Commit graph

102 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
James Holderness bb71179a24
Consolidate the color palette APIs (#11784)
This PR merges the default colors and cursor color into the main color
table, enabling us to simplify the `ConGetSet` and `ITerminalApi`
interfaces, with just two methods required for getting and setting any
form of color palette entry.

The is a follow-up to the color table standardization in #11602, and a
another small step towards de-duplicating `AdaptDispatch` and
`TerminalDispatch` for issue #3849. It should also make it easier to
support color queries (#3718) and a configurable bold color (#5682) in
the future.

On the conhost side, default colors could originally be either indexed
positions in the 16-color table, or separate standalone RGB values. With
the new system, the default colors will always be in the color table, so
we just need to track their index positions.

To make this work, those positions need to be calculated at startup
based on the loaded registry/shortcut settings, and updated when
settings are changed (this is handled in
`CalculateDefaultColorIndices`). But the plus side is that it's now much
easier to lookup the default color values for rendering.

For now the default colors in Windows Terminal use hardcoded positions,
because it doesn't need indexed default colors like conhost. But in the
future I'd like to extend the index handling to both terminals, so we
can eventually support the VT525 indexed color operations.

As for the cursor color, that was previously stored in the `Cursor`
class, which meant that it needed to be copied around in various places
where cursors were being instantiated. Now that it's managed separately
in the color table, a lot of that code is no longer required.

## Validation
Some of the unit test initialization code needed to be updated to setup
the color table and default index values as required for the new system.
There were also some adjustments needed to account for API changes, in
particular for methods that now take index values for the default colors
in place of COLORREFs. But for the most part, the essential behavior of
the tests remains unchanged.

I've also run a variety of manual tests looking at the legacy console
APIs as well as the various VT color sequences, and checking that
everything works as expected when color schemes are changed, both in
Windows Terminal and conhost, and in the latter case with both indexed
colors and RGB values.

Closes #11768
2021-11-23 18:28:55 +00:00
Sergey 7bfaad4592
Fix missing window border when use "win+arrow down" in fullscreen mode in Conhost (#11692)
Window exits out of fullscreen if it receives SC_RESTORE

Closes #10607
2021-11-16 16:14:54 +00:00
Leonard Hecker 2353349fe5
Introduce AtlasEngine - A new text rendering prototype (#11623)
This commit introduces "AtlasEngine", a new text renderer based on DxEngine.
But unlike it, DirectWrite and Direct2D are only used to rasterize glyphs.
Blending and placing these glyphs into the target view is being done using
Direct3D and a simple HLSL shader. Since this new renderer more aggressively
assumes that the text is monospace, it simplifies the implementation:
The viewport is divided into cells, and its data is stored as a simple matrix.
Modifications to this matrix involve only simple pointer arithmetic and is easy
to understand. But just like with DxEngine however, DirectWrite
related code remains extremely complex and hard to understand.

Supported features:
* Basic text rendering with grayscale AA
* Foreground and background colors
* Emojis, including zero width joiners
* Underline, dotted underline, strikethrough
* Custom font axes and features
* Selections
* All cursor styles
* Full alpha support for all colors
* _Should_ work with Windows 7

Unsupported features:
* A more conservative GPU memory usage
  The backing texture atlas for glyphs is grow-only and will not shrink.
  After 256MB of memory is used up (~20k glyphs) text output
  will be broken until the renderer is restarted.
* ClearType
* Remaining gridlines (left, right, top, bottom, double underline)
* Hyperlinks don't get full underlines if hovered in WT
* Softfonts
* Non-default line renditions

* Runs at up to native display refresh rate
  Unfortunately the frame rate often drops below refresh rate, due us
  fighting over the buffer lock with other parts of the application.
* CPU consumption is up to halved compared to DxEngine
  AtlasEngine is still highly unoptimized. Glyph hashing
  consumes up to a third of the current CPU time.
* No regressions in WT performance
  VT parsing and related buffer management takes up most of the CPU time (~85%),
  due to which the AtlasEngine can't show any further improvements.
* ~2x improvement in raw text throughput in OpenConsole
  compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS
* ≥10x improvement in colored VT output in WT/OpenConsole
  compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS
2021-11-13 00:10:06 +00:00
James Holderness b604117421
Standardize the color table order (#11602)
## Summary of the Pull Request

In the original implementation, we used two different orderings for the color tables. The WT color table used ANSI order, while the conhost color table used a Windows-specific order. This PR standardizes on the ANSI color order everywhere, so the usage of indexed colors is consistent across both parts of the code base, which will hopefully allow more of the code to be shared one day.

## References

This is another small step towards de-duplicating `AdaptDispatch` and `TerminalDispatch` for issue #3849, and is essentially a followup to the SGR dispatch refactoring in PR #6728.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #11461
* [x] CLA signed.
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated.
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. Issue number where discussion took place: #11461

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Conhost still needs to deal with legacy attributes using Windows color order, so those values now need to be transposed to ANSI colors order when creating a `TextAttribute` object. This is done with a simple mapping table, which also handles the translation of the default color entries, so it's actually slightly faster than the original code.

And when converting `TextAttribute` values back to legacy console attributes, we were already using a mapping table to handle the narrowing of 256-color values down to 16 colors, so we just needed to adjust that table to account for the translation from ANSI to Windows, and then could make use of the same table for both 256-color and 16-color values.

There are also a few places in conhost that read from or write to the color tables, and those now need to transpose the index values. I've addressed this by creating separate `SetLegacyColorTableEntry` and `GetLegacyColorTableEntry` methods in the `Settings` class which take care of the mapping, so it's now clearer in which cases the code is dealing with legacy values, and which are ANSI values.

These methods are used in the `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` and `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` APIs, as well as a few place where color preferences are handled (the registry, shortcut links, and the properties dialog), none of which are particularly sensitive to performance. However, we also use the legacy table when looking up the default colors for rendering (which happens a lot), so I've refactored that code so the default color calculations now only occur once per frame.

The plus side of all of this is that the VT code doesn't need to do the index translation anymore, so we can finally get rid of all the calls to `XTermToWindowsIndex`, and we no longer need a separate color table initialization method for conhost, so I was able to merge a number of color initialization methods into one. We also no longer need to translate from legacy values to ANSI when generating VT sequences for conpty.

The one exception to that is the 16-color VT renderer, which uses the `TextColor::GetLegacyIndex` method to approximate 16-color equivalents for RGB and 256-color values. Since that method returns a legacy index, it still needs to be translated to ANSI before it can be used in a VT sequence. But this should be no worse than it was before.

One more special case is conhost's secret _Color Selection_ feature. That uses `Ctrl`+Number and `Alt`+Number key sequences to highlight parts of the buffer, and the mapping from number to color is based on the Windows color order. So that mapping now needs to be transposed, but that's also not performance sensitive.

The only thing that I haven't bothered to update is the trace logging code in the `Telemetry` class, which logs the first 16 entries in the color table. Those entries are now going to be in a different order, but I didn't think that would be of great concern to anyone.

## Validation Steps Performed

A lot of unit tests needed to be updated to use ANSI color constants when setting indexed colors, where before they might have been expecting values in Windows order. But this replaced a wild mix of different constants, sometimes having to use bit shifting, as well as values mapped with `XTermToWindowsIndex`, so I think the tests are a whole lot clearer now. Only a few cases have been left with literal numbers where that seemed more appropriate.

