// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "precomp.h" #include "directio.h" #include "_output.h" #include "output.h" #include "input.h" #include "dbcs.h" #include "handle.h" #include "misc.h" #include "readDataDirect.hpp" #include "ApiRoutines.h" #include "../types/inc/convert.hpp" #include "../types/inc/GlyphWidth.hpp" #include "../types/inc/viewport.hpp" #include "..\interactivity\inc\ServiceLocator.hpp" #pragma hdrstop using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types; class CONSOLE_INFORMATION; #define UNICODE_DBCS_PADDING 0xffff // Routine Description: // - converts non-unicode InputEvents to unicode InputEvents // Arguments: // inEvents - InputEvents to convert // partialEvent - on output, will contain a partial dbcs byte char // data if the last event in inEvents is a dbcs lead byte // Return Value: // - inEvents will contain unicode InputEvents // - partialEvent may contain a partial dbcs KeyEvent void EventsToUnicode(_Inout_ std::deque>& inEvents, _Out_ std::unique_ptr& partialEvent) { const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); std::deque> outEvents; while (!inEvents.empty()) { std::unique_ptr currentEvent = std::move(inEvents.front()); inEvents.pop_front(); if (currentEvent->EventType() != InputEventType::KeyEvent) { outEvents.push_back(std::move(currentEvent)); } else { const KeyEvent* const keyEvent = static_cast(currentEvent.get()); std::wstring outWChar; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // convert char data to unicode if (IsDBCSLeadByteConsole(static_cast(keyEvent->GetCharData()), &gci.CPInfo)) { if (inEvents.empty()) { // we ran out of data and have a partial byte leftover partialEvent = std::move(currentEvent); break; } // get the 2nd byte and convert to unicode const KeyEvent* const keyEventEndByte = static_cast(inEvents.front().get()); inEvents.pop_front(); char inBytes[] = { static_cast(keyEvent->GetCharData()), static_cast(keyEventEndByte->GetCharData()) }; try { outWChar = ConvertToW(gci.CP, { inBytes, ARRAYSIZE(inBytes) }); } catch (...) { hr = wil::ResultFromCaughtException(); } } else { char inBytes[] = { static_cast(keyEvent->GetCharData()) }; try { outWChar = ConvertToW(gci.CP, { inBytes, ARRAYSIZE(inBytes) }); } catch (...) { hr = wil::ResultFromCaughtException(); } } // push unicode key events back out if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && outWChar.size() > 0) { KeyEvent unicodeKeyEvent = *keyEvent; for (const auto wch : outWChar) { try { unicodeKeyEvent.SetCharData(wch); outEvents.push_back(std::make_unique(unicodeKeyEvent)); } catch (...) { LOG_HR(wil::ResultFromCaughtException()); } } } } } inEvents.swap(outEvents); return; } // Routine Description: // - This routine reads or peeks input events. In both cases, the events // are copied to the user's buffer. In the read case they are removed // from the input buffer and in the peek case they are not. // Arguments: // - pInputBuffer - The input buffer to take records from to return to the client // - outEvents - The storage location to fill with input events // - eventReadCount - The number of events to read // - pInputReadHandleData - A structure that will help us maintain // some input context across various calls on the same input // handle. Primarily used to restore the "other piece" of partially // returned strings (because client buffer wasn't big enough) on the // next call. // - IsUnicode - Whether to operate on Unicode characters or convert // on the current Input Codepage. // - IsPeek - If this is a peek operation (a.k.a. do not remove // characters from the input buffer while copying to client buffer.) // - ppWaiter - If we have to wait (not enough data to fill client // buffer), this contains context that will allow the server to // restore this call later. // Return Value: // - STATUS_SUCCESS - If data was found and ready for return to the client. // - CONSOLE_STATUS_WAIT - If we didn't have enough data or needed to // block, this will be returned along with context in *ppWaiter. // - Or an out of memory/math/string error message in NTSTATUS format. [[nodiscard]] static NTSTATUS _DoGetConsoleInput(InputBuffer& inputBuffer, std::deque>& outEvents, const size_t eventReadCount, INPUT_READ_HANDLE_DATA& readHandleState, const bool IsUnicode, const bool IsPeek, std::unique_ptr& waiter) noexcept { try { waiter.reset(); if (eventReadCount == 0) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); std::deque> partialEvents; if (!IsUnicode) { if (inputBuffer.IsReadPartialByteSequenceAvailable()) { partialEvents.push_back(inputBuffer.FetchReadPartialByteSequence(IsPeek)); } } size_t amountToRead; if (FAILED(SizeTSub(eventReadCount, partialEvents.size(), &amountToRead))) { return STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW; } std::deque> readEvents; NTSTATUS Status = inputBuffer.Read(readEvents, amountToRead, IsPeek, true, IsUnicode, false); if (CONSOLE_STATUS_WAIT == Status) { FAIL_FAST_IF(!