# Terminal v1.0 Roadmap ## Overview This document outlines our roadmap to delivering Windows Terminal v1.0 by spring 2020. ## Milestones The Windows Terminal project is engineered and delivered as a set of 4-week milestones: | Duration | Activity | Releases | | --- | --- | --- | | 2 weeks | Dev Work
| Release to Internal Selfhosters at end of week 2 | | 1 week | Quality & Stability
| Push to Microsoft Store at end of week 3 | | 1 week | Release
| Release available from Microsoft Store & GitHub Releases | ## Terminal Roadmap / Timeline Ultimately, we're aiming for Terminal v1.0 to be feature-complete by Dec 2019, and to declare v1.0 by April 2020: > ⚠ Note: Terminal v1.0 will be a quality-oriented release driven in large part by the community. So, ___if you see bugs, find/file them___! | Milestone end date                   | Milestone Name | Key Deliverables | | --- | --- | --- | | 2019-05-07 | [Announcement](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/introducing-windows-terminal/) | Terminal announced & open-sourced ([Build 2019 Terminal session](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMudkRcwjCw), ["Sizzle" video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gw0rXPMMPE&list=PLEHMQNlPj-Jzh9DkNpqipDGCZZuOwrQwR&index=2&t=0s)) | | 2019-07-09 | [v0.2 (update)](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/releases/tag/v0.2.1831.0) | First version of the Terminal released via the Microsoft Store, fundamental features in place, basic tab control, basic UI layout, config & settings via JSON file | | 2019-08-02 | [v0.3](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/releases/tag/v0.3.2142.0) | Major UI improvements, improved tab bar layout & color, basic a11y support, Azure Cloud Shell connection | | 2019-08-27 | [v0.4](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/releases/tag/v0.4.2382.0) | HTML Copy, Tab Titles, Double/Triple Click Selection, Local Settings, JSON settings validation, A11y improvements | | 2019-09-24 | [1909]( http://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/windows-terminal-preview-1909) | Stability & Quality improvements, installs [Cascadia Code](https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code) font, adds JSON schema to `profiles.json` settings file enabling Intellisense in VSCode, etc. | | 2019-10-22 | 1910 | Cascading Settings, Dynamic Profiles | | 2019-11-19 | 1911 | Final v1.0 feature work | | 2019-12-17 | 1912 | "Feature Complete" - All v1.0 Features in-place | | Winter Vacation | N/A | None planned | | 2020-01-28 | Beta 1 | Pri 0/1/2 Bug fixes & polish | | 2020-02-25 | Beta 2 | Pri 0/1 Bug fixes & polish | | 2020-03-24 | RC | Pri 0 bug fixes | | 2020-04-01 ? | v1.0 | Terminal v1.0 Release | ## GitHub Milestones Each milestone above is/will be reflected in our [GitHub milestones](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestones): | Milestone | Description | | --- | --- | | [Terminal-1909](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestone/12) | Work planned for 1909 | | [Terminal-1910](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestone/15) | Work planned for 1910 | | [Terminal-1911](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestone/16) | Work planned for 1911 | | [Terminal-1912](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestone/17) | Work planned for 1912 | | <Future Milestones> | <Coming soon> | | [Terminal v1.0](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestone/6) | Work planned for v1.0, but not yet assigned to a milestone | | [Terminal Backlog](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestone/7) | Work not yet assigned to a milestone or release | ## Issue Triage & Prioritization Incoming issues/asks/etc. are triaged several times a week, labelled appropriately, and assigned to a milestone in priority order: * P0 (serious crashes, data loss, etc.) issues are scheduled to be dealt with ASAP * P1/2 issues/features/asks assigned to the current or future milestone, or to the [Terminal v1.0 milestone](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestone/6) for future assignment, if required to deliver a v1.0 feature * Issues/features/asks not on our list of v1.0 features is assigned to the [Terminal Backlog](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/milestone/7) for subsequent triage, prioritization & scheduling. ## v1.0 Scenarios The following are a list of the key scenarios we're aiming to deliver for Terminal v1.0. > 👉 Note: There are many other features that don't fit within v1.0, but will be re-assessed and prioritized for v2.0, the plan for which will be published in early in 2020. | Release | Priority\* | Scenario | Description/Notes | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | V1 | 0 | Performance & Efficiency | Terminal shall be fast and efficient. Input latency should be eliminated wherever possible. Terminal will be very memory-efficient, and will