@echo off @rem This script can be used for running the unit tests just the same way @rem they'll run on VSO. setlocal set VSTEST_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe" set test_cmd=%VSTEST_PATH% ^ "%OPENCON%\bin\%ARCH%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\ConAdapter.Unit.Tests.dll" ^ "%OPENCON%\bin\%ARCH%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\Conhost.Interactivity.Win32.Unit.Tests.dll" ^ "%OPENCON%\bin\%ARCH%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\Conhost.Unit.Tests.dll" ^ "%OPENCON%\bin\%ARCH%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\ConParser.Unit.Tests.dll" ^ /Settings:"%OPENCON%\src\unit.tests.%ARCH%.runsettings" ^ /EnableCodeCoverage ^ /logger:trx ^ /TestAdapterPath:"%OPENCON%" ^ %* @rem Note: You can't use the same /name*test* parameters to regex find tests with this tester. @rem you instead need to use /Tests:[] @rem ex: vso_ut /Tests:DtorTest @rem will match any test with "DtorTest" in the name. Note that Test Discovery will take FOREVER. echo Starting tests with the following commandline in a new window: echo ``` echo %test_cmd% echo ``` start cmd /k "%test_cmd%"