/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: - PlaceholderType.h Abstract: - This class is just here to make our .wapproj play nicely with this project. If we don't define any winrt types, then we won't generate a .winmd, and the .wapproj will become _very_ mad at this project. So we'll use this placeholder class just to trick cppwinrt into generating a winmd for us. If we ever _do_ add a real winrt type to this project, this can be removed. Author(s): - Mike Griese - May 2020 --*/ #pragma once #include #include "PlaceholderType.g.h" #include "../../cascadia/inc/cppwinrt_utils.h" namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::ShellExtension::implementation { struct PlaceholderType : PlaceholderTypeT { PlaceholderType() = default; GETSET_PROPERTY(int32_t, Placeholder, 42); }; } namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::ShellExtension::factory_implementation { BASIC_FACTORY(PlaceholderType); }