port to Leonard's RLE

This commit is contained in:
Dustin Howett 2021-05-18 14:55:16 -05:00
parent 7d8df11ede
commit b1a981daa9
2 changed files with 128 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ bool ROW::Reset(const TextAttribute Attr)
_wrapForced = false;
_doubleBytePadded = false;
_cwid.replace(0, _rowWidth, _rowWidth, 1);
_cwid.replace(0, _rowWidth, { 1, _rowWidth }); // replace entire RLE with one run
@ -66,7 +66,12 @@ bool ROW::Reset(const TextAttribute Attr)
_data.resize(width, L' ');
_cwid.resize(width, 1);
auto oldEnd{ _cwid.size() };
if (width > oldEnd)
_cwid.replace(oldEnd, width, { 1, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(width - oldEnd) });
@ -167,18 +172,18 @@ OutputCellIterator ROW::WriteCells(OutputCellIterator it, const size_t index, co
// Otherwise, copy the data given and increment the iterator.
if (!it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
auto d = it->DbcsAttr().IsSingle() ? 1 : 2;
std::tie(ibegin, ihintcol) = WriteGlyphAtMeasured(currentIndex, d, it->Chars(), ibegin, ihintcol);
currentIndex += d - 1;
colorUses += d - 1;
while (d > 0)
if (!it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
uint16_t d = it->DbcsAttr().IsSingle() ? 1 : 2;
std::tie(ibegin, ihintcol) = WriteGlyphAtMeasured(currentIndex, d, it->Chars(), ibegin, ihintcol);
currentIndex += d - 1;
colorUses += d - 1;
while (d > 0)
// If we're asked to (un)set the wrap status and we just filled the last column with some text...

View file

@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ Revision History:
#include "unicode.hpp"
// For use when til::rle supports .replace
// When 0, use basic_string<uint16_t> for column counts
#define ROW_USE_RLE 0
#define ROW_USE_RLE 1
#include "../../../rle.h"
#include <til/rle.h>
#pragma warning(push)
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ private:
// Occurs when the user runs out of text to support a double byte character and we're forced to the next line
bool _doubleBytePadded;
std::wstring _data;
std::basic_string<uint16_t> _cwid;
@ -97,6 +98,90 @@ private:
std::tuple<size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t> _indicesForCol(size_t col, typename decltype(_data)::size_type hint = 0, size_t colstart = 0) const
#if 1
size_t c{ 0 /*colstart*/ };
size_t cwc{ 0 };
auto rit{ _cwid.runs().cbegin() };
while (rit != _cwid.runs().cend())
// Each compressed pair tells us how many columns x N wchar_t
const auto colsConsumedByRun{ rit->value * rit->length };
if (c + colsConsumedByRun > col)
// we've found it. Somehow. We should try to figure out where now.
// c is how many columns we'd consumed before
// which means that we need to get N-c wchar_t into the run
c += colsConsumedByRun;
cwc += rit->length;
// rit points at the run that would make us overshoot.
// cwc is how many wchar_t we are into the string
// c is how many columns we've consumed (before this run)
// col-c is how many columns are left unaccounted for (how far into this run we need to go)
// col-c is also how many wchar_t there are, because we already accounted for the col sizes
// start point is going to be cwc + length-that-gets-us-to-this-many-col
// if rit-remain==0, check the next run (should be a 0)
// if it is a 0, we add the entire run length to wch_len
// column damage: might be col mod lenth
// how big are we: rit->value
// notes to self: we need this math to be right if we're damaging the left or right col (odd number) of a 2-col run
// so this isn't quite correct.
// we are *guaranteed* that the hit is in this run -- no need to check rit->length
auto remCol{ col - c };
cwc += remCol / rit->value; // one wch per col count -- rounds down
auto newc{ c };
auto remL = rit->length;
auto remDis = std::min<uint16_t>(rit->length, col - newc);
while (remL && newc <= col)
newc += rit->value;
if (remDis != 0)
// c was base for last col
// IF WE OVERSHOT- we were partway through a column
if (newc > col)
// backup one wch
size_t len{ 1 };
// there were more remaining columns than fit (use >= to capture partial column hit?)
if (((remCol+rit->value) >= (rit->value*rit->length)) && rit != _cwid.runs().cend())
auto nit{ rit + 1 };
if (nit != _cwid.runs().cend() && nit->value == 0)
// we were at the boundary of a column run, so if the next one is 0 it tells us that each
// wchar after it is a trailer
len += nit->length;
return {
cwc, // wchar start
len, // wchar size
(remCol) % rit->value, // how far into column we were (col-c is how many columns within this run)
rit->value // how many columns total
#if 0
// WISHLIST: I want to be able to iterate *compressed runs* so that I don't need to sum up individual column counts one by one
size_t c{ colstart };
auto it{ _cwid.cbegin() + hint };
@ -120,6 +205,7 @@ private:
const auto len{ eit - it };
const auto cols{ *it }; // how big was the char we landed on
return { it - _cwid.cbegin(), len, col - c, cols };
@ -167,8 +253,11 @@ public:
// for any code units past the first.)
_data.replace(begin, len, glyph);
#if BACKING_BUFFER_IS_STRINGLIKE // rle doesn't work like string here
_cwid.replace(begin, len, glyph.size(), 0);
_cwid.at(begin) = (uint16_t)ncols;
typename decltype(_cwid)::rle_type newRuns[]{
{ gsl::narrow_cast<uint8_t>(ncols), 1 },
{ 0, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(glyph.size() - 1) },
_cwid.replace(gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin), gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin + len), gsl::make_span(&newRuns[0], glyph.size() == 1 ? 1 : 2));
auto old = _cwid.substr(uint16_t(begin + len));
_cwid.fill(ncols, begin);
@ -200,11 +289,22 @@ public:
// to insert [1]s for each
// damaged column.
#if BACKING_BUFFER_IS_STRINGLIKE // rle doesn't work like string here
std::basic_string<uint16_t> cadvs(replacementCodeUnits, 1);
cadvs.replace(col - minDamageColumn, 1, 1, (uint16_t)ncols); // our glyph takes up ncols
cadvs.replace(col - minDamageColumn + 1, glyph.size() - 1, glyph.size() - 1, (uint16_t)0); // and its trailers take up 0
boost::container::small_vector<typename decltype(_cwid)::rle_type, 4> newRuns;
if (col - minDamageColumn)
newRuns.emplace_back((uint8_t)1, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(col - minDamageColumn));
newRuns.emplace_back(gsl::narrow_cast<uint8_t>(ncols), (uint16_t)1);
if (glyph.size() > 1)
newRuns.emplace_back((uint8_t)0, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(glyph.size() - 1)); // trailers
if (maxDamageColumnExclusive - (col + ncols))
newRuns.emplace_back((uint8_t)1, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(maxDamageColumnExclusive - (col + ncols)));
_data.replace(begin, len, replacement);
_cwid.replace(begin, len, cadvs);
_cwid.replace(gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin), gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin + len), gsl::make_span(newRuns));
auto old = _cwid.substr(uint16_t(begin + replacementCodeUnits));
_data.replace(begin, len, replacement);
@ -220,7 +320,7 @@ public:
if (_cwid.size() != _data.size())
#if BACKING_BUFFER_IS_STRINGLIKE // rle doesn't work like string
_cwid.resize(_data.size(), 0);
const auto old{ _cwid.size() };