avoid utilizing unnecessary dependencies to minimize memory consumption and disk footprint | | V1 | 0 | Reliability | Every reasonable step should be taken to ensure that Terminal will not crash unexpectedly. Crashing is considered harmful to the user's well-being & state of mind. Crashing issues are prioritized Pri-0 by default | | V1 | 0 | Code Reuse | Terminal's core engine will reuse & share componentry from within Windows Console wherever feasible to minimize support & maintenance costs for both| | V1 | 0 | Terminal Reuse | Terminal's core will be hostable as a UWP (and perhaps WPF) Control so that apps can host/embed a high quality Terminal. This will satisfy a long-standing ask from many customers and partners for a hostable/embeddable Terminal Control. | | V1 | 0 | Rich, modern text renderer | Terminal must be able to render glyphs from East Asian and Middle Asian languages, inc. Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, etc. Terminal will also be able to render Emoji - an increasingly important feature considering that several programming languages now support Emoji in method and variable names! To render such glyphs, the Terminal needs a DirectWrite-based layout & rendering system which supports font fallback, customizable text layout, GPU accelerated rendering, and many other features not currently supported by the built-in Windows Console | | V1 | 0 | Solid Unicode & UTF-8 support | Terminal must be able to store data encoded as Unicode UTF-16/UCS-2 and UTF-8, including surrogate pairs. Note: Terminal v1.0 won't be able to support composing characters or grapheme clusters that are not representable with a single unicode codepoint - this will be addressed in a subsequent release | | V1 | 0 | International text rendering | The Terminal will support rendering text for almost every language for which there is a fixed-width font including East Asian languages. Bonus points for RTL languages/scripts. | | V1 | 0 | Multiple instances | Users must be able to launch multiple independent instances of the Terminal in order to run tools side-by-side / independently | | V1 | 0 | Elevation | Terminal can be launched "elevated" with Admin rights if required so that the user can perform operations that affect machine-wide state | | V1 | 0 | Multiple Tabs per instance | Each Terminal instance must support one or more independent tabs. This is the #1 ask from the community! | | V1 | 0 | Configurability & Customization | The new Terminal will have a modern, flexible settings mechanism that persists settings to/from a JSON file stored in the user's app data folders, and/or in files synchronized between machines via OneDrive, etc. There will be no settings UI in Terminal v1 - this is a feature for a future Terminal release. | | V1 | 0 | Accessibility (A11y) | The Terminal will be highly accessible and inclusive. It will expose its contents via [UIA](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ui-automation-overview) to support tools such as [Windows Narrator](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/22798/windows-10-complete-guide-to-narrator), and UI automation tools including [WinAppDriver](https://github.com/Microsoft/WinAppDriver) | | V1 | 1 | Color Theming & Styling | The Terminal will honor the user's Windows dark/light theme settings, and/or color accent settings. Also, the Terminal background & text colors will be highly configurable, and importable/exportable via settings files.| | V1 | 1 | Background transparency | Background transparency is a valuable feature for many command-line users. Terminal will (optionally) support transparent backgrounds, but without making the Terminal's text content itself transparent (like the Windows Console currently does due to GDI limitations)| | V1 | 1 | Fluent "Acrylic" blurred backgrounds | While full transparency is valuable to some, clear/full-transparency can be distracting. Some would like blurred transparency similar to Fluent Acrylic | | V1 | 1 | Customizable Key Bindings | Terminal will provide a way for users to customize key bindings, enabling them to configure specific key chords to particular Terminal actions | | V1 | 1 | Mouse Support | Terminal will support mouse input, passing mouse movements and actions to command-line apps | | V1 | 2 | Azure Cloud Shell | Enable users to register their Azure account/subscription, and allow the Terminal to enumerate and automatically configure a connection to the user's Cloud Shell | | V1 | 2 | Multiple panes | Multiple tabs are useful to some, but developers often need to see several files/logs on the same screen at the same time. Windows Terminal should allow a "page" to be split into "panes", each running independent commands/shells/etc. similar to [tmux](https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~ckuehl/tmux/) on *NIX/macOS | Feature Notes: \* Feature Priorities: 0. Mandatory
1. Optimal
2. Optional / Stretch-goal