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7 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Leon Liang 482dcec60a
Tray Icon PR followup (#10938)
Some followups to #10368:
- Accidentally reverted a defapp change where the Monarch should not by default register itself as a handoff server.
- Destroy the tray icon if we're a monarch otherwise if we're a quake window we request the monarch to hide the icon.
2021-08-19 17:38:18 +00:00
Leon Liang a0edb12cd6
Add Minimize to Tray and Tray Icon (#10368)
A brief summary of the behavior of the tray icon:
- There will only ever be one tray icon representing all windows.
- Left-Click on a Tray Icon brings up the MRU window.
- Right-Click on a Tray Icon brings up a Context Menu:
Focus Terminal
Windows --> Window ID 1 - <unnamed window>
            Named Window
            Named Window Again
- Focus Terminal will bring up the MRU window.
- Clicking on any of the Window "names" in the submenu will summon the window.

## Settings Changes

Two new global settings are introduced: `alwaysShowTrayIcon` and `minimizeToTray`. Here's a chart explaining the behavior with the two settings.

|                      | `alwaysShowTrayIcon:true`                                          | `alwaysShowTrayIcon:false`                                         |
| `minimizeToTray:true`  | tray icon is always shown. minimize button will hide the window. | tray icon is always shown. minimize button will hide the window. |
| `minimizeToTray:false` | tray icon is always shown.                                       | tray icon is not shown ever.                                     |

Closes #5727

## References
[Spec for Minimize to Tray](
Docs PR - MicrosoftDocs/terminal#352
#10448 - My list of TODOs
2021-08-12 19:54:39 +00:00
Michael Niksa 66fdc645f7
Set keyword flags on all tracelog events (#10098)
Set keyword flags on all events so those sharing a provider with
telemetry do not fire unless tracing is enabled

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #10093 
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests passed
* [x] Documentation added in `til.h` about how keywords work and at the
  only other site of keywords we define in the Host project tracing

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
I initially thought that we would need to split providers here to
accomplish this... but @DHowett helped me realize that might be a lot of
additional metadata and bloat binary size. So with help from a friend
from fundamentals, I realized that we could use Keywords to
differentiate here. We can no longer define 0 keywords as that
represents an any/all scenario. Every `TraceLoggingWrite` event now
needs a keyword. When our events have a keyword, they're not included in
any trace. Additionally, when we have an explicit keyword to check that
is different from the ones used for the telemetry pipeline, we can
ensure that we only do "hard work" to generate debug trace data when an
"ALL" type listener like TraceView or Windows Performance Recorder with
our profiles is listening to these providers for ALL keyworded events. 

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] - Built with full release build config to confirm performance is
  worse than dev builds BECAUSE of the telemetry event collector camping
  our provider and triggering full trace event generation on shared
- [x] - Built with full release build config to enable statistics
  collection and validated trace event collection is excluded and trace
  event short-circuits work with this change.
- [x] - Checked that TraceView still sees both telemetry and tracing
- [x] - Checked that WPR with our .wprp profile sees both telemetry and
  tracing events
2021-05-14 23:14:26 +00:00
Mike Griese d08271e734
Add globalSummon action (#9854)
Adds support for two new actions:
* `globalSummon`, which can be used to activate a window using a _global_ (READ: OS-level) hotkey.
  - accepts an optional `name` argument. When provided, this will attempt to summon with the given name. When omitted, we'll try to summon the most recent window.
* `quakeMode` which is `globalSummon` for the `_quake` window.

These actions are stored in the actions array, but are read by the `WindowsTerminal` level and bound to the OS in `IslandWindow`. The monarch registers for these keybindings with the OS. When one is pressed, the monarch will recieve a `WM_HOTKEY` message. It'll use that to look up the corresponding action args. It'll use those to try and summon the right window.

## References

* #8888: Quake mode megathread
* #9274: Spec (**guys seriously i just need one more ✔️**)
* #9785: The start of granting "\_quake" super powers

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #653 - I'm gonna say this closes it for now, though we have _many_ follow-ups in #8888
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* Validated that it works with `win` keys
* Validated that it works without `win` keys
* Validated that it hot-reloads
* Validated that it moves to the new monarch
* Validated that you can bind both `globalSummon` and `quakeMode` at the same time and do different things
* Validated that you can bind `globalSummon` with a name and it creates that name if it doesn't already exist
2021-04-28 17:13:28 -05:00
Mike Griese 43c469fc95
Add support for naming windows with the -w parameter (#9300)
This finishes the implementation of `--window` to also accept a string
as the "name" of the window. So you can say 

wt -w foo new-tab
wt -w foo split-pane

and have both those commands execute in the same window, the one named
"foo". This is just slightly more ergonomic than manually using the IDs
of windows. In the future, I'll be working on renaming windows, and
displaying these names. 

> #### `--window,-w <window-id>`
> Run these commands in the given Windows Terminal session. This enables opening
> new tabs, splits, etc. in already running Windows Terminal windows.
> * If `window-id` is `0`, run the given commands in _the current window_.
> * If `window-id` is a negative number, or the reserved name `new`, run the
>   commands in a _new_ Terminal window.
> * If `window-id` is the ID or name of an existing window, then run the
>   commandline in that window.
> * If `window-id` is _not_ the ID or name of an existing window, create a new
>   window. That window will be assigned the ID or name provided in the
>   commandline. The provided subcommands will be run in that new window.
> * If `window-id` is omitted, then obey the value of `windowingBehavior` when
>   determining which window to run the command in.

