/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: - TrueTypeFontList.hpp Abstract: - This module is used for managing the list of preferred TrueType fonts in the registry Author(s): - Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 14-Mar-2016 --*/ #pragma once class TrueTypeFontList { public: static SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY s_ttFontList; [[nodiscard]] static NTSTATUS s_Initialize(); [[nodiscard]] static NTSTATUS s_Destroy(); static LPTTFONTLIST s_SearchByName(_In_opt_ LPCWSTR pwszFace, _In_ BOOL fCodePage, _In_ UINT CodePage); [[nodiscard]] static NTSTATUS s_SearchByCodePage(const UINT uiCodePage, _Out_writes_(cchFaceName) PWSTR pwszFaceName, const size_t cchFaceName); };