Commit graph

12 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mike Griese b421ee6ca0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into dev/migrie/oop/ragnarok 2021-11-16 06:22:35 -06:00
Leonard Hecker 2353349fe5
Introduce AtlasEngine - A new text rendering prototype (#11623)
This commit introduces "AtlasEngine", a new text renderer based on DxEngine.
But unlike it, DirectWrite and Direct2D are only used to rasterize glyphs.
Blending and placing these glyphs into the target view is being done using
Direct3D and a simple HLSL shader. Since this new renderer more aggressively
assumes that the text is monospace, it simplifies the implementation:
The viewport is divided into cells, and its data is stored as a simple matrix.
Modifications to this matrix involve only simple pointer arithmetic and is easy
to understand. But just like with DxEngine however, DirectWrite
related code remains extremely complex and hard to understand.

Supported features:
* Basic text rendering with grayscale AA
* Foreground and background colors
* Emojis, including zero width joiners
* Underline, dotted underline, strikethrough
* Custom font axes and features
* Selections
* All cursor styles
* Full alpha support for all colors
* _Should_ work with Windows 7

Unsupported features:
* A more conservative GPU memory usage
  The backing texture atlas for glyphs is grow-only and will not shrink.
  After 256MB of memory is used up (~20k glyphs) text output
  will be broken until the renderer is restarted.
* ClearType
* Remaining gridlines (left, right, top, bottom, double underline)
* Hyperlinks don't get full underlines if hovered in WT
* Softfonts
* Non-default line renditions

* Runs at up to native display refresh rate
  Unfortunately the frame rate often drops below refresh rate, due us
  fighting over the buffer lock with other parts of the application.
* CPU consumption is up to halved compared to DxEngine
  AtlasEngine is still highly unoptimized. Glyph hashing
  consumes up to a third of the current CPU time.
* No regressions in WT performance
  VT parsing and related buffer management takes up most of the CPU time (~85%),
  due to which the AtlasEngine can't show any further improvements.
* ~2x improvement in raw text throughput in OpenConsole
  compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS
* ≥10x improvement in colored VT output in WT/OpenConsole
  compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS
2021-11-13 00:10:06 +00:00
Mike Griese a338ca168c Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into dev/migrie/oop/ragnarok 2021-11-11 11:08:54 -06:00
Matt Peterson d5974f4c91
Automatically convert paths dropped on WSL instances (#11625)
Drag and drop does not work for WSL because paths are pasted as windows
paths having incorrect path separator and path root.  This PR adds code
to correct the path in TerminalControl before pasting to WSL terminals.

One problem with this approach is that it assumes the default WSL
automount root of "/mnt". It would be possible to add a setting like
"WslDragAndDropMountRoot"... but I decided it if someone wants to change
automount location it would be simple enough just to create the "/mnt"
symlink in WSL.

## Validation
Couldn't find an obvious place to add a test.  Manually tested
cut-n-paste from following paths:
- "c:\"
- "c:\subdir"
- "c:\subdir\subdir"
- "\\wsl.localhost\<distro>"
- \\wsl.localhost\<distro>\subdir"

Closes #331
2021-11-10 21:19:52 +00:00
Mike Griese 1413d0145a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into dev/migrie/oop/ragnarok 2021-10-14 15:55:18 -05:00
PankajBhojwani dd5dbb2a40
Implement the Delta E algorithm to improve color perception (#11095)
- Implements the Delta E algorithm
- Uses the Delta E algorithm to precalculate adjusted foreground values based on possible foreground/background color pairs in the color table
- Adds a setting to use the adjusted foreground values when applicable

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #2638
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo]( and link it here: #xxx
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [x] I work here

## Validation Steps Performed
<img width="759" alt="color before" src="">

After (note dark blue):
<img width="760" alt="color after" src="">
2021-10-07 22:43:17 +00:00
Mike Griese d6989ec9d1 this is wild 2021-09-23 16:46:05 -05:00
Mike Griese 74f11b8203
Enable Vintage Opacity (#11180)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Adds support for vintage style opacity, on Windows 11+. The API we're using for this exists since the time immemorial, but there's a bug in XAML Islands that prevents it from working right until Windows 11 (which we're working on backporting).

Replaces the `acrylicOpacity` setting with `opacity`, which is a uint between 0 and 100 (inclusive), default to 100.

`useAcrylic` now controls whether acrylic is used or not. Setting an opacity < 100 with `"useAcrylic": false` will use vintage style opacity.

Mouse wheeling adjusts opacity. Whether acrylic is used or not is dependent upon `useAcrylic`.

`opacity` will stealthily default to 50 if `useAcrylic:true` is set.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #603
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [x]

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Opacity was moved to AppearanceConfig. In the future, I have a mind to allow unfocused acrylic, so that'll be important then. 

## Validation Steps Performed
_just look at it_
2021-09-20 17:08:13 +00:00
Mike Griese a544f56e17
Add an ENUM setting for disabling rendering "intense" text as bold (#10759)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This adds a new setting `intenseTextStyle`. It's a per-appearance, control setting, defaulting to `"all"`.
* When set to `"all"` or `["bold", "bright"]`, then we'll render text as both **bold** and bright (1.10 behavior)
* When set to `"bold"`, `["bold"]`, we'll render text formatted with `^[[1m` as **bold**, but not bright
* When set to `"bright"`, `["bright"]`, we'll render text formatted with `^[[1m` as bright, but not bold. This is the pre 1.10 behavior
* When set to `"none"`, we won't do anything special for it at all. 

