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UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "UiaTracing.h"
// we need to disable a few warnings because
// the TraceLogging code is out of our control
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 26446 26447 26477 26482 26485 26494 26496)
// tl:{e7ebce59-2161-572d-b263-2f16a6afb9e5}
(0xe7ebce59, 0x2161, 0x572d, 0xb2, 0x63, 0x2f, 0x16, 0xa6, 0xaf, 0xb9, 0xe5));
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
// The first valid ID is 1 for each of our traced UIA object types
// ID assignment is handled between UiaTracing and IUiaTraceable to...
// - prevent multiple objects with the same ID
// - only assign IDs if UiaTracing is enabled
// - ensure objects are only assigned an ID once
IdType UiaTracing::_utrId = 1;
IdType UiaTracing::_siupId = 1;
// Routine Description:
// - assign an ID to the UiaTextRange, if it doesn't have one already
// Arguments:
// - utr - the UiaTextRange we are assigning an ID to
// Return Value:
// - N/A
void UiaTracing::_assignId(UiaTextRangeBase& utr) noexcept
auto temp = utr.AssignId(_utrId);
if (temp)
// Routine Description:
// - assign an ID to the ScreenInfoUiaProvider, if it doesn't have one already
// Arguments:
// - siup - the ScreenInfoUiaProvider we are assigning an ID to
// Return Value:
// - N/A
void UiaTracing::_assignId(ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup) noexcept
auto temp = siup.AssignId(_siupId);
if (temp)
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
UiaTracing::UiaTracing() noexcept
UiaTracing::~UiaTracing() noexcept
inline std::wstring UiaTracing::_getValue(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup) noexcept
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
std::wstringstream stream;
stream << "_id: " << siup.GetId();
return stream.str();
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
inline std::wstring UiaTracing::_getValue(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr) noexcept
const auto start = utr.GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start);
const auto end = utr.GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End);
std::wstringstream stream;
stream << " _id: " << utr.GetId();
stream << " _start: { " << start.X << ", " << start.Y << " }";
stream << " _end: { " << end.X << ", " << end.Y << " }";
stream << " _degenerate: " << utr.IsDegenerate();
stream << " _wordDelimiters: " << utr._wordDelimiters;
stream << " content: " << utr._getTextValue();
return stream.str();
catch (...)
return {};
inline std::wstring UiaTracing::_getValue(const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint) noexcept
switch (endpoint)
case TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start:
return L"Start";
case TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End:
return L"End";
inline std::wstring UiaTracing::_getValue(const TextUnit unit) noexcept
switch (unit)
case TextUnit_Character:
return L"Character";
case TextUnit_Format:
return L"Format";
case TextUnit_Word:
return L"Word";
case TextUnit_Line:
return L"Line";
case TextUnit_Paragraph:
return L"Paragraph";
case TextUnit_Page:
return L"Page";
case TextUnit_Document:
return L"Document";
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336) ## Summary of the Pull Request This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. ## References #7000 - Epic [Text Attribute Identifiers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids) [ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue) [ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-findattribute) ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #2161 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - `TextBuffer`: - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer. - `UiaTextRangeBase`: - Shared logic & helper functions: - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute. - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function. - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value". - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`. - `UiaTracing`: - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result. - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range. - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error. - `UiaTextRangeTests`: - `GetAttributeValue`: - verify that we know which attributes we support - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`) - `FindAttribute`: - test each of the known _special_ text attributes - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`. ## Validation Steps Performed - @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build - Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation - Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-10 01:21:35 +02:00
inline std::wstring UiaTracing::_getValue(const VARIANT val) noexcept
// This is not a comprehensive conversion of VARIANT result to string
// We're only including the one's we need at this time.
