, STGM_READ, &psl, &ppf);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_PopulateV1Properties(psl, pStateInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_PopulateV2Properties(psl, pStateInfo);
// Retrieves all shortcut properties from the file specified in pStateInfo. Used by conhostv2.dll
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS ShortcutSerialization::s_GetLinkValues(_Inout_ PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO pStateInfo,
_Out_ BOOL* const pfReadConsoleProperties,
_Out_writes_opt_(cchShortcutTitle) PWSTR pwszShortcutTitle,
const size_t cchShortcutTitle,
Find icon from shortcut target if shortcut doesn't specify it (#6277) Implements what I was suggesting in #6266 where if a shortcut doesn't specify an icon, the shortcut target full path is used before searching for a matching executable in the path. ## References Found due to not getting the right icon in conhost from the Yori installer. It's fixed in the installer from https://github.com/malxau/yori/commit/5af366b6a5ea4c92dce3940abb8616ab5bd300a6 for all current users of conhost though, so this PR is just trying to minimize surprises for the next guy. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I know conhost and shortcut settings aren't really the team's focus which is why I'm doing this. I understand though if there's a better way or there are factors that I hadn't considered. Note that the path searching code is used when programs are launched without using a shortcut, and it will match if the working directory of the shortcut is the directory containing the executable. ## Validation Steps Performed Created a shortcut that didn't specify an icon to a binary that wasn't in the path, and verified that the icon in the upper left of the console window could resolve correctly when opening the shortcut. I'm not aware of a way to get into this path (of launching via a shortcut to a command line process) without replacing the system conhost, which is what I did to verify it. In order to diagnose it, I used hardcoded DebugBreak() since even ImageFileExecutionOptions didn't like running against conhost- is there are better way to debug and test these cases without being so invasive on the system? Closes #6266
2020-06-01 19:19:05 +02:00
_Out_writes_opt_(cchLinkTarget) PWSTR pwszLinkTarget,
const size_t cchLinkTarget,
_Out_writes_opt_(cchIconLocation) PWSTR pwszIconLocation,
const size_t cchIconLocation,
_Out_opt_ int* const piIcon,
_Out_opt_ int* const piShowCmd,
_Out_opt_ WORD* const pwHotKey)
*pfReadConsoleProperties = false;
if (pwszShortcutTitle && cchShortcutTitle > 0)
pwszShortcutTitle[0] = L'\0';
Find icon from shortcut target if shortcut doesn't specify it (#6277) Implements what I was suggesting in #6266 where if a shortcut doesn't specify an icon, the shortcut target full path is used before searching for a matching executable in the path. ## References Found due to not getting the right icon in conhost from the Yori installer. It's fixed in the installer from https://github.com/malxau/yori/commit/5af366b6a5ea4c92dce3940abb8616ab5bd300a6 for all current users of conhost though, so this PR is just trying to minimize surprises for the next guy. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I know conhost and shortcut settings aren't really the team's focus which is why I'm doing this. I understand though if there's a better way or there are factors that I hadn't considered. Note that the path searching code is used when programs are launched without using a shortcut, and it will match if the working directory of the shortcut is the directory containing the executable. ## Validation Steps Performed Created a shortcut that didn't specify an icon to a binary that wasn't in the path, and verified that the icon in the upper left of the console window could resolve correctly when opening the shortcut. I'm not aware of a way to get into this path (of launching via a shortcut to a command line process) without replacing the system conhost, which is what I did to verify it. In order to diagnose it, I used hardcoded DebugBreak() since even ImageFileExecutionOptions didn't like running against conhost- is there are better way to debug and test these cases without being so invasive on the system? Closes #6266
2020-06-01 19:19:05 +02:00
if (pwszLinkTarget && cchLinkTarget > 0)
pwszLinkTarget[0] = L'\0';
if (pwszIconLocation && cchIconLocation > 0)
pwszIconLocation[0] = L'\0';
IShellLink* psl;
IPersistFile* ppf;
HRESULT hr = s_GetLoadedShellLinkForShortcut(pStateInfo->LinkTitle, STGM_READ, &psl, &ppf);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// first, load non-console-specific shortcut properties, if requested
if (pwszShortcutTitle)
// note: the "LinkTitle" member actually holds the filename of the shortcut, it's just poorly named.
s_GetLinkTitle(pStateInfo->LinkTitle, pwszShortcutTitle, cchShortcutTitle);
Find icon from shortcut target if shortcut doesn't specify it (#6277) Implements what I was suggesting in #6266 where if a shortcut doesn't specify an icon, the shortcut target full path is used before searching for a matching executable in the path. ## References Found due to not getting the right icon in conhost from the Yori installer. It's fixed in the installer from https://github.com/malxau/yori/commit/5af366b6a5ea4c92dce3940abb8616ab5bd300a6 for all current users of conhost though, so this PR is just trying to minimize surprises for the next guy. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I know conhost and shortcut settings aren't really the team's focus which is why I'm doing this. I understand though if there's a better way or there are factors that I hadn't considered. Note that the path searching code is used when programs are launched without using a shortcut, and it will match if the working directory of the shortcut is the directory containing the executable. ## Validation Steps Performed Created a shortcut that didn't specify an icon to a binary that wasn't in the path, and verified that the icon in the upper left of the console window could resolve correctly when opening the shortcut. I'm not aware of a way to get into this path (of launching via a shortcut to a command line process) without replacing the system conhost, which is what I did to verify it. In order to diagnose it, I used hardcoded DebugBreak() since even ImageFileExecutionOptions didn't like running against conhost- is there are better way to debug and test these cases without being so invasive on the system? Closes #6266
2020-06-01 19:19:05 +02:00
if (pwszLinkTarget)
hr = psl->GetPath(pwszLinkTarget, static_cast<int>(cchLinkTarget), NULL, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pwszIconLocation && piIcon)
hr = psl->GetIconLocation(pwszIconLocation, static_cast<int>(cchIconLocation), piIcon);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && piShowCmd)
hr = psl->GetShowCmd(piShowCmd);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pwHotKey)
hr = psl->GetHotkey(pwHotKey);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// now load console-specific shortcut properties. note that we don't want to propagate errors out
// here, since we've historically had two outcomes from this function -- we read generic shortcut
// properties (above), and then more specific ones. if the specific ones fail, we still treat it
// like a success so that we can continue to load.