## references
* I last did this in #10648. This time it's an enum, so we can add bright in the future. It's got positive wording this time.
* ~We will want to add `"bright"` as a value in the future, to disable the auto intense->bright conversion.~ I just did that now.
* #5682 is related

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #10576 
* [x] I seriously don't think we have an issue for "disable intense is bright", but I'm not crazy, people wanted that, right? was the closest
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [x]

## Validation Steps Performed

<!-- ![image]( -->

Yea that works. Printed some bold text, toggled it on, the text was no longer bold. hooray.

### EDIT, 10 Aug

"intenseTextStyle": "none",
"intenseTextStyle": "bold",
"intenseTextStyle": "bright",
"intenseTextStyle": "all",
"intenseTextStyle": ["bold", "bright"],

all work now. Repro script:
printf "\e[1m[bold]\e[m[normal]\e[34m[blue]\e[1m[bold blue]\e[m\n"
2021-08-16 13:45:56 +00:00
PankajBhojwani 4c16cb278e
Allow users to set font features and font axes (#10525)
Adds support for users to be able to set font features and axes (see the spec for more details!)

## Detailed Description

- Asks the `DxFontRenderData` for the font features when getting glyphs
- _If any features have been set/updated, we always skip the "isTextSimple" shortcut_
- Asks the `_formatInUse` for any font axes when mapping characters in `_AnalyzeFontFallback`

- Stores a map of font features (initialized to the [standard feature list])
- Stores a map of font axes
- Has methods to add font features/axes to the map or update existing ones
- Has methods to retrieve the font features/axes
- Sets the font axes in the `IDWriteTextFormat` when creating it

## Validation Steps Performed
It works!

[standard feature list]: ac5aef67d1/DrawableObject.ixx (L802)

Specified in #10457
Related to #1790 
Closes #759
Closes #5828
2021-07-22 23:15:44 +00:00
PankajBhojwani 7a41be5cd4
Add a setting to disable URL detection (#10022)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request
Adds a global setting, `experimental.detectHyperlinks`, that controls whether we automatically detect links and make them clickable. Default is set to true.

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #9981 
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo]( and link it here: #xxx
* [x] Schema updated.
* [x] I work here

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed
When `detectHyperlinks` is set to false, links do not underline on hover and are not clickable.
2021-05-17 04:20:09 +00:00
Mike Griese 8910a16fd0
Split TermControl into a Core, Interactivity, and Control layer (#9820)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Brace yourselves, it's finally here. This PR does the dirty work of splitting the monolithic `TermControl` into three components. These components are: 

* `ControlCore`: This encapsulates the `Terminal` instance, the `DxEngine` and `Renderer`, and the `Connection`. This is intended to everything that someone might need to stand up a terminal instance in a control, but without any regard for how the UX works.
* `ControlInteractivity`: This is a wrapper for the `ControlCore`, which holds the logic for things like double-click, right click copy/paste, selection, etc. This is intended to be a UI framework-independent abstraction. The methods this layer exposes can be called the same from both the WinUI TermControl and the WPF control.
* `TermControl`: This is the UWP control. It's got a Core and Interactivity inside it, which it uses for the actual logic of the terminal itself. TermControl's main responsibility is now 

By splitting into smaller pieces, it will enable us to
* write unit tests for the `Core` and `Interactivity` bits, which we desparately need
* Combine `ControlCore` and `ControlInteractivity` in an out-of-proc core process in the future, to enable tab tearout.

However, we're not doing that work quite yet. There's still lots of work to be done to enable that, thought this is likely the biggest portion.

Ideally, this would just be methods moved wholesale from one file to another. Unfortunately, there are a bunch of cases where that didn't work as well as expected. Especially when trying to better enforce the boundary between the classes. 

We've got a couple tests here that I've added. These are partially examples, and partially things I ran into while implementing this. A bunch of things from #7001 can go in now that we have this.

This PR is gonna be a huge pain to review - 38 files with 3,730 additions and 1,661 deletions is nothing to scoff at. It will also conflict 100% with anything that's targeting `TermControl`. I'm hoping we can review this over the course of the next week and just be done with it, and leave plenty of runway for 1.9 bugs in post.

## References

* In pursuit of #1256
* Proc Model: #5000

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #6842
* [x] Closes
* [x] Closes
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

* I don't love the names `ControlCore` and `ControlInteractivity`. Open to other names.
* I added a `ICoreState` interface for "properties that come from the `ControlCore`, but consumers of the `TermControl` need to know". In the future, these will all need to be handled specially, because they might involve an RPC call to retrieve the info from the core (or cache it) in the window process.
* I've added more `EventArgs` to make more events proper `TypedEvent`s.
* I've changed how the TerminalApp layer requests updated TaskbarProgress state. It doesn't need to pump TermControl to raise a new event anymore.
* ~~Something that snuck into this branch in the very long history is the switch to `DCompositionCreateSurfaceHandle` for the `DxEngine`. @miniksa wrote this originally in 30b8335, I'm just finally committing it here. We'll need that in the future for the out-of-proc stuff.~~
  * I reverted this in c113b65d9. We can revert _that_ commit when we want to come back to it.
* I've changed the acrylic handler a decent amount. But added tests!
* All the `ThrottledFunc` things are left in `TermControl`. Some might be able to move down into core/interactivity, but once we figure out how to use a different kind of Dispatcher (because a UI thread won't necessarily exist for those components).
* I've undoubtably messed up the merging of the locking around the appearance config stuff recently

## Validation Steps Performed

I've got a rolling list in that I'm updating as I go.
2021-04-27 15:50:45 +00:00