switch (val.vt)
case VT_BSTR:
return val.bstrVal;
case VT_R8:
return std::to_wstring(val.dblVal);
case VT_BOOL:
return std::to_wstring(val.boolVal);
case VT_I4:
return std::to_wstring(val.lVal);
return L"unknown";
inline std::wstring UiaTracing::_getValue(const AttributeType attrType) noexcept
switch (attrType)
case AttributeType::Mixed:
return L"Mixed";
case AttributeType::Unsupported:
return L"Unsupported";
case AttributeType::Error:
return L"Error";
case AttributeType::Standard:
return L"Standard";
void UiaTracing::TextRange::Constructor(UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "UiaTextRange"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::Clone(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr, UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(utr).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "clone"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::Compare(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr, const UiaTextRangeBase& other, bool result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(utr).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(other).c_str(), "other"),
TraceLoggingValue(result, "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::CompareEndpoints(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr, const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, const UiaTextRangeBase& other, TextPatternRangeEndpoint otherEndpoint, int result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(utr).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(endpoint).c_str(), "baseEndpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(other).c_str(), "other"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(otherEndpoint).c_str(), "otherEndpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(result, "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit unit, const UiaTextRangeBase& utr) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(unit).c_str(), "textUnit"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(utr).c_str(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336) ## Summary of the Pull Request This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. ## References #7000 - Epic [Text Attribute Identifiers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids) [ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue) [ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-findattribute) ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #2161 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - `TextBuffer`: - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer. - `UiaTextRangeBase`: - Shared logic & helper functions: - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute. - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function. - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value". - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`. - `UiaTracing`: - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result. - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range. - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error. - `UiaTextRangeTests`: - `GetAttributeValue`: - verify that we know which attributes we support - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`) - `FindAttribute`: - test each of the known _special_ text attributes - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`. ## Validation Steps Performed - @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build - Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation - Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-10 01:21:35 +02:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::FindAttribute(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr, TEXTATTRIBUTEID id, VARIANT val, BOOL searchBackwards, const UiaTextRangeBase& result, AttributeType attrType) noexcept
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336) ## Summary of the Pull Request This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. ## References #7000 - Epic [Text Attribute Identifiers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids) [ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue) [ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-findattribute) ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #2161 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - `TextBuffer`: - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer. - `UiaTextRangeBase`: - Shared logic & helper functions: - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute. - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function. - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value". - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`. - `UiaTracing`: - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result. - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range. - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error. - `UiaTextRangeTests`: - `GetAttributeValue`: - verify that we know which attributes we support - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`) - `FindAttribute`: - test each of the known _special_ text attributes - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`. ## Validation Steps Performed - @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build - Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation - Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-10 01:21:35 +02:00
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(utr).c_str(), "base"),
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336) ## Summary of the Pull Request This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. ## References #7000 - Epic [Text Attribute Identifiers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids) [ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue) [ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-findattribute) ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #2161 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - `TextBuffer`: - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer. - `UiaTextRangeBase`: - Shared logic & helper functions: - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute. - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function. - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value". - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`. - `UiaTracing`: - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result. - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range. - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error. - `UiaTextRangeTests`: - `GetAttributeValue`: - verify that we know which attributes we support - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`) - `FindAttribute`: - test each of the known _special_ text attributes - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`. ## Validation Steps Performed - @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build - Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation - Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-10 01:21:35 +02:00
TraceLoggingValue(id, "text attribute ID"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(val).c_str(), "text attribute sub-data"),
TraceLoggingValue(searchBackwards ? L"true" : L"false", "search backwards"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(attrType).c_str(), "attribute type"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::FindText(const UiaTextRangeBase& base, std::wstring text, bool searchBackward, bool ignoreCase, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(base).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(text.c_str(), "text"),
TraceLoggingValue(searchBackward, "searchBackward"),
TraceLoggingValue(ignoreCase, "ignoreCase"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336) ## Summary of the Pull Request This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. ## References #7000 - Epic [Text Attribute Identifiers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids) [ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue) [ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-findattribute) ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #2161 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - `TextBuffer`: - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer. - `UiaTextRangeBase`: - Shared logic & helper functions: - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute. - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function. - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value". - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`. - `UiaTracing`: - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result. - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range. - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error. - `UiaTextRangeTests`: - `GetAttributeValue`: - verify that we know which attributes we support - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`) - `FindAttribute`: - test each of the known _special_ text attributes - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`. ## Validation Steps Performed - @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build - Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation - Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-10 01:21:35 +02:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::GetAttributeValue(const UiaTextRangeBase& base, TEXTATTRIBUTEID id, VARIANT result, AttributeType attrType) noexcept
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(base).c_str(), "base"),