In addition to getting the unit tests working, I've also manually tested the behaviour of all the console APIs which I thought could be affected by these changes, and confirmed that they produced the same results in the new code as they did in the original implementation.

This includes:
- `WriteConsoleOutput`
- `ReadConsoleOutput`
- `SetConsoleTextAttribute` with `WriteConsoleOutputCharacter`
- `FillConsoleOutputAttribute` and `FillConsoleOutputCharacter` 
- `ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer`
- `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo`
- `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx`
- `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx`

I've also manually tested changing colors via the console properties menu, the registry, and shortcut links, including setting default colors and popup colors. And I've tested that the "Quirks Mode" is still working as expected in PowerShell.

In terms of performance, I wrote a little test app that filled a 80x9999 buffer with random color combinations using `WriteConsoleOutput`, which I figured was likely to be the most performance sensitive call, and I think it now actually performs slightly better than the original implementation.

I've also tested similar code - just filling the visible window - with SGR VT sequences of various types, and the performance seems about the same as it was before.
2021-11-04 22:13:22 +00:00
Yoshiko 3f1befb06e
Fix Touch Keyboard invocation issue (#11389)
This fixes an issue that Touch Keyboard is not invoked when user taps on the PowerShell. 

Before this change, it was returning small rectangle on the right of the cursor. Touch Keyboard should be invoked by tapping anywhere inside the console.

## PR Checklist
* [ ] Closes #xxx
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo]( and link it here: #xxx
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
ITfContextOwner::GetScreenExt is used to define rectangle that can invoke Touch Keyboard.

## Validation Steps Performed
* [x] Touch keyboard was invoked by tapping inside the Console while Hardware Keyboard was not attached.
* [x] Selecting text worked as expected without invoking touch keyboard.
* [x] Long tapping the console invoked Touch Keyboard. I would like to confirm if this is the expected behavior.
2021-10-04 14:29:56 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 5deb332607
Fix UIA Word movement tests (#11253)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Fixes the 24 failing generated tests. 20 of them were fixed by enforcing the following rule: when moving backwards by word...
- a degenerate range moves to the beginning of the word, then to the word behind it.
- a non-degenerate range outright moves to the word behind it.

The fix was simple: if we're a degenerate range, check if we're at the beginning of the word. If not, move there. Otherwise, move to the word before it. See UiaTextRangeBase.cpp changes for implementation details.

Along the way, several misauthored tests were found:
- 2 generated tests:
   - Cause: MS Word considers a line break a word delimiter. We don't use line-wrapping to distinguish two separate words.
- `MovementAtExclusiveEnd` backwards word movement tests:
   - `end` will always be `writeTarget` because...
      - [degenerate range case] both `start` and `end` are moved to the beginning of the word (`writeTarget`)
      - [non-degenerate range case] from the `UiaTextRangeBase` bugfix, we should be moving to the word behind it.
   - this misauthored test was explicitly found by fixing the bug first explained here.

## References
#10925 Word navigation testing
2021-09-22 17:50:34 +00:00
Carlos Zamora d08afc4e88
[A11y] Treat last character as 'end of buffer' (#11122)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Updates our `UiaTextRange` to no longer treat the end of the buffer as the "document end". Instead, we consider the "document end" to be the line beneath the cursor or last legible character (whichever is further down). In the event where the last legible character is on the last line of the buffer, we use the "end exclusive" position (left-most point on a line one past the end of the buffer). 

When movement of any kind occurs, we clamp each endpoint to the document end. Since the document end is an actual spot in the buffer (most of the time), this should improve stability because we shouldn't be pointing out-of-bounds anymore.

The biggest benefit is that this significantly improves the performance of word navigation because screen readers no longer have to take into account the whitespace following the end of the prompt.

Word navigation tests were added to the `TestTableWriter` (see #10886). 24 of the 85 tests were failing, however, they don't seem to interact with the document end, so I've marked them as skip and will fix them in a follow-up. This PR is large enough as-is, so I'm hoping I can take time in the follow-up to clean some things on the side (aka `preventBoundary` and `allowBottomExclusive` being used interchangeably).

## References
#7000 - Epic
Closes #6986 
Closes #10925

## Validation Steps Performed
- [X] Tests pass
- [X] @codeofdusk has been personally testing this build (and others)
2021-09-16 20:44:29 +00:00
Carlos Zamora c53fe1c2bf
Fix failing UIA movement tests (#10991)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Follow-up for #10886. The new UIA movement tests found some failing cases. This PR fixes UiaTextRangeBase to have movement match that of MS Word. In total, this fixes 64 tests.

## PR Checklist
* [X] Closes #10924
* [X] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Root causes include...
1. if we were a non-degenerate range and we failed to move, we should still expand to enclose the unit
2. non-degenerate ranges are treated as if they already encompassed their given unit.
   - this one is a bit difficult to explain. Consider these examples:
      1. document movement
         - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on the buffer, and you try to move by document
         - result: move by 0 (there is no next/prev document), but the range now encompasses the entire document
      2. line movement
         - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on a line, and you try to move back by a line
         - result: you go to the previous line (not the beginning of this line)
   - conversely, a degenerate range successfully moves to the beginning/end of the current unit (i.e. document/line)
   - this (bizarre) behavior was confirmed using MS Word

As a bonus, occasionally, Narrator would get stuck when navigating by line. This issue now seems to be fixed.

## Updates to existing tests
- `CanMoveByCharacter`
   - `can't move backward from (0, 0)` --> misauthored, result should be one character wide.
   - `can't move past the last column in the last row` --> misauthored and already covered in generated tests
- `CanMoveByLine`
   - `can't move backward from top row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line. Already covered by generated tests
   - `can't move forward from bottom row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line
   - `can't move backward when part of the top row is in the range` --> misauthored, should expand
   - `can't move forward when part of the bottom row is in the range` --> misauthored, degenerate range moves to end of buffer
- `MovementAtExclusiveEnd`
   - populate the text buffer _before_ we do a move by word operation
   - update to match the now fixed behavior
2021-08-24 13:56:38 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 1678b58dde
Improve UIA movement testing methodology (#10886)
Introduces a new methodology to maintain tests for UI Automation. This includes...
- `UiaTests.csv`: an excel spreadsheet designed to store UIA movement tests in a compact format
- `GeneratedTests.ps1`: a PowerShell script that imports `UiaTests.csv` and outputs a C++ TEST_METHOD for `UiaTextRangeTests.

This new system can be used to easily add more UIA movement tests.

Read for more details.

Follow-up work items:
- #10924 **Failing Tests**: this found some failing tests. We should make them not fail.
- #10925 **Missing Tests: Word navigation**: Word navigation is missing.
- #10926 **MoveEndpoint Tests**: an additional column can be added to the CSV "EndpointTarget", which can be "start", "end", or "both". This will allow us to test `MoveEndpoint` in addition to `Move`.
2021-08-19 20:47:07 +00:00
Leonard Hecker 20e88d3e3e
Fix conhost UseDx mode (#10770)
This commit fixes the UseDx mode for conhost.
In order to add support for UseDx without calling `SetWindowSize`,
responsibility for resizing `_invalidMap` has been moved to occur
only when the renderer itself recognizes a new size. Furthermore
`InvalidateAll` is now the central point to invalidate `_invalidMap`.

