!include ..\project.inc # ------------------------------------- # Windows Console # - Console Text Services Framework # ------------------------------------- # This module allows the Windows Console to interact with # the "Text Services Framework" which provides Input Method Editors (IMEs). # This is leveraged to allow the console to interact appropriately with # Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages which pop-up overlays to help # insert the appropriate characters based on a series of keystrokes. # ------------------------------------- # Program Information # ------------------------------------- TARGETNAME = ConTSF TARGETTYPE = LIBRARY # ------------------------------------- # Preprocessor Settings # ------------------------------------- C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -DWIN32 -DNT # ------------------------------------- # Build System Settings # ------------------------------------- # Code in the OneCore depot automatically excludes default Win32 libraries. # Defines IME and Codepage support # ------------------------------------- # Sources, Headers, and Libraries # ------------------------------------- PRECOMPILED_CXX = 1 PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE = precomp.h PRECOMPILED_PCH = precomp.pch PRECOMPILED_OBJ = precomp.obj SOURCES = \ contsf.cpp \ ConsoleTSF.cpp \ TfConvArea.cpp \ TfCatUtil.cpp \ TfDispAttr.cpp \ TfEditSession.cpp \ TfTxtevCb.cpp \ INCLUDES = \ $(INCLUDES); \ ..\inc; \ $(ONECORE_PRIV_SDK_INC_PATH); \ $(MINWIN_INTERNAL_PRIV_SDK_INC_PATH_L); \ $(SDK_INC_PATH)\atl30; \ $(ONECORE_EXTERNAL_SDK_INC_PATH)\atl30; \