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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "dbcs.h"
#include "../buffer/out/CharRow.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/Utf16Parser.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/GlyphWidth.hpp"
// Routine Description:
// - Constructs a Search object.
// - Make a Search object then call .FindNext() to locate items.
// - Once you've found something, you can perfom actions like .Select() or .Color()
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - The screen buffer to search through (the "haystack")
// - str - The search term you want to find (the "needle")
// - direction - The direction to search (upward or downward)
// - sensitivity - Whether or not you care about case
Search::Search(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const std::wstring& str,
const Direction direction,
const Sensitivity sensitivity) :
_coordAnchor(s_GetInitialAnchor(screenInfo, direction))
_coordNext = _coordAnchor;
// Routine Description:
// - Constructs a Search object.
// - Make a Search object then call .FindNext() to locate items.
// - Once you've found something, you can perfom actions like .Select() or .Color()
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - The screen buffer to search through (the "haystack")
// - str - The search term you want to find (the "needle")
// - direction - The direction to search (upward or downward)
// - sensitivity - Whether or not you care about case
// - anchor - starting search location in screenInfo
Search::Search(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const std::wstring& str,
const Direction direction,
const Sensitivity sensitivity,
const COORD anchor) :
_coordNext = _coordAnchor;
// Routine Description
// - Locates the next instance of the search term within the screen buffer.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Uses internal state from constructor
// Return Value:
// - True if we found another item. False if we've reached the end of the buffer.
// - NOTE: You can FindNext() again after False to go around the buffer again.
bool Search::FindNext()
if (_reachedEnd)
_reachedEnd = false;
return false;
if (_FindNeedleInHaystackAt(_coordNext, _coordSelStart, _coordSelEnd))
_reachedEnd = _coordNext == _coordAnchor;
return true;
} while (_coordNext != _coordAnchor);
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - Takes the found word and selects it in the screen buffer
void Search::Select() const
// Only select if we've found something.
if (_coordSelStart != _coordSelEnd)
Selection::Instance().SelectNewRegion(_coordSelStart, _coordSelEnd);
// Routine Description:
// - Takes the found word and applies the given color to it in the screen buffer
// Arguments:
// - ulAttr - The legacy color attribute to apply to the word
void Search::Color(const TextAttribute attr) const
// Only select if we've found something.
if (_coordSelStart != _coordSelEnd)
Selection::Instance().ColorSelection(_coordSelStart, _coordSelEnd, attr);
// Routine Description:
// - gets start and end position of text sound by search. only guaranteed to have valid data if FindNext has
// been called and returned true.
// Return Value:
// - pair containing [start, end] coord positions of text found by search
std::pair<COORD, COORD> Search::GetFoundLocation() const noexcept
return { _coordSelStart, _coordSelEnd };
// Routine Description:
// - Finds the anchor position where we will start searches from.
// - This position will represent the "wrap around" point in the buffer or where
// we reach the end of our search.
// - If the screen buffer given already has a selection in it, it will be used to determine the anchor.
// - Otherwise, we will choose one of the ends of the screen buffer depending on direction.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - The screen buffer for determining the anchor
// - direction - The intended direction of the search
// Return Value:
// - Coordinate to start the search from.
COORD Search::s_GetInitialAnchor(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const Direction direction)
if (Selection::Instance().IsInSelectingState())
auto anchor = Selection::Instance().GetSelectionAnchor();
if (direction == Direction::Forward)
return anchor;
if (direction == Direction::Forward)
return { 0, 0 };
const auto bufferSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
return { bufferSize.X - 1, bufferSize.Y - 1 };
// Routine Description:
// - Attempts to compare the search term (the needle) to the screen buffer (the haystack)
// at the given coordinate position of the screen buffer.
// - Performs one comparison. Call again with new positions to check other spots.
// Arguments:
// - pos - The position in the haystack (screen buffer) to compare
// - start - If we found it, this is filled with the coordinate of the first character of the needle.
// - end - If we found it, this is filled with the coordinate of the last character of the needle.
// Return Value:
// - True if we found it. False if not.
bool Search::_FindNeedleInHaystackAt(const COORD pos, COORD& start, COORD& end) const
start = { 0 };
end = { 0 };
COORD bufferPos = pos;
for (const auto& needleCell : _needle)
// Haystack is the buffer. Needle is the string we were given.
const auto hayIter = _screenInfo.GetTextDataAt(bufferPos);
const auto hayChars = *hayIter;
const auto needleChars = std::wstring_view(needleCell.data(), needleCell.size());
// If we didn't match at any point of the needle, return false.
if (!_CompareChars(hayChars, needleChars))
return false;
// If we made it the whole way through the needle, then it was in the haystack.
// Fill out the span that we found the result at and return true.
start = pos;
end = bufferPos;
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - Provides an abstraction for comparing two spans of text.
// - Internally handles case sensitivity based on object construction.
// Arguments:
// - one - String view representing the first string of text
// - two - String view representing the second string of text
// Return Value:
// - True if they are the same. False otherwise.
bool Search::_CompareChars(const std::wstring_view one, const std::wstring_view two) const
if (one.size() != two.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < one.size(); i++)
if (_ApplySensitivity(one[i]) != _ApplySensitivity(two[i]))
return false;
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - Provides an abstraction for conditionally applying case sensitivity
// based on object construction
// Arguments:
// - wch - Character to adjust if necessary
// Return Value:
// - Adjusted value (or not).
wchar_t Search::_ApplySensitivity(const wchar_t wch) const
if (_sensitivity == Sensitivity::CaseInsensitive)
return ::towlower(wch);
return wch;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to increment a coordinate in respect to the associated screen buffer
// Arguments
// - coord - Updated by function to increment one position (will wrap X and Y direction)
void Search::_IncrementCoord(COORD& coord) const
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to decrement a coordinate in respect to the associated screen buffer
// Arguments
// - coord - Updated by function to decrement one position (will wrap X and Y direction)
void Search::_DecrementCoord(COORD& coord) const
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to update the coordinate position to the next point to be searched
// Return Value:
// - True if we haven't reached the end of the buffer. False otherwise.
void Search::_UpdateNextPosition()
if (_direction == Direction::Forward)
else if (_direction == Direction::Backward)
// Routine Description:
// - Creates a "needle" of the correct format for comparison to the screen buffer text data
// that we can use for our search
// Arguments:
// - wstr - String that will be our search term
// Return Value:
// - Structured text data for comparison to screen buffer text data.
std::vector<std::vector<wchar_t>> Search::s_CreateNeedleFromString(const std::wstring& wstr)
const auto charData = Utf16Parser::Parse(wstr);
std::vector<std::vector<wchar_t>> cells;
for (const auto chars : charData)
if (IsGlyphFullWidth(std::wstring_view{ chars.data(), chars.size() }))
return cells;