## Validation Steps Performed

* Enabling `UseDx` enables the DxEngine for conhost ✔️
* Resizing windows in conhost works ✔️
* Resizing windows in WT works ✔️

Closes #5455
2021-07-23 20:19:07 +02:00
Leonard Hecker 79115e2058
Fix building with v143 toolchain (#10727)
Visual Studio 2022 Preview recently released the v143 toolchain.
C4189 is now flagging several unused variables, which breaks our build.

## PR Checklist

* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* CascadiaPackage builds ✔️
* All tests build ✔️
2021-07-20 19:00:49 +02:00
Dustin Howett ee6ca81d70 Migrate OSS up to 84e30bcd3 2021-07-15 14:58:36 -05:00
Dustin Howett 5ea778b2b8 Migrate OSS up to 79a18f082 (A11y Block Range) 2021-07-15 14:56:46 -05:00
Carlos Zamora a0e5085b49
Expose Text Attributes to UI Automation (#10336)
## Summary of the Pull Request
This implements `GetAttributeValue` and `FindAttribute` for `UiaTextRangeBase` (the shared `ITextRangeProvider` for Conhost and Windows Terminal). This also updates `UiaTracing` to collect more useful information on these function calls. 

## References
#7000 - Epic
[Text Attribute Identifiers](

## PR Checklist
* [X] Closes #2161 
* [X] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- `TextBuffer`:
   - Exposes a new `TextBufferCellIterator` that takes in an end position. This simplifies the logic drastically as we can now use this iterator to navigate through the text buffer. The iterator can also expose the position in the buffer.
- `UiaTextRangeBase`:
   - Shared logic & helper functions:
      - Most of the text attributes are stored as `TextAttribute`s in the text buffer. To extract them, we generate an attribute verification function via `_getAttrVerificationFn()`, then use that to verify if a given cell has the desired attribute.
      - A few attributes are special (i.e. font name, font size, and "is read only"), in that they are (1) acquired differently and (2) consistent across the entire text buffer. These are handled separate from the attribute verification function.
   - `GetAttributeValue`: Retrieve the attribute verification of the first cell in the range. Then, verify that the entire range has that attribute by iterating through the text range. If a cell does not have that attribute, return the "reserved mixed attribute value".
   - `FindAttribute`: Iterate through the text range and leverage the attribute verification function to find the first contiguous range with that attribute. Then, make the end exclusive and output a `UiaTextRangeBase`. This function must be able to perform a search backwards, so we abstract the "start" and "end" into `resultFirstAnchor` and `resultSecondAnchor`, then perform post processing to output a valid `UiaTextRangeBase`.
- `UiaTracing`:
   - `GetAttributeValue`: Log uia text range, desired attribute, resulting attribute metadata, and the type of the result.
   - `FindAttribute`: Log uia text range, desired attribute and attribute metadata, if we were searching backwards, the type of the result, and the resulting text range.
   - `AttributeType` is a nice way to understand/record if the result was either of the reserved UIA values, a normal result, or an error.
- `UiaTextRangeTests`:
   - `GetAttributeValue`:
      - verify that we know which attributes we support
      - test each of the known text attributes (expecting 100% code coverage for `_getAttrVerificationFn()`)
   - `FindAttribute`: 
      - test each of the known _special_ text attributes
      - test `IsItalic`. NOTE: I'm explicitly only testing one of the standard text attributes because the logic is largely the same between all of them and they leverage `_getAttrVerificationFn()`.

## Validation Steps Performed
- @codeofdusk has been testing this Conhost build
- Tests added for Conhost and shared implementation
- Windows Terminal changes were manually verified using accessibility insights and NVDA
2021-07-09 23:21:35 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 79a18f0825
[A11y] Initialize and copy _blockRange in UIA Clone (#10544)
## Summary of the Pull Request
#7960 was caused by `UiaTextRangeBase::_blockRange` not being initialized, thus pointing to random memory. In most cases, we initialize it properly in `RuntimeClassInitialize`, however, the copying version of `RuntimeClassInitialize` doesn't actually copy it over, resulting in it still containing random memory.

NVDA (and other screen readers) occasionally use `Clone` (really just the copy initializer), resulting in this bug occurring randomly.

## PR Checklist
* [X] Closes #7960 
* [X] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed
Test failed before the change, but passes after the change.
2021-07-06 20:54:51 +00:00
Dan Thompson e2005ca5d7 Merged PR 6176782: [Git2Git] Get rid of dead build macros/#defines FE_IME, W32_SB, etc.
Retrieved from os.2020 OS official/rs_wdx_dxp_windev 40df712b33a40e76aeeac87f823bbb028d2e3972

Related work items: MSFT-32007459
2021-06-21 10:50:52 -07:00
Michael Niksa 2bd5791feb
Persist inbox conhost; delegate control activities to it via a pipe (#10415)
Persist inbox conhost; delegate control activities to it via a pipe

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #10194 - WSL Debug Tap doesn't work
* [x] Closes #10134 - WSL Parameter is Incorrect
* [x] Closes #10413 - Ctrl+C not passed to client
* [x] Closes #10414 - Leftover processes on abrupt termination
* [x] Might help #10251 - Win+X Powershell sometimes fails to attach
* [x] I work here
* [x] Manually tested with assorted launch scenarios

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
It turns out that there's a bit of ownership that goes on with the original inbox `conhost.exe` and the operating system/driver. The PID of that original `conhost.exe` is stowed when the initial connection is established and it is verified for several activities. This means that the plan of letting it go completely away and having the `OpenConsole.exe` take over all of its activities must be slightly revised. 

I have tested the following two alternatives to keeping `conhost.exe` around and they do not work:
1. Replacing the original owner `conhost.exe` with `OpenConsole.exe` - A.) The driver does not allow this. Once the owner is registered, it cannot be replaced. B.) There's no way of updating this information inside the client process space and it is kept there too in the `kernelbase`/`conclnt` data from its initial connection.
2. Attempting to pick up the first packet (to determine headed/headless and other initial connection information that we use to determine whether handoff is appropriate or not) prior to registering any owner at all. - The driver doesn't allow this either. The owner must be registered prior to a packet coming through.

Put this mental model in your head:
CMD --> Conhost (inbox) --> OpenConsole (WT Package) --> Terminal (WT Package)

So since the `conhost.exe` needs to stick around, here's what I'm doing in this PR:
- `conhost.exe` in the OS will receive back the `OpenConsole.exe` process handle on a successful handoff and is expected to remain alive until the `OpenConsole.exe` exits. It's now waiting on that before it terminates itself.
- `conhost.exe` in the OS will establish a signal channel pipe and listen for control commands from `OpenConsole.exe` in a very similar fashion to how the `ConPTY` signal pipe operates between the Terminal and the PTY (provided by `OpenConsole.exe` in this particular example.) When `OpenConsole.exe` needs to do something that would be verified by the OS and rejected... it will instead signal the original `conhost.exe` to do that thing and it will go through.
- `conhost.exe` will give its own handle through to `OpenConsole.exe` so it can monitor its lifetime and cleanup. If the owner is gone, the session should end.
- Assorted handle cleanup that was leading to improper exits. I was confused between `.reset()` and `.release()` for some of the `wil::unique_any<T>` handling and it lead to leaked handles. The leaked handles meant that threads weren't aware of the other sides collapsing and wouldn't cleanup/terminate appropriately.

