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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "stateMachine.hpp"
#include "ascii.hpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal;
//Takes ownership of the pEngine.
StateMachine::StateMachine(std::unique_ptr<IStateMachineEngine> engine) :
const IStateMachineEngine& StateMachine::Engine() const noexcept
return *_engine;
IStateMachineEngine& StateMachine::Engine() noexcept
return *_engine;
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character indicates an action that should be taken in the ground state -
// These are C0 characters and the C1 [single-character] CSI.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsActionableFromGround(const wchar_t wch)
return (wch <= AsciiChars::US) || s_IsC1Csi(wch) || s_IsDelete(wch);
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character belongs to the C0 escape range.
// This is character sequences less than a space character (null, backspace, new line, etc.)
// See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C0_and_C1_control_codes
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsC0Code(const wchar_t wch)
return (wch >= AsciiChars::NUL && wch <= AsciiChars::ETB) ||
wch == AsciiChars::EM ||
(wch >= AsciiChars::FS && wch <= AsciiChars::US);
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a C1 CSI (Control Sequence Introducer)
// This is a single-character way to start a control sequence, as opposed to "ESC[".
// Not all single-byte codepages support C1 control codes--in some, the range that would
// be used for C1 codes are instead used for additional graphic characters.
// However, we do not need to worry about confusion whether a single byte \x9b in a
// single-byte stream represents a C1 CSI or some other glyph, because by the time we
// get here, everything is Unicode. Knowing whether a single-byte \x9b represents a
// single-character C1 CSI or some other glyph is handled by MultiByteToWideChar before
// we get here (if the stream was not already UTF-16). For instance, in CP_ACP, if a
// \x9b shows up, it will get converted to \x203a. So, if we get here, and have a
// \x009b, we know that it unambiguously represents a C1 CSI.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsC1Csi(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L'\x9b';
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a valid intermediate in an VT escape sequence.
// Intermediates are punctuation type characters that are generally vendor specific and
// modify the operational mode of a command.
// See also http://vt100.net/emu/dec_ansi_parser
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsIntermediate(const wchar_t wch)
return wch >= L' ' && wch <= L'/'; // 0x20 - 0x2F
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is the delete character.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsDelete(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == AsciiChars::DEL;
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is the escape character.
// Used to start escape sequences.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsEscape(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == AsciiChars::ESC;
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is "control sequence" beginning indicator.
// This immediately follows an escape and signifies a varying length control sequence.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsCsiIndicator(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L'['; // 0x5B
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a delimiter between two parameters in a "control sequence"
// This occurs in the middle of a control sequence after escape and CsiIndicator have been recognized
// between a series of parameters.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsCsiDelimiter(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L';'; // 0x3B
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a valid parameter value
// Parameters must be numerical digits.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsCsiParamValue(const wchar_t wch)
return wch >= L'0' && wch <= L'9'; // 0x30 - 0x39
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a private range marker for a control sequence.
// Private range markers indicate vendor-specific behavior.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsCsiPrivateMarker(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L'<' || wch == L'=' || wch == L'>' || wch == L'?'; // 0x3C - 0x3F
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is invalid in a control sequence
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsCsiInvalid(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L':'; // 0x3A
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is "operating system control string" beginning
// indicator.
// This immediately follows an escape and signifies a signifies a varying
// length control sequence, quite similar to CSI.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsSs3Indicator(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L'O'; // 0x4F
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a "Single Shift Select" indicator.
// This immediately follows an escape and signifies a varying length control string.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsOscIndicator(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L']'; // 0x5D
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a delimiter between two parameters in a "operating system control sequence"
// This occurs in the middle of a control sequence after escape and OscIndicator have been recognized,
// after the paramater indicating which OSC action to take.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsOscDelimiter(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L';'; // 0x3B
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a valid parameter value for an OSC String,
// that is, the indicator of which OSC action to take.