Before this PR, I think we didn't actually properly support assigning
the id with `wt -w 12345`. If `12345` didn't exist, it would make a new
window, but just assign it the next id, not assign it 12345.

## References
* #4472, #8135

## Validation Steps Performed
Ran tests
Messed with naming windows, working as expected.

2021-03-17 19:28:01 +00:00
Mike Griese 03ebe514e9
Add support for running a commandline in another WT window (#8898)
## Summary of the Pull Request

**If you're reading this PR and haven't signed off on #8135, go there first.**


This provides the basic parts of the implementation of #4472. Namely:
* We add support for the `--window,-w <window-id>` argument to `wt.exe`, to allow a commandline to be given to another window.
    * If `window-id` is `0`, run the given commands in _the current window_.
    * If `window-id` is a negative number, run the commands in a _new_ Terminal window.
    * If `window-id` is the ID of an existing window, then run the commandline in that window.
    * If `window-id` is _not_ the ID of an existing window, create a new window. That window will be assigned the ID provided in the commandline. The provided subcommands will be run in that new window.
    * If `window-id` is omitted, then create a new window.

## References
* Spec: #8135
* Megathread: #5000
* Project: projects/5

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4472
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated - **sure does**

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Note that `wt -w 1 -d c:\foo cmd.exe` does work, by causing window 1 to change 

There are limitations, and there are plenty of things to work on in the future:
* [ ] We don't support names for windows yet
* [ ] We don't support window glomming by default, or a setting to configure what happens when `-w` is omitted. I thought it best to lay the groundwork first, then come back to that.
* [ ] `-w 0` currently just uses the "last activated" window, not "the current". There's more follow-up work to try and smartly find the actual window we're being called from.
* [ ] Basically anything else that's listed in projects/5.

I'm cutting this PR where it currently is, because this is already a huge PR. I believe the remaining tasks will all be easier to land, once this is in. 

## Validation Steps Performed

I've been creating windows, and closing them, and running cmdlines for a while now. I'm gonna keep doing that while the PR is open, till no bugs remain.

* [x] There are a bunch of `GetID`, `GetPID` calls that aren't try/caught 😬 
  -  [x] `Monarch.cpp`
  -  [x] `Peasant.cpp`
  -  [x] `WindowManager.cpp`
  -  [x] `AppHost.cpp`
* [x] If the monarch gets hung, then _you can't launch any Terminals_ 😨 We should handle this gracefully.
  - Proposed idea: give the Monarch some time to respond to a proposal for a commandline. If there's no response in that timeframe, this window is now a _hermit_, outside of society entirely. It can't be elected Monarch. It can't receive command lines. It has no ID.  
  	- Could we gracefully recover from such a state? maybe, probably not though.
    -  Same deal if a peasant hangs, it could end up hanging the monarch, right? Like if you do `wt -w 2`, and `2` is hung, then does the monarch get hung waiting on the hung peasant?
  - After talking with @miniksa, **we're gonna punt this from the initial implementation**. If people legit hit this in the wild, we'll fix it then.
2021-02-10 11:28:09 +00:00
Mike Griese 7d503a4352
Add Microsoft.Terminal.Remoting.dll (#8607)
Adds a `Microsoft.Terminal.Remoting.dll` to our solution. This DLL will
be responsible for all the Monarch/Peasant work that's been described in
#7240 & #8135. 

This PR does _not_ implement the Monarch/Peasant architecture in any
significant way. The goal of this PR is to just to establish the project
layout, and the most basic connections. This should make reviewing the
actual meat of the implementation (in a later PR) easier. It will also
give us the opportunity to include some of the basic weird things we're
doing (with `CoRegisterClass`) in the Terminal _now_, and get them
selfhosted, before building on them too much.

This PR does have windows registering the `Monarch` class with COM. When
windows are created, they'll as the Monarch if they should create a new
window or not. In this PR, the Monarch will always reply "yes, please
make a new window".

Similar to other projects in our solution, we're adding 3 projects here:
* `Microsoft.Terminal.Remoting.lib`: the actual implementation, as a
  static lib.
* `Microsoft.Terminal.Remoting.dll`: The implementation linked as a DLL,
  for use in `WindowsTerminal.exe`.
* `Remoting.UnitTests.dll`: A unit test dll that links with the static

There are plenty of TODOs scattered about the code. Clearly, most of
this isn't implemented yet, but I do have more WIP branches. I'm using
[`projects/5`]( as my
notation for TODOs that are too small for an issue, but are part of the
whole Process Model 2.0 work.

## References

* #5000 - this is the process model megathread
* #7240 - The process model 2.0 spec.
* #8135 - the window management spec. (please review me, I have 0/3
  signoffs even after the discussion we had 😢)
* #8171 - the Monarch/peasant sample. (please review me, I have 1/2)

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes nothing, this is just infrastructure
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated
2021-01-07 22:59:37 +00:00