(readEvents.empty())); // If we're told to wait until later, move all of our context // to the read data object and send it back up to the server. waiter = std::make_unique(&inputBuffer, &readHandleState, eventReadCount, std::move(partialEvents)); } else if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // split key events to oem chars if necessary if (!IsUnicode) { try { SplitToOem(readEvents); } CATCH_LOG(); } // combine partial and readEvents while (!partialEvents.empty()) { readEvents.push_front(std::move(partialEvents.back())); partialEvents.pop_back(); } // move events over for (size_t i = 0; i < eventReadCount; ++i) { if (readEvents.empty()) { break; } outEvents.push_back(std::move(readEvents.front())); readEvents.pop_front(); } // store partial event if necessary if (!readEvents.empty()) { inputBuffer.StoreReadPartialByteSequence(std::move(readEvents.front())); readEvents.pop_front(); FAIL_FAST_IF(!(readEvents.empty())); } } return Status; } catch (...) { return NTSTATUS_FROM_HRESULT(wil::ResultFromCaughtException()); } } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves input records from the given input object and returns them to the client. // - The peek version will NOT remove records when it copies them out. // - The A version will convert to W using the console's current Input codepage (see SetConsoleCP) // Arguments: // - context - The input buffer to take records from to return to the client // - outEvents - storage location for read events // - eventsToRead - The number of input events to read // - readHandleState - A structure that will help us maintain // some input context across various calls on the same input // handle. Primarily used to restore the "other piece" of partially // returned strings (because client buffer wasn't big enough) on the // next call. // - waiter - If we have to wait (not enough data to fill client // buffer), this contains context that will allow the server to // restore this call later. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::PeekConsoleInputAImpl(IConsoleInputObject& context, std::deque>& outEvents, const size_t eventsToRead, INPUT_READ_HANDLE_DATA& readHandleState, std::unique_ptr& waiter) noexcept { try { RETURN_NTSTATUS(_DoGetConsoleInput(context, outEvents, eventsToRead, readHandleState, false, true, waiter)); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves input records from the given input object and returns them to the client. // - The peek version will NOT remove records when it copies them out. // - The W version accepts UCS-2 formatted characters (wide characters) // Arguments: // - context - The input buffer to take records from to return to the client // - outEvents - storage location for read events // - eventsToRead - The number of input events to read // - readHandleState - A structure that will help us maintain // some input context across various calls on the same input // handle. Primarily used to restore the "other piece" of partially // returned strings (because client buffer wasn't big enough) on the // next call. // - waiter - If we have to wait (not enough data to fill client // buffer), this contains context that will allow the server to // restore this call later. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::PeekConsoleInputWImpl(IConsoleInputObject& context, std::deque>& outEvents, const size_t eventsToRead, INPUT_READ_HANDLE_DATA& readHandleState, std::unique_ptr& waiter) noexcept { try { RETURN_NTSTATUS(_DoGetConsoleInput(context, outEvents, eventsToRead, readHandleState, true, true, waiter)); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves input records from the given input object and returns them to the client. // - The read version WILL remove records when it copies them out. // - The A version will convert to W using the console's current Input codepage (see SetConsoleCP) // Arguments: // - context - The input buffer to take records from to return to the client // - outEvents - storage location for read events // - eventsToRead - The number of input events to read // - readHandleState - A structure that will help us maintain // some input context across various calls on the same input // handle. Primarily used to restore the "other piece" of partially // returned strings (because client buffer wasn't big enough) on the // next call. // - waiter - If we have to wait (not enough data to fill client // buffer), this contains context that will allow the server to // restore this call later. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ReadConsoleInputAImpl(IConsoleInputObject& context, std::deque>& outEvents, const size_t eventsToRead, INPUT_READ_HANDLE_DATA& readHandleState, std::unique_ptr& waiter) noexcept { try { RETURN_NTSTATUS(_DoGetConsoleInput(context, outEvents, eventsToRead, readHandleState, false, false, waiter)); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves input records from the given input object and returns them to the client. // - The read version WILL remove records when it copies them out. // - The W version accepts UCS-2 formatted characters (wide characters) // Arguments: // - context - The input buffer to take records from to return to the client // - outEvents - storage location for read events // - eventsToRead - The number of input events to read // - readHandleState - A structure that will help us maintain // some input context across various calls on the same input // handle. Primarily used to restore the "other piece" of partially // returned strings (because client buffer wasn't big enough) on the // next call. // - waiter - If we have to wait (not enough data to fill client // buffer), this contains context that will allow the server to // restore this call later. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ReadConsoleInputWImpl(IConsoleInputObject& context, std::deque>& outEvents, const size_t eventsToRead, INPUT_READ_HANDLE_DATA& readHandleState, std::unique_ptr& waiter) noexcept { try { RETURN_NTSTATUS(_DoGetConsoleInput(context, outEvents, eventsToRead, readHandleState, true, false, waiter)); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Writes events to the input buffer // Arguments: // - context - the input buffer to write to // - events - the events to written // - written - on output, the number of events written // - append - true if events should be written to the end of the input // buffer, false if they should be written to the front // Return Value: // - HRESULT indicating success or failure [[nodiscard]] static HRESULT _WriteConsoleInputWImplHelper(InputBuffer& context, std::deque>& events, size_t& written, const bool append) noexcept { try { written = 0; // add to InputBuffer if (append) { written = context.Write(events); } else { written = context.Prepend(events); } return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Writes events to the input buffer already formed into IInputEvents (private call) // Arguments: // - context - the input buffer to write to // - events - the events to written // - written - on output, the number of events written // - append - true if events should be written to the end of the input // buffer, false if they should be written to the front // Return Value: // - HRESULT indicating success or failure [[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateWriteConsoleInputW(_Inout_ InputBuffer* const pInputBuffer, _Inout_ std::deque>& events, _Out_ size_t& eventsWritten, const bool append) noexcept { return _WriteConsoleInputWImplHelper(*pInputBuffer, events, eventsWritten, append); } // Routine Description: // - Writes events to the input buffer, translating from codepage to unicode first // Arguments: // - context - the input buffer to write to // - buffer - the events to written // - written - on output, the number of events written // - append - true if events should be written to the end of the input // buffer, false if they should be written to the front // Return Value: // - HRESULT indicating success or failure [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::WriteConsoleInputAImpl(InputBuffer& context, const std::basic_string_view buffer, size_t& written, const bool append) noexcept { written = 0; LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { auto events = IInputEvent::Create(buffer); // add partial byte event if necessary if (context.IsWritePartialByteSequenceAvailable()) { events.push_front(context.FetchWritePartialByteSequence(false)); } // convert to unicode if necessary std::unique_ptr partialEvent; EventsToUnicode(events, partialEvent); if (partialEvent.get()) { context.StoreWritePartialByteSequence(std::move(partialEvent)); } return _WriteConsoleInputWImplHelper(context, events, written, append); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Writes events to the input buffer // Arguments: // - context - the input buffer to write to // - buffer - the events to written // - written - on output, the number of events written // - append - true if events should be written to the end of the input // buffer, false if they should be written to the front // Return Value: // - HRESULT