C26494, uninitalized local variables

This commit is contained in:
Michael Niksa 2019-09-03 10:02:18 -07:00
parent 81ab5803aa
commit d5d7cf420d
3 changed files with 116 additions and 154 deletions

View file

@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
// This run is solid-color outlines, either from non-color
// glyphs or from COLR glyph layers. Use Direct2D to draw them.
ID2D1Brush* layerBrush;
ID2D1Brush* layerBrush = nullptr;
// The rule is "if 0xffff, use current brush." See:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/dwrite_2/ns-dwrite_2-dwrite_color_glyph_run
if (colorRun->paletteIndex == 0xFFFF)

View file

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void UiaTextRangeBase::Initialize(_In_ const UiaPoint point)
// get row that point resides in
const RECT windowRect = _getTerminalRect();
const SMALL_RECT viewport = _pData->GetViewport().ToInclusive();
ScreenInfoRow row;
ScreenInfoRow row = 0;
if (clientPoint.y <= windowRect.top)
row = viewport.Top;
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ void UiaTextRangeBase::Initialize(_In_ const UiaPoint point)
_degenerate = true;
UiaTextRangeBase::UiaTextRangeBase(const UiaTextRangeBase& a) noexcept:
UiaTextRangeBase::UiaTextRangeBase(const UiaTextRangeBase& a) noexcept :
_cRefs{ 1 },
_pProvider{ a._pProvider },
_start{ a._start },
@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::QueryInterface(_In_ REFIID riid, _COM_Outptr_re
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::Compare(_In_opt_ ITextRangeProvider* pRange, _Out_ BOOL* pRetVal) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept{
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
*pRetVal = FALSE;
@ -327,26 +327,10 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::CompareEndpoints(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint
// get endpoint value that we're comparing to
Endpoint theirValue;
if (targetEndpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
theirValue = range->GetStart();
theirValue = range->GetEnd() + 1;
const Endpoint theirValue = targetEndpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start ? range->GetStart() : range->GetEnd() + 1;
// get the values of our endpoint
Endpoint ourValue;
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
ourValue = _start;
ourValue = _end + 1;
const Endpoint ourValue = endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start ? _start : _end + 1;
// compare them
*pRetVal = std::clamp(static_cast<int>(ourValue) - static_cast<int>(theirValue), -1, 1);
@ -368,7 +352,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::ExpandToEnclosingUnit(_In_ TextUnit unit)
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
ApiMsgExpandToEnclosingUnit apiMsg;
apiMsg.Unit = unit;
@ -444,7 +428,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetBoundingRectangles(_Outptr_result_maybenull_
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, ppRetVal == nullptr);
*ppRetVal = nullptr;
@ -481,7 +465,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetBoundingRectangles(_Outptr_result_maybenull_
for (LONG i = 0; i < gsl::narrow<LONG>(coords.size()); ++i)
hr = SafeArrayPutElement(*ppRetVal, &i, &coords.at(i));
@ -515,7 +499,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetText(_In_ int maxLength, _Out_ BSTR* pRetVal
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
*pRetVal = nullptr;
@ -549,7 +533,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetText(_In_ int maxLength, _Out_ BSTR* pRetVal
ScreenInfoRow currentScreenInfoRow;
ScreenInfoRow currentScreenInfoRow = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < totalRowsInRange; ++i)
currentScreenInfoRow = startScreenInfoRow + i;
@ -618,7 +602,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::Move(_In_ TextUnit unit,
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
*pRetVal = 0;
@ -690,7 +674,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::MoveEndpointByUnit(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoin
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
*pRetVal = 0;
@ -757,7 +741,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::MoveEndpointByRange(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoi
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
UiaTextRangeBase* range = static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase*>(pTargetRange);
if (range == nullptr)
@ -786,7 +770,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::MoveEndpointByRange(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoi
// get the value that we're updating to
Endpoint targetEndpointValue;
Endpoint targetEndpointValue = 0;
if (targetEndpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
targetEndpointValue = range->GetStart();
@ -813,48 +797,42 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::MoveEndpointByRange(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoi
// convert then endpoints to screen info rows/columns
ScreenInfoRow startScreenInfoRow;
Column startColumn;
ScreenInfoRow endScreenInfoRow;
Column endColumn;
ScreenInfoRow targetScreenInfoRow;
Column targetColumn;
startScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _start);
startColumn = _endpointToColumn(_pData, _start);
endScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _end);
endColumn = _endpointToColumn(_pData, _end);
targetScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, targetEndpointValue);
targetColumn = _endpointToColumn(_pData, targetEndpointValue);
// convert then endpoints to screen info rows/columns