How does this fix things?
- For the WSL cases... WSL was specifically looking up the owner PID of the console session from the driver. That was the `conhost.exe` PID. If it exits, that PID isn't valid and is recycled. Thus the parameter is incorrect or other inappropriate WSL setup behaviors.
- Ctrl+C not passed... this is a signal the operating system rejects from a PID that is not the owner. This is now relayed through the original owner and it works.
- Leftover processes... I believe I explained this was both not-enough-monitoring of each others' process lifetimes coupled with mishandling of release/resetting handles and leaking them.
- Powershell sometimes fails to attach... my theory on this one is that it's a race that became upset when the `conhost.exe` disappeared while something about Powershell/.NET was still starting, much like the WSL one. I believe now that it is sticking around, it will be fine.

Also, this WILL require an OS update to complete improvement of functionality and I have revised the interface ID. This is considered an acceptable breaking change with no mitigation because we said this feature was an alpha preview.  

## Validation Steps Performed
- Launched WSL with defapp set, it works
- Launched WSL with defapp set and the debug tap on, it works and opens in two tabs
- Launched CMD, ran ping, did Ctrl+C, it now receives it
- Launched Win+X powershell a ton of times. It seems fine now
- Launched cmd, powershell, wsl, etc. Killed assorted processes in the chain (client/conhost/openconsole/windowsterminal) and observed in Process Explorer (with a long delta timer so I could see it) that they all successfully tear down now without leftovers.
2021-06-16 19:23:37 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett 5bb8148ef9
Convert four INSIDE_WINDOWS blocks to til features (#10404)
This pull request converts four of our existing `#ifdef` (or `#ifndef`)
`INSIDE_WINDOWS` blocks to til::features:

* Attempting to establish a handoff session (inside Windows only)
* The ability to *receive* a handoff session (outside Windows only)
* The DX engine (outside Windows only) and shaders (also outside only)
* Whether we use numpad event synthesis for clipboard/conpty (inside
  Windows only)

Most of these are using the preprocessor verison of til::feature, only
because it is more difficult to gate the inclusion of headers on
constant expressions. I'd love to prefer the compile time version.
2021-06-10 23:48:54 +00:00
Michael Niksa 7478248564
Add names to threads to make debugging a slight bit easier (#9801)
Add names to threads to make debugging a slight bit easier.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes personal todo item.
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Tested manually.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Thread descriptions show up as names in both the Visual Studio debugger, WinDBG debugger, and Windows Performance Analyzer. This makes it faster and easier to identify threads of interest in our processes.

## Validation Steps Performed
* [x] Checked threads were named in OpenConsole.exe running in classic conhost window mode under VS debug
* [x] Checked threads were named in OpenConsole.exe running in conpty mode under VS debug
* [x] Checked threads were named in WindowsTerminal.exe (for a few of the threads around connections)
* [x] Checked that we could also see it in WinDBG
2021-04-14 10:56:52 +00:00
Evan Koschik bc1ff0b71a
Fix restore window position when exiting fullscreen (#9737)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request

This change cleans up the Fullscreen implementation for both conhost and Terminal, improving the restore position (where the window goes when exiting fullscreen).

Prior to this change the window wasn't guaranteed to restore somewhere on the window's current monitor when exiting fullscreen. With this change the window will restore always to its current monitor, at a reasonable location (and will 'double restore' (to fullscreen->maximize->restore) after monitor changes while fullscreen, which is the expected user behavior.

<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
## References

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #9746
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo]( and link it here: #xxx
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

A fullscreen window's monitor can change.
 - Win+Shift+left/right migrates a window between monitors.
 - User could open settings, display, and move the monitor or change its DPI.
 - The monitor could be unplugged.
 - The session could be remote and be disconnected.

A fullscreen window stores a 'restore position' when entering fullscreen, used to move the window back 'where it was'. BUT, its unexpected for the window to exit fullscreen and jump to another monitor. This means its previous position must be migrated from the old monitor's work area to the new monitor's work area.

If a window is maximized, it is sized to the work area. Like with fullscreen, a maximized window has a 'restore position', though unlike with fullscreen the restore position for maximized is stored by the system itself. Migration in cases where a maximized (or fullscreen) window's monitor changes is also taken care of by the system. To restore 'safely' to maximized (after changing window styles) a window must only `SetWindowPos(SWP_FRAMECHANGED)`. While technically a maximized window that becomes fullscreen 'is still maximized' (from Win32's perspective), its prudent to also `ShowWindow(SW_MAXIMIZED)` prior to `SWP_FRAMECHANGED` (to explicitly make the window maximized).

If not restoring to maximized, the restore position is adjusted by the new/ old work area. Additionally, the new/ old window DPI is used to adjust the size of the window by the DPI change (keeping the window's logical size the same).
 - The work area origin is checked first (shifting window rect by the change in origin)
 - The DPI is checked next, changing right/ bottom (size only)
 - Each edge of the window is compared against the corresponding edge of the work area, nudging the window back on-screen if hanging offscreen. By shifting right before left, bottom before top, the top-left is guaranteed on-screen. 

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed

Tried it out. Seemed to work on my machine.
Jk, ran conhost/ terminal on mixed DPI system, max (or not), fullscreen, win+shift+left/ exit fullscreen/ maximize. Monitor unplug, etc.
2021-04-13 16:33:00 +00:00
John Stephens 005b8cc5e0 Link to WinMM.Lib for PlaySound with 19041 (#9624)
The PlaySound functions were removed from OneCoreUAP_apiset.Lib in Windows 10 SDK 19041 because they did not actually belong there. Link to WinMM.Lib for PlaySoundW.

### Validation Steps Performed

* Built for x64 from repository root with: `MSBuild.exe -property:TargetPlatformVersion=10.0.19041.0`
* Installed CascadiaPackage_0.0.1.0_x64_Debug.msix and launched on 19042.867
2021-03-26 11:35:17 -05:00
Michael Niksa 525be22bd8
Eliminate more transient allocations: Titles and invalid rectangles and bitmap runs and utf8 conversions (#8621)
## References
* See also #8617 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Supports #3075
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Manual test.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

### Window Title Generation
Every time the renderer checks the title, it's doing two bad things that
I've fixed:
1. It's assembling the prefix to the full title doing a concatenation.
   No one ever gets just the prefix ever after it is set besides the
   concat. So instead of storing prefix and the title, I store the
   assembled prefix + title and the bare title.
2. A copy must be made because it was returning `std::wstring` instead
   of `std::wstring&`. Now it returns the ref.

### Dirty Area Return
Every time the renderer checks the dirty area, which is sometimes
multiple times per pass (regular text printing, again for selection,
etc.), a vector is created off the heap to return the rectangles. The
consumers only ever iterate this data. Now we return a span over a
rectangle or rectangles that the engine must store itself.
1. For some renderers, it's always a constant 1 element. They update
   that 1 element when dirty is queried and return it in the span with a
   span size of 1.
2. For other renderers with more complex behavior, they're already
   holding a cached vector of rectangles. Now it's effectively giving
   out the ref to those in the span for iteration.

### Bitmap Runs
The `til::bitmap` used a `std::optional<std::vector<til::rectangle>>`
inside itself to cache its runs and would clear the optional when the
runs became invalidated. Unfortunately doing `.reset()` to clear the
optional will destroy the underlying vector and have it release its
memory. We know it's about to get reallocated again, so we're just going
to make it a `std::pmr::vector` and give it a memory pool. 