// Parameters must be numerical digits.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsOscParamValue(const wchar_t wch)
return s_IsNumber(wch); // 0x30 - 0x39
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character should be initiate the end of an OSC sequence.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsOscTerminationInitiator(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == AsciiChars::ESC;
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character should be ignored in a operating system control sequence
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsOscInvalid(const wchar_t wch)
return wch <= L'\x17' ||
wch == L'\x19' ||
(wch >= L'\x1c' && wch <= L'\x1f');
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is "operating system control string" termination indicator.
// This signals the end of an OSC string collection.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsOscTerminator(const wchar_t wch)
return wch == L'\x7' || wch == L'\x9C'; // Bell character or C1 terminator
// Routine Description:
// - Determines if a character is a valid number character, 0-9.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to check.
// Return Value:
// - True if it is. False if it isn't.
bool StateMachine::s_IsNumber(const wchar_t wch)
return wch >= L'0' && wch <= L'9'; // 0x30 - 0x39
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the Execute action to indicate that the listener should immediately respond to a C0 control character.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionExecute(const wchar_t wch)
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the Execute action to indicate that the listener should
// immediately respond to a C0 control character, with the added
// information that we're executing it from the Escsape state.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionExecuteFromEscape(const wchar_t wch)
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the Print action to indicate that the listener should render the character given.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionPrint(const wchar_t wch)
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the EscDispatch action to indicate that the listener should handle a simple escape sequence.
// These sequences traditionally start with ESC and a simple letter. No complicated parameters.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionEscDispatch(const wchar_t wch)
bool success = _engine->ActionEscDispatch(wch, { _intermediates.data(), _intermediates.size() });
// Trace the result.
if (!success)
// Suppress it and log telemetry on failed cases
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the CsiDispatch action to indicate that the listener should handle a control sequence.
// These sequences perform various API-type commands that can include many parameters.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionCsiDispatch(const wchar_t wch)
bool success = _engine->ActionCsiDispatch(wch,
{ _intermediates.data(), _intermediates.size() },
{ _parameters.data(), _parameters.size() });
// Trace the result.
if (!success)
// Suppress it and log telemetry on failed cases
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the Collect action to indicate that the state machine should store this character as part of an escape/control sequence.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionCollect(const wchar_t wch)
// store collect data
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the Param action to indicate that the state machine should store this character as a part of a parameter
// to a control sequence.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionParam(const wchar_t wch)
// If we have no parameters and we're about to add one, get the 0 value ready here.
if (_parameters.empty())
// On a delimiter, increase the number of params we've seen.
// "Empty" params should still count as a param -
// eg "\x1b[0;;m" should be three "0" params
if (wch == L';')
// Move to next param.
// Accumulate the character given into the last (current) parameter
_AccumulateTo(wch, _parameters.back());
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the Clear action to indicate that the state machine should erase all internal state.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionClear()
// clear all internal stored state.
_oscParameter = 0;
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the Ignore action to indicate that the state machine should eat this character and say nothing.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionIgnore()
// do nothing.
// Routine Description:
// - Stores this character as part of the param indicating which OSC action to take.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to collect.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionOscParam(const wchar_t wch)
_AccumulateTo(wch, _oscParameter);
// Routine Description:
// - Stores this character as part of the OSC string
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionOscPut(const wchar_t wch)
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the CsiDispatch action to indicate that the listener should handle a control sequence.
// These sequences perform various API-type commands that can include many parameters.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionOscDispatch(const wchar_t wch)
bool success = _engine->ActionOscDispatch(wch, _oscParameter, _oscString);
// Trace the result.
if (!success)
// Suppress it and log telemetry on failed cases
// Routine Description:
// - Triggers the Ss3Dispatch action to indicate that the listener should handle a control sequence.