const auto startScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _start);
const auto startColumn = _endpointToColumn(_pData, _start);
const auto endScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _end);
const auto endColumn = _endpointToColumn(_pData, _end);
const auto targetScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, targetEndpointValue);
const auto targetColumn = _endpointToColumn(_pData, targetEndpointValue);
// set endpoint value and check for crossed endpoints
bool crossedEndpoints = false;
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
_start = targetEndpointValue;
if (_compareScreenCoords(_pData, endScreenInfoRow, endColumn, targetScreenInfoRow, targetColumn) == -1)
// endpoints were crossed
_end = _start;
crossedEndpoints = true;
_end = targetEndpointValue;
if (_compareScreenCoords(_pData, startScreenInfoRow, startColumn, targetScreenInfoRow, targetColumn) == 1)
// endpoints were crossed
_start = _end;
crossedEndpoints = true;
_degenerate = crossedEndpoints;
// set endpoint value and check for crossed endpoints
bool crossedEndpoints = false;
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
_start = targetEndpointValue;
if (_compareScreenCoords(_pData, endScreenInfoRow, endColumn, targetScreenInfoRow, targetColumn) == -1)
// endpoints were crossed
_end = _start;
crossedEndpoints = true;
_end = targetEndpointValue;
if (_compareScreenCoords(_pData, startScreenInfoRow, startColumn, targetScreenInfoRow, targetColumn) == 1)
// endpoints were crossed
_start = _end;
crossedEndpoints = true;
_degenerate = crossedEndpoints;
// TODO GitHub #1914: Re-attach Tracing to UIA Tree
//Tracing::s_TraceUia(this, ApiCall::MoveEndpointByRange, &apiMsg);
return S_OK;
@ -865,7 +843,7 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::Select()
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
if (_degenerate)
@ -874,14 +852,10 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::Select()
COORD coordStart;
COORD coordEnd;
coordStart.X = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_endpointToColumn(_pData, _start));
coordStart.Y = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _start));
coordEnd.X = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_endpointToColumn(_pData, _end));
coordEnd.Y = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _end));
const COORD coordStart{ gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_endpointToColumn(_pData, _start)),
gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _start)) };
const COORD coordEnd{ gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_endpointToColumn(_pData, _end)),
gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _end)) };
_pData->SelectNewRegion(coordStart, coordEnd);
@ -912,85 +886,73 @@ IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::ScrollIntoView(_In_ BOOL alignToTop)
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
SMALL_RECT oldViewport;
unsigned int viewportHeight;
// range rows
ScreenInfoRow startScreenInfoRow;
ScreenInfoRow endScreenInfoRow;
// screen buffer rows
ScreenInfoRow topRow;
ScreenInfoRow bottomRow;
oldViewport = _pData->GetViewport().ToInclusive();
viewportHeight = _getViewportHeight(oldViewport);
const auto oldViewport = _pData->GetViewport().ToInclusive();
const auto viewportHeight = _getViewportHeight(oldViewport);
// range rows
startScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _start);
endScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _end);
const auto startScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _start);
const auto endScreenInfoRow = _endpointToScreenInfoRow(_pData, _end);
// screen buffer rows
topRow = _getFirstScreenInfoRowIndex();
bottomRow = _getLastScreenInfoRowIndex(_pData);
const auto topRow = _getFirstScreenInfoRowIndex();
const auto bottomRow = _getLastScreenInfoRowIndex(_pData);
SMALL_RECT newViewport = oldViewport;
SMALL_RECT newViewport = oldViewport;
// there's a bunch of +1/-1s here for setting the viewport. These
// are to account for the inclusivity of the viewport boundaries.
if (alignToTop)
// determine if we can align the start row to the top
if (startScreenInfoRow + viewportHeight <= bottomRow)
// there's a bunch of +1/-1s here for setting the viewport. These
// are to account for the inclusivity of the viewport boundaries.
if (alignToTop)
// we can align to the top
newViewport.Top = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(startScreenInfoRow);
newViewport.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(startScreenInfoRow + viewportHeight - 1);
// determine if we can align the start row to the top
if (startScreenInfoRow + viewportHeight <= bottomRow)
// we can align to the top
newViewport.Top = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(startScreenInfoRow);
newViewport.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(startScreenInfoRow + viewportHeight - 1);
// we can align to the top so we'll just move the viewport
// to the bottom of the screen buffer
newViewport.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(bottomRow);
newViewport.Top = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(bottomRow - viewportHeight + 1);
// we can align to the top so we'll just move the viewport
// to the bottom of the screen buffer
newViewport.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(bottomRow);
newViewport.Top = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(bottomRow - viewportHeight + 1);
// we need to align to the bottom
// check if we can align to the bottom