The alternative solution here was to use a `bool` and
`std::vector<til::rectangle>` and just flag when the vector was invalid,
but that was honestly more code changes and I love excuses to try out
PMR now.

Also, instead of returning the ref to the vector... I'm just returning a
span now. Everyone just iterates it anyway, may as well not share the
implementation detail.

### UTF-8 conversions
When testing with Terminal and looking at the `conhost.exe`'s PTY
renderer, it spends a TON of allocation time on converting all the
UTF-16 stuff inside to UTF-8 before it sends it out the PTY. This was
because `ConvertToA` was allocating a string inside itself and returning
it just to have it freed after printing and looping back around again...
as a PTY does.

The change here is to use `til::u16u8` that accepts a buffer out
parameter so the caller can just hold onto it.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] `big.txt` in conhost.exe (GDI renderer)
- [x] `big.txt` in Terminal (DX, PTY renderer)
- [x] Ensure WDDM and BGFX build under Razzle with this change.
2021-02-16 20:52:33 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett 4440256eba
PICK: Move CharToKeyEvents into InteractivityBase (GH-9106)
These functions have a dependency on the "VT Redirected" versions of
VkKeyScanW, MapVirtualKeyW and GetKeyState. Those implementations depend
on the service locator and therefore the entire interactivity stack.

This meant that anybody depending on just Types had to pull in **the
entire host** worth of dependencies (!).

Since these functions are only used in places where we have or are
testing interactivity, it makes sense to consolidate them here.

(cherry picked from commit 8f73145d9d)
2021-02-10 17:13:00 -08:00
Dustin Howett b208a83666 Merged PR 5598783: Merge LNK Fix (6b2ae625a)
Initialize stack variables. check return code from shell lnk loading (GH-8712)

## References
* Commit f273aa679d4d9fb516678fc7ed5fc6495a8e8532 from os repository.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
* We found and fixed this in November 2017, but I fumbled the replication and accidentally overwrote the commit. This digs it up from history and puts it back in our code.
* When the shortcut file cannot be read for whatever reason, we are setting the hotkey value to uninitialized data as we never initialize several members on the stack in this function. It just so happens that the one in the `dwHotkey` field is commonly `0x4c` or the letter `L` which is then sent into the window procedure to tell the OS to capture it as a global hotkey and foreground the `conhost.exe` that was started. We should realize the load failure and not set any hotkey at all and we should initialize the stack variables. This does both.

## Validation Steps Performed
* [x] Manual scenario running LNK file that cannot be loaded from customer report (make LNK to cmd.exe, make it inaccessible to conhost so it can't load/read it.)
* [x] Manual scenario with `mklink`'d link that makes the shortcut parser attempt to load (and fail because it isn't a LNK at all from GH-7650)

Fixes MSFT-31351620
2021-01-22 05:05:33 +00:00
Michael Niksa 6b2ae625a5
Initialize stack variables. check return code from shell lnk loading (#8712)
## References
* Commit f273aa679d4d9fb516678fc7ed5fc6495a8e8532 from os repository.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #7650 
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Tests passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
* We found and fixed this in November 2017, but I fumbled the replication and accidentally overwrote the commit. This digs it up from history and puts it back in our code.
* When the shortcut file cannot be read for whatever reason, we are setting the hotkey value to uninitialized data as we never initialize several members on the stack in this function. It just so happens that the one in the `dwHotkey` field is commonly `0x4c` or the letter `L` which is then sent into the window procedure to tell the OS to capture it as a global hotkey and foreground the `conhost.exe` that was started. We should realize the load failure and not set any hotkey at all and we should initialize the stack variables. This does both.

## Validation Steps Performed
* [x] Manual scenario running LNK file that cannot be loaded from customer report (make LNK to cmd.exe, make it inaccessible to conhost so it can't load/read it.)
* [x] Manual scenario with `mklink`'d link that makes the shortcut parser attempt to load (and fail because it isn't a LNK at all from #7650)
2021-01-06 12:03:45 +00:00
Dustin Howett 857a893660 Merged PR 5503403: Migrate OSS up to 05c0d4c0e
* Change backslashes in include statements to forward slashes (CC-8205)

Dustin L. Howett
* Refactor DEC/ANSI modes to avoid duplication when we add SM/RM (GH-8469)
* Fix the xterm and SGR mouse encodings for CTRL, ALT, SHIFT (GH-8379)

James Holderness
* Fix rendering of DBCS characters when partially off screen (CC-8438)
* Correct horizontal coordinates in viewport overflow test (CC-8456)
* Correct paths in the the runut and runft test scripts (CC-8488)
* Retain horizontal viewport offset when moving to bottom (CC-8434)
* Fix out-of-bounds exceptions in Set...{Buffer,Screen}Size (CC-8309)

PankajBhojwani (1)
* Implement ConEmu's OSC 9;4 to set the taskbar progress indicator (CC-8055)

Chester Liu (1)
* Improve OSC 8 Hyperlink parsing logic (CC-7962)

Related work items: #31090459, #31090805, #31090808, #31090810
2020-12-16 01:36:03 +00:00
Dustin Howett 7241fa29c6 Merged PR 5445070: [Git2Git] Update the Windows build for some shell changes
Retrieved from os.2020 OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp 91dff13f6953441afe9e28bfe3da9d5bff27bb05

Related: MSFT-26196390

Related work items: #26196390
2020-12-16 01:32:35 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett b1e1c7cdf4
Fix the xterm and SGR mouse encodings for CTRL, ALT, SHIFT (#8379)
We had the xterm and SGR codings for meta/ctrl backwards. Oops.

This commit also fixes an observed issue in Windows Terminal where we
were passing in a console-style modifiers enum when MouseInput is
expecting MK_ constants.

I decided to unify MouseInput around the console-style modifier
constants because they have support for META (which MK_ does not) and
can differentiate between left/right alt/ctrl.

Our tests are fundamentally flawed here: they use a copy of the
modifier key generating logic _themselves_, so we got a bit of "error
carried forward."

I did not fix the tests to use known-good control sequences, I simply
replaced the character generator with another copy of the modifier code.
I did, however, extend them to test ctrl|meta and left/right modifiers.

Fixes #8291
2020-11-30 03:45:53 +00:00
N d09fdd61cb
Change backslashes in include statements to forward slashes (#8205)
Many include statements use forward slashes, while others use backwards
slashes. This is inconsistent formatting. For this reason, I changed the
backward slashes to forward slashes since that is the standard.
2020-11-25 21:02:10 +00:00
Dustin Howett 1e42bc8e4f Merged PR 5421982: Reflect OS build changes
[Git2Git] Git Train: Merge of building/rs_onecore_dep_uxp/201117-2002 into official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp Retrieved from os.2020 OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp 526043ab6050397506b3cdb77e6a43b5ca9a2e9a

Related work items: MSFT-29990377
2020-11-19 23:21:37 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 7a1932c556
Fix UIA ScrollIntoView at EndExclusive (#7868)
`ScrollIntoView` is responsible for scrolling the viewport to include
the UTR's start endpoint. The crash was caused by `start` being at the
exclusive end, and attempting to scroll to it. This is now fixed by
clamping the result to the bottom of the buffer.

Most of the work here is to allow a test for this. `ScrollIntoView`
relied on a virtual `ChangeViewport` function. By making that
non-virtual, the `DummyElementProvider` in the tests can now be a
`ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`. This opens up the possibility of more
UiaTextRange tests in the future too.