// These sequences perform various API-type commands that can include many parameters.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to dispatch.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_ActionSs3Dispatch(const wchar_t wch)
bool success = _engine->ActionSs3Dispatch(wch, { _parameters.data(), _parameters.size() });
// Trace the result.
if (!success)
// Suppress it and log telemetry on failed cases
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the Ground state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. By default at the beginning of operation
// 2. After any execute/dispatch action.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterGround()
_state = VTStates::Ground;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the Escape state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When the Escape character is seen at any time.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterEscape()
_state = VTStates::Escape;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the EscapeIntermediate state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When EscIntermediate characters are seen after an Escape entry (only from the Escape state)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterEscapeIntermediate()
_state = VTStates::EscapeIntermediate;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the CsiEntry state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When the CsiEntry character is seen after an Escape entry (only from the Escape state)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterCsiEntry()
_state = VTStates::CsiEntry;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the CsiParam state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When valid parameter characters are detected on entering a CSI (from CsiEntry state)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterCsiParam()
_state = VTStates::CsiParam;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the CsiIgnore state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When an invalid character is detected during a CSI sequence indicating we should ignore the whole sequence.
// (From CsiEntry, CsiParam, or CsiIntermediate states.)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterCsiIgnore()
_state = VTStates::CsiIgnore;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the CsiIntermediate state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When an intermediate character is seen immediately after entering a control sequence (from CsiEntry)
// 2. When an intermediate character is seen while collecting parameter data (from CsiParam)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterCsiIntermediate()
_state = VTStates::CsiIntermediate;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the OscParam state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When an OscEntry character (']') is seen after an Escape entry (only from the Escape state)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterOscParam()
_state = VTStates::OscParam;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the OscString state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When a delimiter character (';') is seen in the OSC Param state.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterOscString()
_state = VTStates::OscString;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the OscTermination state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When an ESC is seen in an OSC string. This escape will be followed by a
// '\', as to encode a 0x9C as a 7-bit ASCII char stream.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterOscTermination()
_state = VTStates::OscTermination;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the Ss3Entry state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When the Ss3Entry character is seen after an Escape entry (only from the Escape state)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterSs3Entry()
_state = VTStates::Ss3Entry;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves the state machine into the Ss3Param state.
// This state is entered:
// 1. When valid parameter characters are detected on entering a SS3 (from Ss3Entry state)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EnterSs3Param()
_state = VTStates::Ss3Param;
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the Ground state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Handle a C1 Control Sequence Introducer
// 3. Print all other characters
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventGround(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch) || s_IsDelete(wch))
else if (s_IsC1Csi(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the Escape state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Ignore Delete characters
// 3. Collect Intermediate characters
// 4. Enter Control Sequence state
// 5. Dispatch an Escape action.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventEscape(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch))
if (_engine->DispatchControlCharsFromEscape())
else if (s_IsDelete(wch))
else if (s_IsIntermediate(wch))
if (_engine->DispatchIntermediatesFromEscape())
else if (s_IsCsiIndicator(wch))
else if (s_IsOscIndicator(wch))
else if (s_IsSs3Indicator(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the EscapeIntermediate state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Ignore Delete characters
// 3. Collect Intermediate characters
// 4. Dispatch an Escape action.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventEscapeIntermediate(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch))
else if (s_IsIntermediate(wch))
else if (s_IsDelete(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the CsiEntry state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Ignore Delete characters
// 3. Collect Intermediate characters
// 4. Begin to ignore all remaining parameters when an invalid character is detected (CsiIgnore)
// 5. Store parameter data
// 6. Collect Control Sequence Private markers
// 7. Dispatch a control sequence with parameters for action
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventCsiEntry(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch))
else if (s_IsDelete(wch))
else if (s_IsIntermediate(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiInvalid(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiParamValue(wch) || s_IsCsiDelimiter(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiPrivateMarker(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the CsiIntermediate state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Ignore Delete characters
// 3. Collect Intermediate characters
// 4. Begin to ignore all remaining parameters when an invalid character is detected (CsiIgnore)
// 5. Dispatch a control sequence with parameters for action
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventCsiIntermediate(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch))
else if (s_IsIntermediate(wch))
else if (s_IsDelete(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiParamValue(wch) || s_IsCsiInvalid(wch) || s_IsCsiDelimiter(wch) || s_IsCsiPrivateMarker(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the CsiIgnore state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Ignore Delete characters
// 3. Collect Intermediate characters
// 4. Begin to ignore all remaining parameters when an invalid character is detected (CsiIgnore)
// 5. Return to Ground
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventCsiIgnore(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch))
else if (s_IsDelete(wch))
else if (s_IsIntermediate(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiParamValue(wch) || s_IsCsiInvalid(wch) || s_IsCsiDelimiter(wch) || s_IsCsiPrivateMarker(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the CsiParam state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Ignore Delete characters
// 3. Collect Intermediate characters
// 4. Begin to ignore all remaining parameters when an invalid character is detected (CsiIgnore)
// 5. Store parameter data
// 6. Dispatch a control sequence with parameters for action
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventCsiParam(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch))
else if (s_IsDelete(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiParamValue(wch) || s_IsCsiDelimiter(wch))
else if (s_IsIntermediate(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiInvalid(wch) || s_IsCsiPrivateMarker(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the OscParam state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Collect numeric values into an Osc Param
// 2. Move to the OscString state on a delimiter
// 3. Ignore everything else.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventOscParam(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsOscTerminator(wch))
else if (s_IsOscParamValue(wch))
else if (s_IsOscDelimiter(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into a Action that occurs while in the OscParam state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Trigger the OSC action associated with the param on an OscTerminator
// 2. If we see a ESC, enter the OscTermination state. We'll wait for one
// more character before we dispatch the string.
