/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: conint.h Abstract: This module defines an abstraction for calling certain OS support functionality that we can't make completely public due to obligations we have with our partner teams about disclosure of their API surface. Author: miniksa 17-Apr-2019 Revision History: --*/ #pragma once namespace Microsoft::Console::Internal { namespace ProcessPolicy { [[nodiscard]] HRESULT CheckAppModelPolicy(const HANDLE hToken, bool& fIsWrongWayBlocked) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] HRESULT CheckIntegrityLevelPolicy(const HANDLE hOtherToken, bool& fIsWrongWayBlocked) noexcept; } namespace EdpPolicy { void AuditClipboard(const std::wstring_view destinationName) noexcept; } namespace Theming { [[nodiscard]] HRESULT TrySetDarkMode(HWND hwnd) noexcept; } namespace DefaultApp { [[nodiscard]] HRESULT CheckDefaultAppPolicy(bool& isEnabled) noexcept; } }