Closes #7839
2020-10-09 20:27:13 +00:00
Carlos Zamora e401edf9ef
Properly handle and test a11y movement at end of buffer (#7792)
The `MovementAtExclusiveEnd` test was improperly authored for the
following reasons:
- it should have used `TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY` to cover all of the
- TextUnit::Document (arguably one of the most important) was ommitted
  accidentally (`!= TextUnit_Document` was used instead of `<=`)
- The created range was not `EndExclusive`, but rather, the last cell in
  the buffer (`EndInclusive`)

The first half of this PR fixes the test.

The second half of this PR expands the test and fixes any related issues
to make the test pass (i.e. #7771):
- `TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY` was added for it to be degenerate (start/end at
  `EndExclusive`) or not (last cell of buffer)
- `utr->_start` is now also validated after moving backwards

NOTE: `utr->_start` was not validated when moving forwards because
moving forwards should always fail when at/past the last chell in the

Closes #7771
2020-10-05 15:11:47 -07:00
Carlos Zamora 9ec57a7d3c
Fix and test TextBuffer::MoveToPreviousWord() (#7770)
This fixes a bug when moving backwards by word that resulted in #7742.

This also includes...
- a minor refactor that leverages `GetWordStart` in `MoveToPreviousWord`
- additional unit tests for movement by word
- a feature test comprised of the referenced bug report

`MoveToPreviousWord()` would...
- move backwards for each whitespace character
- then, move backwards for each regular character

This would actually result in moving to the beginning of the current "word" (as defined by a11y).

We actually need to do this process twice:
- the first time gets you to the beginning of the current word
- attempt to move back by one character
- the second time gets you to the beginning of the previous word

Rather than implementing 4 while loops, we leverage `GetWordStart()` to
attempt to move to the beginning of the previous word. We call it twice
(as described above). The logic is unchanged, but we instead reuse a
function that has already undergone more testing.

To make sure this works as expected, additional unit tests were
introduced covering "MoveByWord" in the TextBuffer.

## Validation Steps Performed
Added test for repro steps.
Added unit tests for movement by word.

Closes #7742
2020-09-30 18:13:22 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 40893b2823
Fix A11y EndExclusive Error for Move & Expand (#7677)
`EndExclusive` represents the end of the buffer. This is designed to not
point to any data on the buffer. UiaTextRange would point to this
`EndExclusive` and then attempt to move based on it. However, since it
does not point to any data, it could experience undefined behavior or
(inevitably) crash from running out of bounds.

This PR specifically checks for expansion and movement at that point,
and prevents us from moving beyond it. There are plans in the future to
define the "end" as the last character in the buffer. Until then, this
solution will suffice and provide correct behavior that doesn't crash.

## Validation Steps Performed
Performed the referenced bugs' repro steps and added test coverage.

Closes MSFT-20458595
Closes #7663
Closes #7664
2020-09-23 20:06:18 +00:00
Bill Dengler 7a03f75ee9
Keep degenerate UIA text ranges degenerate after movement (#7530)
Conhost expands UIA text ranges when moved. This means that degenerate
ranges become non-degenerate after movement, leading to odd behaviour
from UIA clients. This PR doesn't expand degenerate ranges, but rather
keeps them degenerate by moving `_end` to the newly-changed `_start`.

Tested in the NVDA Python console (cases with `setEndPoint` and
`compareEndPoints` described in #7342). Also ran the logic by

Closes #7342

Almost definitely addresses nvaccess/nvda#11288 (although I'll need to
test with my Braille display). Also fixes an issue privately reported to
me by @simon818 with copy/paste from review cursor which originally lead
me to believe the issue was with `moveEndPointByRange`.
2020-09-04 20:59:38 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 20a288020e
Pass mouse button state into HandleMouse instead of asking win32 (#6765)
MouseInput was directly asking user32 about the state of the mouse buttons,
which was somewhat of a layering violation. This commit makes all callers
have to pass the mouse state in themselves.

Closes #4869
2020-08-07 16:21:09 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett d29be591a8
Fix VT mouse capture issues in Terminal and conhost (#7166)
This pull request fixes capture and event generation in VT mouse mode
for both conhost and terminal.

Fixes #6401.

[1/3] Terminal: clamp mouse events to the viewport, don't throw them away

 gnome-terminal (at least) sends mouse events whose x/y are at the
 extreme ends of the buffer when a drag starts inside the terminal and
 then exits it.

 We would previously discard any mouse events that exited the borders of
 the viewport. Now we will keep emitting events where X/Y=0/w/h.

[2/3] conhost: clamp VT mouse to viewport, capture pointer

 This is the same as (1), but for conhost. conhost wasn't already
 capturing the pointer when VT mouse mode was in use. By capturing, we
 ensure that events that happen outside the screen still result in events
 sent to an application (like a release after a drag)

[3/3] wpf: capture the pointer when VT mouse is enabled

 This is the same as (2), but for the WPF control. Clamping is handled
 in TerminalCore in (1), so we didn't need to do it in WPF.
2020-08-04 01:43:17 +00:00
James Holderness 3388a486dc
Refactor the renderer color calculations (#6853)
This is a refactoring of the renderer color calculations to simplify the
implementation, and to make it easier to support additional
color-altering rendition attributes in the future (e.g. _faint_ and

## References

* This is a followup to PRs #3817 and #6809, which introduced additional
  complexity in the color calculations, and which suggested the need for

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

When we added support for `DECSCNM`, that required the foreground and
background color lookup methods to be able to return the opposite of
what was requested when the reversed mode was set. That made those
methods unnecessarily complicated, and I thought we could simplify them
considerably just by combining the calculations into a single method
that derived both colors at the same time.

And since both conhost and Windows Terminal needed to perform the same
calculations, it also made sense to move that functionality into the
`TextAttribute` class, where it could easily be shared.

In general this way of doing things is a bit more efficient. However, it
does result in some unnecessary work when only one of the colors is
required, as is the case for the gridline painter. So to make that less
of an issue, I've reordered the gridline code a bit so it at least
avoids looking up the colors when no gridlines are needed.

## Validation Steps Performed

Because of the API changes, quite a lot of the unit tests had to be
updated. For example instead of verifying colors with two separate calls
to `LookupForegroundColor` and `LookupBackgroundColor`, that's now
achieved with a single `LookupAttributeColors` call, comparing against a
pair of values. The specifics of the tests haven't changed though, and
they're all still working as expected.

I've also manually confirmed that the various color sequences and
rendition attributes are rendering correctly with the new refactoring.
2020-07-10 22:26:34 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett fc083296b9
Account for WHEEL_DELTA when dispatching VT mouse wheel events (#6843)
By storing up the accumulated delta in the mouse input handler, we can
enlighten both conhost and terminal about wheel events that are less
than one line in size. Previously, we had a workaround in conhost that
clamped small scroll deltas to a whole line, which made trackpad
scrolling unimaginably fast. Terminal didn't make this mistake, but it
also didn't handle delta accumulation . . . which resulted in the same

MouseInput will now wait until it's received WHEEL_DELTA (well-known
constant, value 120) worth of scrolling delta before it dispatches a
single scroll event.

Future considerations may include sending multiple wheel button events
for every *multiple* of WHEEL_DELTA, but that would be a slightly larger
refactoring that I'm not yet ready to undertake.