// 3. Ignore OscInvalid characters.
// 4. Collect everything else into the OscString
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventOscString(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsOscTerminator(wch))
else if (s_IsOscTerminationInitiator(wch))
else if (s_IsOscInvalid(wch))
// add this character to our OSC string
// Routine Description:
// - Handle the two-character termination of a OSC sequence.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Trigger the OSC action associated with the param on an OscTerminator
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventOscTermination(const wchar_t wch)
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the Ss3Entry state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Ignore Delete characters
// 3. Begin to ignore all remaining parameters when an invalid character is detected (CsiIgnore)
// 4. Store parameter data
// 5. Dispatch a control sequence with parameters for action
// SS3 sequences are structurally the same as CSI sequences, just with a
// different initiation. It's safe to reuse CSI's functions for
// determining if a character is a parameter, delimiter, or invalid.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventSs3Entry(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch))
else if (s_IsDelete(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiInvalid(wch))
// It's safe for us to go into the CSI ignore here, because both SS3 and
// CSI sequences ignore characters the same way.
else if (s_IsCsiParamValue(wch) || s_IsCsiDelimiter(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Processes a character event into an Action that occurs while in the CsiParam state.
// Events in this state will:
// 1. Execute C0 control characters
// 2. Ignore Delete characters
// 3. Begin to ignore all remaining parameters when an invalid character is detected (CsiIgnore)
// 4. Store parameter data
// 5. Dispatch a control sequence with parameters for action
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character that triggered the event
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::_EventSs3Param(const wchar_t wch)
if (s_IsC0Code(wch))
else if (s_IsDelete(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiParamValue(wch) || s_IsCsiDelimiter(wch))
else if (s_IsCsiInvalid(wch) || s_IsCsiPrivateMarker(wch))
// Routine Description:
// - Entry to the state machine. Takes characters one by one and processes them according to the state machine rules.
// Arguments:
// - wch - New character to operate upon
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::ProcessCharacter(const wchar_t wch)
// Process "from anywhere" events first.
if (wch == AsciiChars::CAN ||
wch == AsciiChars::SUB)
else if (s_IsEscape(wch) && _state != VTStates::OscString)
// Don't go to escape from the OSC string state - ESC can be used to
// terminate OSC strings.
// Then pass to the current state as an event
switch (_state)
case VTStates::Ground:
return _EventGround(wch);
case VTStates::Escape:
return _EventEscape(wch);
case VTStates::EscapeIntermediate:
return _EventEscapeIntermediate(wch);
case VTStates::CsiEntry:
return _EventCsiEntry(wch);
case VTStates::CsiIntermediate:
return _EventCsiIntermediate(wch);
case VTStates::CsiIgnore:
return _EventCsiIgnore(wch);
case VTStates::CsiParam:
return _EventCsiParam(wch);
case VTStates::OscParam:
return _EventOscParam(wch);
case VTStates::OscString:
return _EventOscString(wch);
case VTStates::OscTermination:
return _EventOscTermination(wch);
case VTStates::Ss3Entry:
return _EventSs3Entry(wch);
case VTStates::Ss3Param:
return _EventSs3Param(wch);
// Method Description:
// - Pass the current string we're processing through to the engine. It may eat
// the string, it may write it straight to the input unmodified, it might
// write the string to the tty application. A pointer to this function will
// get handed to the OutputStateMachineEngine, so that it can write strings
// it doesn't understand to the tty.