indicating success or failure [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::WriteConsoleInputWImpl(InputBuffer& context, const std::basic_string_view buffer, size_t& written, const bool append) noexcept { written = 0; LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { auto events = IInputEvent::Create(buffer); return _WriteConsoleInputWImplHelper(context, events, written, append); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Function Description: // - Writes the input records to the beginning of the input buffer. This is used // by VT sequences that need a response immediately written back to the // input. // Arguments: // - pInputBuffer - the input buffer to write to // - events - the events to written // - eventsWritten - on output, the number of events written // Return Value: // - HRESULT indicating success or failure [[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivatePrependConsoleInput(_Inout_ InputBuffer* const pInputBuffer, _Inout_ std::deque>& events, _Out_ size_t& eventsWritten) { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); eventsWritten = 0; try { // add partial byte event if necessary if (pInputBuffer->IsWritePartialByteSequenceAvailable()) { events.push_front(pInputBuffer->FetchWritePartialByteSequence(false)); } } CATCH_RETURN(); // add to InputBuffer eventsWritten = pInputBuffer->Prepend(events); return S_OK; } // Function Description: // - Writes the input KeyEvent to the console as a console control event. This // can be used for potentially generating Ctrl-C events, as // HandleGenericKeyEvent will correctly generate the Ctrl-C response in // the same way that it'd be handled from the window proc, with the proper // processed vs raw input handling. // If the input key is *not* a Ctrl-C key, then it will get written to the // buffer just the same as any other KeyEvent. // Arguments: // - pInputBuffer - the input buffer to write to. Currently unused, as // HandleGenericKeyEvent just gets the global input buffer, but all // ConGetSet API's require a input or output object. // - key - The keyevent to send to the console. // Return Value: // - HRESULT indicating success or failure [[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateWriteConsoleControlInput(_Inout_ InputBuffer* const /*pInputBuffer*/, _In_ KeyEvent key) { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); HandleGenericKeyEvent(key, false); return S_OK; } // Routine Description: // - This is used when the app is reading output as cells and needs them converted // into a particular codepage on the way out. // Arguments: // - codepage - The relevant codepage for translation // - buffer - This is the buffer containing all of the character data to be converted // - rectangle - This is the rectangle describing the region that the buffer covers. // Return Value: // - Generally S_OK. Could be a memory or math error code. [[nodiscard]] static HRESULT _ConvertCellsToAInplace(const UINT codepage, const gsl::span buffer, const Viewport rectangle) noexcept { try { std::vector tempBuffer(buffer.cbegin(), buffer.cend()); const auto size = rectangle.Dimensions(); auto tempIter = tempBuffer.cbegin(); auto outIter = buffer.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < size.Y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size.X; j++) { // Any time we see the lead flag, we presume there will be a trailing one following it. // Giving us two bytes of space (one per cell in the ascii part of the character union) // to fill with whatever this Unicode character converts into. if (WI_IsFlagSet(tempIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE)) { // As long as we're not looking at the exact last column of the buffer... if (j < size.X - 1) { // Walk forward one because we're about to consume two cells. j++; // Try to convert the unicode character (2 bytes) in the leading cell to the codepage. CHAR AsciiDbcs[2] = { 0 }; UINT NumBytes = gsl::narrow(sizeof(AsciiDbcs)); NumBytes = ConvertToOem(codepage, &tempIter->Char.UnicodeChar, 1, &AsciiDbcs[0], NumBytes); // Fill the 1 byte (AsciiChar) portion of the leading and trailing cells with each of the bytes returned. outIter->Char.AsciiChar = AsciiDbcs[0]; outIter->Attributes = tempIter->Attributes; outIter++; tempIter++; outIter->Char.AsciiChar = AsciiDbcs[1]; outIter->Attributes = tempIter->Attributes; outIter++; tempIter++; } else { // When we're in the last column with only a leading byte, we can't return that without a trailing. // Instead, replace the output data with just a space and clear all flags. outIter->Char.AsciiChar = UNICODE_SPACE; outIter->Attributes = tempIter->Attributes; WI_ClearAllFlags(outIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS); outIter++; tempIter++; } } else if (WI_AreAllFlagsClear(tempIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS)) { // If there are no leading/trailing pair flags, then we only have 1 ascii byte to try to fit the // 2 byte UTF-16 character into. Give it a go. ConvertToOem(codepage, &tempIter->Char.UnicodeChar, 1, &outIter->Char.AsciiChar, 1); outIter->Attributes = tempIter->Attributes; outIter++; tempIter++; } } } return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - This is used when the app writes oem to the output buffer we want // UnicodeOem or Unicode in the buffer, depending on font // Arguments: // - codepage - The relevant codepage for translation // - buffer - This is the buffer containing all of the character data to be converted // - rectangle - This is the rectangle describing the region that the buffer covers. // Return Value: // - Generally S_OK. Could be a memory or math error code. [[nodiscard]] static HRESULT _ConvertCellsToWInplace(const UINT codepage, gsl::span buffer, const Viewport& rectangle) noexcept { try { const auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); const auto size = rectangle.Dimensions(); auto outIter = buffer.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < size.Y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size.X; j++) { // Clear lead/trailing flags. We'll determine it for ourselves versus the given codepage. WI_ClearAllFlags(outIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS); // If the 1 byte given is a lead in this codepage, we likely need two cells for the width. if (IsDBCSLeadByteConsole(outIter->Char.AsciiChar, &gci.OutputCPInfo)) { // If we're not on the last column, we have two cells to use. if (j < size.X - 1) { // Mark we're consuming two cells. j++; // Grab the lead/trailing byte pair from this cell and the next one forward. CHAR AsciiDbcs[2]; AsciiDbcs[0] = outIter->Char.AsciiChar; AsciiDbcs[1] = (outIter + 1)->Char.AsciiChar; // Convert it to UTF-16. WCHAR UnicodeDbcs[2]; ConvertOutputToUnicode(codepage, &AsciiDbcs[0], 2, &UnicodeDbcs[0], 2); // Store the actual character in the first available position. outIter->Char.UnicodeChar = UnicodeDbcs[0]; WI_ClearAllFlags(outIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS); WI_SetFlag(outIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE); outIter++; // Put a padding character in the second position. outIter->Char.UnicodeChar = UNICODE_DBCS_PADDING; WI_ClearAllFlags(outIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS); WI_SetFlag(outIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE); outIter++; } else { // If we were on the last column, put in a space. outIter->Char.UnicodeChar = UNICODE_SPACE; WI_ClearAllFlags(outIter->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS); outIter++; } } else { // If it's not detected as a lead byte of a pair, then just convert it in place and move on. CHAR c = outIter->Char.AsciiChar; ConvertOutputToUnicode(codepage, &c, 1, &outIter->Char.UnicodeChar, 1); outIter++; } } } return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] static std::vector _ConvertCellsToMungedW(gsl::span buffer, const Viewport& rectangle) { std::vector result; result.reserve(buffer.size() * 2); // we estimate we'll need up to double the cells if they all expand. const auto size = rectangle.Dimensions(); auto bufferIter = buffer.cbegin(); for (SHORT i = 0; i < size.Y; i++) { for (SHORT j = 0; j < size.X; j++) { // Prepare a candidate charinfo on the output side copying the colors but not the lead/trail information. CHAR_INFO candidate; candidate.Attributes = bufferIter->Attributes; WI_ClearAllFlags(candidate.Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS); // If the glyph we're given is full width, it needs to take two cells. if (IsGlyphFullWidth(bufferIter->Char.UnicodeChar)) { // If we're not on the final cell of the row... if (j < size.X - 1) { // Mark that we're consuming two cells. j++; // Fill one cell with a copy of the color and character marked leading candidate.Char.UnicodeChar = bufferIter->Char.UnicodeChar; WI_SetFlag(candidate.Attributes, COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE); result.push_back(candidate); // Fill a second cell with a copy of the color marked trailing and a padding character. candidate.Char.UnicodeChar = UNICODE_DBCS_PADDING; candidate.Attributes = bufferIter->Attributes; WI_ClearAllFlags(candidate.Attributes, COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS); WI_SetFlag(candidate.Attributes, COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE); } else { // If we're on the final cell, this won't fit. Replace with a