There's a chance that we should be dividing WHEEL_DELTA by the system's
"number of lines to scroll at once" setting, because on trackpads
conhost now scrolls a little _slow_. I think the only way to determine
whether this is palatable is to just ship it.

Fixes #6184.
2020-07-09 23:24:17 +00:00
James Holderness ddbe370d22
Improve the propagation of color attributes over ConPTY (#6506)
This PR reimplements the VT rendering engines to do a better job of
preserving the original color types when propagating attributes over
ConPTY. For the 16-color renderers it provides better support for
default colors and improves the efficiency of the color narrowing
conversions. It also fixes problems with the ordering of character
renditions that could result in attributes being dropped.

Originally the base renderer would calculate the RGB color values and
legacy/extended attributes up front, passing that data on to the active
engine's `UpdateDrawingBrushes` method. With this new implementation,
the renderer now just passes through the original `TextAttribute` along
with an `IRenderData` interface, and leaves it to the engines to extract
the information they need.

The GDI and DirectX engines now have to lookup the RGB colors themselves
(via simple `IRenderData` calls), but have no need for the other
attributes. The VT engines extract the information that they need from
the `TextAttribute`, instead of having to reverse engineer it from

The process for the 256-color Xterm engine starts with a check for
default colors. If both foreground and background are default, it
outputs a SGR 0 reset, and clears the `_lastTextAttribute` completely to
make sure any reset state is reapplied. With that out the way, the
foreground and background are updated (if changed) in one of 4 ways.
They can either be a default value (SGR 39 and 49), a 16-color index
(using ANSI or AIX sequences), a 256-color index, or a 24-bit RGB value
(both using SGR 38 and 48 sequences).

Then once the colors are accounted for, there is a separate step that
handles the character rendition attributes (bold, italics, underline,
etc.) This step must come _after_ the color sequences, in case a SGR
reset is required, which would otherwise have cleared any character
rendition attributes if it came last (which is what happened in the
original implementation).

The process for the 16-color engines is a little different. The target
client in this case (Windows telnet) is incapable of setting default
colors individually, so we need to output an SGR 0 reset if _either_
color has changed to default. With that out the way, we use the
`TextColor::GetLegacyIndex` method to obtain an approximate 16-color
index for each color, and apply the bold attribute by brightening the
foreground index (setting bit 8) if the color type permits that.

However, since Windows telnet only supports the 8 basic ANSI colors, the
best we can do for bright colors is to output an SGR 1 attribute to get
a bright foreground. There is nothing we can do about a bright
background, so after that we just have to drop the high bit from the
colors. If the resulting index values have changed from what they were
before, we then output ANSI 8-color SGR sequences to update them.

As with the 256-color engine, there is also a final step to handle the
character rendition attributes. But in this case, the only supported
attributes are underline and reversed video.

Since the VT engines no longer depend on the active color table and
default color values, there was quite a lot of code that could now be
removed. This included the `IDefaultColorProvider` interface and
implementations, the `Find(Nearest)TableIndex` functions, and also the
associated HLS conversion and difference calculations.


Other than simple API parameter changes, the majority of updates
required in the unit tests were to correct assumptions about the way the
colors should be rendered, which were the source of the narrowing bugs
this PR was trying to fix. Like passing white on black to the
`UpdateDrawingBrushes` API, and expecting it to output the default `SGR
0` sequence, or passing an RGB color and expecting an indexed SGR

In addition to that, I've added some VT renderer tests to make sure the
rendition attributes (bold, underline, etc) are correctly retained when
a default color update causes an `SGR 0` sequence to be generated (the
source of bug #3076). And I've extended the VT renderer color tests
(both 256-color and 16-color) to make sure we're covering all of the
different color types (default, RGB, and both forms of indexed colors).

I've also tried to manually verify that all of the test cases in the
linked bug reports (and their associated duplicates) are now fixed when
this PR is applied.

Closes #2661
Closes #3076
Closes #3717
Closes #5384
Closes #5864

This is only a partial fix for #293, but I suspect the remaining cases
are unfixable.
2020-07-01 11:10:36 -07:00
James Holderness f0df154ba9
Improve conpty rendering of default colors in legacy apps (#6698)
Essentially what this does is map the default legacy foreground and
background attributes (typically white on black) to the `IsDefault`
color type in the `TextColor` class. As a result, we can now initialize
the buffer for "legacy" shells (like PowerShell and cmd.exe) with
default colors, instead of white on black. This fixes the startup
rendering in conpty clients, which expect an initial default background
color. It also makes these colors update appropriately when the default
palette values change.

One complication in getting this to work, is that the console permits
users to change which color indices are designated as defaults, so we
can't assume they'll always be white on black. This means that the
legacy-to-`TextAttribute` conversion will need access to those default

Unfortunately the defaults are stored in the conhost `Settings` class
(the `_wFillAttribute` field), which isn't easily accessible to all the
code that needs to construct a `TextAttribute` from a legacy value. The
`OutputCellIterator` is particularly problematic, because some iterator
types need to generate a new `TextAttribute` on every iteration.

So after trying a couple of different approaches, I decided that the
least worst option would be to add a pair of static properties for the
legacy defaults in the `TextAttribute` class itself, then refresh those
values from the `Settings` class whenever the defaults changed (this
only happens on startup, or when the conhost _Properties_ dialog is

And once the `TextAttribute` class had access to those defaults, it was
fairly easy to adapt the constructor to handle the conversion of default
values to the `IsDefault` color type. I could also then simplify the
`TextAttribute::GetLegacyAttributes` method which does the reverse
mapping, and which previously required the default values to be passed
in as a parameter 


I had to make one small change to the `TestRoundtripExhaustive` unit
test which assumed that all legacy attributes would convert to legacy
color types, which is no longer the case, but otherwise all the existing
tests passed as is. I added a new unit test verifying that the default
legacy attributes correctly mapped to default color types, and the
default color types were mapped back to the correct legacy attributes.

I've manually confirmed that this fixed the issue raised in #5952,
namely that the conhost screen is cleared with the correct default
colors, and also that it is correctly refreshed when changing the
palette from the properties dialog. And I've combined this PR with
#6506, and confirmed that the PowerShell and the cmd shell renderings in
Windows Terminal are at least improved, if not always perfect.

This is a prerequisite for PR #6506
Closes #5952
2020-07-01 11:08:30 -07:00
Mingjie Zhao b24dbf7c77
Replace std::map with std::unordered_map (#6640)
Replace std::map with std::unordered_map when the order doesn't matter
and hash functions are provided. Simple optimizations, but I expect the
performance should be strictly better, especially for
2020-06-23 20:49:07 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett 9ce884c4fb
Tie up some A11y loose threads (#6417)
This pull request moves WindowUiaProvider back into Win32 interactivity
and deletes all mention of it from Windows Terminal. Terminal does not
have a single toplevel window that requires Console-like UIA, as each
Xaml control inside it is in charge of its own destiny.

I've also merged `IUiaWindow` and `IConsoleWindow` back together, as
well as `WindowUiaProviderBase` and `WindowUiaProvider`.