if (endScreenInfoRow >= viewportHeight)
// we can align to bottom
newViewport.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(endScreenInfoRow);
newViewport.Top = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(endScreenInfoRow - viewportHeight + 1);
// we can't align to bottom so we'll move the viewport to
// the top of the screen buffer
newViewport.Top = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(topRow);
newViewport.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(topRow + viewportHeight - 1);
// we need to align to the bottom
// check if we can align to the bottom
if (endScreenInfoRow >= viewportHeight)
// we can align to bottom
newViewport.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(endScreenInfoRow);
newViewport.Top = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(endScreenInfoRow - viewportHeight + 1);
// we can't align to bottom so we'll move the viewport to
// the top of the screen buffer
newViewport.Top = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(topRow);
newViewport.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(topRow + viewportHeight - 1);
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(newViewport.Top >= gsl::narrow<SHORT>(topRow)));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(newViewport.Bottom <= gsl::narrow<SHORT>(bottomRow)));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_getViewportHeight(oldViewport) == _getViewportHeight(newViewport)));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(newViewport.Top >= gsl::narrow<SHORT>(topRow)));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(newViewport.Bottom <= gsl::narrow<SHORT>(bottomRow)));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_getViewportHeight(oldViewport) == _getViewportHeight(newViewport)));
// TODO GitHub #1914: Re-attach Tracing to UIA Tree
// tracing
/*ApiMsgScrollIntoView apiMsg;
apiMsg.AlignToTop = !!alignToTop;
Tracing::s_TraceUia(this, ApiCall::ScrollIntoView, &apiMsg);*/
// TODO GitHub #1914: Re-attach Tracing to UIA Tree
// tracing
/*ApiMsgScrollIntoView apiMsg;
apiMsg.AlignToTop = !!alignToTop;
Tracing::s_TraceUia(this, ApiCall::ScrollIntoView, &apiMsg);*/
return S_OK;
@ -1211,7 +1173,7 @@ const bool UiaTextRangeBase::_isScreenInfoRowInViewport(const ScreenInfoRow row,
const ViewportRow viewportRow = _screenInfoRowToViewportRow(row, viewport);
return viewportRow >= 0 &&
viewportRow < gsl::narrow<ViewportRow>(_getViewportHeight(viewport));
viewportRow < gsl::narrow<ViewportRow>(_getViewportHeight(viewport));
// Routine Description:
@ -1278,8 +1240,8 @@ void UiaTextRangeBase::_addScreenInfoRowBoundaries(IUiaData* pData,
const COORD currentFontSize = _getScreenFontSize();
POINT topLeft;
POINT bottomRight;
POINT topLeft{ 0 };
POINT bottomRight{ 0 };
if (_endpointToScreenInfoRow(pData, _start) == screenInfoRow)
@ -1562,8 +1524,8 @@ std::pair<Endpoint, Endpoint> UiaTextRangeBase::_moveByLine(IUiaData* pData,
// we don't want to move the range if we're already in the
// limiting row and trying to move off the end of the screen buffer
const bool illegalMovement = (currentScreenInfoRow == moveState.LimitingRow &&
((moveCount < 0 && moveState.Increment == MovementIncrement::Backward) ||
(moveCount > 0 && moveState.Increment == MovementIncrement::Forward)));
((moveCount < 0 && moveState.Increment == MovementIncrement::Backward) ||
(moveCount > 0 && moveState.Increment == MovementIncrement::Forward)));
if (moveCount != 0 && !illegalMovement)
@ -1653,8 +1615,8 @@ UiaTextRangeBase::_moveEndpointByUnitCharacterForward(IUiaData* pData,
*pAmountMoved = 0;
const int count = moveCount;
ScreenInfoRow currentScreenInfoRow;
Column currentColumn;
ScreenInfoRow currentScreenInfoRow = 0;
Column currentColumn = 0;
// set current location vars
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
@ -1744,8 +1706,8 @@ UiaTextRangeBase::_moveEndpointByUnitCharacterBackward(IUiaData* pData,
*pAmountMoved = 0;
const int count = moveCount;
ScreenInfoRow currentScreenInfoRow;
Column currentColumn;
ScreenInfoRow currentScreenInfoRow = 0;
Column currentColumn = 0;
// set current location vars
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
@ -1845,8 +1807,8 @@ std::tuple<Endpoint, Endpoint, bool> UiaTextRangeBase::_moveEndpointByUnitLine(I
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pAmountMoved == nullptr);
*pAmountMoved = 0;
int count = moveCount;
ScreenInfoRow currentScreenInfoRow;
Column currentColumn;
ScreenInfoRow currentScreenInfoRow = 0;
Column currentColumn = 0;
bool forceDegenerate = false;
Endpoint start = _screenInfoRowToEndpoint(pData, moveState.StartScreenInfoRow) + moveState.StartColumn;
Endpoint end = _screenInfoRowToEndpoint(pData, moveState.EndScreenInfoRow) + moveState.EndColumn;
@ -2005,8 +1967,8 @@ std::tuple<Endpoint, Endpoint, bool> UiaTextRangeBase::_moveEndpointByUnitDocume
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pAmountMoved == nullptr);
*pAmountMoved = 0;
Endpoint start;
Endpoint end;
Endpoint start = 0;
Endpoint end = 0;
bool degenerate = false;
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)

View file

@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ bool Viewport::WalkInBoundsCircular(COORD& pos, const WalkDir dir) const noexcep
// if using this same viewport with the `WalkInBounds` methods.
COORD Viewport::GetWalkOrigin(const WalkDir dir) const noexcept
COORD origin;
COORD origin{ 0 };
origin.X = dir.x == XWalk::LeftToRight ? Left() : RightInclusive();
origin.Y = dir.y == YWalk::TopToBottom ? Top() : BottomInclusive();
return origin;