space. candidate.Char.UnicodeChar = UNICODE_SPACE; } } else { // If we're not full-width, we're half-width. Just copy the character over. candidate.Char.UnicodeChar = bufferIter->Char.UnicodeChar; } // Push our candidate in. result.push_back(candidate); // Advance to read the next item. bufferIter++; } } return result; } [[nodiscard]] static HRESULT _ReadConsoleOutputWImplHelper(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, gsl::span targetBuffer, const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& requestRectangle, Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& readRectangle) noexcept { try { const auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); const auto& storageBuffer = context.GetActiveBuffer(); const auto storageSize = storageBuffer.GetBufferSize().Dimensions(); const auto targetSize = requestRectangle.Dimensions(); // If either dimension of the request is too small, return an empty rectangle as read and exit early. if (targetSize.X <= 0 || targetSize.Y <= 0) { readRectangle = Viewport::FromDimensions(requestRectangle.Origin(), { 0, 0 }); return S_OK; } // The buffer given should be big enough to hold the dimensions of the request. ptrdiff_t targetArea; RETURN_IF_FAILED(PtrdiffTMult(targetSize.X, targetSize.Y, &targetArea)); RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, targetArea < 0); RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, targetArea < targetBuffer.size()); // Clip the request rectangle to the size of the storage buffer SMALL_RECT clip = requestRectangle.ToExclusive(); clip.Right = std::min(clip.Right, storageSize.X); clip.Bottom = std::min(clip.Bottom, storageSize.Y); // Find the target point (where to write the user's buffer) // It will either be 0,0 or offset into the buffer by the inverse of the negative values. COORD targetPoint; targetPoint.X = clip.Left < 0 ? -clip.Left : 0; targetPoint.Y = clip.Top < 0 ? -clip.Top : 0; // The clipped rect must be inside the buffer size, so it has a minimum value of 0. (max of itself and 0) clip.Left = std::max(clip.Left, 0i16); clip.Top = std::max(clip.Top, 0i16); // The final "request rectangle" or the area inside the buffer we want to read, is the clipped dimensions. const auto clippedRequestRectangle = Viewport::FromExclusive(clip); // We will start reading the buffer at the point of the top left corner (origin) of the (potentially adjusted) request const auto sourcePoint = clippedRequestRectangle.Origin(); // Get an iterator to the beginning of the return buffer // We might have to seek this forward or skip around if we clipped the request. auto targetIter = targetBuffer.begin(); COORD targetPos = { 0 }; const auto targetLimit = Viewport::FromDimensions(targetPoint, clippedRequestRectangle.Dimensions()); // Get an iterator to the beginning of the request inside the screen buffer // This should walk exactly along every cell of the clipped request. auto sourceIter = storageBuffer.GetCellDataAt(sourcePoint, clippedRequestRectangle); // Walk through every cell of the target, advancing the buffer. // Validate that we always still have a valid iterator to the backgin store, // that we always are writing inside the user's buffer (before the end) // and we're always targeting the user's buffer inside its original bounds. while (sourceIter && targetIter < targetBuffer.end()) { // If the point we're trying to write is inside the limited buffer write zone... if (targetLimit.IsInBounds(targetPos)) { // Copy the data into position... *targetIter = gci.AsCharInfo(*sourceIter); // ... and advance the read iterator. sourceIter++; } // Always advance the write iterator, we might have skipped it due to clipping. targetIter++; // Increment the target targetPos.X++; if (targetPos.X >= targetSize.X) { targetPos.X = 0; targetPos.Y++; } } // Reply with the region we read out of the backing buffer (potentially clipped) readRectangle = clippedRequestRectangle; return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ReadConsoleOutputAImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, gsl::span buffer, const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& sourceRectangle, Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& readRectangle) noexcept { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { const auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); const auto codepage = gci.OutputCP; RETURN_IF_FAILED(_ReadConsoleOutputWImplHelper(context, buffer, sourceRectangle, readRectangle)); LOG_IF_FAILED(_ConvertCellsToAInplace(codepage, buffer, readRectangle)); return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ReadConsoleOutputWImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, gsl::span