// This does not modify the state of the state machine. Callers should be in
// the Action*Dispatch state, and upon completion, the state's handler (eg
// _EventCsiParam) should move us into the ground state.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true if the engine successfully handled the string.
bool StateMachine::FlushToTerminal()
// _pwchCurr is incremented after a call to ProcessCharacter to indicate
// that pwchCurr was processed.
// However, if we're here, then the processing of pwchChar triggered the
// engine to request the entire sequence get passed through, including pwchCurr.
return _engine->ActionPassThroughString(_run);
// Routine Description:
// - Helper for entry to the state machine. Will take an array of characters
// and print as many as it can without encountering a character indicating
// a escape sequence, then feed characters into the state machine one at a
// time until we return to the ground state.
// Arguments:
// - string - Characters to operate upon
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::ProcessString(const std::wstring_view string)
size_t start = 0;
size_t current = start;
while (current < string.size())
_run = string.substr(start, current - start);
if (_processingIndividually)
// If we're processing characters individually, send it to the state machine.
if (_state == VTStates::Ground) // Then check if we're back at ground. If we are, the next character (pwchCurr)
{ // is the start of the next run of characters that might be printable.
_processingIndividually = false;
start = current;
if (s_IsActionableFromGround(string.at(current))) // If the current char is the start of an escape sequence, or should be executed in ground state...
_engine->ActionPrintString(_run); // ... print all the chars leading up to it as part of the run...
_processingIndividually = true; // begin processing future characters individually...
start = current;
++current; // Otherwise, add this char to the current run to be printed.
_run = string.substr(start, current - start);
// If we're at the end of the string and have remaining un-printed characters,
if (!_processingIndividually && !_run.empty())
// print the rest of the characters in the string
else if (_processingIndividually)
Return to ground when we flush the last char (#2823) ## Summary of the Pull Request The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2746 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated <hr> * Return to ground when we flush the last char The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Fixes #2746. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. * Update src/terminal/parser/stateMachine.cpp Co-Authored-By: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) <duhowett@microsoft.com> * add the comment @miniksa wanted
2019-10-04 17:47:39 +02:00
// One of the "weird things" in VT input is the case of something like
// <kbd>alt+[</kbd>. In VT, that's encoded as `\x1b[`. However, that's
// also the start of a CSI, and could be the start of a longer sequence,
// there's no way to know for sure. For an <kbd>alt+[</kbd> keypress,
// the parser originally would just sit in the `CsiEntry` state after
// processing it, which would pollute the following keypress (e.g.
// <kbd>alt+[</kbd>, <kbd>A</kbd> would be processed like `\x1b[A`,
// which is _wrong_).
// Fortunately, for VT input, each keystroke comes in as an individual
// write operation. So, if at the end of processing a string for the
// InputEngine, we find that we're not in the Ground state, that implies
// that we've processed some input, but not dispatched it yet. This
// block at the end of `ProcessString` will then re-process the
// undispatched string, but it will ensure that it dispatches on the
// last character of the string. For our previous `\x1b[` scenario, that
// means we'll make sure to call `_ActionEscDispatch('[')`., which will
// properly decode the string as <kbd>alt+[</kbd>.
if (_engine->FlushAtEndOfString())
// Reset our state, and put all but the last char in again.
