This is the one, this is what we'll ship

This commit is contained in:
Mike Griese 2021-04-27 17:17:27 -05:00
parent afdae0db87
commit de3507c7aa

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@ -1205,17 +1205,168 @@ void IslandWindow::_globalActivateWindow()
// attempt 7: This flashes when it appears, then is hidden, and the
// borders appear while animating.
// // attempt 7: This flashes when it appears, then is hidden, and the
// // borders appear while animating.
// wpc.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
// GetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
// wpc.showCmd = SW_RESTORE;
// SetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
// wpc.showCmd = SW_HIDE;
// SetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
// AnimateWindow(_window.get(), 200, AW_SLIDE | AW_VER_POSITIVE);
// // Attempt 8:
// //
// // This is attempt #4, but with the added fun of trying to make the
// // root hwnd transparent during the animation. I thought I could use
// // this to hide the root while animating.
// //
// // Unfortunately, that just makes everything^* transparent. So
// // that's not right.
// wpc.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
// GetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
// wpc.showCmd = SW_RESTORE;
// SetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
// til::rectangle fullWindowSize{ GetWindowRect() };
// const double animationDuration = 200; // in ms
// const double frameDuration = 1; // in ms
// const double frames = animationDuration / frameDuration;
// const double dy = fullWindowSize.height<double>() / frames;
// double currentHeight = 0;
// auto originalExStyle = GetWindowLong(_window.get(), GWL_EXSTYLE);
// ::SetWindowLong(_window.get(),
// originalExStyle | WS_EX_LAYERED);
// ::SetLayeredWindowAttributes(_window.get(), 0, 64, LWA_ALPHA);
// for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++)
// {
// wil::unique_hrgn rgn{ CreateRectRgn(0,
// 0,
// fullWindowSize.width<int>(),
// ::base::saturated_cast<int>(currentHeight)) };
// // SetWindowRgn(_window.get(), rgn.get(), true);
// SetWindowRgn(_interopWindowHandle, rgn.get(), true);
// currentHeight += dy;
// // Sleep(frameDuration);
// }
// // SetWindowRgn(_window.get(), nullptr, true);
// SetWindowRgn(_interopWindowHandle, nullptr, true);
// ::SetLayeredWindowAttributes(_window.get(), 0, 255, LWA_ALPHA);
// ::SetWindowLong(_window.get(),
// originalExStyle);
// // Attempt 9:
// //
// // This is attempt #4, bith trying to do it to the root hwnd.
// wpc.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
// GetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
// wpc.showCmd = SW_RESTORE;
// SetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
// til::rectangle fullWindowSize{ GetWindowRect() };
// til::size ncSize{ GetTotalNonClientExclusiveSize(_currentDpi) };
// const double animationDuration = 200; // in ms
// const double frameDuration = 1; // in ms
// const double frames = animationDuration / frameDuration;
// const double dy = fullWindowSize.height<double>() / frames;
// double currentHeight = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++)
// {
// // // 9a - window shifts slightly to the left, and a small black
// // // rect visible along the right side.
// //
// // wil::unique_hrgn rgn{ CreateRectRgn(ncSize.width<int>() / 2,
// // 0,
// // fullWindowSize.width<int>() - ncSize.width<int>(),
// // ::base::saturated_cast<int>(currentHeight)) };
// // // 9b - same as 9a.
// // wil::unique_hrgn rgn{ CreateRectRgn(-ncSize.width<int>() / 2,
// // 0,
// // fullWindowSize.width<int>() + ncSize.width<int>(),
// // ::base::saturated_cast<int>(currentHeight)) };
// // // 9c - Window shifts noticably farther to the right, though black region remains the same.
// // wil::unique_hrgn rgn{ CreateRectRgn(ncSize.width<int>(),
// // 0,
// // fullWindowSize.width<int>(),
// // ::base::saturated_cast<int>(currentHeight)) };
// // // 9d -
// // wil::unique_hrgn rgn{ CreateRectRgn(0,
// // 0,
// // fullWindowSize.width<int>(),
// // ::base::saturated_cast<int>(currentHeight)) };
// // // SetWindowPos(_interopWindowHandle, nullptr, ncSize.width<int>() / 2, 0, fullWindowSize.width<int>(), fullWindowSize.height<int>(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// // SetWindowPos(_interopWindowHandle, nullptr, 0, 0, fullWindowSize.width<int>() + ncSize.width<int>() / 2, fullWindowSize.height<int>(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// // 9e -
// wil::unique_hrgn rgn{ CreateRectRgn(0,
// 0,
// fullWindowSize.width<int>() + ncSize.width<int>(),
// ::base::saturated_cast<int>(currentHeight)) };
// // SetWindowPos(_interopWindowHandle, nullptr, ncSize.width<int>() / 2, 0, fullWindowSize.width<int>(), fullWindowSize.height<int>(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// SetWindowPos(_interopWindowHandle, nullptr, 0, 0, fullWindowSize.width<int>() + ncSize.width<int>() / 2, fullWindowSize.height<int>(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// // SEtting the last param to false did nothing noticable.
// SetWindowRgn(_window.get(), rgn.get(), true);
// // SetWindowRgn(_window.get(), rgn.get(), false);
// currentHeight += dy;
// // Sleep(frameDuration);
// }
// SetWindowRgn(_window.get(), nullptr, true);
// Attempt 10
wpc.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
GetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
wpc.showCmd = SW_RESTORE;
SetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
wpc.showCmd = SW_HIDE;
SetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &wpc);
AnimateWindow(_window.get(), 200, AW_SLIDE | AW_VER_POSITIVE);
til::rectangle fullWindowSize{ GetWindowRect() };
const double animationDuration = 200; // in ms
const double frameDuration = 1; // in ms
const double frames = animationDuration / frameDuration;
const double dy = fullWindowSize.height<int>() / frames;
double currentHeight = 0;
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++)
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
double dt = ::base::saturated_cast<double>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count());
currentHeight = ::base::saturated_cast<double>((dt / animationDuration) * fullWindowSize.height<double>());
wil::unique_hrgn rgn{ CreateRectRgn(0,
::base::saturated_cast<int>(currentHeight)) };
SetWindowRgn(_interopWindowHandle, rgn.get(), true);
// currentHeight += dy;
SetWindowRgn(_interopWindowHandle, nullptr, true);