HRESULT hrProps = s_PopulateV1Properties(psl, pStateInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrProps))
*pfReadConsoleProperties = true;
LOG_IF_FAILED(s_PopulateV2Properties(psl, pStateInfo));
// Function Description:
// - Writes the console properties out to the link it was opened from.
// Arguments:
// - pStateInfo: pointer to structure containing information
// - writeTerminalSettings: If true, persist the "Terminal" properties only
// present in the v2 console. This should be false if called from a v11
// console. See GH#2319
// Return Value:
// - A status code if something failed or S_OK
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS ShortcutSerialization::s_SetLinkValues(_In_ PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO pStateInfo,
const BOOL fEastAsianSystem,
const BOOL fForceV2,
const bool writeTerminalSettings)
IShellLinkW* psl;
IPersistFile* ppf;
HRESULT hr = s_GetLoadedShellLinkForShortcut(pStateInfo->LinkTitle, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &psl, &ppf);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
IShellLinkDataList* psldl;
hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&psldl));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Now the link is loaded, generate new console settings section to replace the one in the link.
((LPDBLIST)&props)->cbSize = sizeof(props);
((LPDBLIST)&props)->dwSignature = NT_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG;
props.wFillAttribute = pStateInfo->ScreenAttributes;
props.wPopupFillAttribute = pStateInfo->PopupAttributes;
props.dwScreenBufferSize = pStateInfo->ScreenBufferSize;
props.dwWindowSize = pStateInfo->WindowSize;
props.dwWindowOrigin.X = (SHORT)pStateInfo->WindowPosX;
props.dwWindowOrigin.Y = (SHORT)pStateInfo->WindowPosY;
props.nFont = 0;
props.nInputBufferSize = 0;
props.dwFontSize = pStateInfo->FontSize;
props.uFontFamily = pStateInfo->FontFamily;
props.uFontWeight = pStateInfo->FontWeight;
CopyMemory(props.FaceName, pStateInfo->FaceName, sizeof(props.FaceName));
props.uCursorSize = pStateInfo->CursorSize;
props.bFullScreen = pStateInfo->FullScreen;
props.bQuickEdit = pStateInfo->QuickEdit;
props.bInsertMode = pStateInfo->InsertMode;
props.bAutoPosition = pStateInfo->AutoPosition;
props.uHistoryBufferSize = pStateInfo->HistoryBufferSize;
props.uNumberOfHistoryBuffers = pStateInfo->NumberOfHistoryBuffers;
props.bHistoryNoDup = pStateInfo->HistoryNoDup;
CopyMemory(props.ColorTable, pStateInfo->ColorTable, sizeof(props.ColorTable));
// Store the changes back into the link...
hr = psldl->RemoveDataBlock(NT_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = psldl->AddDataBlock((LPVOID)&props);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fEastAsianSystem)
((LPDBLIST)&fe_props)->cbSize = sizeof(fe_props);
((LPDBLIST)&fe_props)->dwSignature = NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG;
fe_props.uCodePage = pStateInfo->CodePage;
hr = psldl->RemoveDataBlock(NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = psldl->AddDataBlock((LPVOID)&fe_props);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
IPropertyStore* pps;
hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertyStore, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pps));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
s_SetLinkPropertyBoolValue(pps, PKEY_Console_ForceV2, fForceV2);
s_SetLinkPropertyBoolValue(pps, PKEY_Console_WrapText, pStateInfo->fWrapText);
s_SetLinkPropertyBoolValue(pps, PKEY_Console_FilterOnPaste, pStateInfo->fFilterOnPaste);
s_SetLinkPropertyBoolValue(pps, PKEY_Console_CtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled, pStateInfo->fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled);
s_SetLinkPropertyBoolValue(pps, PKEY_Console_LineSelection, pStateInfo->fLineSelection);
s_SetLinkPropertyByteValue(pps, PKEY_Console_WindowTransparency, pStateInfo->bWindowTransparency);
s_SetLinkPropertyBoolValue(pps, PKEY_Console_InterceptCopyPaste, pStateInfo->InterceptCopyPaste);
// Only save the "Terminal" settings if we launched as a v2
// propsheet. The v1 console doesn't know anything about
// these settings, and their value will be incorrectly
// zero'd if we save in this state.
// See microsoft/terminal#2319 for more details.
if (writeTerminalSettings)
s_SetLinkPropertyDwordValue(pps, PKEY_Console_CursorType, pStateInfo->CursorType);
s_SetLinkPropertyDwordValue(pps, PKEY_Console_CursorColor, pStateInfo->CursorColor);
s_SetLinkPropertyDwordValue(pps, PKEY_Console_DefaultForeground, pStateInfo->DefaultForeground);
s_SetLinkPropertyDwordValue(pps, PKEY_Console_DefaultBackground, pStateInfo->DefaultBackground);
s_SetLinkPropertyBoolValue(pps, PKEY_Console_TerminalScrolling, pStateInfo->TerminalScrolling);
hr = pps->Commit();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Only persist changes if we've successfully made them.
hr = ppf->Save(nullptr, TRUE);