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336) ## Summary of the Pull Request This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. ## References #7000 - Epic [Text Attribute Identifiers](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids) [ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue) [ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-findattribute) ## PR Checklist * [X] Closes #2161 * [X] Tests added/passed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments - `TextBuffer`: - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer. - `UiaTextRangeBase`: - Shared logic & helper functions: - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute. - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function. - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value". - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`. - `UiaTracing`: - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result. - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range. - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error. - `UiaTextRangeTests`: - `GetAttributeValue`: - verify that we know which attributes we support - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`) - `FindAttribute`: - test each of the known _special_ text attributes - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`. ## Validation Steps Performed - @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build - Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation - Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-10 01:21:35 +02:00
TraceLoggingValue(id, "text attribute ID"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(attrType).c_str(), "attribute type"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::GetBoundingRectangles(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(utr).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::GetEnclosingElement(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(utr).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::GetText(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr, int maxLength, std::wstring result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(utr).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(maxLength, "maxLength"),
TraceLoggingValue(result.c_str(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::Move(TextUnit unit, int count, int resultCount, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(unit).c_str(), "textUnit"),
TraceLoggingValue(count, "count"),
TraceLoggingValue(resultCount, "resultCount"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextUnit unit, int count, int resultCount, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(endpoint).c_str(), "endpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(unit).c_str(), "textUnit"),
TraceLoggingValue(count, "count"),
TraceLoggingValue(resultCount, "resultCount"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, const UiaTextRangeBase& other, TextPatternRangeEndpoint otherEndpoint, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(endpoint).c_str(), "endpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(other).c_str(), "other"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(otherEndpoint).c_str(), "otherEndpoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::Select(const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::AddToSelection(const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
"UiaTextRange::AddToSelection (UNSUPPORTED)",
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::RemoveFromSelection(const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
"UiaTextRange::RemoveFromSelection (UNSUPPORTED)",
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::ScrollIntoView(bool alignToTop, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(alignToTop, "alignToTop"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextRange::GetChildren(const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
"UiaTextRange::AddToSelection (UNSUPPORTED)",
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::Constructor(ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& result) noexcept
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "ScreenInfoUiaProvider"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::get_ProviderOptions(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, ProviderOptions options) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
auto getOptions = [options]() {
switch (options)
case ProviderOptions_ServerSideProvider:
return L"ServerSideProvider";
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(getOptions(), "providerOptions"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::GetPatternProvider(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, PATTERNID patternId) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
auto getPattern = [patternId]() {
switch (patternId)
case UIA_TextPatternId:
return L"TextPattern";
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(getPattern(), "patternId"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::GetPropertyValue(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, PROPERTYID propertyId) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
auto getProperty = [propertyId]() {
switch (propertyId)
case UIA_ControlTypePropertyId:
return L"ControlTypePropertyId";
case UIA_NamePropertyId:
return L"NamePropertyId";
case UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId:
return L"AutomationIdPropertyId";
case UIA_IsControlElementPropertyId:
return L"IsControlElementPropertyId";
case UIA_IsContentElementPropertyId:
return L"IsContentElementPropertyId";
case UIA_IsKeyboardFocusablePropertyId:
return L"IsKeyboardFocusablePropertyId";
case UIA_HasKeyboardFocusPropertyId:
return L"HasKeyboardFocusPropertyId";
case UIA_ProviderDescriptionPropertyId:
return L"ProviderDescriptionPropertyId";
case UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId:
return L"IsEnabledPropertyId";
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(getProperty(), "propertyId"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::get_HostRawElementProvider(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
"ScreenInfoUiaProvider::get_HostRawElementProvider (UNSUPPORTED)",
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::GetRuntimeId(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::GetEmbeddedFragmentRoots(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
"ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetEmbeddedFragmentRoots (UNSUPPORTED)",
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::SetFocus(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::GetSelection(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result (utr)"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::GetVisibleRanges(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result (utr)"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::RangeFromChild(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result (utr)"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::RangeFromPoint(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, UiaPoint point, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
auto getPoint = [point]() {
std::wstringstream stream;
stream << "{ " << point.x << ", " << point.y << " }";
return stream.str();
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(getPoint().c_str(), "uiaPoint"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result (utr)"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::get_DocumentRange(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(result).c_str(), "result (utr)"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::TextProvider::get_SupportedTextSelection(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup, SupportedTextSelection result) noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
auto getResult = [result]() {
switch (result)
case SupportedTextSelection_Single:
return L"Single";
TraceLoggingValue(_getValue(siup).c_str(), "base"),
TraceLoggingValue(getResult(), "result"),
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
void UiaTracing::Signal::SelectionChanged() noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
void UiaTracing::Signal::TextChanged() noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
void UiaTracing::Signal::CursorChanged() noexcept
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_UiaProviderTraceProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098) Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #10093 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests passed * [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing files. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an "ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. ## Validation Steps Performed - [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared providers. - [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace event short-circuits work with this change. - [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing events - [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and tracing events
2021-05-15 01:14:26 +02:00
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495) ## Summary of the Pull Request Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data. Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console. This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526: * Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it). `ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range. ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507. * [x] CLA signed ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments `UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. `_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging. `_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler. ## Validation Steps Performed Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-21 00:50:43 +01:00
#pragma warning(pop)