Account for window frame on button hittesting

This commit is contained in:
Mike Griese 2021-11-16 11:39:23 -06:00
parent 77975e88f0
commit 37c4cbee74

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@ -91,26 +91,29 @@ LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::_dragBarNcHitTest(const til::point& pointer)
RECT rcParent = GetWindowRect();
// The size of the buttons doesn't change over the life of the application.
static const auto buttonWidthInDips{ _titlebar.CaptionButtonWidth() };
const auto buttonWidthInDips{ _titlebar.CaptionButtonWidth() };
// However, the dPI scaling might, so get the updated size of the buttons in pixels
// However, the DPI scaling might, so get the updated size of the buttons in pixels
const auto buttonWidthInPixels{ buttonWidthInDips * GetCurrentDpiScale() };
// make sure to account for the width of the window frame!
const til::rectangle nonClientFrame{ GetNonClientFrame(_currentDpi) };
const auto rightBorder{ rcParent.right - nonClientFrame.right<int>() };
// From the right to the left,
// * are we in the close button?
// * the maximize button?
// * the minimize button?
// If we're not, then we're in either the top resize border, or just
// generally in the titlebar.
if ((rcParent.right - pointer.x()) < (buttonWidthInPixels))
if ((rightBorder - pointer.x()) < (buttonWidthInPixels))
return HTCLOSE;
else if ((rcParent.right - pointer.x()) < (buttonWidthInPixels * 2))
else if ((rightBorder - pointer.x()) < (buttonWidthInPixels * 2))
else if ((rcParent.right - pointer.x()) < (buttonWidthInPixels * 3))
else if ((rightBorder - pointer.x()) < (buttonWidthInPixels * 3))