Things look a lot more like they did before we tore them apart.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3564
* [x] CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed (manual)
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already

## Validation

Carlos validated conhost and terminal on this branch.
2020-06-10 15:15:26 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett 2d18874c8e
Make the conversion from WORD to TextAttribute explicit (#6380)
In Windows, we build with /Zc:wchar_t- (which makes wchar_t an unsigned
short typedef.) This causes build breaks when we compare two wchar_t
values (or a wchar_t and an enum class that's of type wchar_t) and the
compiler decides that it might want to _promote them to TextAttribute_
before doing the comparison.
2020-06-05 23:20:32 +00:00
Dustin Howett efce279c5c Reflect OS build fixes on 7b489128ac back to inbox
Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp 677d15a4e298a0e1e3ce093bc1dff8d832e3c2b1

Related work items: #26765368
2020-06-04 22:09:17 +00:00
Malcolm Smith 601286ac69
Find icon from shortcut target if shortcut doesn't specify it (#6277)
Implements what I was suggesting in #6266 where if a shortcut doesn't
specify an icon, the shortcut target full path is used before searching
for a matching executable in the path.

## References

Found due to not getting the right icon in conhost from the Yori
installer.  It's fixed in the installer from
for all current users of conhost though, so this PR is just trying to
minimize surprises for the next guy.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

I know conhost and shortcut settings aren't really the team's focus
which is why I'm doing this.  I understand though if there's a better
way or there are factors that I hadn't considered.  Note that the path
searching code is used when programs are launched without using a
shortcut, and it will match if the working directory of the shortcut is
the directory containing the executable.

## Validation Steps Performed

Created a shortcut that didn't specify an icon to a binary that wasn't
in the path, and verified that the icon in the upper left of the console
window could resolve correctly when opening the shortcut.  I'm not aware
of a way to get into this path (of launching via a shortcut to a command
line process) without replacing the system conhost, which is what I did
to verify it.  In order to diagnose it, I used hardcoded DebugBreak()
since even ImageFileExecutionOptions didn't like running against conhost-
is there are better way to debug and test these cases without being so
invasive on the system?

Closes #6266
2020-06-01 17:19:05 +00:00
James Holderness fa7c1abdf8
Fix SGR indexed colors to distinguish Indexed256 color (and more) (#5834)
This PR introduces a new `ColorType` to allow us to distinguish between
`SGR` indexed colors from the 16 color table, the lower half of which
can be brightened, and the ISO/ITU indexed colors from the 256 color
table, which have a fixed brightness. Retaining the distinction between
these two types will enable us to forward the correct `SGR` sequences to
conpty when addressing issue #2661. 

The other benefit of retaining the color index (which we didn't
previously do for ISO/ITU colors) is that it ensures that the colors are
updated correctly when the color scheme is changed.

## References

* This is another step towards fixing the conpty narrowing bugs in issue
* This is technically a fix for issue #5384, but that won't be apparent
  until #2661 is complete.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1223
* [x] CLA signed. 
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

The first part of this PR was the introduction of a new `ColorType` in
the `TextColor` class. Instead of just the one `IsIndex` type, there is
now an `IsIndex16` and an `IsIndex256`. `IsIndex16` covers the eight
original ANSI colors set with `SGR 3x` and `SGR 4x`, as well as the
brighter aixterm variants set with `SGR 9x` and `SGR 10x`. `IsIndex256`
covers the 256 ISO/ITU indexed colors set with `SGR 38;5` and `SGR

There are two reasons for this distinction. The first is that the ANSI
colors have the potential to be brightened by the `SGR 1` bold
attribute, while the ISO/ITO color do not. The second reason is that
when forwarding an attributes through conpty, we want to try and
preserve the original SGR sequence that generated each color (to the
extent that that is possible). By having the two separate types, we can
map the `IsIndex16` colors back to ANSI/aixterm values, and `IsIndex256`
to the ISO/ITU sequences.

In addition to the VT colors, we also have to deal with the legacy
colors set by the Windows console APIs, but we don't really need a
separate type for those. It seemed most appropriate to me to store them
as `IsIndex256` colors, since it doesn't make sense to have them
brightened by the `SGR 1` attribute (which is what would happen if they
were stored as `IsIndex16`). If a console app wanted a bright color it
would have selected one, so we shouldn't be messing with that choice.

The second part of the PR was the unification of the two color tables.
Originally we had a 16 color table for the legacy colors, and a separate
table for the 256 ISO/ITU colors. These have now been merged into one,
so color table lookups no longer need to decide which of the two tables
they should be referencing. I've also updated all the methods that took
a color table as a parameter to use a `basic_string_view` instead of
separate pointer and length variables, which I think makes them a lot
easier and safer to work with. 

With this new architecture in place, I could now update the
`AdaptDispatch` SGR implementation to store the ISO/ITU indexed colors
as `IsIndex256` values, where before they were mapped to RGB values
(which prevented them reflecting any color scheme changes). I could also
update the `TerminalDispatch` implementation to differentiate between
the two index types, so that the `SGR 1` brightening would only be
applied to the ANSI colors.

I've also done a bit of code refactoring to try and minimise any direct
access to the color tables, getting rid of a lot of places that were
copying tables with `memmove` operations. I'm hoping this will make it
easier for us to update the code in the future if we want to reorder the
table entries (which is likely a requirement for unifying the
`AdaptDispatch` and `TerminalDispatch` implementations). 

## Validation Steps Performed

For testing, I've just updated the existing unit tests to account for
the API changes. The `TextColorTests` required an extra parameter
specifying the index type when setting an index. And the `AdapterTest`
and `ScreenBufferTests` required the use of the new `SetIndexedXXX`
methods in order to be explicit about the index type, instead of relying
on the `TextAttribute` constructor and the old `SetForeground` and
`SetBackground` methods which didn't have a way to differentiate index

I've manually tested the various console APIs
(`SetConsoleTextAttribute`, `ReadConsoleOutputAttribute`, and
`ReadConsoleOutput`), to make sure they are still setting and reading
the attributes as well as they used to. And I've tested the
`SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` and `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` APIs
to make sure they can read and write the color table correctly. I've
also tested the color table in the properties dialog, made sure it was
saved and restored from the registry correctly, and similarly saved and
restored from a shortcut link.

Note that there are still a bunch of issues with the color table APIs,
but no new problems have been introduced by the changes in this PR, as
far as I could tell.

I've also done a bunch of manual tests of `OSC 4` to make sure it's
updating all the colors correctly (at least in conhost), and confirmed
that the test case in issue #1223 now works as expected.
2020-05-27 22:34:45 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) e088f73671
InteractivityWin32: Add a dependency on Dx (#5851)
#5743 introduced a dependency from _any consumer of the DX header_ to a header generated from an IDL file.

Fixes #5819.
2020-05-11 15:09:14 -07:00
Dustin Howett 25f650578e Merge remote-tracking branch 'openconsole/inbox' 2020-05-05 16:03:37 -07:00
Michael Niksa 92812bf316 Merged PR 4645239: [Git2Git] Merged PR 4644345: conhost: disable the DX renderer in inbox builds
[Git2Git] Merged PR 4644345: conhost: disable the DX renderer in inbox builds

We're going to be taking on some changes to the Dx renderer that are at
the very least annoying and at the very most inconsequential to the
inbox console. This commit removes support for the DX renderer from the
inbox console.

SizeBench reports that ConRenderDx contributes 55.1kb to the conhost
image (as its third largest constituent library), so this should net us
a couple pleasant WPG improvements down the line.

Related work items: #26291552 Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp 6e36786d447b7975298ba31ccd77c5c649fbfbe6

Related work items: #26291552
2020-05-05 23:03:07 +00:00