buffer, const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& sourceRectangle, Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& readRectangle) noexcept { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { RETURN_IF_FAILED(_ReadConsoleOutputWImplHelper(context, buffer, sourceRectangle, readRectangle)); if (!context.GetActiveBuffer().GetCurrentFont().IsTrueTypeFont()) { // For compatibility reasons, we must maintain the behavior that munges the data if we are writing while a raster font is enabled. // This can be removed when raster font support is removed. UnicodeRasterFontCellMungeOnRead(buffer); } return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] static HRESULT _WriteConsoleOutputWImplHelper(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, gsl::span buffer, const Viewport& requestRectangle, Viewport& writtenRectangle) noexcept { try { auto& storageBuffer = context.GetActiveBuffer(); const auto storageRectangle = storageBuffer.GetBufferSize(); const auto storageSize = storageRectangle.Dimensions(); const auto sourceSize = requestRectangle.Dimensions(); // If either dimension of the request is too small, return an empty rectangle as the read and exit early. if (sourceSize.X <= 0 || sourceSize.Y <= 0) { writtenRectangle = Viewport::FromDimensions(requestRectangle.Origin(), { 0, 0 }); return S_OK; } // If the top and left of the destination we're trying to write it outside the buffer, // give the original request rectangle back and exit early OK. if (requestRectangle.Left() >= storageSize.X || requestRectangle.Top() >= storageSize.Y) { writtenRectangle = requestRectangle; return S_OK; } // Do clipping according to the legacy patterns. SMALL_RECT writeRegion = requestRectangle.ToInclusive(); SMALL_RECT sourceRect; if (writeRegion.Right > storageSize.X - 1) { writeRegion.Right = storageSize.X - 1; } sourceRect.Right = writeRegion.Right - writeRegion.Left; if (writeRegion.Bottom > storageSize.Y - 1) { writeRegion.Bottom = storageSize.Y - 1; } sourceRect.Bottom = writeRegion.Bottom - writeRegion.Top; if (writeRegion.Left < 0) { sourceRect.Left = -writeRegion.Left; writeRegion.Left = 0; } else { sourceRect.Left = 0; } if (writeRegion.Top < 0) { sourceRect.Top = -writeRegion.Top; writeRegion.Top = 0; } else { sourceRect.Top = 0; } if (sourceRect.Left > sourceRect.Right || sourceRect.Top > sourceRect.Bottom) { return E_INVALIDARG; } const auto writeRectangle = Viewport::FromInclusive(writeRegion); auto target = writeRectangle.Origin(); // For every row in the request, create a view into the clamped portion of just the one line to write. // This allows us to restrict the width of the call without allocating/copying any memory by just making // a smaller view over the existing big blob of data from the original call. for (; target.Y < writeRectangle.BottomExclusive(); target.Y++) { // We find the offset into the original buffer by the dimensions of the original request rectangle. ptrdiff_t rowOffset = 0; RETURN_IF_FAILED(PtrdiffTSub(target.Y, requestRectangle.Top(), &rowOffset)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(PtrdiffTMult(rowOffset, requestRectangle.Width(), &rowOffset)); ptrdiff_t colOffset = 0; RETURN_IF_FAILED(PtrdiffTSub(target.X, requestRectangle.Left(), &colOffset)); ptrdiff_t totalOffset = 0; RETURN_IF_FAILED(PtrdiffTAdd(rowOffset, colOffset, &totalOffset)); // Now we make a subspan starting from that offset for as much of the original request as would fit const auto subspan = buffer.subspan(totalOffset, writeRectangle.Width()); // Convert to a CHAR_INFO view to fit into the iterator const auto charInfos = std::basic_string_view(subspan.data(), subspan.size()); // Make the iterator and write to the target position. OutputCellIterator it(charInfos); storageBuffer.Write(it, target); } // Since we've managed to write part of the request, return the clamped part that we actually used. writtenRectangle = writeRectangle; return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::WriteConsoleOutputAImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, gsl::span buffer, const Viewport& requestRectangle, Viewport& writtenRectangle) noexcept { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); const auto codepage = gci.OutputCP; LOG_IF_FAILED(_ConvertCellsToWInplace(codepage, buffer, requestRectangle)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(_WriteConsoleOutputWImplHelper(context, buffer, requestRectangle, writtenRectangle)); return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::WriteConsoleOutputWImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, gsl::span buffer, const Viewport& requestRectangle, Viewport& writtenRectangle) noexcept { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { if (!context.GetActiveBuffer().GetCurrentFont().IsTrueTypeFont()) { // For compatibility reasons, we must maintain the behavior that munges the data if we are writing while a raster font is enabled. // This can be removed when raster font support is removed. auto translated = _ConvertCellsToMungedW(buffer, requestRectangle); RETURN_IF_FAILED(_WriteConsoleOutputWImplHelper(context, translated, requestRectangle, writtenRectangle)); } else { RETURN_IF_FAILED(_WriteConsoleOutputWImplHelper(context, buffer, requestRectangle, writtenRectangle)); } return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ReadConsoleOutputAttributeImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, const COORD origin, gsl::span buffer, size_t& written) noexcept { written = 0; LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { const auto attrs = ReadOutputAttributes(context.GetActiveBuffer(), origin, buffer.size()); std::copy(attrs.cbegin(), attrs.cend(), buffer.begin()); written = attrs.size(); return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ReadConsoleOutputCharacterAImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, const COORD origin, gsl::span buffer, size_t& written) noexcept { written = 0; LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { const auto chars = ReadOutputStringA(context.GetActiveBuffer(), origin, buffer.size()); // for compatibility reasons, if we receive more chars than can fit in the buffer // then we don't send anything back. if (chars.size() <= gsl::narrow(buffer.size())) { std::copy(chars.cbegin(), chars.cend(), buffer.begin()); written = chars.size(); } return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ReadConsoleOutputCharacterWImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, const COORD origin, gsl::span buffer, size_t& written) noexcept { written = 0; LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { const auto chars = ReadOutputStringW(context.GetActiveBuffer(), origin, buffer.size()); // Only copy if the whole result will fit. if (chars.size() <= gsl::narrow(buffer.size())) { std::copy(chars.cbegin(), chars.cend(), buffer.begin()); written = chars.size(); } return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } // There used to be a text mode and a graphics mode flag. // Text mode was used for regular applications like CMD.exe. // Graphics mode was used for bitmap VDM buffers and is no longer supported. // OEM console font mode used to represent rewriting the entire buffer into codepage 437 so the renderer could handle it with raster fonts. // But now the entire buffer is always kept in Unicode and the renderer asks for translation when/if necessary for raster fonts only. // We keep these definitions here so the API can enforce that the only one we support any longer is the original text mode. // See: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682122(v=vs.85).aspx #define CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER 1 //#define CONSOLE_GRAPHICS_BUFFER 2 //#define CONSOLE_OEMFONT_DISPLAY 4 [[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS ConsoleCreateScreenBuffer(std::unique_ptr& handle, _In_ PCONSOLE_API_MSG /*Message*/, _In_ PCD_CREATE_OBJECT_INFORMATION Information, _In_ PCONSOLE_CREATESCREENBUFFER_MSG a) { Telemetry::Instance().LogApiCall(Telemetry::ApiCall::CreateConsoleScreenBuffer); const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); // If any buffer type except the one we support is set, it's invalid. if (WI_IsAnyFlagSet(a->Flags, ~CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER)) { // We no longer support anything other than a textmode buffer return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ConsoleHandleData::HandleType const HandleType = ConsoleHandleData::HandleType::Output; const SCREEN_INFORMATION& siExisting = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer(); // Create new screen buffer. COORD WindowSize = siExisting.GetViewport().Dimensions(); const FontInfo& existingFont = siExisting.GetCurrentFont(); SCREEN_INFORMATION* ScreenInfo = nullptr; NTSTATUS Status = SCREEN_INFORMATION::CreateInstance(WindowSize, existingFont, WindowSize, siExisting.GetAttributes(), siExisting.GetAttributes(), CURSOR_SMALL_SIZE, &ScreenInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Exit; } Status = NTSTATUS_FROM_HRESULT(ScreenInfo->AllocateIoHandle(HandleType, Information->DesiredAccess, Information->ShareMode, handle)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Exit; } SCREEN_INFORMATION::s_InsertScreenBuffer(ScreenInfo); Exit: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { delete ScreenInfo; } return Status; }