// Chars to flush are [pwchSequenceStart, pwchCurr)
auto wchIter = _run.cbegin();
while (wchIter < _run.cend() - 1)
// Manually execute the last char [pwchCurr]
switch (_state)
case VTStates::Ground:
Return to ground when we flush the last char (#2823) ## Summary of the Pull Request The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2746 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated <hr> * Return to ground when we flush the last char The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Fixes #2746. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. * Update src/terminal/parser/stateMachine.cpp Co-Authored-By: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) <duhowett@microsoft.com> * add the comment @miniksa wanted
2019-10-04 17:47:39 +02:00
case VTStates::Escape:
case VTStates::EscapeIntermediate:
Return to ground when we flush the last char (#2823) ## Summary of the Pull Request The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2746 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated <hr> * Return to ground when we flush the last char The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Fixes #2746. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. * Update src/terminal/parser/stateMachine.cpp Co-Authored-By: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) <duhowett@microsoft.com> * add the comment @miniksa wanted
2019-10-04 17:47:39 +02:00
case VTStates::CsiEntry:
case VTStates::CsiIntermediate:
case VTStates::CsiIgnore:
case VTStates::CsiParam:
Return to ground when we flush the last char (#2823) ## Summary of the Pull Request The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2746 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated <hr> * Return to ground when we flush the last char The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Fixes #2746. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. * Update src/terminal/parser/stateMachine.cpp Co-Authored-By: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) <duhowett@microsoft.com> * add the comment @miniksa wanted
2019-10-04 17:47:39 +02:00
case VTStates::OscParam:
case VTStates::OscString:
case VTStates::OscTermination:
Return to ground when we flush the last char (#2823) ## Summary of the Pull Request The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2746 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated <hr> * Return to ground when we flush the last char The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Fixes #2746. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. * Update src/terminal/parser/stateMachine.cpp Co-Authored-By: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) <duhowett@microsoft.com> * add the comment @miniksa wanted
2019-10-04 17:47:39 +02:00
case VTStates::Ss3Entry:
case VTStates::Ss3Param:
Return to ground when we flush the last char (#2823) ## Summary of the Pull Request The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2746 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated <hr> * Return to ground when we flush the last char The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Fixes #2746. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. * Update src/terminal/parser/stateMachine.cpp Co-Authored-By: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) <duhowett@microsoft.com> * add the comment @miniksa wanted
2019-10-04 17:47:39 +02:00
Return to ground when we flush the last char (#2823) ## Summary of the Pull Request The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #2746 * [x] I work here * [x] Tests added/passed * [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated <hr> * Return to ground when we flush the last char The InputStateMachineEngine was incorrectly not returning to the ground state after flushing the last sequence. That means that something like alt+backspace would leave us in the Escape state, not the ground state. This makes sure we return to ground. Fixes #2746. Additionally removes the "Parser.UnitTests-common.vcxproj" file, which was originally used for a theoretical time when we only open-sourced the parser. It's unnecessary now, and we can get rid of it. Also includes a small patch to bcz.cmd, to make sure bx works with projects with a space in their name. * Update src/terminal/parser/stateMachine.cpp Co-Authored-By: Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) <duhowett@microsoft.com> * add the comment @miniksa wanted
2019-10-04 17:47:39 +02:00
// microsoft/terminal#2746: Make sure to return to the ground state
// after dispatching the characters
// Routine Description:
// - Wherever the state machine is, whatever it's going, go back to ground.
// This is used by conhost to "jiggle the handle" - when VT support is
// turned off, we don't want any bad state left over for the next input it's turned on for
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void StateMachine::ResetState()
// Routine Description:
// - Takes the given printable character and accumulates it as the new ones digit
// into the given size_t. All existing value is moved up by 10.
// - For example, if your value had 437 and you put in the printable number 2,
// this function will update value to 4372.
// - Clamps to size_t max if it gets too big.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Printable character to accumulate into the value (after conversion to number, of course)
// - value - The value to update with the printable character. See example above.
// Return Value:
// - <none> - But really it's the update to the given value parameter.
void StateMachine::_AccumulateTo(const wchar_t wch, size_t& value)
const size_t digit = wch - L'0';
// If we overflow while multiplying and adding, the value is just size_t max.
if (FAILED(SizeTMult(value, 10, &value)) ||
FAILED(SizeTAdd(value, digit, &value)))
value = std::numeric_limits<size_t>().max();